997 resultados para Humid years
Audit report on the Iowa Corn Promotion Board for the years ended August 31, 2014 and 2013
PURPOSE: Almost five years have elapsed since the introduction of latanoprost on several markets and considering the large number of publications dealing with it, the authors felt that it was worth re-evaluating the drug. METHODS: The criterion used to select trials for inclusion in the review was: all articles mentioning the drug in common electronic data-bases; these were then screened and considered, on the basis of methodological quality. RESULTS: Experimental data suggest that latanoprost acts by remodeling the extracellular matrix in the ciliary muscle, thus increasing the flow of aqueous humor through the ciliary muscle bundles of the uveoscleral pathway. POAG: Latanoprost persistently improves the pulsatile ocular blood flow in primary open angle glaucoma (POAG). Recent trials confirmed the greater IOP-lowering efficacy of latanoprost vs. timolol, dorzolamide, brimonidine and unoprostone. Trials lasting up to 24 months showed that latanoprost is effective in long-term treatment of POAG and ocular hypertension (OH), with no signs of loss of efficacy when compared to timolol or dorzolamide. Latanoprost provides better control of circadian IOP. Non-responders to beta-blockers should preferably be switched to latanoprost monotherapy before a combination therapy is started. The possibility of a fixed combination of latanoprost and timolol has been explored, with promising results. NTG: Latanoprost is effective in normal tension glaucoma (NTG), lowering IOP, improving pulsatile ocular blood flow and increasing ocular perfusion pressure. OTHER GLAUCOMAS: Latanoprost may provide effective IOP control in angle-closure glaucoma after iridectomy, in pigmentary glaucoma, glaucoma after cataract extraction and steroid-induced glaucoma. However, latanoprost was effective in only a minority of pediatric cases of glaucoma and is contraindicated in all forms of uveitic glaucoma. SAFETY: In the articles reviewed, new or duration-related adverse events were reported.
Governor Terry E. Branstad's FY2016-17 budget report.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the fiscal years ended June 30, 2011 and June 30, 2010(University of Northern Iowa)
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the fiscal years ended June yearly.(University of Northern Iowa)
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the fiscal years ended June yearly.(University of Northern Iowa)
In the early 1900s, the wolf (Canis lupus) was extirpated from France and Switzerland. There is growing evidence that the species is presently recolonizing these countries in the western Alps. By sequencing the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region of various samples mainly collected in the field (scats, hairs, regurgitates, blood or tissue; n = 292), we could (1) develop a non-invasive method enabling the unambiguous attribution of these samples to wolf, fox (Vulpes vulpes) or dog (Canis familiaris), among others; (2) demonstrate that Italian, French and Swiss wolves share the same mtDNA haplotype, a haplotype that has never been found in any other wolf population world-wide. Combined together, field and genetic data collected over 10 years corroborate the scenario of a natural expansion of wolves from the Italian source population. Furthermore, such a genetic approach is of conservation significance, since it has important consequences for management decisions. This first long-term report using non-invasive sampling demonstrates that long-distance dispersers are common, supporting the hypothesis that individuals may often attempt to colonize far from their native pack, even in the absence of suitable corridors across habitats characterized by intense human activities.
A 25-year-old male asylum-seeker presented with chest pain, exertional dyspnea, and orthopnea 20 years after the surgical repair of a pentalogy of Fallot. An extracardiac mass compressing the right ventricle was subsequently detected and surgical decompression was performed to relieve the resulting right intraventricular hypertension. At operation, the mass proved to be a coagulase-negative, staphylococcal abscess. In addition, the removal of the mass unmasked a previously nonrecognized pulmonary outflow stenosis that required balloon dilatation and beta-blocker therapy. While infections are known to occur after sternotomy, the formation of an abscess in the anterior mediastinum several years after the intervention appears to be exceptional; this diagnosis came to mind only after the more common complications had been considered, e.g., pseudoaneurysm or pericardial hematoma. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an abscess in the anterior mediastinum that had probably formed over many years following a sternotomy, compressed the right ventricle and masked a pulmonary stenosis.
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Department on Aging, goals and mission.
Aim Species distribution models (SDMs) based on current species ranges underestimate the potential distribution when projected in time and/or space. A multi-temporal model calibration approach has been suggested as an alternative, and we evaluate this using 13,000 years of data. Location Europe. Methods We used fossil-based records of presence for Picea abies, Abies alba and Fagus sylvatica and six climatic variables for the period 13,000 to 1000yr bp. To measure the contribution of each 1000-year time step to the total niche of each species (the niche measured by pooling all the data), we employed a principal components analysis (PCA) calibrated with data over the entire range of possible climates. Then we projected both the total niche and the partial niches from single time frames into the PCA space, and tested if the partial niches were more similar to the total niche than random. Using an ensemble forecasting approach, we calibrated SDMs for each time frame and for the pooled database. We projected each model to current climate and evaluated the results against current pollen data. We also projected all models into the future. Results Niche similarity between the partial and the total-SDMs was almost always statistically significant and increased through time. SDMs calibrated from single time frames gave different results when projected to current climate, providing evidence of a change in the species realized niches through time. Moreover, they predicted limited climate suitability when compared with the total-SDMs. The same results were obtained when projected to future climates. Main conclusions The realized climatic niche of species differed for current and future climates when SDMs were calibrated considering different past climates. Building the niche as an ensemble through time represents a way forward to a better understanding of a species' range and its ecology in a changing climate.
