987 resultados para Immature Antigen-presenting Cell
NG2 is a transmembrane proteoglycan with two N-terminal LNS domains and a C-terminal PDZ-binding motif. It is expressed in the developing and adult CNS by oligodendroglial precursor cells and subpopulations of perisynaptic glia and elsewhere by many immature cell types. In order to elucidate the functions of the protein and the heterogenous cell population which expresses it, we undertook to identify and characterise interaction partners of the molecule. The presence of the C-terminal PDZ recognition site in NG2 suggested PDZ-domain proteins as intracellular binding partners. In this work, interaction between the PDZ protein Syntenin and NG2 has been characterised. Syntenin is known to be involved in plasma membrane dynamics, metastasis and adhesion. Syntenin may thus link NG2 to the cytoskeleton, mediating migration of developing oligodendrocytes to axonal tracts prior to myelination, as well as process movement of NG2+ perisynaptic glia. NG2 is involved in cell spreading and polyclonal antibodies against NG2 inhibit the migration of immature glia and cell lines expressing the molecule. In this work we have characterised the segments of the extracellular portion of NG2 that are involved in migration. We found that the extracellular region immediately preceding the transmembrane segment is most important for cell motility. As part of this thesis, biochemical approaches to identify a trans-binding ligand interacting with the extracellular part of NG2 was also explored.
Die Wirksamkeit einer Vakzine ist von vielen Parametern abhängig. Dazu gehören unter anderen: das ausgewählte Antigen, die Formulation in der das Antigen benutzt wird sowie die Applikationsroute. Antigen-kodierende Ribonukleinsäuren (RNA) gilt heutzutage als eine sichere und effiziente Alternative zu traditionellen Impfstoff-Formulierungen, wie Peptiden, rekombinanten Proteinen, viralen Systemen oder DNA basierten Impfstoffen. Bezüglich des Applikationsortes repräsentiert der Lymphknoten ein optimales Milieu für die Interaktion zwischen antigenpräsentierenden Zellen und T-Zellen. Vor diesem Hintergrund war die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit, ein auf direktem in vivo Transfer von Antigen-kodierender in vitro transkribierter RNA (IVT-RNA) basierendes Impfverfahren zu entwickeln, zu charakterisieren und auf seine anti-tumorale Wirksamkeit zu testen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass dendritische Zellen (DCs) in vitro hocheffizient mit IVT-RNA transfiziert werden können und eine hohe stimulatorische Kapazität besitzen. Durch Sequenzmodifikation der IVT-RNA konnten wir die Transkriptstabilität und Translationseffizienz erhöhen was zu einer Steigerung der stimulatorischen Kapazität in vivo führte. Darüber hinaus untersuchten wir die Auswirkung der Insertion eines Signalpeptides 5’ sowie einer C-terminalen transmembran- und zytosolischen-Domäne eines MHC-Klasse-I-Moleküls am 3’ der Antigen-kodierenden Sequenz auf die Effizienz der MHC-Klasse-I und -II Präsentation. Wir konnten in vitro und in vivo nachweisen, dass diese Modifikation zu einer gesteigerten, simultanen Stimulation von antigenspezifischen CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen führt. Auf der Basis der optimierten Vektorkassetten etablierten wir die intranodale (i.n.) Transfektion von antigenpräsentierenden Zellen in der Maus. Dazu nutzten wir verschiedene Reportersysteme (eGFP-RNA, fluoreszensmarkierte RNA) und konnten zeigen, dass die intranodale Applikation von IVT-RNA zu selektiven Transfektion und Maturation lymphknotenresidenter DCs führt. Zur Untersuchung der immunologischen Effekte wurden in erster Linie auf Influenza-Hemagglutinin-A und Ovalbumin basierende Modellantigensysteme verwendet. Beide Antigene wurden als Antigen-MHC-Fusionskonstrukte genutzt. Als Responderzellen wurden TCR-transgene Lymphozyten verwendet, die MHC-Klasse-I oder -Klasse-II restringierte Epitope des Influenza-Hemagglutinin-A bzw. des Ovalbumin-Proteins erkennen. Wir konnten in vivo zeigen, dass die intranodale Immunisierung mit IVT-RNA zu einer effizienten Stimulation und Expansion von antigenspezifischen CD4+ und CD8+ T-Zellen in einer dosisabhängigen Weise führt. Funktionell konnte gezeigt werden, dass diese T-Zellen Zytokine sezernieren und zur Zytolyse befähigt sind. Wir waren in der Lage durch repetitive i.n. RNA Immunisierung ein ‚Priming’ CD8+ T-Zellen in naiven Mäusen sowohl gegen virale als auch gegen Tumor assoziierte Antigene zu erreichen. Die geprimten T-Zellen waren befähigt eine zytolytische Aktivität gegen mit spezifischem Peptid beladene Targetzellen zu generieren. Darüber hinaus waren wir in der Lage Gedächtnisszellen expandieren zu können. Abschließend konnten wir in Tumormodellen sowohl in prophylaktischen als auch in therapeutischen Experimenten zeigen dass die i.n. RNA Vakzination die Potenz zur Induktion einer anti-tumoralen Immunität besitzt.
