988 resultados para Host Defense


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Non-typable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a common commensal of the human nasopharynx, but causes opportunistic infection when the respiratory tract is compromised by infection or disease. The ability of NTHi to invade epithelial cells has been described, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are poorly characterized. We previously determined that NTHi promotes phosphorylation of the serine-threonine kinase Akt in A549 human lung epithelial cells, and that Akt phosphorylation and NTHi cell invasion are prevented by inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K). Because PI3K-Akt signalling is associated with several host cell networks, the purpose of the current study was to identify eukaryotic molecules important for NTHi epithelial invasion. We found that inhibition of Akt activity reduced NTHi internalization; differently, bacterial entry was increased by phospholipase C?1 inhibition but was not affected by protein kinase inhibition. We also found that a5 and ß1 integrins, and the tyrosine kinases focal adhesion kinase and Src, are important for NTHi A549 cell invasion. NTHi internalization was shown to be favoured by activation of Rac1 guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase), together with the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Vav2 and the effector Pak1. Also, Pak1 might be associated with inactivation of the microtubule destabilizing agent Op18/stathmin, to facilitate microtubule polymerization and NTHi entry. Conversely, inhibition of RhoA GTPase and its effector ROCK increased the number of internalized bacteria. Src and Rac1 were found to be important for NTHi-triggered Akt phosphorylation. An increase in host cyclic AMP reduced bacterial entry, which was linked to protein kinase A. These findings suggest that NTHi finely manipulates host signalling molecules to invade respiratory epithelial cells.


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Antimicrobial peptides (APs) impose a threat to the survival of pathogens, and it is reasonable to postulate that bacteria have developed strategies to counteract them. Polymyxins are becoming the last resort to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria and, similar to APs, they interact with the anionic lipopolysaccharide. Given that polymyxins and APs share the initial target, it is possible that bacterial defense mechanisms against polymyxins will be also effective against host APs. We sought to determine whether exposure to polymyxin will increase Klebsiella pneumoniae resistance to host APs. Indeed, exposure of K. pneumoniae to polymyxin induces cross-resistance not only to polymyxin itself but also to APs present in the airways. Polymyxin treatment upregulates the expression of the capsule polysaccharide operon and the loci required to modify the lipid A with aminoarabinose and palmitate with a concomitant increase in capsule and lipid A species containing such modifications. Moreover, these surface changes contribute to APs resistance and also to polymyxin-induced cross-resistance to APs. Bacterial loads of lipid A mutants in trachea and lungs of intranasally infected mice were lower than those of wild-type strain. PhoPQ, PmrAB, and the Rcs system govern polymyxin-induced transcriptional changes, and there is a cross talk between PhoPQ and the Rcs system. Our findings support the notion that Klebsiella activates a defense program against APs that is controlled by three signaling systems. Therapeutic strategies directed to prevent the activation of this program could be a new approach worth exploring to facilitate the clearance of the pathogen from the airways.


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Plant roots can establish associations with neutral, beneficial and pathogenic groups of soil organisms. Although it has been recognized from the study of individual isolates that these associations are individually important for plant growth, little is known about interactions of whole assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms associating with plants. We investigated the influence of an interaction between local arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungal and pathogenic/saprobic microbial assemblages on the growth of two different plant species from semi-arid grasslands in NE Germany (Mallnow near Berlin). In a greenhouse experiment each plant species was grown for six months in either sterile soil or in sterile soil with one of three different treatments: 1) an AM fungal spore fraction isolated from field soil from Mallnow; 2) a soil pathogen/saprobe fraction consisting of a microbial community prepared with field soil from Mallnow and; 3) the combined AM fungal and pathogen/saprobe fractions. While both plant species grew significantly larger in the presence of AM fungi, they responded negatively to the pathogen/saprobe treatment. For both plant species, we found evidence of pathogen protection effects provided by the AM fungal assemblages. These results indicate that interactions between assemblages of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms can influence the growth of host plants, but that the magnitude of these effects is plant species-specific.


