969 resultados para INTRACELLULAR CALCIUM


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To elucidate the physicochemical properties of silk protein, we studied the effects of calcium chloride and ethanol on the gelation of fibroin. Fibroin was treated with 5.0 M calcium chloride in water (Ca/W) or 5.0 M calcium chloride in 20% (v/v) ethanol (Ca/Et) and the rheological properties of colloidal fibroin were investigated. The Ca/W-treatment promoted an increased rate of gelation and gave higher gel strength than the Ca/Et-treatment. The maximum gel strengths of Ca/W- and Ca/Et-treated fibroins were obtained at pH 7.0 and pH 5.5, respectively. Scanning electron micrographs showed that the Ca/W-treated fibroin gel had a more developed three-dimensional molecular network than the Ca/Et-treated gel. Further, FT-IR spectra suggested that Ca/W-treated fibroin has more of a beta-structure than Ca/Et-treated one in colloidal conditions. This study indicated that the use of calcium chloride alone was more beneficial to the gelation of fibroin than combined use with ethanol.


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Trophoblasts of the placenta are the frontline cells involved in communication and exchange of materials between the mother and fetus. Within trophoblasts, calcium signalling proteins are richly expressed. Intracellular free calcium ions are a key second messenger, regulating various cellular activities. Transcellular Ca2+ transport through trophoblasts is essential in fetal skeleton formation. Ryanodine receptors (RyRs) are high conductance cation channels that mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular stores to the cytoplasm. To date, the roles of RyRs in trophoblasts have not been reported. By use of reverse transcription PCR and western blotting, the current study revealed that RyRs are expressed in model trophoblast cell lines (BeWo and JEG-3) and in human first trimester and term placental villi. Immunohistochemistry of human placental sections indicated that both syncytiotrophoblast and cytotrophoblast cell layers were positively stained by antibodies recognising RyRs; likewise, expression of RyR isoforms was also revealed in BeWo and JEG-3 cells by immunofluorescence microscopy. In addition, changes in [Ca2+]i were observed in both BeWo and JEG-3 cells upon application of various RyR agonists and antagonists, using fura-2 fluorescent videomicroscopy. Furthermore, endogenous placental peptide hormones, namely angiotensin II, arginine vasopressin and endothelin 1, were demonstrated to increase [Ca2+]i in BeWo cells, and such increases were suppressed by RyR antagonists and by blockers of the corresponding peptide hormone receptors. These findings indicate that 1) multiple RyR subtypes are expressed in human trophoblasts; 2) functional RyRs in BeWo and JEG-3 cells response to both RyR agonists and antagonists; 3) RyRs in BeWo cells mediate Ca2+ release from intracellular store in response to the indirect stimulation by endogenous peptides. These observations suggest that RyR contributes to trophoblastic cellular Ca2+ homeostasis; trophoblastic RyRs are also involved in the functional regulation of human placenta by coupling to endogenous placental peptide-induced signalling pathways.


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Transactivation is a process whereby stimulation of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) activates signaling from receptors tyrosine kinase (RTK). In neuronal cells, the neuropeptide pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) acting through the GPCR VPAC-1 exerts trophic effects by transactivating the RTK TrkA receptor for the nerve growth factor (NGF). Both PACAP and NGF have pro-inflammatory activities on monocytes. We have tested the possibility that in monocytes, PACAP, as reported in neuronal cells, uses NGF/TrkA signaling pathway. In these cells, PACAP increases TrkA tyrosine phosphorylations through a PI-3kinase dependent but phospholipase C independent pathway. K252a, an inhibitor of TrkA decreases PACAP-induced Akt and ERK phosphorylation and calcium mobilisation resulting in decreases in intracellular H2O2 production and membrane upregulation of CD11b expression, both functions being inhibited after anti-NGF or anti-TrkA antibody treatment. K252a also inhibits PACAP-associated NF-KB activity. Monocytes increase in NGF production is seen after micromolar PACAP exposure while nanomolar treatment which desensitizes cells to high dose of PACAP prevents PACAP-induced TrkA phosphorylation, H2O2 production and CD11b expression. Finally, NGF-dependent ERK activation and H2O2 production is pertussis toxin sensitive. Altogether these data indicate that in PACAP-activated monocytes some pro-inflammatory activities occur through transactivation mechanisms involving VPAC-1, NGF and TrkA-associated tyrosine kinase activity.


