862 resultados para Interactive Video Instruction: A Training Tool Whose Time Has Come
In clinical trials, it may be of interest taking into account physical and emotional well-being in addition to survival when comparing treatments. Quality-adjusted survival time has the advantage of incorporating information about both survival time and quality-of-life. In this paper, we discuss the estimation of the expected value of the quality-adjusted survival, based on multistate models for the sojourn times in health states. Semiparametric and parametric (with exponential distribution) approaches are considered. A simulation study is presented to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimator and the jackknife resampling method is used to compute bias and variance of the estimator. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Cell division in bacteria is carried out by an elaborate molecular machine composed of more than a dozen proteins and known as the divisome. Here we describe the characterization of a new divisome protein in Bacillus subtilis called YpsB. Sequence comparisons and phylogentic analysis demonstrated that YpsB is a paralog of the division site selection protein DivIVA. YpsB is present in several gram-positive bacteria and likely originated from the duplication of a DivIVA-like gene in the last common ancestor of bacteria of the orders Bacillales and Lactobacillales. We used green fluorescent protein microscopy to determine that YpsB localizes to the divisome. Similarly to that for DivIVA, the recruitment of YpsB to the divisome requires late division proteins and occurs significantly after Z-ring formation. In contrast to DivIVA, however, YpsB is not retained at the newly formed cell poles after septation. Deletion analysis suggests that the N terminus of YpsB is required to target the protein to the divisome. The high similarity between the N termini of YpsB and DivIVA suggests that the same region is involved in the targeting of DivIVA. YpsB is not essential for septum formation and does not appear to play a role in septum positioning. However, a ypsB deletion has a synthetic effect when combined with a mutation in the cell division gene ftsA. Thus, we conclude that YpsB is a novel B. subtilis cell division protein whose function has diverged from that of its paralog DivIVA.
Microwave (MW)-assisted cellulose dissolution in ionic liquids (ILs) has routinely led either to incomplete biopolymer solubilization, or its degradation. We show that these problems can be avoided by use of low-energy MW heating, coupled with efficient stirring. Dissolution of microcrystalline cellulose in the IL 1-allyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride has been achieved without changing its degree of polymerization; regenerated cellulose showed pronounced changes in its index of crystallinity, surface area, and morphology. MW-assisted functionalization of MCC by ethanoic, propanoic, butanoic, pentanoic, and hexanoic anhydrides has been studied. Compared with conventional heating, MW irradiation has resulted in considerable decrease in dissolution and reaction times. The value of the degree of substitution (DS) was found to be DS(ethanoate) > DS(propanoate) > DS(butanoate). The values of DS(pentanoate) and DS(hexanoate) were found to be slightly higher than DS(ethanoate). This surprising dependence on the chain length of the acylating agent has been reported before, but not rationalized. On the basis of the rate constants and activation parameters of the hydrolysis of ethanoic, butanoic, and hexanoic anhydrides in aqueous acetonitrile (a model acyl transfer reaction), we suggest that this result may be attributed to the balance between two opposing effects, namely, steric crowding and (cooperative) hydrophobic interactions between the anhydride and the cellulosic surface, whose lipophilicity has increased, due to its partial acylation. Four ethanoate-based mixed esters were synthesized by the reaction with a mixture of the two anhydrides; the ethanoate moiety predominated in all products. The DS is reproducible and the IL is easily recycled. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Polym Sci Part A: Polym Chem 48: 134-143, 2010
This thesis is about brass alloys with low lead levels for manufacturing of turned components destined for human consumption. Is it technically possible, economically viable and environmentally necessary to produce lead-free brass alloys? Turning tests and leaching tests has been carried out in low-lead brass. The result of the tests carried out show that it is technically possible to produce faucets in low-leaded brass, but since these alloys are harder and less ductile, it takes more power and more cooling when it is processed. There should be more reality-based tests in regular machines that belong in the line of manufacturing. Tests is needed to find out which tool materials, cutting angles, cooling, etc. which are needed to manufacture products with the right surface, dimensions, durability, etc. One thing that no one knows today is the lifetime of a faucet made of low-lead brass. If these faucet’s do not have a higher life than that made in CW 602 N, it is a major strain on nature to produce these in low-lead brass, then to maintain production of the faucets as it is today. No information has come from the Boverket of tougher requirements for lead content in brass. This makes it difficult to know how much effort that is needed to replace lead. A legal requirement or to lose market areas is otherwise a good motivation to move forward.