Due to important alteration caused by long time decomposition, the gases in human bodies buried for more than a year have not been investigated. For the first time, the results of gas analysis sampled from bodies recently exhumed after 30 years are presented. Adipocere formation has prevented the bodies from too important alteration, and gaseous areas were identified. The sampling was performed with airtight syringes assisted by multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) in those specific areas. The important amount of methane (CH4), coupled to weak amounts of hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), usual gaseous alteration indicators, have permitted to confirm methanogenesis mechanism for long period of alteration. H2 and CO2 produced during the first stages of the alteration process were consumed through anaerobic oxidation by methanogenic bacteria, generating CH4.
"Certainly no one person or state was the sole impetus for something as monumental as the Highway Research Board. Yet Iowa boasts of having provided many of the key people whose vision and energies literally created and sustained the HRB during its first critical years: Anson Marston, Thomas Agg, Thomas MacDonald, and Roy Crum." -- from page 2
RAPPORT DE SYNTHESE : BUT : Le but de ce sujet de recherche est d'évaluer le taux de succès et les complications à long terme de la sclérectomie profonde non pénétrante avec implant de collagène (SPIC) chez les patients atteints de glaucome à angle ouvert. METODES ET PATIENTS : Il s'agit d'une étude clinique, prospective, monocentrique, non-randomisée, effectuée sur 105 patients atteints d'un glaucome à angle ouvert médicalement non-contrôlé. Ces patients ont tous bénéficiés d'une SPIC, effectuée selon le geste chirurgicale standard (technique décrite dans l'article). Dans le cadre de cette étude, nous avons effectué un bilan ophtalmologique complet avant l'acte chirurgical puis un suivi postopératoire à 1 et 7 jours ; 1,2,3,6,9,12 mois et ensuite tous les 6 mois durant les dix années suivantes. RESULTATS : Le suivit moyen de cette étude s'étend sur 101.5 ± 43.1, [3-144] mois (moyenne ± écart type, [étendue]). La pression intraoculaire (PIO) préopératoire était élevée à 26.8 ± 7.7, (14-52] mmHg, et l'acuité visuelle corrigée à 0.71 ± 0.33, [0.02-1.5]. Au terme des dix années après le traitement chirurgical, le nombre de patients suivit était de 52 avec une pression intraoculaire abaissée à 12.2 ± 4.7, [6-20] mmHg et une acuité visuelle corrigée de 0.63 ± 0.34, [0.01-1.2]. Le nombre de médicaments par patient a diminué de 2.3 ± 0.7, [ 1-4] à 1.3 ± 1.1, [0-3]. Dix ans après la SPIC, une pression intraoculaire <_ 21 mmHg sans médicaments (succès complet) était obtenue chez 47.7 % des patients et 89 % avec ou sans traitement médicamenteux (succès relatif). Les gestes postopératoires additionnels par gonioponcture ont été effectués sur 61 yeux (59.8%) et les injections sous-conjonctival de 5-fluorouracil ont été pratiquées sur 25 yeux dont 5 incluant un needling. CONCLUSIONS : Le suivit à long terme sur une période de dix ans, démontre que la sclérectomie profonde avec implant de collagène (SPIC) est efficace dans le contrôle de la pression intraoculaire et présente peu de complications postopératoires.
The 3-year FREEDOM trial assessed the efficacy and safety of 60 mg denosumab every 6 months for the treatment of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Participants who completed the FREEDOM trial were eligible to enter an extension to continue the evaluation of denosumab efficacy and safety for up to 10 years. For the extension results presented here, women from the FREEDOM denosumab group had 2 more years of denosumab treatment (long-term group) and those from the FREEDOM placebo group had 2 years of denosumab exposure (cross-over group). We report results for bone turnover markers (BTMs), bone mineral density (BMD), fracture rates, and safety. A total of 4550 women enrolled in the extension (2343 long-term; 2207 cross-over). Reductions in BTMs were maintained (long-term group) or occurred rapidly (cross-over group) following denosumab administration. In the long-term group, lumbar spine and total hip BMD increased further, resulting in 5-year gains of 13.7% and 7.0%, respectively. In the cross-over group, BMD increased at the lumbar spine (7.7%) and total hip (4.0%) during the 2-year denosumab treatment. Yearly fracture incidences for both groups were below rates observed in the FREEDOM placebo group and below rates projected for a "virtual untreated twin" cohort. Adverse events did not increase with long-term denosumab administration. Two adverse events in the cross-over group were adjudicated as consistent with osteonecrosis of the jaw. Five-year denosumab treatment of women with postmenopausal osteoporosis maintained BTM reduction and increased BMD, and was associated with low fracture rates and a favorable risk/benefit profile.