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We have identified a patient with a number of neutrophil dysfunctions. The patient was a female baby who lived for 8 months. During her life, she developed severe bacterial infections and showed omphalitis, impaired wound healing, and a pronounced leukocytosis. She was not a patient with leukocyte adhesion deficiency, because all leukocyte CD18 complex proteins were expressed at normal levels. Yet, neutrophil polarization and chemotaxis to platelet-activating factor, leukotriene B4, or formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine (FMLP) were completely absent. We found a strong defect in actin polymerization in response to chemotactic stimuli, but only a retarded or even normal reaction with other stimuli. This indicates that the cellular dysfunctions were not due to an intrinsic defect in actin metabolism. Instead, the regulation of actin polymerization with chemotactic stimuli seemed to be defective. We concentrated on FMLP-induced responses in the patient's neutrophils. Functions dependent on activation of complement receptor type 3, such as aggregation or adherence to endothelial cells, were normally induced. Binding to serum-coated coverslips was normal in cell number; however, spreading was not observed. Exocytosis from the specific granules was readily induced. In contrast, FMLP failed to induce a respiratory burst activity or degranulation of the azurophil granules. FMLP induced a normal increase in free intracellular Ca2+, but a decreased formation of diglycerides (especially the 1-O-alkyl,2-acyl compounds). Thus, we have described a patient whose neutrophils show a severe defect in functional activation via chemotaxin receptors, resulting in a selective absence of NADPH oxidase activity, exocytosis from the azurophil granules, and actin polymerization. Our findings show that actin polymerization for neutrophil spreading and locomotion is regulated differently from that for phagocytosis. Also, the release of azurophil and specific granule contents is clearly shown to be regulated in a different way.


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Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) reside in the enteric tract as a commensal reservoir, but can transition to a pathogenic state by invading normally sterile niches, establishing infection and disseminating to invasive sites like the bloodstream. Macrophages are required for ExPEC dissemination, suggesting the pathogen has developed mechanisms to persist within professional phagocytes. Here, we report that FimX, an ExPEC-associated DNA invertase that regulates the major virulence factor type 1 pili (T1P), is also an epigenetic regulator of a LuxR-like response regulator HyxR. FimX regulated hyxR expression through bidirectional phase inversion of its promoter region at sites different from the type 1 pili promoter and independent of integration host factor (IHF). In vitro, transition from high to low HyxR expression produced enhanced tolerance of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs), primarily through de-repression of hmpA, encoding a nitric oxide-detoxifying flavohaemoglobin. However, in the macrophage, HyxR produced large effects on intracellular survival in the presence and absence of RNI and independent of Hmp. Collectively, we have shown that the ability of ExPEC to survive in macrophages is contingent upon the proper transition from high to low HyxR expression through epigenetic regulatory control by FimX.


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The medical treatment of chronic heart failure has undergone a dramatic transition in the past decade. Short-term approaches for altering hemodynamics have given way to long-term, reparative strategies, including beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) blockade. This was once viewed as counterintuitive, because acute administration causes myocardial depression. Cardiac myocytes from failing hearts show changes in betaAR signaling and excitation-contraction coupling that can impair cardiac contractility, but the role of these abnormalities in the progression of heart failure is controversial. We therefore tested the impact of different manipulations that increase contractility on the progression of cardiac dysfunction in a mouse model of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. High-level overexpression of the beta(2)AR caused rapidly progressive cardiac failure in this model. In contrast, phospholamban ablation prevented systolic dysfunction and exercise intolerance, but not hypertrophy, in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy mice. Cardiac expression of a peptide inhibitor of the betaAR kinase 1 not only prevented systolic dysfunction and exercise intolerance but also decreased cardiac remodeling and hypertrophic gene expression. These three manipulations of cardiac contractility had distinct effects on disease progression, suggesting that selective modulation of particular aspects of betaAR signaling or excitation-contraction coupling can provide therapeutic benefit.


