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Riassunto: Dedicato «alle scuole e agli amatori della lingua», ai lettori interessati e preoccupati delle sorti della lingua nazionale, il periodico semestrale La Crusca per voi esce per la prima volta nell’ottobre 1990 con una Giustificazione e Un po’ di storia, in cui il fondatore Giovanni Nencioni spiega le ragioni dell’istituzione di un vero e proprio «consultorio linguistico», destinato ad accogliere le richieste, i dubbi, le perplessità sul corretto impiego della lingua italiana proveniente da persone di ogni livello sociale e culturale. Scopo di questo lavoro è studiare la tipologia dei quesiti posti agli accademici della Crusca, con particolare attenzione a fenomeni di carattere lessicale, negli ultimi diciotto numeri del periodico (dal 2005 al 2013, con qualche prelievo da uscite precedenti). Conclude il lavoro una breve indagine a campione sulla diffusione e la traducibilità di alcuni termini stranieri in italiano.


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Les réseaux véhiculaires mobiles, ou Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs), existent depuis les années 80, mais sont de plus en plus développés depuis quelques années dans différentes villes à travers le monde. Ils constituent un apport d’informations aux réseaux routiers grâce à la mise en place de communications entre ses constituants : principalement les véhicules, mais aussi certaines infrastructures de bords de routes liées directement aux automobilistes (feux de circulation, parcomètres, infrastructures spécialisées pour les VANETs et bien d’autres). L’ajout des infrastructures apporte un support fixe à la dissémination des informations dans le réseau. Le principal objectif de ce type de réseau est d’améliorer la sécurité routière, les conditions de circulations, et d’apporter aux conducteurs et aux passagers quelques applications publicitaires ou de divertissement. Pour cela, il est important de faire circuler l’information de la manière la plus efficace possible entre les différents véhicules. L’utilisation des infrastructures pour la simulation de ces réseaux est bien souvent négligée. En effet, une grande partie des protocoles présentés dans la littérature simulent un réseau ad-hoc avec des noeuds se déplaçant plus rapidement et selon une carte définie. Cependant, ils ne prennent pas en compte les spécificités même d’un réseau véhiculaire mobile. Le routage de l’information dans les réseaux véhiculaires mobiles utilise les infrastructures de façon certes opportuniste, mais à terme, les infrastructures seront très présentes dans les villes et sur les autoroutes. C’est pourquoi nous nous sommes concentrés dans ce mémoire à l’étude des variations des différentes métriques du routage de l’information lors de l’ajout d’infrastructures sur une autoroute avec l’utilisation du protocole de routage AODV. De plus, nous avons modifié le protocole AODV afin d’obliger les messages à emprunter le chemin passant par les infrastructures si celles-ci sont disponibles. Les résultats présentés sont encourageants, et nous montrent qu’il est important de simuler les réseaux VANETs de manière complète, en considérant les infrastructures.


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Cette étude s’intéresse à la façon dont l’enveloppe du bâtiment s’est développée au Québec depuis l’industrialisation des procédés de construction, soit vers le milieu du XIXe siècle, jusqu’à nos jours. L’étude cherche à recenser l’ensemble des critères, de nature technique, social, historique, économique ou autre, qui influencent nos façons de penser, de construire et d’entretenir l’enveloppe, et ultimement nos approches d’intervention. Ce travail comporte trois volets principaux. La première partie vise à définir le contexte de la conservation en lien avec les enjeux liés à l’enveloppe du bâtiment. Une recherche documentaire a été pas la suite réalisée autant dans des ouvrages à propension théorique que dans d’autres plus techniques, pour comprendre comment est traitée l’enveloppe, ici et ailleurs. Enfin une synthèse de l’ensemble des études devait permettre de dégager la façon dont l’enveloppe du bâtiment est comprise, diagnostiquée et traitée dans le cadre de la réhabilitation des édifices. Les résultats de ce mémoire confirment que plusieurs facteurs influencent la conception et la réalisation de l’enveloppe. Ils confirment surtout que ces facteurs sont peu tenus en compte dans la cadre actuel de la conservation. Il est souhaitable que la réflexion entamée dans ce projet de recherche puisse se poursuivre, en vue de développer un outil d’accompagnement pour les professionnels spécialisés dans ce domaine. Mots-clés : Enveloppe, identité, histoire, matériau, système, assemblage, façade, performance, conservation, réhabilitation. Envelope, enclosure, identity, history, component, system, assembly, facade, performance, conservation, refurbishment, rehabilitation.