What is academic quality? On the decline of academic autonomy In light of the transformations that universities currently undergo, with Bologna as a keyword, the following questions are put: What ideals lie behind the assessment of academic “excellence” and “quality”? What agents have the ability to define what is good science and education today? These questions are approached through Pierre Bourdieus concept of field. Looking at the development the last decade, traditional academic values, such as the ideal of universal knowledge as (personal and collective) enrichment and the intellectual independence “of all political authority and economic power”, as stated in the Magna Charta Universitatum, seem to have emerged into the shadow of employability, knowledge control, competitiveness, and economic benefit. In connection with the formation of concepts such as “the knowledge society” and “knowledge based economies” the university has received a somewhat different and more central role in society. The university has come to take the role more of a knowledge producing enterprise clearly directed towards the surrounding society. There are higher demands on academic knowledge to contribute to economic, regional or national development and competitiveness. When the university is regarded as a knowledge company whose task is to accoun tfor the requests of the students, the labour market, and the business world it undertakes to follow trends and short term social phases rather than to critically examine them, which has been a traditional task for the university. If the academic work is guided by the market economical principle, that the client requests decide what quality is, instead of the experts on the academic field themselves (i.e. the scientists,) it is obviously not scientific ideals that constitute the criteria for what is good science and education.
Att medarbetare är av existentiell betydelse för en organisations överlevnad är sedan länge känt. Därmed är rekrytering en av de viktigaste funktionerna inom HR för att attrahera rätt kompetens till organisationen då en misslyckad rekrytering vanligen leder till bortkastad tid och dyra rekryteringsprocesser. Något som kommit att få allt större betydelse vid urvalet och bedömningen av nya medarbetare är kandidaters personlighet. Forskning visar att personlighetsdrag spelar en stor roll när det kommer till framtida arbetsprestationer och förmågan att göra rätt bedömningar av människor är därför central. Teorier om synen på personlighet, kompetens, kompetensbaserad rekrytering och urval samt bedömningsmetoder och personlighetsbedömning används för att analysera studiens resultat. Denna kvalitativa studies övergripande syfte var att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare bedömer en kandidats personlighet vid en rekryteringsprocess inom bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretag är företag som ständigt arbetar med rekrytering och uthyrning av personal, varför ett proaktivt bemanningsarbete krävs för att skapa en konkurrensfördel på marknaden. Inför denna fallstudie kontaktades tre av den svenska bemanningsbranschens största aktörer varav två rekryterare på vardera företag deltog i semistrukturerade intervjuer. Personlighet ansågs generellt som något viktigt som samtliga rekryterare lade stor vikt vid under hela processens gång, från utformandet av kravprofilen till avslutande bedömning. Bedömningen skedde genom såväl test som intervju och referenstagning. Samtliga poängterade vikten av att alltid göra en helhetsbedömning av kandidaten och att det därmed var svårt att vikta exempelvis formella kompetenser mot personliga egenskaper. Resultatet visar att bemanningsbranschens arbete med personlighetsbedömning vid rekrytering utgår ifrån strukturerade bedömningsmetoder. Deras gedigna och proaktiva arbete med rekrytering lever upp till påståendet om att personalen är en organisations viktigaste resurs och vikten av att förstå innebörden av personlighetens betydelse i uttrycket ”rätt person på rätt plats”.
Violence at work as a social problem: a study of the media coverage on workplace violence in Swedish trade union journals 1978–2004 The main purpose of this study was to find out the extent of the unions media coverage on workplace violence and the ways in which the topic was framed. The study shows that the reporting of violence in the workplace described in journals is on a stable level during the period 1978–98. However from the year 2000 and onwards, there is a clear increase in the attention. Four categories of workplace violence were used to identify and recognize different types of violence: intrusive-, consumer-, relationship-and organizational violence. This shows that much of the attention over time has shifted from intrusive violence to organizational violence and consumer violence. What seems to have happened is that workplace violence has become more than just robberies and assaults in the retail business. The stereotypical image of the criminal is challenged by non-traditional criminals like nurses, elderly people and companies. Certain groups, e.g. care workers, come to account for an increasing proportion of attention, both as perpetrators and victims of violence. This study is an important step in understanding the increased reports of workplace violence in Sweden.