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Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (G protein)-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) constitute a family of serine/threonine kinases that play a major role in the agonist-induced phosphorylation and desensitization of G-protein-coupled receptors. Herein we describe the generation of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that specifically react with GRK2 and GRK3 or with GRK4, GRK5, and GRK6. They are used in several different receptor systems to identify the kinases that are responsible for receptor phosphorylation and desensitization. The ability of these reagents to inhibit GRK- mediated receptor phosphorylation is demonstrated in permeabilized 293 cells that overexpress individual GRKs and the type 1A angiotensin II receptor. We also use this approach to identify the endogenous GRKs that are responsible for the agonist-induced phosphorylation of epitope-tagged beta2- adrenergic receptors (beta2ARs) overexpressed in rabbit ventricular myocytes that are infected with a recombinant adenovirus. In these myocytes, anti-GRK2/3 mAbs inhibit isoproterenol-induced receptor phosphorylation by 77%, while GRK4-6-specific mAbs have no effect. Consistent with the operation of a betaAR kinase-mediated mechanism, GRK2 is identified by immunoblot analysis as well as in a functional assay as the predominant GRK expressed in these cells. Microinjection of GRK2/3-specific mAbs into chicken sensory neurons, which have been shown to express a GRK3-like protein, abolishes desensitization of the alpha2AR-mediated calcium current inhibition. The intracellular inhibition of endogenous GRKs by mAbs represents a novel approach to the study of receptor specificities among GRKs that should be widely applicable to many G-protein-coupled receptors.


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Mechanical stimuli are important factors that regulate cell proliferation, survival, metabolism and motility in a variety of cell types. The relationship between mechanical deformation of the extracellular matrix and intracellular deformation of cellular sub-regions and organelles has not been fully elucidated, but may provide new insight into the mechanisms involved in transducing mechanical stimuli to biological responses. In this study, a novel fluorescence microscopy and image analysis method was applied to examine the hypothesis that mechanical strains are fully transferred from a planar, deformable substrate to cytoplasmic and intranuclear regions within attached cells. Intracellular strains were measured in cells derived from the anulus fibrosus of the intervertebral disc when attached to an elastic silicone membrane that was subjected to tensile stretch. Measurements indicated cytoplasmic strains were similar to those of the underlying substrate, with a strain transfer ratio (STR) of 0.79. In contrast, nuclear strains were much smaller than those of the substrate, with an STR of 0.17. These findings are consistent with previous studies indicating nuclear stiffness is significantly greater than cytoplasmic stiffness, as measured using other methods. This study provides a novel method for the study of cellular mechanics, including a new technique for measuring intranuclear deformations, with evidence of differential magnitudes and patterns of strain transferred from the substrate to cell cytoplasm and nucleus.


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The phenotype of somatic cells has recently been found to be reversible. Direct reprogramming of one cell type into another has been achieved with transduction and over expression of exogenous defined transcription factors emphasizing their role in specifying cell fate. To discover early and novel endogenous transcription factors that may have a role in adult-derived stem cell acquisition of a cardiomyocyte phenotype, mesenchymal stem cells from human and mouse bone marrow and rat liver were co-cultured with neonatal cardiomyocytes as an in vitro cardiogenic microenvironment. Cell-cell communications develop between the two cell types as early as 24 hrs in co-culture and are required for elaboration of a myocardial phenotype in the stem cells 8-16 days later. These intercellular communications are associated with novel Ca(2+) oscillations in the stem cells that are synchronous with the Ca(2+) transients in adjacent cardiomyocytes and are detected in the stem cells as early as 24-48 hrs in co-culture. Early and significant up-regulation of Ca(2+)-dependent effectors, CAMTA1 and RCAN1 ensues before a myocardial program is activated. CAMTA1 loss-of-function minimizes the activation of the cardiac gene program in the stem cells. While the expression of RCAN1 suggests involvement of the well-characterized calcineurin-NFAT pathway as a response to a Ca(2+) signal, the CAMTA1 up-regulated expression as a response to such a signal in the stem cells was unknown. Cell-cell communications between the stem cells and adjacent cardiomyocytes induce Ca(2+) signals that activate a myocardial gene program in the stem cells via a novel and early Ca(2+)-dependent intermediate, up-regulation of CAMTA1.