BACKGROUND.: Urine is a potentially rich source of biomarkers for monitoring kidney dysfunction. In this study, we have investigated the potential of soluble human leukocyte antigen (sHLA)-DR in the urine for noninvasive monitoring of renal transplant patients. METHODS.: Urinary soluble HLA-DR levels were measured by sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 103 patients with renal diseases or after renal transplantation. sHLA-DR in urine was characterized by Western blotting and mass spectrometry. RESULTS.: Acute graft rejection was associated with a significantly elevated level of urinary sHLA-DR (P<0.0001), compared with recipients with stable graft function or healthy individuals. A receiver operating characteristic curve analysis showed the area under the curve to be 0.88 (P<0.001). At a selected threshold, the sensitivity was 80% and specificity was 98% for detection of acute renal transplant rejection. sHLA-DR was not exosomally associated and was of lower molecular weight compared with the HLA-DR expressed as heterodimer on the plasma membrane of antigen-presenting cells. CONCLUSIONS.: sHLA-DR excreted into urine is a promising indicator of renal transplant rejection.
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen-presenting genes are the most variable loci in vertebrate genomes. Host-parasite co-evolution is assumed to maintain the excessive polymorphism in the MHC loci. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the striking diversity in the MHC remain contentious. The extent to which recombination contributes to the diversity at MHC loci in natural populations is still controversial, and there have been only few comparative studies that make quantitative estimates of recombination rates. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis for 15 different ungulates species to estimate the population recombination rate, and to quantify levels of selection. As expected for all species, we observed signatures of strong positive selection, and identified individual residues experiencing selection that were congruent with those constituting the peptide-binding region of the human DRB gene. However, in addition for each species, we also observed recombination rates that were significantly different from zero on the basis of likelihood-permutation tests, and in other non-quantitative analyses. Patterns of synonymous and non-synonymous sequence diversity were consistent with differing demographic histories between species, but recent simulation studies by other authors suggest inference of selection and recombination is likely to be robust to such deviations from standard models. If high rates of recombination are common in MHC genes of other taxa, re-evaluation of many inference-based phylogenetic analyses of MHC loci, such as estimates of the divergence time of alleles and trans-specific polymorphism, may be required.
Endothelin-1 (ET-1) is mainly secreted by endothelial cells and acts as a potent vasoconstrictor. In addition ET-1 has also been shown to have pleiotropic effects on a variety of other systems including adaptive immunity. There are two main ET-1 receptors, ET(A) and ET(B), which have different tissue and functional distributions. Dendritic cells (DC) are pivotal antigen-presenting cells linking the innate with the adaptive immune system. DC are sentinels expressing pattern-recognition receptors, e.g. the toll-like receptors (TLR) for detecting danger signals released from pathogens or tissue injury. Here we show for the first time that stimulation of human monocyte-derived DC with exogenous as well as endogenous selective TLR4 and TLR2 agonists induces the production of ET-1 in a dose- and time-dependent manner. 'Alternative' activation of DC in the presence of 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) results in a marked potentiation of the endothelin response, whereas prostaglandin E(2) or dexamethasone do not increase ET-1 production. Furthermore, chetomin, an inhibitor of the transcription factor hypoxia-inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1alpha), prevents TLR-mediated secretion of ET-1. Surprisingly, stimulation of human monocytes with LPS does not lead to secretion of detectable amounts of ET-1. These results suggest a role of ET-1 as an important player in human DC biology and innate immunity in general.
