955 resultados para Implication parentale


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克隆植物通过克隆生长能够很好的适应异质性的生境。在进行植被修复的研究和实践中,注意发扬或引进具有重要资源价值的克隆植物是重要的恢复生态学思考和途径。本文主要应用实验生态学的方法,通过对鄂尔多斯高原不同克隆植物克隆性及其对水分条件的反应的比较,以及对不同克隆植物抵抗风蚀和风蚀坑修复的能力的比较,探讨克隆植物对干旱(水分条件)及风蚀的适应机制,从而对克隆植物的克隆性在生态修复中的意义进行了研究和阐述。   对不同水分条件下赖草(Leymus secalinus (Georgi.) Tzvel)和沙鞭(Psammochloa villosa (Trin.) Bor)克隆性的研究表明:克隆生长开始时间和克隆生长率二者与克隆植物新产生子代分株数量之间存在着显著的相关关系,说明克隆生长开始时间和克隆生长率能够作为准确评价克隆性的指标;相对于沙鞭来说,赖草具有更强的克隆性,表现在它的早的克隆生长开始时间、高的克隆生长率,并且这种差异可以被水分条件所修饰;植物的克隆性对水分条件具有较强的可塑性,这种可塑性具有种间差异。相对赖草来说,沙鞭能更好地适应干旱条件。   克隆植物植株有两种繁殖体类型,分株和种子。本研究对分别从分株来源和种子来源的赖草与沙鞭植株在不同水分条件下生长状况及克隆性进行了比较,结果表明:水分的增加,有利于赖草的生长;而对于沙鞭来说,水分抑制了分株来源的沙鞭植株的生长,但对种子来源的沙鞭植株的生长有着促进作用。克隆植物的克隆性在水分条件较好的情况下能够得到更好的表达。不同来源有赖草植株之间克隆性没有明显差异;对于沙鞭来说,分株来源的沙鞭植株克隆性受水分条件的影响不明显,但水分有利于种子来源的沙鞭植株克隆性的表达。说明不同繁殖体类型来源的植株,克隆性对水分的反应格局存在着一定的差异。分株来源的沙鞭植株对干旱条件具有比种子来源的植株更强的适应性。   通过对沙鞭和赖草实生幼苗在不同风蚀程度下生长状况的比较,结果表明二者幼苗在抵抗风蚀时采取不同的策略。风蚀显著降低了赖草产生新生分株的能力,而对沙鞭潜在分株数没有显著影响。赖草实生幼苗生长状况在轻中度风蚀条件下与对照处理没有显著差异,说明对风蚀具有较强的抵抗能力,其策略可能是风险分担,赖草具有的强克隆性使之能快速产生新的子代分株,从而分担了风蚀造成的风险;沙鞭实生幼苗的生长状况受风蚀影响较为明显,但风蚀没有能对其产生潜在分株(芽)的能力产生显著的影响,说明沙鞭实生幼苗对风蚀可能采取的是通过芽的产生贮存资源、逃避风险、等待机会的策略。赖草和沙鞭对风蚀所采用的不同适应策略,可能会影响到二者在自然条件下种群更新方式的选择。   为了探讨克隆植物对风蚀坑修复能力及机理,研究了沙鞭和赖草对种群内风蚀坑的修复过程,结果表明:合轴型克隆草本赖草具有比单轴型克隆草本沙鞭更强的植被修复能力,能够在风蚀坑中产生更多的新生分株,这主要归功于赖草的强克隆性,而赖草间隔子的可塑性反应也有利于将更多的新生分株放置在风蚀坑内。二者进行植被修复的机理有所差异,赖草对风蚀坑的修复主要是通过周围根茎扩展进入坑中,然后产生新的分株;而沙鞭不仅可以通过周边根茎进入产生新的分株,同时也可以通过刺激深层休眠芽来产生新的分株。二者都能在风蚀坑中产生比自然条件下更多的分株,以更好利用风蚀坑中充足的光照;但同时这些分株的生长也受到风蚀坑中养分条件的制约,生物量和生长状况都不如自然条件下形成的分株。      