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The Arabidopsis thaliana CORONATINE INSENSITIVE1 (COI1) gene encodes an F-box protein to assemble SCF(COI1) complexes essential for response to jasmonates (JAs), which are a family of plant signaling molecules required for many essential functions, including plant defense and reproduction. To better understand the molecular basis of JA action, we screened for suppressors of coi1 and isolated a coi1 suppressor1 (cos1) mutant. The cos1 mutation restores the coi1-related phenotypes, including defects in JA sensitivity, senescence, and plant defense responses. The COS1 gene was cloned through a map-based approach and found to encode lumazine synthase, a key component in the riboflavin pathway that is essential for diverse yet critical cellular processes. We demonstrated a novel function for the riboflavin pathway that acts downstream of COI1 in the JA signaling pathway and is required for suppression of the COI1-mediated root growth, senescence, and plant defense.


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We obtained high-resolution, high-contrast optical imaging in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey i′ band with the LuckyCam camera mounted on the 2.56 m Nordic Optical Telescope, to search for faint stellar companions to 16 stars harbouring transiting exoplanets. The Lucky imaging technique uses very short exposures to obtain near diffraction-limited images yielding sub-arcsecond sensitivity, allowing us to search for faint stellar companions within the seeing disc of the primary planet host. Here, we report the detection of two candidate stellar companions to the planet host TrES-1 at separations <6.5 arcsec and we confirm stellar companions to CoRoT-2, CoRoT-3, TrES-2, TrES-4 and HAT-P-7 already known in the literature. We do not confirm the candidate companions to HAT-P-8 found via Lucky imaging by Bergfors et al., however, most probably because HAT-P-8 was observed in poor seeing conditions. Our detection sensitivity limits allow us to place constraints on the spectral types and masses of the putative bound companions to the planet host stars in our sample. If bound, the stellar companions identified in this work would provide stringent observational constraints to models of planet formation and evolution. In addition, these companions could affect the derived physical properties of the exoplanets in these systems.


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Super-luminous supernovae have a tendency to occur in faint host galaxies which are likely to have low mass and low metallicity. While these extremely luminous explosions have been observed from z=0.1 to 1.55, the closest explosions allow more detailed investigations of their host galaxies. We present a detailed analysis of the host galaxy of SN 2010gx (z=0.23), one of the best studied super-luminous type Ic supernovae. The host is a dwarf galaxy (M_g=-17.42+/-0.17) with a high specific star formation rate. It has a remarkably low metallicity of 12+log(O/H)=7.5+/-0.1 dex as determined from the detection of the [OIII] 4363 Angs line. This is the first reliable metallicity determination of a super-luminous stripped-envelope supernova host. We collected deep multi-epoch imaging with Gemini + GMOS between 240-560 days after explosion to search for any sign of radioactive nickel-56, which might provide further insights on the explosion mechanism and the progenitor's nature. We reach griz magnitudes of m_AB~26, but do not detect SN 2010gx at these epochs. The limit implies that any nickel-56 production was similar to or below that of SN 1998bw (a luminous type Ic SN that produced around 0.4 M_sun of nickel-56). The low volumetric rates of these supernovae (~10^-4 of the core-collapse population) could be qualitatively matched if the explosion mechanism requires a combination of low-metallicity (below 0.2 Z_sun), high progenitor mass (>60 M_sun) and high rotation rate (fastest 10% of rotators).


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Epidermal keratinocytes produce and secrete antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that subsequently form a chemical shield on the skin surface. Cathelicidins are one family of AMPs in skin with various further immune functions. Consequently, dysfunction of these peptides has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin disease. In particular, the cathelicidin LL-37 is overexpressed in inflamed skin in psoriasis, binds to extracellular self-DNA released from dying cells and converts self-DNA in a potent stimulus for plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs). Subsequently, pDCs secrete type I interferons and trigger an auto-inflammatory cascade. Paradoxically, therapies targeting the vitamin D pathway such as vitamin D analogues or UVB phototherapy ameliorate cutaneous inflammation in psoriasis but strongly induce cathelicidin expression in skin at the same time. Current evidence now suggests that self-DNA present in the cytosol of keratinocytes is also pro-inflammatory active and triggers IL-1β secretion in psoriatic lesions through the AIM2 inflammasome. This time, however, binding of LL-37 to self-DNA neutralizes DNA-mediated inflammation. Hence, cathelicidin LL-37 shows contrasting roles in skin inflammation in psoriasis and might serve as a target for novel therapies for this chronic skin disease.