Adjuvants are essential components of vaccine formulations that enhance adaptive immune responses to antigens, particularly for immunizations targeting the tolerogenic mucosal tissues, which are more biologically relevant for protective immunity against pathogens transmitted by the mucosal routes. Adjuvants possess the inherent capacity to bridge innate and adaptive immune responses through activating innate immune mediators. Here evidence is presented in support of the effectiveness of a synthetic glycolipid, alpha-Galactosylceramide (-GalCer), as an adjuvant for mucosal immunization with peptide and protein antigens, by oral and intranasal routes, to prime antigen-specific immune responses in multiple systemic and mucosal compartments. The adjuvant activity of -GalCer delivered by the intranasal route was manifested in terms of potent activation of NKT cells, an important innate immunity mediator, along with the activation of dendritic cells (DC) which serve as the professional antigen-presenting cells. Data from this investigation provide the first evidence for mucosal delivery as an effective means to harness the adjuvant potential of α-GalCer for priming as well as boosting cellular immune responses to co-administered immunogens. Unlike systemic administration where a single dose of α-GalCer leads to anergy of responding NKT cells and thus hinders delivery of booster immunizations, we demonstrated that administration of multiple doses of α-GalCer by the intranasal route affords repeated activation of NKT cells and the induction of broad systemic and mucosal immunity. This is specifically advantageous, and may be even essential, for vaccination regimens against mucosal pathogens such as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the human papillomavirus (HPV), where priming of durable protective immunity at the mucosal portals of pathogen entry would be highly desirable.
OBJECTIVE: This study sought to characterize the inflammatory infiltrate in ascending thoracic aortic aneurysm in patients with Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or nonfamilial thoracic aortic aneurysm. BACKGROUND: Thoracic aortic aneurysms are associated with a pathologic lesion termed "medial degeneration," which is described as a noninflammatory lesion. Thoracic aortic aneurysms are a complication of Marfan syndrome and can be inherited in an autosomal dominant manner of familial thoracic aortic aneurysm. METHODS: Full aortic segments were collected from patients undergoing elective repair with Marfan syndrome (n = 5), familial thoracic aortic aneurysm (n = 6), and thoracic aortic aneurysms (n = 9), along with control aortas (n = 5). Immunohistochemistry staining was performed using antibodies directed against markers of lymphocytes and macrophages. Real-time polymerase chain reaction analysis was performed to quantify the expression level of the T-cell receptor beta-chain variable region gene. RESULTS: Immunohistochemistry of thoracic aortic aneurysm aortas demonstrated that the media and adventitia from Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, and sporadic cases had increased numbers of T lymphocytes and macrophages when compared with control aortas. The number of T cells and macrophages in the aortic media of the aneurysm correlated inversely with the patient's age at the time of prophylactic surgical repair of the aorta. T-cell receptor profiling indicated a similar clonal nature of the T cells in the aortic wall in a majority of aneurysms, whether the patient had Marfan syndrome, familial thoracic aortic aneurysm, or sporadic disease. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that the infiltration of inflammatory cells contributes to the pathogenesis of thoracic aortic aneurysms. Superantigen-driven stimulation of T lymphocytes in the aortic tissues of patients with thoracic aortic aneurysms may contribute to the initial immune response.
Exposure to UVB radiation induces local and systemic immune suppression, evidenced by inhibition of the contact hypersensitivity response (CHS). Epidermal dendritic cells, the primary antigen presenting cells responsible for the induction of CHS, are profoundly altered in phenotype and function by UVB exposure and possess UV-specific DNA damage upon migrating to skin-draining lymph nodes. Expression of the proapoptotic protein FasL has been demonstrated in both skin and lymph node cells following UVB exposure. Additionally, functional FasL expression has recently been demonstrated to be required in the phenomenon of UV-induced immune suppression. To test the hypothesis that FasL expression by DNA-damaged Langerhans cells migrating to the skin-draining lymph nodes is a crucial event in the generation of this phenomenon, mice were given a single 5KJ/m2 UV-B exposure and sensitized to 0.5% FITC through the exposed area. Dendritic cells (DC) harvested from skin-draining lymph nodes (DLN) 18 hours following sensitization by magnetic CD11c-conjugated microbeads expressed high levels of Iab, CD80 and CD86, DEC-205 and bore the FITC hapten, suggesting epidermal origin. Radioimmunoassay of UV-specific DNA damage showed that DC contained the vast majority of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) found in the DLN after UVB and exhibited increased FasL mRNA expression, a result which correlated with greatly increased FasL-mediated cytotoxicity. The ability of DCs to transfer sensitization to naïve hosts was lost following UVB exposure, a phenomenon which required DC FasL expression, and was completely reversed by cutaneous DNA repair. Collectively, these results demonstrate the central importance of DNA damage-induced FasL expression on migrating dendritic cells in mediating UV-induced suppression of contact hypersensitivity. ^