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Human ingenuity has made it possible to advent the chromosome manipulation techniques to produce individuals with differing genomic status in a number of fish using various causal agents such as physical shocks (temperature or hydrostatic pressure), chemical (endomitotics) and anesthetic treatments either to suppress the second meiotic division shortly after fertilization of eggs or to prevent the first mitotic division shortly prior to mitotic cleavage formation. This results in the induction of polyploidy (triploidy and tetraploidy), gynogenesis (both meiotic and mitotic leading to clonal lines) and androgenesis in fish population. The rationale for the induction of such ploidy in fish has been its potential for generating sterile individuals, rapidly inbred lines and masculinized fish, which could be of benefit to fish farming and aquaculture. In this paper, these are critically reviewed and the implication of recently developed chromosome manipulation techniques to various fin fishes is discussed.


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Turbulent wedges induced by a 3D surface roughness placed in a laminar boundary layer over a flat plate were visualised for the first time using both shear-sensitive and temperature-sensitive liquid crystals. The experiments were carried out at three different levels of favourable pressure gradients. The purpose of this investigation was to examine the spreading angles of the turbulent wedges indicated by their associated surface shear stresses and heat transfer characteristics and hence obtain further insight about the difference in the behaviour of transitional momentum and thermal boundary layers when a streamwise pressure gradient exists. It was shown that under a zero pressure gradient the spreading angles indicated by the two types of liquid crystals are the same, but the difference increases as the level of favourable pressure gradient increases. The result from the present study could have an important implication to the transition modelling of thermal boundary layers over gas turbine blades.


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Superlattice structures and rippling fringes were imaged on two separate pieces of graphite (HOPG) by scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM). We observed the corrugation conservation phenomenon on one of the superlattice structures where an overlayer does not attenuate the corrugation amplitude of the superlattice. Such a phenomenon may illustrate an implication that nanoscale defects a few layers underneath the surface may propagate through many layers without decay and form the superlattice structure on the topmost surface. Some rippling fringes with periodicities of 20 nm and 30 nm and corrugations of 0.1 nm and 0.15nm were observed in the superlattice area and in nearby regions. Such fringes are believed to be due to physical buckling of the surface. The stress required to generate such structures is estimated, and a possible cause is discussed. An equation relating the attenuation factor to the number of overlayers is proposed. © 2005 The Japan Society of Applied Physics.


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight the central role that the time asymmetry of stability plays in feedback control. We show that this provides a new perspective on the use of doubly-infinite or semi-infinite time axes for signal spaces in control theory. We then focus on the implication of this time asymmetry in modeling uncertainty, regulation and robust control. We point out that modeling uncertainty and the ease of control depend critically on the direction of time. We finally discuss the relationship of this control-based time arrow with the well-known arrows of time in physics. © 2008 IEEE.


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Neurotrypsin is one of the extra-cellular serine proteases that are predominantly expressed in the brain and involved in neuronal development and function. Mutations in humans are associated with autosomal recessive non-syndromic mental retardation (MR). We studied the molecular evolution of neurotrypsin by sequencing the coding region of neurotrypsin in 11 representative non-human primate species covering great apes, lesser apes, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys. Our results demonstrated a strong functional constraint of neurotrypsin that was caused by strong purifying selection during primate evolution, an implication of an essential functional role of neurotrypsin in primate cognition. Further analysis indicated that the purifying selection was in fact acting on the SRCR domains of neurotrypsin, which mediate the binding activity of neurotrypsin to cell surface or extracellular proteins. In addition, by comparing primates with three other mammalian orders, we demonstrated that the absence of the first copy of the SRCR domain (exon 2 and 3) in mouse and rat was due to the deletion of this segment in the murine lineage. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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This research work involved a review of scientific and technical literature on cage based fish culture technology, and assessment of the natural and socio-economic potential of thiS technology. The research also reviewed secondary data on aquaculture production from the pilot cage culture facilities at Jinja; the requirements of key targeted species for cage based fish production - the Nile tilapia; the feed requirements and implication for management; the physiochemical parameters for optimal performance of fish production in cages; and preliminary production and operational costs of cage fish production.