Our best time is now? On conception of time and political self-understanding This study regards time as a horizon for action and argues that conception of time has great implication for political self-understanding. In the study, the modern conception of time, with its orientation towards the future, is contrasted with the late modern conception of time, which is characterized by a de-legitimization of utopian thinking and by an orientation towards the present. Political action is changing, from a transformation of the present into the future, to a management of the present. In this situation the future is not perceived as something qualitatively different than present, but is, as Helga Nowotny puts it, reduced to an ‘extended present’. Or, to speak with Luhmann, the future is a ‘present future’ where only one ‘future present’ is conceivable. The future is in that sense increasingly closed. The paper argues that the current pragmatization of politics is partly due to changes in temporal representations, and suggests that more attention should be given to temporal semantics in political analysis.
Summary To become, to be and to have been: about the Jehovah’s Witnesses The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, in the following text referred to as the Jehovah’s Witnesses or “the organisation”, is a worldwide Christian organisation with about 6.7 million members. The organisation has many times, without any success so far, proclaimed Armageddon when they expect Jehovah to return to Earth. They interpret the Bible in their own, often very literal way, and require their members to live according to these interpretations. Among the consequences of this, members are forbidden to vote, to do military service or to receive blood transfusions. Apart from attending the three weekly meetings, members are expected to be active in missionary work, known as “publishing”. If a member fails to do a certain number of hours’ publishing, he or she risks being deprived of active membership status Sweden in general is considered to be a society where the population is not very religious. The formerly state-governed Lutheran church has lost its influence and the vast majority of ordinary Swedes do not visit church on other occasions than weddings, funerals or christenings. Expressing one’s own religious values has become somewhat of a private matter where publicity is seldom appreciated, which is contrary to the practice of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. This is one of the reasons why the Jehovah’s Witnesses are commonly perceived by average Swedes as a “suspicious” religious organisation. The aim and methods of the study This dissertation seeks to describe and investigate the entering and leaving of a highly structured and hierarchical religious community, exemplified in this case by the Jehovah’s Witnesses. What are the thoughts and aspirations of someone who is considering becoming a Jehovah’s Witness? What are the priorities and what experiences seem important when a person is going through such a process? And when this person has finally reached his or her goal of becoming a member, is it the same motivation that makes him or her stay in the organisation for longer periods of time, possibly for the rest of their lives, or does it change during the process of entering, or does this motivation change its character during the transition from entering to being a regular member? Why do some of the members change their attitude to the Jehovah’s Witnesses from rejoicing to bitterness? And how does this process of exit manifest itself? In what way is it different from the process of entry? The respondents in this study were chosen from both active members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses in Sweden and those who have left the organisation for personal reasons. Repeated interviews with ten active members of the organisation have been conducted in the course of the study and compared to equal numbers of former members. The interviews have been semi-structured to deal with questions of how a person has come into contact with the organisation; how they retrospectively experienced the process of entry; the reasons for becoming a member. Questions have also been asked about life in the organisation. The group of “exiters” have also been asked about the experience of leaving, why they wanted to leave, and how this process was started and carried out. In addition to this I have analysed a four-year diary describing the time inside and the process of leaving the organisation. This has given me an extra psychological insight into the inner experience of someone who has gone through the whole process. The analysis has been done by categorising the content of the transcribed interviews. An attempt to outline a model of an entry and exit process has been made, based on ideas and interpretations presented in the interviews. The analysis of the diary has involved thorough reading, resulting in a division of it into four different parts, where each part has been given a certain key-word, signifying the author’s emotional state when writing it. A great deal of the information about the Jehovah’s Witnesses has been collected through discussion boards on the Internet, informal talks with members and ex-members, interviews with representatives of the organisations during visits to its different offices (Bethels), such as St. Petersburg, Russia, and Brooklyn, New York, USA. The context Each organisation evolves in its own context with its own norms, roles and stories that would not survive outside it. With this as a starting point, there is a chapter dedicated to the description of the organisation’s history, structure and activities. It has been stated that the organisation’s treatment of its critical members and the strategies for recruiting new members have evolved over the years of its history. At the beginning there was an openness allowing members to be critical. As the structure of the organisation has become more rigid and formalised, the treatment of internal critics has become much less tolerated and exclusion has become a frequent option. As a rule many new members have been attracted to the organisation when (1) the day of Armageddon has been pronounced to be approaching; (2) the members of the organisation have been persecuted or threatened with persecution; and (3) the organisation has discovered a “new market”. The processes for entering and exiting How the entering processes manifest themselves depends on whether the person has been brought up in the organisation or not. A person converting as an adult has to pass six phases before being considered a Jehovah’s Witness by the organisation. These are: Contact with the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Studying the bible with members of the organisation, Questioning, Accepting, Being active as publisher (spreading the belief), Being baptised. For a person brought up in the organisation, the process to full membership is much shorter: Upbringing in the organisation, Taking a stand