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Perceiving or producing complex vocalizations such as speech and birdsongs require the coordinated activity of neuronal populations, and these activity patterns can vary over space and time. How learned communication signals are represented by populations of sensorimotor neurons essential to vocal perception and production remains poorly understood. Using a combination of two-photon calcium imaging, intracellular electrophysiological recording and retrograde tracing methods in anesthetized adult male zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata), I addressed how the bird's own song and its component syllables are represented by the spatiotemporal patterns of activity of two spatially intermingled populations of projection neurons (PNs) in HVC, a sensorimotor area required for song perception and production. These experiments revealed that neighboring PNs can respond at markedly different times to song playback and that different syllables activate spatially intermingled HVC PNs within a small region. Moreover, noise correlation analysis reveals enhanced functional connectivity between PNs that respond most strongly to the same syllable and also provides evidence of a spatial gradient of functional connectivity specific to PNs that project to song motor nucleus (i.e. HVCRA cells). These findings support a model in which syllabic and temporal features of song are represented by spatially intermingled PNs functionally organized into cell- and syllable-type networks.


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MAPKKK dual leucine zipper-bearing kinases (DLKs) are regulators of synaptic development and axon regeneration. The mechanisms underlying their activation are not fully understood. Here, we show that C. elegans DLK-1 is activated by a Ca(2+)-dependent switch from inactive heteromeric to active homomeric protein complexes. We identify a DLK-1 isoform, DLK-1S, that shares identical kinase and leucine zipper domains with the previously described long isoform DLK-1L but acts to inhibit DLK-1 function by binding to DLK-1L. The switch between homo- or heteromeric DLK-1 complexes is influenced by Ca(2+) concentration. A conserved hexapeptide in the DLK-1L C terminus is essential for DLK-1 activity and is required for Ca(2+) regulation. The mammalian DLK-1 homolog MAP3K13 contains an identical C-terminal hexapeptide and can functionally complement dlk-1 mutants, suggesting that the DLK activation mechanism is conserved. The DLK activation mechanism is ideally suited for rapid and spatially controlled signal transduction in response to axonal injury and synaptic activity.


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Intracellular cytokine staining combined with flow cytometry is one of a number of assays designed to assess T-cell immune responses. It has the specific advantage of enabling the simultaneous assessment of multiple phenotypic, differentiation and functional parameters pertaining to responding T-cells, most notably, the expression of multiple effector cytokines. These attributes make the technique particularly suitable for the assessment of T-cell immune responses induced by novel tuberculosis vaccines in clinical trials. However, depending upon the particular nature of a given vaccine and trial setting, there are approaches that may be taken at different stages of the assay that are more suitable than other alternatives. In this paper, the Tuberculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) TB Biomarker Working group reports on efforts to assess the conditions that will determine when particular assay approaches should be employed. We have found that choices relating to the use of fresh whole blood or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and frozen PBMC; use of serum-containing or serum-free medium; length of stimulation period and use of co-stimulatory antibodies can all affect the sensitivity of intracellular cytokine assays. In the case of sample material, frozen PBMC, despite some loss of sensitivity, may be more advantageous for batch analysis. We also recommend that for multi-site studies, common antibody panels, gating strategies and analysis approaches should be employed for better comparability.


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In response to a burgeoning interest in the prospective clinical applications of hydraulic calcium (alumino)silicate cements, the in vitro bioactivity and dissolution characteristics of a white Portland cement have been investigated. The formation of an apatite layer within 6 h of contact with simulated body fluid was attributed to the rapid dissolution of calcium hydroxide from the cement matrix and to the abundance of pre-existing Si-OH nucleation sites presented by the calcium silicate hydrate phase. A simple kinetic model has been used to describe the rate of apatite formation and an apparent pseudo-second-order rate constant for the removal of HPO42- ions frorn solultion has been calculated (k(2) = 5.8 x 10(-4) g mg(-1)). Aspects of the chemistry of hydraulic cements are also discussed with respect to their potential use in the remedial treatment of living tissue. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res 90A: 166-174, 2009