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Lake Wamala, a small lake (180 km2) located in Central Uganda and believed to have been part of the main Lake Victoria and only got separated about 4000 years ago, has already undergone different levels of fisheries evolution that warrant using it as a case study to inform changes in other systems. Using resources provided by the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) II, under the Applied Research Facility, we evaluated the fishing inputs, socio-economic infrastructure and analyzed trends in fishery benefits to guide evolution of management advice. A frame survey was conducted on the entire lake (13th - 23rd March 2012) enumerating all fishing factors and enlisting available and accessible socio-economic infrastructure along the shores of the lake. The lake traverses districts (Gomba, Mityana, and Mubende) with its largest portion lying in Mityana. There are 26 established fish landing sites and about 600 fishers with a similar number of boats on the lake. The total number of boats on the lake is almost equal to the number of fishers; illustrating the common type (paracute) and size (Small, about 4 m) of boats and hence a fishing crew structure of one fisher per boat. Main fishing gears are Gillnets targeting the tilapia (Ngege) and long line hooks (Protperus, Mamba, and Clarias, Male). Almost equal number of boats used the two main gears on the lake (about 300 each). 97% of the gill nets on the lake are small (3.5” (8.9 cm – 4.5” – 11.4 cm) stretched mesh size while 98% of the hoots are large (< size 10). The implication is gill net fishers target small tilapia while long line fishers aim at the large mamba and male. Generally the lake has poor socio-economic infrastructure compared to other lakes of Uganda probably due to its geo-morphological setting. The lakes fishing factors have continued to expand with the ever increasing population. There may be need to check the continued entry into the fisheries especially if the increasing effort does not translate into increase in fishery yield.


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This study analyses competition in the wholesale and retail fish marketing system in Kisumu, which is Kenya's largest fish market. It is based on cross sectional and time series primary data collected in a survey involving 88 retailers and 47 wholesale traders of fish in the town. Stratified random sampling method was used in selecting the respondents, Concentration ratios, Lorenz curves and Gini coefficients are derived and evaluated for both markets. They demonstrate that market shares are unequally distributed among the wholesalers and retailers. The Gini coefficients are 0.37 and 0.45 for the whole and retail markets respectively. Based on a Gini coefficient cut-off level of 0.4, it is concluded that the wholesale fish market exhibits effective competition while the retail outlet has oligopolistic tendencies. The implication of this level of competition to price efficiency is discussed. Intervention measures to enhance competition in the market are recommended.


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Perceptual learning improves perception through training. Perceptual learning improves with most stimulus types but fails when . certain stimulus types are mixed during training (roving). This result is surprising because classical supervised and unsupervised neural network models can cope easily with roving conditions. What makes humans so inferior compared to these models? As experimental and conceptual work has shown, human perceptual learning is neither supervised nor unsupervised but reward-based learning. Reward-based learning suffers from the so-called unsupervised bias, i.e., to prevent synaptic " drift" , the . average reward has to be exactly estimated. However, this is impossible when two or more stimulus types with different rewards are presented during training (and the reward is estimated by a running average). For this reason, we propose no learning occurs in roving conditions. However, roving hinders perceptual learning only for combinations of similar stimulus types but not for dissimilar ones. In this latter case, we propose that a critic can estimate the reward for each stimulus type separately. One implication of our analysis is that the critic cannot be located in the visual system. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.