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Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are effectors of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. An array of AMPs can be found in and on the skin. Those include peptides that were first discovered for their antimicrobial properties but also proteins with antimicrobial activity first characterized for their activity as chemokines, enzymes, enzyme inhibitors and neuropeptides. Cathelicidins were among the first families of AMPs discovered in skin. They are now known to exert a dual role in innate immune defense: they have direct antimicrobial activity and will also initiate a host cellular response resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and angiogenesis. Altered cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis, rosacea and psoriasis. Until recently the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were not known. Lately, vitamin D3 was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression and entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both, innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signalling may provide novel approaches for the treatment of infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions through AMP regulation.


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Constant exposure to a wide variety of microbial pathogens represents a major challenge for our skin. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are mediators of cutaneous innate immunity and protect primarily against microbial infections. Cathelicidins were among the first AMPs identified in human skin and recent evidence suggests that they exert a dual role in innate immune defense: At first, due to their antimicrobial activity they kill pathogens directly. In addition, these peptides initiate a potent host response to infection resulting in cytokine release, inflammation and a cellular response. Disturbed cathelicidin expression and function was observed in several common inflammatory skin diseases, such as psoriasis where cathelicidin peptide converts inert self-DNA and self-RNA into an autoimmune stimulus. In atopic dermatitis decreased levels of cathelicidin facilitating microbial superinfections have been discussed. Furthermore, abnormally processed cathelicidin peptides induce inflammation and a vascular response in rosacea. Until recently, the molecular mechanisms underlying cathelicidin regulation were unknown. Recently, the vitamin D3 pathway was identified as the major regulator of cathelicidin expression. Consequently, vitamin D3 entered the spotlight as an immune modulator with impact on both innate and adaptive immunity. Therapies targeting vitamin D3 signaling may provide new approaches for infectious and inflammatory skin diseases by affecting both innate and adaptive immune functions.


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Background: Excessive use of empirical antibiotics is common in critically ill patients. Rapid biomarker-based exclusion of infection may improve antibiotic stewardship in ventilator-acquired pneumonia (VAP). However, successful validation of the usefulness of potential markers in this setting is exceptionally rare.

Objectives: We sought to validate the capacity for specific host inflammatory mediators to exclude pneumonia in patients with suspected VAP. 

Methods: A prospective, multicentre, validation study of patients with suspected VAP was conducted in 12 intensive care units. VAP was confirmed following bronchoscopy by culture of a potential pathogen in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) at >104 colony forming units per millilitre (cfu/mL). Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), IL-8, matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8), MMP-9 and human neutrophil elastase (HNE) were quantified in BALF. Diagnostic utility was determined for biomarkers individually and in combination. 

Results: Paired BALF culture and biomarker results were available for 150 patients. 53 patients (35%) had VAP and 97 (65%) patients formed the non-VAP group. All biomarkers were significantly higher in the VAP group (p<0.001). The area under the receiver operator characteristic curve for IL-1β was 0.81; IL-8, 0.74; MMP-8, 0.76; MMP-9, 0.79 and HNE, 0.78. A combination of IL-1β and IL-8, at the optimal cut-point, excluded VAP with a sensitivity of 100%, a specificity of 44.3% and a post-test probability of 0% (95% CI 0% to 9.2%). 

Conclusions: Low BALF IL-1β in combination with IL-8 confidently excludes VAP and could form a rapid biomarker-based rule-out test, with the potential to improve antibiotic stewardship.


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This article assesses the effect that leveraging civilian defense force militias has on the dynamics of violence in civil war. We argue that the delegation of security and combat roles to local civilians shifts the primary targets of insurgent violence toward civilians, in an attempt to deter future defections, and re-establish control over the local population. This argument is assessed through an analysis of the Sunni Awakening and ancillary Sons of Iraq paramilitary program. The results suggest that at least in the Al-Anbar province of Iraq, the utilization of the civilian population in counterinsurgent roles had significant implications for the targets of insurgent violence.