903 resultados para HIV-1 NDK
We have studied 65 HIV-1-infected untreated patients recruited in Caracas, Venezuela with TCD4 counts > or =350/microl. The reverse transcriptase and protease sequences of the virus were sequenced, aligned with reference HIV-1 group M strains, and analyzed for drug resistance mutations. Most of the viruses were subtype B genotype in both the protease and RT genomic regions. Five of the 62 virus isolates successfully amplified showed evidence of recombination between protease and RT, with their protease region being non-B while their RT region was derived from subtype B. Four strains were found bearing resistance mutations either to NRTIs, NNRTIs, or PIs. The prevalence of HIV-1 isolates bearing resistance mutations was therefore above the 5% threshold of WHO.
BACKGROUND: Transmitted human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV) drug resistance (TDR) mutations are transmitted from nonresponding patients (defined as patients with no initial response to treatment and those with an initial response for whom treatment later failed) or from patients who are naive to treatment. Although the prevalence of drug resistance in patients who are not responding to treatment has declined in developed countries, the prevalence of TDR mutations has not. Mechanisms causing this paradox are poorly explored. METHODS: We included recently infected, treatment-naive patients with genotypic resistance tests performed ≤1 year after infection and before 2013. Potential risk factors for TDR mutations were analyzed using logistic regression. The association between the prevalence of TDR mutations and population viral load (PVL) among treated patients during 1997-2011 was estimated with Poisson regression for all TDR mutations and individually for the most frequent resistance mutations against each drug class (ie, M184V/L90M/K103N). RESULTS: We included 2421 recently infected, treatment-naive patients and 5399 patients with no response to treatment. The prevalence of TDR mutations fluctuated considerably over time. Two opposing developments could explain these fluctuations: generally continuous increases in the prevalence of TDR mutations (odds ratio, 1.13; P = .010), punctuated by sharp decreases in the prevalence when new drug classes were introduced. Overall, the prevalence of TDR mutations increased with decreasing PVL (rate ratio [RR], 0.91 per 1000 decrease in PVL; P = .033). Additionally, we observed that the transmitted high-fitness-cost mutation M184V was positively associated with the PVL of nonresponding patients carrying M184V (RR, 1.50 per 100 increase in PVL; P < .001). Such association was absent for K103N (RR, 1.00 per 100 increase in PVL; P = .99) and negative for L90M (RR, 0.75 per 100 increase in PVL; P = .022). CONCLUSIONS: Transmission of antiretroviral drug resistance is temporarily reduced by the introduction of new drug classes and driven by nonresponding and treatment-naive patients. These findings suggest a continuous need for new drugs, early detection/treatment of HIV-1 infection.
Previously we described a heterosexual outbreak of HIV-1 subtype B in a town in the north of England (Doncaster) where 11 of 13 infections were shown to be linked by phylogenetic analysis of the env gp120 region. The 11 infections were related to a putative index case, Don1, and further divided into two groups based on the patients' disease status, their viral sequences, and other epidemiological information. Here we describe two further findings. First, we found that viral isolates and gp120 recombinant viruses derived from patients from one group used the CCR5 coreceptor, whereas viruses from the other group could use both the CCR5 and CXCR4 coreceptors. Patients with the X4/R5 dual tropic strains were symptomatic when diagnosed and progressed rapidly, in contrast to the other patient group that has remained asymptomatic, implying a link between the tropism of the strains and disease outcome. Second, we present additional sequence data derived from the index case, demonstrating the presence of sequences from both clades, with an average interclade distance of 9.56%, providing direct evidence of a genetic link between these two groups. This new study shows that Don1 harbored both strains, implying he was either dually infected or that over time intrahost diversification from the R5 to R5/X4 phenotype occurred. These events may account for/have led to the spread of two genetically related strains with different pathogenic properties within the same heterosexual community.
We report for the first time the genetic and biological characterization of 10 HIV-1 primary isolates representing CRF28_BF and CRF29_BF together with additional unique BF recombinant forms (URFs) obtained by PBMC cocultivation. Recombination is an important factor promoting the increase in the genetic diversity of HIV-1. Notably, more than 20% of HIV-1 sequences worldwide were recombinants. Several recombinant viruses were reported in Brazil, and six circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) have been identified (CRF28_BF, CRF29_BF, CRF31_BC, CRF39_BF, CRF40_BF, and CRF46_BF). CRF28_BF and CRF29_BF were found to infect almost 30% of the patients in Sao Paulo State. The near full-length genomes of these 10 primary isolates were amplified by nested PCR in three overlapping segments, purified, and sequenced. Three samples were related to CRF28_BF, three to CRF29_BF, and four were unique recombinant forms (URFs), as determined by their breakpoint profile determined with the jpHMM program. Additionally, the coreceptor usage of these isolates was investigated in vitro using GHOST assays, which revealed three dual-tropic (X4/R5) viruses, four lymphotropic (X4) viruses, and three macrophage-tropic (R5) viruses with different V3-loop motifs, which challenges the notion that GWGR-carrying viruses are macrophage-tropic only. In sum, we report a much-anticipated well-characterized panel of viruses representing CRF28_BF, CRF29_BF, and URFs from Sao Paulo State, Brazil.
