761 resultados para Inclusion school participation
Background: The NECaSP intervention aspires to increase sport and physical activity (PA) participation amongst young people in the UK. The aims of this paper are to report on a summative process evaluation of the NECaSP and make recommendations for future interventions. Methods: Seventeen schools provided data by students aged 11-13 (n=1,226), parents (n=192) and teachers (n= 14) via direct observation and questionnaires. Means, standard deviations and percentages were calculated for socio-demographic data. Qualitative data was analysed via directed content analysis and main themes identified. Results: Findings indicate further administrative, educational and financial support will help facilitate the success of the programme in improving PA outcomes for young people, and of other similar intervention programmes globally. Data highlighted the need to engage parents to increase likelihood of intervention success. Conclusions: One main strength of this study is the mixed-methods nature of the process evaluation. It is recommended that future school based interventions that bridge sports clubs and formal curriculum provision, should consider a more broad approach to the delivery of programmes throughout the academic year, school week and school day. Finally, changes in the school curriculum can be successful once all parties are involved (community, school, families).
In England, inclusion has once again become a much discussed topic following the publication of the 2015 Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Code of Practice. There have been successes and improvements in inclusion since the Warnock Committee first published its findings on special educational needs in 1978, but many argue that these improvements are not enough. When the state of inclusion today is compared to the ideals advocated by both the Warnock Report and the Salamanca Statement it is clear that the education system has fallen short of the expectations outlined in these documents. There have been efforts to reduce the level of segregation between special schools and mainstream schools such as the establishment of resourced provisions, but these settings often have their own difficulties when considering inclusion.
Ce travail s’inscrit dans le champ des recherches concernant les pratiques inclusives en milieu scolaire ordinaire dans l’enseignement primaire. En France, le système éducatif propose de scolariser les élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliers soit en classe ordinaire, soit en classe spécialisée, bien que les gouvernements valorisent l’accueil en milieu ordinaire depuis la loi de 2005. Or, ceci questionne les pratiques des acteurs de l’école sur la prise en charge de ces élèves. Partant des travaux montrant que les enseignants utilisant l’évaluation formative gèrent mieux la diversité des élèves, nous étudions ici dans quelle mesure cette fonction de l’évaluation aiderait les élèves présentant des besoins éducatifs particuliers à acquérir des connaissances grâce aux feedbacks émis lors d’évaluations orales et de corrections collectives. L’analyse des données recueillies à l’aide d’entretiensavec des enseignants et d’observations d’élèves fait ressortir les attitudes des acteurs, les interactions et les régulations. (DIPF/Orig.)
Desde a exclusão social vivida pelas pessoas portadoras de deficiência nas civilizações da Antiguidade até ao conceito de Inclusão, têm-se registado inúmeras transformações sociais e políticas, relacionadas com a luta pela igualdade de oportunidades e pelo cumprimento dos Direitos Humanos das mesmas. Também ao nível da Educação estas mudanças são visíveis. Atualmente, é dada uma maior importância ao Ensino Especial e promove-se a Escola Inclusiva, tendo esta evolução possibilitado o gradual aumento do número de estudantes universitários com Necessidades Especiais. A Educação Inclusiva tende a estender-se até ao Ensino Superior, mas continuam a verificar-se ainda situações de isolamento, discriminação e preconceito. Com o presente trabalho, apresenta-se um projeto de construção de um contexto de Inclusão, Participação e Autodeterminação, desenvolvido na Universidade de Aveiro, em conjunto com um grupo de alunos com Necessidades Especiais.