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The uncertainty associated with a rainfall-runoff and non-point source loading (NPS) model can be attributed to both the parameterization and model structure. An interesting implication of the areal nature of NPS models is the direct relationship between model structure (i.e. sub-watershed size) and sample size for the parameterization of spatial data. The approach of this research is to find structural limitations in scale for the use of the conceptual NPS model, then examine the scales at which suitable stochastic depictions of key parameter sets can be generated. The overlapping regions are optimal (and possibly the only suitable regions) for conducting meaningful stochastic analysis with a given NPS model. Previous work has sought to find optimal scales for deterministic analysis (where, in fact, calibration can be adjusted to compensate for sub-optimal scale selection); however, analysis of stochastic suitability and uncertainty associated with both the conceptual model and the parameter set, as presented here, is novel; as is the strategy of delineating a watershed based on the uncertainty distribution. The results of this paper demonstrate a narrow range of acceptable model structure for stochastic analysis in the chosen NPS model. In the case examined, the uncertainties associated with parameterization and parameter sensitivity are shown to be outweighed in significance by those resulting from structural and conceptual decisions. © 2011 Copyright IAHS Press.


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Elderly and disabled people can be hugely benefited through the advancement of modern electronic devices, as those can help them to engage more fully with the world. However, existing design practices often isolate elderly or disabled users by considering them as users with special needs. This article presents a simulator that can reflect problems faced by elderly and disabled users while they use computer, television, and similar electronic devices. The simulator embodies both the internal state of an application and the perceptual, cognitive, and motor processes of its user. It can help interface designers to understand, visualize, and measure the effect of impairment on interaction with an interface. Initially a brief survey of different user modeling techniques is presented, and then the existing models are classified into different categories. In the context of existing modeling approaches the work on user modeling is presented for people with a wide range of abilities. A few applications of the simulator, which shows the predictions are accurate enough to make design choices and point out the implication and limitations of the work, are also discussed. © 2012 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.


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The structural and optical properties of trench defects, which are poorly understood yet commonly occurring defects observed on the surfaces of InGaN multiple quantum wells (MQW), are reported. These defects comprise near-circular trenches which enclose areas of MQW which give rise to a red shift in peak photoluminescence emission and a change in cathodoluminescence intensity with respect to the surrounding material. Atomic force microscopy shows that the height of trench-enclosed areas differs from that of the surrounding quantum well structure, and that trenches are unrelated to the commonly observed V-defects in InGaN films, despite being occasionally intersected by them. Cross-sectional electron microscopy analysis of trenches with raised centres suggests that the red shift in the observed cathodoluminescence peak emission may be due to the quantum wells being thicker in the trench-enclosed regions than in the surrounding quantum well area. The mechanism of trench formation and its implication for the control of the emission properties of light-emitting diodes is discussed. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


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In this paper, high and low speed tip flows are investigated for a high-pressure turbine blade. Previous experimental data are used to validate a CFD code, which is then used to study the tip heat transfer in high and low speed cascades. The results show that at engine representative Mach numbers the tip flow is predominantly transonic. Thus, compared to the low speed tip flow, the heat transfer is affected by reductions in both the heat transfer coefficient and the recovery temperature. The high Mach numbers in the tip region (M>1.5) lead to large local variations in recovery temperature. Significant changes in the heat transfer coefficient are also observed. These are due to changes in the structure of the tip flow at high speed. At high speeds, the pressure side corner separation bubble reattachment occurs through supersonic acceleration which halves the length of the bubble when the tip gap exit Mach number is increased from 0.1 to 1.0. In addition, shock/boundary-layer interactions within the tip gap lead to large changes in the tip boundary-layer thickness. These effects give rise to significant differences in the heat-transfer coefficient within the tip region compared to the low-speed tip flow. Compared to the low speed tip flow, the high speed tip flow is much less dominated by turbulent dissipation and is thus less sensitive to the choice of turbulence model. These results clearly demonstrate that blade tip heat transfer is a strong function of Mach number, an important implication when considering the use of low speed experimental testing and associated CFD validation in engine blade tip design. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.


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Counterfeit trade developed into a severe problem for many industries. While established security features such as holograms, micro printings or chemical markers do not seem to efficiently avert trade in illicit imitation products, RFID technology, with its potential to automate product authentications, may become a powerful tool to enhance brand and product protection. The following contribution contains an overview on the implication of product counterfeiting on affected companies, provides a starting point for a structured requirements definition for RFID-based anti-counterfeiting systems, and outlines several principal solution approaches that are discussed in greater detail in the subsequent chapters. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.