931 resultados para IT outsourcing
Hamlet (1601), de William Shakespeare, é, desde o Fólio de 1623, circundada por um enorme e variado volume de leituras, que abrangem desde textos críticos e teóricos até as mais diversas adaptações teatrais e cinematográficas. Desde o final do século 19, o cinema vem adaptando peças de Shakespeare, fornecendo novos pontos de vista e sugestões para a encenação dessa obra ao levá-la inúmeras vezes para as telas. Dentre uma longa lista de adaptações fílmicas de Hamlet, o Hamlet mainstream de Franco Zeffirelli (1990) e o Hamlet 2000 (2000), filme independente de Michael Almereyda, compõem o corpus eleito para análise nesta dissertação. Dialogando com noções de críticos e teóricos que desenvolveram estudos sobre o conceito de adaptação, tais como André Bazin, Robert Stam e Linda Hutcheon, sugiro uma desierarquização entre a peça shakespeariana e os filmes logo, entre literatura/teatro e cinema. O objetivo final deste trabalho encontra-se na proposta de uma reflexão sobre esses filmes enquanto potenciais materiais críticos elucidativos para o estudo da peça, úteis na discussão de alguns de seus mais importantes temas e/ou questões
The past years have seen an increasing debate on cooperation and its unique human character. Philosophers and psychologists have proposed that cooperative activities are characterized by shared goals to which participants are committed through the ability to understand each other’s intentions. Despite its popularity, some serious issues arise with this approach to cooperation. First, one may challenge the assumption that high-level mental processes are necessary for engaging in acting cooperatively. If they are, then how do agents that do not possess such ability (preverbal children, or children with autism who are often claimed to be mind-blind) engage in cooperative exchanges, as the evidence suggests? Secondly, to define cooperation as the result of two de-contextualized minds reading each other’s intentions may fail to fully acknowledge the complexity of situated, interactional dynamics and the interplay of variables such as the participants’ relational and personal history and experience. In this paper we challenge such accounts of cooperation, calling for an embodied approach that sees cooperation not only as an individual attitude toward the other, but also as a property of interaction processes. Taking an enactive perspective, we argue that cooperation is an intrinsic part of any interaction, and that there can be cooperative interaction before complex communicative abilities are achieved. The issue then is not whether one is able or not to read the other’s intentions, but what it takes to participate in joint action. From this basic account, it should be possible to build up more complex forms of cooperation as needed. Addressing the study of cooperation in these terms may enhance our understanding of human social development, and foster our knowledge of different ways of engaging with others, as in the case of autism.
[ES]Este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la evolución de las estructuras organizativas adoptadas por las empresas, así como la introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación en el sector empresarial. También se analizará el cambio de la integración vertical como estrategia, a la tendencia actual del outsourcing o externalización de tareas, además del crowdsourcing y sus dos vertientes más actuales, el crowdfunding y la tecnología Open Source. Finalmente se ilustra el proyecto con el análisis de un caso real centrado en la evolución del Grupo Eroski, su estrategia y modelo de negocio, así como la influencia de las TIC y sus movimientos en materia de outsourcing.
244 p.
O ser humano que não consegue pôr outra finalidade na vida, além de viver, e não encontra os meios para realizar este fim ou tem dificuldade de encontrar vivo o cenário limite do transtorno. Como na sociedade capitalista, trabalho é sinônimo de garantia de subsistência, seja da vida do trabalhador, seja do sistema capitalista em si, entendemos que, no capitalismo, encontrar os meios materiais para garantir a continuidade da vida está diretamente relacionado ao trabalho e, assim sendo, as transformações recentes no mundo do trabalho afetam a qualidade de vida dos trabalhadores sendo causa de transtornos mentais comuns. Tudo mais pode ser instável, menos a garantia da vida. Por isso elencamos a instabilidade social como chave de leitura, comparando o padrão produtivo fordista, pseudoestável e o processo de transformação à era flexível, de plena instabilidade. A instabilidade social não é nova no capitalismo, contudo, informalidade, terceirização e intensificação do trabalho num cenário onde a força de trabalho é igualada a uma mercadoria como qualquer outra, por um processo de laissezferização, são as características marcantes da instabilidade social contemporânea. Por fim, uma análise documental é realizada para balizar a preocupação acadêmica com os organismos internacionais, o poder público e as organizações trabalhadoras sobre o tema dos transtornos mentais comuns, identificando disparidade entre os eixos investigados.