on the belief, Being baptised. The exit process contains of seven phases: Different levels of doubts, Testing of doubts, Turning points, Different kinds of decisions, Different steps in executing the decisions, Floating, a period of emotional and cognitive consideration of membership and its experiences, Realtive neutrality. The process in and the process out are both slow and are accompanied with anguish and doubts. When a person is going through the process in or out of the organisation he or she experiences criticism. This is when people around the adept question the decision to continue in the process. The result of the criticism depends on where in the process the person is. If he or she is at the beginning of the process, the criticism will probably make the person insecure and the process will slow down or stop. If the criticism is pronounced in a later phase, the process will probably speed up. The norms of the organisation affect the behaviour of the members. There are techniques for inclusion that both bind members to the organisation and shield them off from the surrounding society. Examples of techniques for inclusion are the “work situation” and “closed doors”. The work situation signifies that members who do as the organisation recommends – doing simple work – often end up in the same branch of industry as many other Jehovah’s Witnesses. This often means that the person has other witnesses as workmates. If the person is unemployed or moves to another town it is easy to find a new job through connections in the organisation. Doubts and exclusions can lead to problems since they entail a risk of losing one’s job. This can also result in problems getting a new job. Jehovah’s Witnesses are not supposed to talk to excluded members, which of course mean difficulties working together. “Closed doors” means that members who do as the organisation recommends – not pursuing higher education, not engaging in civil society, working with a manual or in other way simple job, putting much time into the organisation – will, after a long life in the organisation, have problems starting a new life outside the Jehovah’s Witnesses. The language used in the organisation shows the community among the members, thus the language is one of the most important symbols. A special way of thinking is created through the language. It binds members to the organisation and sometimes it can work as a way to get back into the normative world of the organisation. Randall Collins’s (1990, 2004) thoughts about “emotional energy” have enabled an understanding of the solidarity and unity in the organisation. This also gives an understanding of the way the members treat doubting and critical members. The members who want to exit have to open up the binding/screening off. A possible way to do that is through language, to become aware of the effect the language might have. Another way is to search for emotional energy in another situation. During the exit process, shame might be of some importance. When members become aware of the shame they feel, because they perceive they are “acting a belief”, the exit process might accelerate.
Writing this collection of journalistic nonfiction has come at an appropriate time for me as I head out into the world on my own. I still don’t know if or where I’ll be working. I don’t know if I’ll be an intern or employee or if I want to go to graduate school in the future. The world is wide open before me, and that is a scary thing. However, these women have been assuring and guiding me. Meeting and interviewing them has taught me that life is subjective. They have shown me that everything we own can be lost in an instant, that life—family, freedom, happiness—is more precious and more fragile than we may think. These women are not superficial; they are sincere and wise. I would consider myself blessed to have a fraction of their strength, and, indeed, it is their characters to which I aspire. Each woman has suffered loss, but each woman has also gained a new, deeper perspective on life. They are the ones who, from my point of view, are flying high and clinging tight—with views from the crown of the forest.
Sociology, in concerning itself with methodology and cultural determinism,may have overlooked the value of human experience in determining social action. We feel that the structural-functionalist point of view is not mutually exclusive with that of symbolic interaction theory. The field of collective behavior has not adequately explained a certain incidence of human activity called Transcendental Meditation. This paper will define Transcendental Meditation in sociological terms and explore its growth in terms of structural-functionalism,as well as in terms of the symbol-making faculty of human experience. In the first chapter, the author will state his biases and background as well as the problem and purpose of the paper. In the second chapter, Transcendental Meditation will be defined through an explanation of its concepts in sociological terms. A view of the TM program will also be reported. Following this in the third chapter, the origins of TM will be discussed~showing its basis to be in a tradition of Indian gurus and following its development in the United states until the present. The history of TM will proceed through biography of leading figures, with special mention of innovations in the TM institution of teaching and events in the growth of the 'movement' of TOO that are of key importance. Having set down the history of TM, in the fourth chapter we will discuss TM in terms of various sociological models. We will try to identify TM as either a social movement; a charismatic organization or a bureaucracy. In the fifth chapter we will look more closely at the structure of the organization that teaches TM in regard to its own functioning; that is, compliance, communication, socialization and recruitment, and also in regard to its relationship with national institutions, such as military, industry, religion, and government. Finally, we will explore TM in terms of individual and group goals and offer an explanation defining the growth of TM. Throughout-the paper, sociological perspectives will be applied to phenomena that exist in the society today. It is not within the scope of this paper to verify all the sociological implications and appraisals offered. It is hoped that this will not invalidate the ensuing discussion. It is also hoped that this paper will expand the horizons of sociology and offer some direction in future studies of collective behavior. If this is accomplished, the author will be gratified and indebted to his teachers. If not the author takes full responsibility. This paper is dedicated therefore to Mr. Birge, Mr Morrione, Mr. Geib as well as to my parents who have encouraged me, my friends whom I have interviewed, and to His Holiness, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi whose teaching has uplifted hundred of thousands of people in the world and may bring about the development of new thresholds of peace and prosperity for mankind.