Hemophilia A is a clotting disorder caused by functional factor VIII (FVIII) deficiency. About 25% of patients treated with therapeutic recombinant FVIII develop antibodies (inhibitors) that render subsequent FVIII treatments ineffective. The immune mechanisms of inhibitor formation are not entirely understood, but circumstantial evidence indicates a role for increased inflammatory response, possibly via stimulation of Toll-like receptors (TLRs), at the time of FVIII immunization. I hypothesized that stimulation through TLR4 in conjunction with FVIII treatments would increase the formation of FVIII inhibitors. To test this hypothesis, FVIII K.O. mice were injected with recombinant human FVIII with or without concomitant doses of TLR4 agonist (lipopoysaccharide; LPS). The addition of LPS combined with FVIII significantly increased the rate and the production of anti-FVIII IgG antibodies and neutralizing FVIII inhibitors. In the spleen, repeated in vivo TLR4 stimulation with LPS increased the relative percentage of macrophages and dendritic cells (DCs) over the course of 4 injections. However, repeated in vivo FVIII stimulation significantly increased the density of TLR4 expressed on the surface of all spleen antigen presenting cells (APCs). Culture of splenocytes isolated from mice revealed that the combined stimulation of LPS and FVIII also synergistically increased early secretion of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6, TNF-α, and IL-10, which was not maintained throughout the course of the repeated injections. While cytokine secretion was relatively unchanged in response to FVIII re-stimulation in culture, LPS re-stimulation in culture induced increased and prolonged inflammatory cytokine secretion. Re-stimulation with both LPS and FVIII induced cytokine secretion similar to LPS stimulation alone. Interestingly, long term treatment of mice with LPS alone resulted in splenocytes that showed reduced response to FVIII in culture. Together these results indicated that creating a pro-inflammatory environment through the combined stimulation of chronic, low-dose LPS and FVIII changed not only the populations but also the repertoire of APCs in the spleen, triggering the increased production of FVIII inhibitors. These results suggested an anti-inflammatory regimen should be instituted for all hemophilia A patients to reduce or delay the formation of FVIII inhibitors during replacement therapy.
Las células presentadoras de antígenos profesionales como las células de Langerhans o las células dendríticas intersticiales del tejido conectivo, son las células capturadoras de antígenos más importantes del sistema inmune. En trabajos previos describimos variaciones numéricas y estructurales de las células dendríticas; con especial referencia a las células de Langerhans, en diversos epitelios del tracto digestivo. El propósito de este trabajo fue estudiar la distribución, en forma comparativa, de las células dendríticas en glándulas salivales mayores y menores de la mucosa oral. Material y métodos: para esta investigación se utilizaron muestras de glándulas salivales mayores y menores tomadas de ratas Wistar. Las muestras fueron procesadas utilizando técnicas de microscopía óptica convencional, electrónica e inmunohistoquímica. Los resultados muestran numerosas células dendríticas en los conductos salivares excretores (con epitelio estratificado) así como en el parénquima glandular. Aunque no detectamos diferencias estadísticas significativas entre los dos componentes glandulares analizados, nuestros hallazgos sugieren que, debido a su localización, estas células cumplen un rol fundamental en las defensas inmunes de la mucosa oral.
P-glycoprotein (MDR-1) is a well-known transporter that mediates efflux of chemotherapeutic agents from the intracellular milieu and thereby contributes to drug resistance. MDR-1 also is expressed by nonmalignant cells, including leukocytes, but physiologic functions for MDR-1 are poorly defined. Using an initial screening assay that included >100 mAbs, we observed that neutralizing mAbs MRK16, UIC2, and 4E3 against MDR-1 specifically and potently blocked basal-to-apical transendothelial migration of mononuclear phagocytes, a process that may mimic their migration into lymphatic vessels. Antagonists of MDR-1 then were used in a model of authentic lymphatic clearance. In this model, antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DC) migrate out of explants of cultured human skin and into the culture medium via dermal lymphatic vessels. DC and T cells derived from skin expressed MDR-1 on their surfaces. Addition of anti-MDR-1 mAbs MRK16, UIC2, or the MDR-1 antagonist verapamil to skin explants at the onset of culture inhibited the appearance of DC, and accompanying T cells, in the culture medium by approximately 70%. Isotype-matched control mAbs against other DC molecules including CD18, CD31, and major histocompatibility complex I did not block. In the presence of MDR-1 antagonists, epidermal DC were retained in the epidermis, in contrast to control conditions. In summary, this work identifies a physiologic function for MDR-1 during the mobilization of DC and begins to elucidate how these critical antigen-presenting cells migrate from the periphery to lymph nodes to initiate T lymphocyte-mediated immunity.
