968 resultados para Holly, Carol
Do cruzamento da leitura de Telling Women´s Lives, de Linda Wagner-Martin, e de In a Differente Voice, de Carol Gilligan, surgiu a ideia de dar conta de um legado escolar deixado por uma aluna do Liceu de Évora, da década de 60. Destaca-se a vivência experiencial, ingénua, conservadora e trágica, que vai do reconhecimento da singularidade e da compreensão da realidade, à confrontação com a morte.
Regions of Restricted Exchange (RREs) are an important feature of the European coastline. They are historically preferred sites for human settlement and aquaculture and their ecosystems, and consequent human use, may be at risk from eutrophication. The OAERRE project (EVK3-CT1999-0002 concerns ‘Oceanographic Applications to Eutrophication in Regions of Restricted Exchange’. It began in July 2000, and studies six sites. Four of these sites are fjords: Kongsfjorden (west coast of Spitzbergen); Gullmaren (Skagerrak coast of Sweden); Himmerfj.arden (Baltic coast of Sweden); and the Firth of Clyde (west coast of Scotland). Two are bays sheltered by sand bars: Golfe de Fos (French Mediterranean); and Ria Formosa (Portuguese Algarve). Together they exemplify a range of hydrographic and enrichment conditions. The project aims to understand the physical, biogeochemical and biological processes, and their interactions, that determine the trophic status of these coastal marine RRE through the development of simple screening models to define, predict and assess eutrophication. This paper introduces the sites and describes the component parts of a basic screening model and its application to each site using historical data. The model forms the starting point for the OAERRE project and views an RRE as a well-mixed box, exchanging with the sea at a daily rate E determined by physical processes, and converting nutrient to phytoplankton chlorophyll at a fixed yield q: It thus uses nutrient levels to estimate maximum biomass; these preliminary results are discussed in relation to objective criteria used to assess trophic status. The influence of factors such as grazing and vertical mixing on key parameters in the screening model are further studied using simulations of a complex‘research’ model for the Firth of Clyde. The future development of screening models in general and within OAERRE in particular is discussed. In addition, the paper looks ahead with a broad discussion of progress in the scientific understanding of eutrophication and the legal and socioeconomic issues that need to be taken into account in managing the trophic status of RREs.
Describes the innovative approach adopted in a UK business school to improve the number of student placements. A module was designed to provide students with the skills to search, apply for and gain a year-long placement as part of a degree ‘sandwich’ course. A blend of workshops, recorded lectures, online formative feedback exercises and one-to-one career coaching created a tailored, practical approach to skill enhancement. This session provides the presentation of the adopted methodology the results of the evaluative research, a live demonstration of the coaching approach and a discussion with the audience of ideas for development of the approach.
Concert program for Stravinsky Festival, May 8, 1972
A Doctoral Concert Featuring Compositions by Brad Sherman, June 9, 1999
Concert Program for A Concert of 17th and 18th Century Music, November 16, 1953
Concert program for The University Wind Sinfonietta, February 18, 1966
Concert program for Concerto Concert with members of the University Symphony Orchestra, May 14, 1969
Concert Program for Twentieth Century Music, Dec. 6, 1971
Concert Program for New Music by Young composers, performed by Members of the Contemporary Group, May 31, 1978
Summary : 1. Measuring health literacy in Switzerland: a review of six surveys: 1.1 Comparison of questionnaires - 1.2 Measures of health literacy in Switzerland - 1.3 Discussion of Swiss data on HL - 1.4 Description of the six surveys: 1.4.1 Current health trends and health literacy in the Swiss population (gfs-UNIVOX), 1.4.2 Nutrition, physical exercise and body weight : opinions and perceptions of the Swiss population (USI), 1.4.3 Health Literacy in Switzerland (ISPMZ), 1.4.4 Swiss Health Survey (SHS), 1.4.5 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), 1.4.6 Adult literacy and life skills survey (ALL). - 2 . Economic costs of low health literacy in Switzerland: a rough calculation. Appendix: Screenshots cost model
[Table des matières] 1. Les acteurs du système suisse de santé : les assureurs maladies, les fournisseurs de prestations, l'Etat, les assurés patients. 2. Quelle concurrence pour quelle organisation? : 2.1 Concurrence entre fournisseurs de prestations: Références étrangères (Grande-Bretagne, USA, Pays-Bas); Le système suisse: Financement et planification, Conventions tarifaires, Un élement indispensable à la concurrence: l'information. 2.2 Concurrence entre assureurs maladie. 3. Nouvelles formes d'organisation : 3.1 Les Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO); 3.2 Les HMO en Suisse: un moyen d'endiguer la croissance des coûts; 3.3 Les Nouvelles Orientations de Politique Sanitaire (NOPS); 3.4 La concurrence dans le cadre des réseaux intégrés.
F. 1 Messes votives et diverses (incompl. du début). F. 2 Messes des ss. Silvestre, Adrien [III], Senèse et Théopompe (dont les reliques étaient à Nonantola). — Addit. XIIIe s. F. 5v Incipit, Préface, Sanctus et Canon jusqu'à l'Agnus Dei. F. 10 Bénédictions épiscopales et ordinations. F. 15v Messes du Temporal et du Sanctoral mêlés : s. Denis (79v). F. 88v Oraisons diverses. F. 101v Messes de la Pentecôte à l'Avent. F. 105 Commun des saints (incompl.). — Addit. XIIIe s. F. 106 Consécration d'église. F. 108 Ordinations. F. 111v Messe pour la dédicace. — Addit. XIe s.