Esta tese discute três temas: políticas públicas, gestão tecnológica, e setor automotivo. Tendo por objetivo abreviar o ciclo de absorção e desenvolvimento de tecnologia, um volume expressivo de recursos tem sido transferido do setor público para o setor privado através do que é denominado de Política Pública Indutora (PPI). Os governos pretendem, assim, atrair aquelas empresas tecnologicamente mais capacitadas, na expectativa de que transfiram para a localidade onde se instalam o conhecimento que detêm. No Brasil, um dos setores-alvo deste tipo de política tem sido o automotivo, circunstância observada em diferentes momentos da história. Efetivamente, o Regime Automotivo Brasileiro pretende não apenas acelerar o desenvolvimento do país, mas também promover uma significativa transferência de tecnologia. A análise das PPI, por ser de extrema importância, é bastante influenciada e dificultada quer por seus defensores, quer por seus destratores, que as veêm sob os aspectos de sucesso ou não; mas, não bastasse essa dificuldade, há também o elevado conteúdo ideológico que sustenta as argumentações, que faz com que a avaliação se perca num quadro inconclusivo. Afinal, estas iniciativas são benéficas ou não para o país e para as economias regionais? Finalmente, a eficácia, e portanto o acerto desta estratégia só pode ser avaliado expost facto, quando já comprometidos, quiçá irremediavelmente, os recursos públicos. Por essa razão, este estudo desenvolve uma análise ex-ante das políticas públicas do tipo indutoras, fazendo uso de um modelo compreensivo que permite uma análise longitudinal, captando assim, as mudanças no ambiente. Entre outras, procurou-se responder à seguinte questão: é possível, hoje, inferir quanto à contrib uição, se positiva ou negativa, que o Regime Automotivo Brasileiro e os seus desdobramentos estaduais trarão à capacidade tecnológica no entorno da empresa atraída? O problema e a questão de pesquisa foram abordados, predominantemente, sob um enfoque qualitativo, e o método escolhido foi o estudo de caso. Com o auxílio do modelo proposto foi analisada e avaliada a potencialidade de aumento na capacidade tecnológica induzida pela instalação da unidade montadora da General Motors do Brasil, em Gravataí, Rio Grande do Sul. Ao final conclui- se que os benefícios previstos pelo Regime Automotivo Brasileiro, no que diz respeito a capacitação tecnológica local, dificilmente serão atingidos pela instalação de novas empresas automotivas ou a modernização das existentes.
Desde o início dos anos oitenta, o governo federal brasileiro passou a substituir a receitas de impostos tradicionais por receita de contribuições sociais (cumulativas) na composição da sua receita total (mudança de gestão). Alega-se que este procedimento é uma conseqüência das regras de compartilhamento estabelecidas (receitas de impostos do governo federal são compartilhadas com estados e municípios enquanto que receitas de contribuição não o são).Existem argumentos na literatura mostrando que este processo de descentralização das receitas teve sua origem na mudança de regime político (militar para democrático), outros com a nova Constituição de 1988 e, por último, outros afirmando que ele só foi possível porque a ineficiência das contribuições foi encoberta pela ineficiência alocativa da inflação. Por outro lado, fatos ocorridos no mesmo período, embora não citados na literatura, poderiam explicar ou ajudar na explicação deste comportamento. Entre eles, a fragmentação do poder executivo a partir de 1989 com a primeira eleição presidencial e/ou o processo de abertura da economia a partir dos anos noventa. Usando a técnica de OLS, observou-se que a Nova Constituição e a abertura da economia explicariam esta mudança de gestão. De qualquer forma, independente do que esteja explicando esta mudança, ela é apontada como altamente prejudicial a competitividade das exportações brasileiras. Existem várias proxies tentando medir este efeito, nenhuma delas considerando uma medida de gestão. Resolvemos realizar esta tentativa. Como tínhamos desconfiança da exogeneidade da variável representativa da abertura da economia no teste anterior, tratamos a questão com o instrumental de séries de tempo. No longo prazo, descobrimos que a mudança de gestão afeta negativamente as exportações e positivamente a abertura da economia por ser menos punitiva com as importações em termos de competitividade (as contribuições incidem apenas na comercialização dos produtos importados). JEL classification: H27; H77, H87.