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Concert program for Opera Workshop, Il Mondo Della Luna, November 10, 2008


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Concert program for Il Mondo Della Luna, Autumn 2008


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In this paper, the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is applied to the spectral bands of two component mixture containing oxfendazole and oxyclozanide to provide the multicomponent quantitative prediction of the related substances. With this aim in mind, the modulus of FrFT spectral bands are processed by the continuous Mexican Hat family of wavelets, being denoted by MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT. Four modulus sets are obtained for the parameter a of the FrFT going from 0.6 up to 0.9 in order to compare their effects upon the spectral and quantitative resolutions. Four linear regression plots for each substance were obtained by measuring the MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT amplitudes in the application of the MEXH family to the modulus of the FrFT. This new combined powerful tool is validated by analyzing the artificial samples of the related drugs, and it is applied to the quality control of the commercial veterinary samples.


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The ecotoxicological response of the living organisms in an aquatic system depends on the physical, chemical and bacteriological variables, as well as the interactions between them. An important challenge to scientists is to understand the interaction and behaviour of factors involved in a multidimensional process such as the ecotoxicological response.With this aim, multiple linear regression (MLR) and principal component regression were applied to the ecotoxicity bioassay response of Chlorella vulgaris and Vibrio fischeri in water collected at seven sites of Leça river during five monitoring campaigns (February, May, June, August and September of 2006). The river water characterization included the analysis of 22 physicochemical and 3 microbiological parameters. The model that best fitted the data was MLR, which shows: (i) a negative correlation with dissolved organic carbon, zinc and manganese, and a positive one with turbidity and arsenic, regarding C. vulgaris toxic response; (ii) a negative correlation with conductivity and turbidity and a positive one with phosphorus, hardness, iron, mercury, arsenic and faecal coliforms, concerning V. fischeri toxic response. This integrated assessment may allow the evaluation of the effect of future pollution abatement measures over the water quality of Leça River.


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In this paper, the fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) is applied to the spectral bands of two component mixture containing oxfendazole and oxyclozanide to provide the multicomponent quantitative prediction of the related substances. With this aim in mind, the modulus of FrFT spectral bands are processed by the continuous Mexican Hat family of wavelets, being denoted by MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT. Four modulus sets are obtained for the parameter a of the FrFT going from 0.6 up to 0.9 in order to compare their effects upon the spectral and quantitative resolutions. Four linear regression plots for each substance were obtained by measuring the MEXH-CWT-MOFrFT amplitudes in the application of the MEXH family to the modulus of the FrFT. This new combined powerful tool is validated by analyzing the artificial samples of the related drugs, and it is applied to the quality control of the commercial veterinary samples.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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The aim of this paper is to corn pare two technological dystopias: Emile Souvestre's Le Monde tel qu'il sera (1846) and Cordwainer Smith's "Alpha Ralpha Boulevard" (1961). Both texts present dystopian societies experienced by many of its inhabitants as being the best of possible worlds. The above authors question the massive use of technology, worry about what technology can do to human beings, how it can dehumanize them. They reveal serious social and moral concerns regarding the less privileged. These are excluded from the benefits of"Utopia" while making it possible. Both authors are childs of.. their time: they live in a period of national pride, they can see the shadows behind the luminous, the dangers resulting from human beings playing God with nature and humanity. Also, they are innovators: Souvestre announces dystopian science fiction and Smith renews with the genre announcing the New Wave movement in Anglo-American science fiction.


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Nowadays, participatory processes attending the need for real democracy and transparency in governments and collectives are more needed than ever. Immediate participation through channels like social networks enable people to give their opinion and become pro-active citizens, seeking applications to interact with each other. The application described in this dissertation is a hybrid channel of communication of questions, petitions and participatory processes based on Public Participation Geographic Information System (PPGIS), Participation Geographic Information System (PGIS) and ‘soft’ (subjective data) Geographic Information System (SoftGIS) methodologies. To achieve a new approach to an application, its entire design is focused on the spatial component related with user interests. The spatial component is treated as main feature of the system to develop all others depending on it, enabling new features never seen before in social actions (questions, petitions and participatory processes). Results prove that it is possible to develop a working application mainly using open source software, with the possibility of spatial and subject filtering, visualizing and free download of actions within application. The resulting application empowers society by releasing soft data and defines a new breaking approach, unseen so far.


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This study focuses on the implementation of several pair trading strategies across three emerging markets, with the objective of comparing the results obtained from the different strategies and assessing if pair trading benefits from a more volatile environment. The results show that, indeed, there are higher potential profits arising from emerging markets. However, the higher excess return will be partially offset by higher transaction costs, which will be a determinant factor to the profitability of pair trading strategies. Also, a new clustering approach based on the Principal Component Analysis was tested as an alternative to the more standard clustering by Industry Groups. The new clustering approach delivers promising results, consistently reducing volatility to a greater extent than the Industry Group approach, with no significant harm to the excess returns.