This article investigates how teachers in religious education (RE) think and act as professionals while working with differences in religious and philosophy of life experiences and beliefs in class and trying to do this in respectful and inclusive ways. It analyses data from two research projects that were carried out in lower secondary school in Norway. The main research question is: What is the relationship between teachers’ contextual knowledge and knowledge of the child and how do these two dimensions of professional knowledge interact when religious education teachers try to strike a good balance between inclusion and productive learning in their teaching practice? The data analysed were drawn from three different data sets featuring three Norwegian religious education-teachers. The research was part of the EU-funded "REDCo"-project and the "Religious education and diversity" - project ["ROM"] funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The interviewees emphasized the potential of the religious education subject to contribute to a wider tolerance for difference and to support individual students in their identity management. The analysis shows, however, that considerable contextual awareness - of the classroom and of the local community - is needed to realize this potential. It also shows the importance of interpersonal knowledge between the teacher and each student if contextual awareness is to be effective in terms of inclusion, participation, wellbeing and good learning outcomes for all students.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino Especial – ramo de Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência
This study describes how we used a prototype e-participation plat-form as a digital cultural probe to investigate youth motivation and engagement strategies. This is a novel way of considering digital cultural probes which can contribute to the better creation of e-participation platforms. This probe has been conducted as part of the research project STEP which aims at creating an e-participation platform to engage young European Citizens in environmental decision making. Our probe technique has given an insight into the environ-mental issues concerning young people across Europe as well as possible strat-egies for encouraging participation. How the e-participation platform can be utilised to support youth engagement through opportunities for social interac-tion and leadership is discussed. This study leads to a better understanding of how young people can co-operate with each other to provide collective intelli-gence and how this knowledge could contribute to effective e-participation of young people.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial - Especialidade em problemas de cognição e multideficiência
The attitude of school teachers toward inclusion of children with disabilities is an important factor in the successful implementation of a national inclusion program. With the universal pressure to provide education for all and international recognition of the importance of meeting the needs of diverse populations, inclusive education has become important to governments around the world. El Salvador’s Ministry of Education seeks to establish inclusion as an integral part of their struggle to meet the needs of children across the country, but this is a difficult process, especially for a country with limited resources which still struggles to meet international expectations of educational access and quality. Teacher attitude is an important factor in the success of inclusion programs and can be investigated in relation to various factors which may affect teachers’ classroom practice. While these factors have been investigated in multiple countries, there is a need for more knowledge of the present situation in developing countries and especially in schools across the rural areas of El Salvador to meet the needs of the diverse learners in that country. My research was a mixed methods case study of the rural schools of one municipality, using a published survey and interviews with teachers to investigate their attitudes regarding inclusion. This research was the first investigation of teachers’ attitudes toward inclusion in rural El Salvador and explored the needs and challenges which exist in creating inclusive schools across this country. The findings of this study revealed the following important themes. Some children with disabilities are not in school and those with mild disabilities are not always getting needed services. Teachers agreed with the philosophy of inclusion, but believed that some children with disabilities would receive a better education in special schools. They were not concerned about classroom management. Teachers desired more training on disability and inclusion. They believed that a lack of resources, including materials and personnel, was a major barrier to inclusion. Teachers’ attitudes were consistent regardless of family and professional experience with disability or amount of inclusion training. They were concerned about the role of family support for children with disabilities.
Designing for users rather than with users is still a common practice in technology design and innovation as opposed to taking them on board in the process. Design for inclusion aims to define and understand end-users, their needs, context of use, and, by doing so, ensure that end-users are catered for and included, while the results are geared towards universality of use. We describe the central role of end-user and designer participation, immersion and perspective to build user-driven solutions. These approaches provided a critical understanding of the counterpart role. Designer(s) could understand what the user’s needs were, experience physical impairments, and see from other’s perspective the interaction with the environment. Users could understand challenges of designing for physical impairments, build a sense of ownership with technology and explore it from a creative perspective. The understanding of the peer’s role (user and designer), needs and perspective enhanced user participation and inclusion.
Acompanha: A diferença está no saber agir: conheça!: educação inclusiva: dos documentos legais à realidade escolar
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de mestre em intervenção comunitária, especialização em contextos de risco
Schwerpunktschulen, die von einer größeren Anzahl von hörgeschädigten Schülerinnen und Schülern besucht werden, stellen in Bezug auf die psychosoziale Entwicklung hörgeschädigter Kinder eine in den letzten Jahren vermehrt in die Diskussion gebrachte alternative Bildungsoption zur Einzelinklusion dar. In der vorliegenden Fragebogenstudie wurden 35 Schülerinnen und Schüler einer Schwerpunktschule in Bezug auf ihre erlebte Partizipation im Unterricht, ihr Integrationserleben sowie auf Verhaltensauffälligkeiten und Lebensqualität untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen insgesamt eine positive Entwicklung in allen überprüften Bereichen mit behinderungsspezifischen Besonderheiten, die in der pädagogischen Begleitung hörgeschädigter Kinder beachtet werden müssen. Vergleiche zu Daten aus anderen Studien mit einzelintegrierten hörgeschädigten Kindern ergeben keine Unterschiede. Pädagogische Konsequenzen sowie Herausforderungen für weiterführende Studien werden diskutiert. (DIPF/Orig.)