We studied single molecular interactions between surface-attached rat CD2, a T-lymphocyte adhesion receptor, and CD48, a CD2 ligand found on antigen-presenting cells. Spherical particles were coated with decreasing densities of CD48–CD4 chimeric molecules then driven along CD2-derivatized glass surfaces under a low hydrodynamic shear rate. Particles exhibited multiple arrests of varying duration. By analyzing the dependence of arrest frequency and duration on the surface density of CD48 sites, it was concluded that (i) arrests were generated by single molecular bonds and (ii) the initial bond dissociation rate was about 7.8 s−1. The force exerted on bonds was increased from about 11 to 22 pN; the detachment rate exhibited a twofold increase. These results agree with and extend studies on the CD2–CD48 interaction by surface plasmon resonance technology, which yielded an affinity constant of ≈104 M−1 and a dissociation rate of ≥6 s−1. It is concluded that the flow chamber technology can be an useful complement to atomic force microscopy for studying interactions between isolated biomolecules, with a resolution of about 20 ms and sensitivity of a few piconewtons. Further, this technology might be extended to actual cells.
H-2Kb-restricted tumor epitope peptides, including tyrosinase-related protein 2 residues 181–188 (TRP-2) and connexin 37 residues 52–59 (MUT1), were applied to permeability barrier-disrupted C57BL/6 (B6) mouse skin from which the stratum corneum of the epidermis had been removed by tape-stripping. This procedure primed tumor-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in the lymph nodes and spleen, protected mice against subsequent challenge with corresponding tumor cells, and suppressed the growth of established tumors. Preventive and therapeutic effectiveness was correlated with the frequency of tumor-specific CTL precursors. MHC class II Iab+ cells separated from tape-stripped skin, compared with those from intact skin, exhibited a strong antigen-presenting capacity for CTL, suggesting that CTL expansion after peptide application is primarily mediated by epidermal Langerhans cells. Thus, percutaneous peptide immunization via barrier-disrupted skin provides a simple and noninvasive means of inducing potent anti-tumor immunity which may be exploited for cancer immunotherapy.
The ability of antigen-presenting cells to sample distinct intracellular compartments is crucial for microbe detection. Major histocompatibility complex class I and class II molecules sample the cytosol or the late endocytic compartment, allowing detection of microbial peptide antigens that arise in distinct intracellular compartments. In contrast, CD1a and CD1b molecules mediate the presentation of lipid and glycolipid antigens and differentially sample early recycling endosomes or late endocytic compartments, respectively, that contain distinct sets of lipid antigens. Here, we show that, unlike the other CD1 isoforms or major histocompatibility complex molecules that each sample restricted only intracellular compartments, CD1c is remarkable in that it distributes broadly throughout the endocytic system and is expressed in both recycling endosomes and late endocytic compartments. Further, in contrast to CD1b, which requires an acidic environment to function, antigen presentation by CD1c was able to overcome dependence on vesicular acidification. Because CD1c is expressed on essential antigen-presenting cells, such as epidermal Langerhans cells (in the absence of CD1b), or on B cells (without CD1a or -b), we suggest that CD1c molecules allow a comprehensive survey for lipid antigens throughout the endocytic system even in the absence of other CD1 isoforms.
CD1 is an MHC class I-like antigen-presenting molecule consisting of a heavy chain and β2-microglobulin light chain. The in vitro refolding of synthetic MHC class I molecules has always required the presence of ligand. We report here the use of a folding method using an immobilized chaperone fragment, a protein disulphide isomerase, and a peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (oxidative refolding chromatography) for the fast and efficient assembly of ligand-free and ligand-associated CD1a and CD1b, starting with material synthesized in Escherichia coli. The results suggest that “empty” MHC class I-like molecules can assemble and remain stable at physiological temperatures in the absence of ligand. The use of oxidative refolding chromatography thus is extended to encompass complex multisubunit proteins and specifically to members of the extensive, functionally diverse and important immunoglobulin supergene family of proteins, including those for which a ligand has yet to be identified.