Blowflies are insects of forensic interest as they may indicate characteristics of the environment where a body has been laying prior to the discovery. In order to estimate changes in community related to landscape and to assess if blowfly species can be used as indicators of the landscape where a corpse has been decaying, we studied the blowfly community and how it is affected by landscape in a 7,000 km(2) region during a whole year. Using baited traps deployed monthly we collected 28,507 individuals of 10 calliphorid species, 7 of them well represented and distributed in the study area. Multiple Analysis of Variance found changes in abundance between seasons in the 7 analyzed species, and changes related to land use in 4 of them (Calliphora vomitoria, Lucilia ampullacea, L. caesar and L. illustris). Generalised Linear Model analyses of abundance of these species compared with landscape descriptors at different scales found only a clear significant relationship between summer abundance of C. vomitoria and distance to urban areas and degree of urbanisation. This relationship explained more deviance when considering the landscape composition at larger geographical scales (up to 2,500 m around sampling site). For the other species, no clear relationship between land uses and abundance was found, and therefore observed changes in their abundance patterns could be the result of other variables, probably small changes in temperature. Our results suggest that blowfly community composition cannot be used to infer in what kind of landscape a corpse has decayed, at least in highly fragmented habitats, the only exception being the summer abundance of C. vomitoria.
[EN] The main goal of this study is to analyze how organizational commitment has a mediating effect on the relation between transformational leadership and organizational trust. Therefore we developed an organization analysis based on a survey that was used to collect primary data from a sample of 58 employees. We obtained a 71% response rate and these data were analyzed using quantitative methodological techniques and linear regression. The research was conducted at the Serralves Foundation (Porto, Portugal) to empirically test the proposed research model and its hypotheses. The empirical results confirm that transformational leadership positively enhances organizational trust. However, transformational leadership and organizational trust are not significantly influenced by organizational commitment, thus not having a mediating effect on this relationship. Such results assume particular relevance because they become a basis for comparative studies in similar organizations. This study brings some theoretical contributions to the literature by analyzing the mediating effect of organizational commitment on the relation between transformational leadership and organizational trust in cultural organizations and has also some practical management implications, as it draws attention to the importance of a set of practices, job satisfaction oriented, which can effectively lead to organizational commitment intervention in the relationship between transformational leadership and organizational trust.
[EN] This study defines and proposes a measurement scale for social entrepreneurship (SE) in its broadest sense. The broad definition of SE covers for-profit firms that use social aims as a core component of their strategy. By pursuing social aims, these firms can boost the value of their products or services for consumers or exploit new business areas. Under this broad definition of SE, profit-seeking and the pursuit of social aims converge, thereby revealing a form of SE that has received little attention in either theoretical or empirical research. To fill this research gap, the present study proposes a measurement scale to measure broad SE in firms. The process used to build the scale draws upon research by Churchill (1979) and DeVellis (1991) and combines the Delphi technique, a pre-test questionnaire and structural equation modelling. The main aim of this research is to develop a scale capable of measuring broad SE in firms. The theoretical basis for the scale is supported by an empirical study in the hotel sector. The scale provides a valid, reliable instrument for measuring broad SE in firms. The scale meets all sociometric properties required of measurement scales in the social sciences, namely dimensionality, reliability and validity.
Anecdotal evidence from 60 marine species suggests a pattern of resource exhaustion rather than sustainable use. There is a reason to believe that biomass in the Atlantic Western Boundary Current Fishery-Grand Banks, Newfoundland, North Atlantic, Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea is 3-10% of what it was when fishing was started. Selective removal of large species may have caused major nutrient distribution in both rich and poor waters.
This paper outlines the strategic efforts undertaken by Singapore to establish its national capability in the biomedical science sector, reviews the commercial base as a result of these efforts and compares Singapore's approach to the UK and the US development models, discusses the challenges that Singapore faces and raises some questions on the long term sustainability of the sector.