983 resultados para Inter-agency Working
Gender-based Violence: a resource document for services and organisations working with and for minority ethnic women Click here to download PDF 492kb This is a publication of the Womens Health Council
Report of the Working Group on Sports Sponsorship by the Alcohol Industry Click here to download PDF 60KB
Report of the State Claims Agency on Compensation for Thalidomide Survivors Click here to download PDF 279KB
The Pulmonary Embolism Severity Index (PESI) is a validated clinical prognostic model for patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE). Our goal was to assess the PESI's inter-rater reliability in patients diagnosed with PE. We prospectively identified consecutive patients diagnosed with PE in the emergency department of a Swiss teaching hospital. For all patients, resident and attending physician raters independently collected the 11 PESI variables. The raters then calculated the PESI total point score and classified patients into one of five PESI risk classes (I-V) and as low (risk classes I/II) versus higher-risk (risk classes III-V). We examined the inter-rater reliability for each of the 11 PESI variables, the PESI total point score, assignment to each of the five PESI risk classes, and classification of patients as low versus higher-risk using kappa (κ) and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC). Among 48 consecutive patients with an objective diagnosis of PE, reliability coefficients between resident and attending physician raters were > 0.60 for 10 of the 11 variables comprising the PESI. The inter-rater reliability for the PESI total point score (ICC: 0.89, 95% CI: 0.81-0.94), PESI risk class assignment (κ: 0.81, 95% CI: 0.66-0.94), and the classification of patients as low versus higher-risk (κ: 0.92, 95% CI: 0.72-0.98) was near perfect. Our results demonstrate the high reproducibility of the PESI, supporting the use of the PESI for risk stratification of patients with PE.
Protecting Our Future: Report of the Working Group on Elder Abuse (DOHC, 2002) was a seminal document setting out a framework and programme of work in relation to elder abuse. Prior to Protecting Our Future, the issue of elder abuse had not been explicitly articulated as a priority of health and social policy. The report included recommendations in 13 wide-ranging areas: the link to wider policy; policy on elder abuse; staff structure; legislation; impaired capacity; carers; awareness, education and training; financial abuse; advocacy; implementation; research and education; reporting abuse. It also recommended that progress in implementing Protecting Our Future should be reviewed. Download document here Download Action Plan here
Lisburn YMCA works with at risk young people and adults. Having completed a number of level 2 projects the have now decided to deliver a level three programme. They have built up a good working relationship between themselve and Boots Pharmacy although the pharmacist has changed over the course of the programmes the Pharmacy has a good relationship with the young people of the area and YMCA. The programme will consist of 8 sessions the pharmacist being key to 5 of them. There will be one core group over the course of the three years. Core group two will change, for exampe, in year two they will focus on volunteers, demonstrate how the YMCA is seeking to integrate the work of the pharmacy into all their services an programmes. Fifteen participants will be targeted for each programme. In addition, the pharmacist will take part in ten one stop shop sessions each year and will have the oportunity to sit ona multi agency steering group.
This factsheet has been produced in response to requests from parents and those working with young people for information on legal highs
This second corporate business plan explains the purpose of the PHA and focuses on health improvement, health protection and addressing health inequalities. The business plan is available to download below.
This first annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland and how thepublic health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors. The report refers to core tables throughout, these tables provide key statistical data on population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening. The report and the core tables are available below.
Joint Commissioning Plan of the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency: 2010-2011
Legislation enacted on 1 April 2009 created a new Commissioning system with the establishment of a region-wide Health and Social Care Board, including 5 Local Commissioning Groups (LCGs), and a Public Health Agency. In line with Departmental direction and guidance the objectives of the new commissioning arrangements were to: - Approach the future delivery of Health and Social Care from a region-wide perspective focused on outcomes. - Ensure local sensitivity through the creation of five Local Commissioning Groups reflective of their areas. - Give appropriate weight to the public health agenda to ensure that commissioning reflects the drive to reduce health inequalities in our society and works in partnership with others to improve health and wellbeing. In this regard the legislation signalled a new way forward which would first be expressed in a Commissioning Plan for 2010/11 and beyond. This plan outlines how the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency are approaching that task. It is our aim that this plan is straightforward and written in a manner which will encourage public engagement and understanding. We wish to show clearly how the commissioning task is to be approached and to signal the decisions necessary to ensure the maintenance of a health and social care system in Northern Ireland which responds to the population it serves.
Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services network in Northern Ireland - Update report 2008-2009
The third annual report from the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Healthy Promoting Hospitals (HPH) and Healthy Services network highlights a rich selection of the innovative developments and team-working achievements across services in Northern Ireland. The report provides a platform to showcase the five Health and Social Care Trusts and Cooperation and Working Together (CAWT)’s commitment to health and wellbeing to the population and shows how hospitals can have an impact on the determinants of health as they are explained in the context of people’s daily lives. The Public Health Agency continues to support the network both locally and nationally as this report gives hospitals and other health services a chance to be recognised as health enhancing organisations. The HPH and Healthy Services concept recognises that a hospital is much more than a place where people go for treatment and cure from sickness. It identifies the huge opportunities for the promotion of good health among the many thousands of people, patients and staff who have daily contact with hospitals and also with the wider community which the hospitals serve. In recent years much progress has been made in addressing health improvement in the hospital setting by looking at the broader cultural, social and environmental issues which can support health and wellbeing. The Northern Ireland HPH network continues to embrace change across services and to drive action to ensure that health improvement is embedded in the new health and social care systems.
This series of Good Practice Guides is designed to share important information about health inequalities and some of the evidence-based measures that can be taken to reduce the stark differences in health and wellbeing within populations. It is recognised that leadership and coordinated, effective action at a number of levels can reduce this gap. Ensuring concerted, evidence-based action on health and wellbeing inequalities demands the efforts of government, statutory organisations and the community, voluntary and private sectors. The Good Practice Guides were developed to inform and support joined-up working across these sectors. It is known that health inequalities are closely linked with degrees of social disadvantage and with the unequal distribution of power, income, goods and services. According to the World Health Organization, there are also powerful social and psychological factors and life circumstances that can serve to compound health and wellbeing inequalities. The topics included in the Good Practice Guide series reflect the wider determinants of health and the range of approaches necessary to reduce health inequalities. This first set of three guides is designed, in part, to test their usefulness. There are many other issues and areas where evidence of what works may be needed. It is envisaged that further guides will follow on other issues. All of the guides will be kept under review and amended in light of experience.
The second annual report of the Director of Public Health (DPH) for Northern Ireland was published today. This significant report highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland. Dr Carolyn Harper, Director of Public Health, leads the public health team that tackles this complex agenda, working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors.
Thissecond annual report of the Director of Public Health highlights the many public health challenges that affect people in Northern Ireland. It demonstrates how the public health team tackles this complex agenda by working with many statutory, community and voluntary partner organisations across health, local government, education, housing and other sectors. It shows a wealth of innovative work to address the main public health challenges facing communities, health inequality, preventing and protecting against ill-health, detecting illness early, and providing high quality services. Integral to thereport are core tables for 2009 which provide key statistical data on population, birth and death rates, mortality by cause, life expectancy, immunisation and screening.
The Alcohol MOT is designed to support those working in primary care to carry out alcohol brief interventions. There is extensive evidence to show that primary care-based brief interventions are very effective at reducing drinking at both hazardous and harmful levels. MOT Part 1 enables patients to work out if they are drinking at hazardous or harmful levels. MOT Part 2 helps motivate and support patients to reduce their drinking. Both tools are designed so that a practitioner can work through them with a patient, or a patient can work through them alone.