O presente estudo teve como objectivo, partindo de uma análise comparativa entre dois hospitais, descrever e identificar aspectos que pudessem comprovar que as actividades escolares desenvolvidas no contexto hospitalar podem contribuir para amenizar o sofrimento de crianças hospitalizadas assim como contribuem para o seu desenvolvimento integral. As bases de assistência à criança hospitalizada têm vindo a modificar-se nas últimas décadas derivado aos resultados de pesquisas nas áreas das ciências médicas, humanas e sociais. Tendo estas concepções como base, criam-se então, perspectivas de como apoiar melhor a criança no processo de hospitalização que tem de enfrentar, esclarecendo e auxiliando também os profissionais que têm como objectivo primordial o bem-estar da criança, a todos os níveis: físico, pedagógico, social, afectivo e psicológico. A inserção da escola nos hospitais, adequada às necessidades e situação de cada criança, recupera a socialização desta por um processo de inclusão, dando continuidade à sua escolarização e valorizando as suas novas aprendizagens. Para a realização desta investigação, muito contaram as participações, tanto do Instituto de Português de Oncologia de Lisboa, como do Hospital do Espírito Santo de Évora, EPE, que me deram acesso aos seus respectivos serviços de Pediatria, assim como permitiram o meu contacto com todos os actores envolvidos. Foi realizada uma análise qualitativa tanto da recolha bibliográfica como das comunicações recolhidas através das entrevistas realizadas e das observações efectuadas nos contextos de pesquisa. Obtive consideráveis informações que me permitiram ratificar a considerável importância e eficácia das actividades pedagógicas e educacionais no desenvolvimento da criança em situação de hospitalização, permitindo assim também amenizar esta fase menos boa da vida destas crianças. ABSTRACT; This study aims to, by way of a comparative analysis between two hospitais, describe and identify aspects that are able to prove that the school activities developed in hospitals can help to ease the suffering of hospitalized children as well as contribute to their full development. Over the last decades, the type of support given to hospitalized children has been changing due to the influence of studies conducted in the medical, human and social sciences fields. With these conceptions as a basis, perspectives have been created regarding how to provide better support to children during their stay at the hospital, clarifying and helping the professionals whose fundamental goal is the child's welfare at all levels: physical, pedagogical, social, emotional and psychological. Within the hospital walls, a classroom suited to the needs and situation of each child greatly benefits their socialization recovery through a process of inclusion, thereby permitting a continuation of the learning process. ln carrying out this research, the participation of the Portuguese Institute of Oncology and of the Évora Hospital was essential, wherein I was granted access to their pediatric services and to all the persons involved in this context. A qualitative analysis was conducted using data extracted from bibliographic research as well as from speeches gathered during interviews performed within the research framework. The substantial amount of information allows me to ratify the considerable importance and success of the pedagogic and educational activities in the development of hospitalized children, allowing, as was said before, to ease this difficult stage of children’s.
The barriers that people with disabilities face around the world are not only inherent to the limitations resulting from the disability itself, but, more importantly, these barriers rest with the societal technologies of exclusion. Using a mixed methodology approach, I conduct a quest to revealing several societal factors that limit full participation of people with disabilities in their communities, which will contribute to understanding and developing a more comprehensive framework for full inclusion of people with disabilities into the society. First, I conduct a multiple regression analysis to seek whether there is a statistical relationship between the national level of development, the level of democratization, and the level of education within a country’s population on one hand, and expressed concern for and preparedness to improve the quality of life for people of disabilities on another hand. The results from the quantitative methodology reveal that people without disabilities are more prepared to take care of people with disabilities when the level of development of the country is higher, when the people have more freedom of expression and hold the government accountable for its actions, and when the level of corruption is under control. However, a greater concern for the well-being of people with disabilities is correlated with a high level of country development, a decreased value of political stability and absence of violence, a decreased level of government effectiveness, and a greater level of law enforcement. None of the dependent variables are significantly correlated with the level of education from a given country. Then, I delve into an interpretive analysis to understand multiple factors that contribute to the construction of attitudes and practices towards people with disabilities. In doing this, I build upon the four main principles outlined by the United Nations as strongly recommended to be embedded in all international programmes: (1) identification of claims of human rights and the corresponding obligations of governments, hence, I assess and analyze disability rights in education, looking at United Nation, United States, and European Union Perspectives Educational Rights Provisions for People with Disabilities (Ch. 3); (2) estimated capacity of individuals to claim their rights and of governments to fulfill their obligations, hence, I look at the people with disabilities as rights-holders and duty-bearers and discuss the importance of investing in special capital in the context of global development (Ch. 4); (3) programmes monitor and evaluate the outcomes and the processes under the auspices of human rights standards, hence, I look at the importance of evaluating the UN World Programme of Action Concerning People with Disabilities from multiple perspectives, as an example of why and how to monitor and evaluate educational human rights outcomes and processes (Ch. 5); and (4) programming should reflect the recommendations of international human rights bodies and mechanisms, hence, I focus on programming that fosters development of the capacity of people with disabilities, that is, planning for an ecology of disabilities and ecoducation for people with disabilities (Ch. 6). Results from both methodologies converge to a certain point, and they further complement each other. One common result for the two methodologies employed is that disability is an evolving concept when viewed in a broader context, which integrates the four spaces that the ecological framework incorporates. Another common result is that factors such as economic, social, legal, political, and natural resources and contexts contribute to the health, education and employment opportunities, and to the overall well-being of people with disabilities. The ecological framework sees all these factors from a meta-systemic perspective, where bi-directional interactions are expected and desired, and also from a human rights point of view, where the inherent value of people is upheld at its highest standard.