The tax gene of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) diverges among isolates according to geographic regions and has been classified into two genotypes: taxA and taxB. In Brazil, taxA is the most prevalent genotype in symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers. Few studies have been conducted in HIV-infected patients. The present study characterized the tax gene (1059 bp) in 13 Brazilian HIV-1/HTLV-1-coinfected patients from the south and southeast regions. The results confirmed the transcontinental HTLV-1 subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype and showed high nucleotide similarity both among Brazilian sequences and in relation to the ATK prototype (99.5% and 99.2%, respectively). Six nucleotide substitutions were highly conserved among isolates, ranging from 76.9% to 100%: C7401T, T7914C, C7920T, C7982T, G8231A, and A8367C. The presence of the Brazilian molecular signature of genotype taxA was confirmed in all of the isolates, and they clustered into two Latin American clusters, which confirms the double introduction of HTLV-1 in Brazil.
BACKGROUND: The CD4 T cell count recovery in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals receiving potent antiretroviral therapy (ART) shows high variability. We studied the determinants and the clinical relevance of incomplete CD4 T cell restoration. METHODS: Longitudinal CD4 T cell count was analyzed in 293 participants of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study who had had a plasma HIV-1 RNA load <1000 copies/mL for > or =5 years. CD4 T cell recovery was stratified by CD4 T cell count 5 years after initiation of ART (> or =500 cells/microL was defined as a complete response, and <500 cells/microL was defined as an incomplete response). Determinants of incomplete responses and clinical events were evaluated using logistic regression and survival analyses. RESULTS: The median CD4 T cell count increased from 180 cells/microL at baseline to 576 cells/microL 5 years after ART initiation. A total of 35.8% of patients were incomplete responders, of whom 47.6% reached a CD4 T cell plateau <500 cells/microL. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention HIV-1 disease category B and/or C events occurred in 21% of incomplete responders and in 14.4% of complete responders (P>.05). Older age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 1.71 per 10-year increase; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.21-2.43), lower baseline CD4 T cell count (aOR, 0.37 per 100-cell increase; 95% CI, 0.28-0.49), and longer duration of HIV infection (aOR, 2.39 per 10-year increase; 95% CI, 1.19-4.81) were significantly associated with a CD4 T cell count <500 cells/microL at 5 years. The median increases in CD4 T cell count after 3-6 months of ART were smaller in incomplete responders (P<.001) and predicted, in conjunction with baseline CD4 T cell count and age, incomplete response with 80% sensitivity and 72% specificity. CONCLUSION: Individuals with incomplete CD4 T cell recovery to <500 cells/microL had more advanced HIV-1 infection at baseline. CD4 T cell changes during the first 3-6 months of ART already reflect the capacity of the immune system to replenish depleted CD4 T lymphocytes.
BACKGROUND: In recent years, treatment options for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection have changed from nonboosted protease inhibitors (PIs) to nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and boosted PI-based antiretroviral drug regimens, but the impact on immunological recovery remains uncertain. METHODS: During January 1996 through December 2004 [corrected] all patients in the Swiss HIV Cohort were included if they received the first combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) and had known baseline CD4(+) T cell counts and HIV-1 RNA values (n = 3293). For follow-up, we used the Swiss HIV Cohort Study database update of May 2007 [corrected] The mean (+/-SD) duration of follow-up was 26.8 +/- 20.5 months. The follow-up time was limited to the duration of the first cART. CD4(+) T cell recovery was analyzed in 3 different treatment groups: nonboosted PI, NNRTI, or boosted PI. The end point was the absolute increase of CD4(+) T cell count in the 3 treatment groups after the initiation of cART. RESULTS: Two thousand five hundred ninety individuals (78.7%) initiated a nonboosted-PI regimen, 452 (13.7%) initiated an NNRTI regimen, and 251 (7.6%) initiated a boosted-PI regimen. Absolute CD4(+) T cell count increases at 48 months were as follows: in the nonboosted-PI group, from 210 to 520 cells/muL; in the NNRTI group, from 220 to 475 cells/muL; and in the boosted-PI group, from 168 to 511 cells/muL. In a multivariate analysis, the treatment group did not affect the response of CD4(+) T cells; however, increased age, pretreatment with nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors, serological tests positive for hepatitis C virus, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stage C infection, lower baseline CD4(+) T cell count, and lower baseline HIV-1 RNA level were risk factors for smaller increases in CD4(+) T cell count. CONCLUSION: CD4(+) T cell recovery was similar in patients receiving nonboosted PI-, NNRTI-, and boosted PI-based cART.