Esta dissertação evidencia que existe uma importante parcela dos setores populares na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, cuja ação não se limitou a aceitar passivamente as decisões e ações do Estado. Mas, nas tentativas de se tornarem protagonistas ativos de seu processo histórico esbarraram em várias dificuldades das quais, talvez a maior, tenha sido o "esvaziamento " das formas organizativas de seus movimentos. Por outro lado, objetivamos identificar nesta região e, principalmente no seu meio rural, a dimensão histórica da educação, no sentido desta não apenas ser modificada no curso do próprio processo histórico mas, também, da possibilidade real de ser um dos agentes modificadores. Além disso, este estudo se desenvolveu apontando para a necessidade de se analisar as "relações de força", em momentos ou graus, que na dinâmica do movimento histórico da sociedade, combinam-se, alternam-se e entrelaçam-se. Assim, procuramos desvendar o inventário da região partindo desde os seus primórdios, passando pelos primeiros imigrantes europeus e a sua absorção pelas fraçoes de classe na dinâmica histórica que se desenvolveu, contextualizando a problemática nacional e internacional. Analisamos, também, as tentativas de organização dos movimentos sociais tomando como referencial a "Comuna de Paris" e as análises de Marx a seu respeito, bem como os conceitos de qualidade e pobreza política. No relato e estudo dos diversos casos fomos levados à discussão do papel do Estado e de suas variadas formas de intervenção, onde afloram o c1ientelismo e o assistencialismo. Ao analisar as relações e representações da escola com a sociedade civil, deparamo-nos com o movimento reivindicatório dos professores por melhores salários, melhoria da educação e outras propostas. Na ânsia de obter recursos mínimos para o seu funcionamento, a escola apelou para a comunidade que a cerca, porém, determinando o padrão de participação comunitária resultando daí, um rompimento. Assim, na Região Serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, como no resto do Brasil, a escola e as instituições em geral. vêm cumprindo seu papel de reforço e reprodução da estrutura de classes da sociedade. Durante a pesquisa e na construção desta dissertação adquirimos uma convicção que não diz respeito somente à região estudada: a formação da cidadania passa pela educação. Mas ela não é ensinada na escola. Ela surge da luta construída objetiva e obstinadamente nas reais possibilidades do dia a dia, no universo do qual a escola faz parte. A luta por uma escola melhor e parte da luta por uma sociedade melhor.
Nos últimos anos o estudo do comportamento organizacional na Administração Pública ganhou espaço no Brasil. Contudo, poucos trabalhos focaram a administração pública direta federal e os efeitos do regime estatutário no comportamento dos servidores. Este trabalho propõe-se a jogar luz em um tema importante para a gestão de pessoas no setor público, a partir dos processos de formação das expectativas iniciais dos servidores e de socialização organizacional, e como eles influenciam na satisfação com o trabalho e no comprometimento organizacional. Para este estudo foram realizadas coletas de dados com 1093 novos servidores da Receita Federal do Brasil, nomeados para os cargos de Auditor-Fiscal e Analista-Tributário, que responderam a dois questionários: o primeiro no dia de ingresso no órgão e o segundo seis meses após a posse. Para a análise foram considerados apenas aqueles servidores que preencheram os dois questionários, totalizando 827 respostas. Os resultados indicam que tanto a satisfação com o trabalho quanto o comprometimento organizacional possuem significante correlação com o cumprimento do contrato psicológico pela RFB, na percepção dos servidores, e com o sucesso do processo de socialização quanto à tarefa e ao grupo de trabalho. Estes dados confirmam a importância de se implementar a prática de gerenciamento do contrato psicológico pela administração pública. Outros resultados secundários apontaram que aqueles que já eram servidores apresentam maior grau de socialização, na dimensão da organização, e maior grau de comprometimento instrumental, ou seja, reconhecem que são maiores os custos em sair da RFB. Os Auditores-Fiscais apresentaram um grau de comprometimento organizacional significantemente maior do que os Analistas-Tributários e os servidores lotados em região de fronteira indicaram menores graus de satisfação e de comprometimento afetivo do que os servidores do restante do País.