BACKGROUND: All site-specific interactions between HIV type-1 (HIV-1) subtype, human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-associated immune selection and integrase inhibitor resistance are not completely understood. We examined naturally occurring polymorphisms in HIV-1 integrase sequences from 342 antiretroviral-naive individuals from the Western Australian HIV Cohort Study and the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. METHODS: Standard bulk sequencing and sequence-based typing were used to generate integrase sequences and high-resolution HLA genotypes, respectively. Viral residues were examined with respect to drug resistance mutations and CD8(+) T-cell escape mutations. RESULTS: In both predominantly subtype B cohorts, 12 of 38 sites that mediate integrase inhibitor resistance mutations were absolutely conserved, and these included the primary resistance mutations. There were 18 codons with non-primary drug resistance-associated substitutions at rates of up to 58.8% and eight sites with alternative polymorphisms. Five viral residues were potentially subject to dual-drug and HLA-associated immune selection in which both selective pressures either drove the same amino acid substitution (codons 72, 157 and 163) or HLA alleles were associated with an alternative polymorphism that would alter the genetic barrier to resistance (codons 125 and 193). The common polymorphism T125A, which was characteristic of non-subtype B and was also associated with carriage of HLA-B*57/*5801, increased the mutational barrier to the resistance mutation T125K. CONCLUSIONS: Primary integrase inhibitor resistance mutations were not detected in the absence of drug exposure in keeping with sites of high constraint. Viral polymorphisms caused by immune selection and/or associated with non-subtype B might alter the genetic barrier to some non-primary resistance-associated mutations.
BACKGROUND:Accurate quantification of the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) drug resistance in patients who are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) is difficult, and results from previous studies vary. We attempted to assess the prevalence and dynamics of resistance in a highly representative patient cohort from Switzerland. METHODS:On the basis of genotypic resistance test results and clinical data, we grouped patients according to their risk of harboring resistant viruses. Estimates of resistance prevalence were calculated on the basis of either the proportion of individuals with a virologic failure or confirmed drug resistance (lower estimate) or the frequency-weighted average of risk group-specific probabilities for the presence of drug resistance mutations (upper estimate). RESULTS:Lower and upper estimates of drug resistance prevalence in 8064 ART-exposed patients were 50% and 57% in 1999 and 37% and 45% in 2007, respectively. This decrease was driven by 2 mechanisms: loss to follow-up or death of high-risk patients exposed to mono- or dual-nucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitor therapy (lower estimates range from 72% to 75%) and continued enrollment of low-risk patients who were taking combination ART containing boosted protease inhibitors or nonnucleoside reverse-transcriptase inhibitors as first-line therapy (lower estimates range from 7% to 12%). A subset of 4184 participants (52%) had >or= 1 study visit per year during 2002-2007. In this subset, lower and upper estimates increased from 45% to 49% and from 52% to 55%, respectively. Yearly increases in prevalence were becoming smaller in later years. CONCLUSIONS:Contrary to earlier predictions, in situations of free access to drugs, close monitoring, and rapid introduction of new potent therapies, the emergence of drug-resistant viruses can be minimized at the population level. Moreover, this study demonstrates the necessity of interpreting time trends in the context of evolving cohort populations.
Although infection by primary HIV type 1 (HIV-1) isolates normally requires the functional interaction of the viral envelope protein with both CD4 and the CCR-5 coreceptor, a subset of such isolates also are able to use the distinct CCR-3 receptor. By analyzing the ability of a series of wild-type and chimeric HIV-1 envelope proteins to mediate CCR-3-dependent infection, we have determined that CCR-3 tropism maps to the V1 and V2 variable region of envelope. Although substitution of the V1/V2 region of a CCR-3 tropic envelope into the context of a CCR-5 tropic envelope is both necessary and sufficient to confer CCR-3 tropism, this same substitution has no phenotypic effect when inserted into a CXCR-4 tropic HIV-1 envelope context. However, this latter chimera acquires both CCR-3 and CCR-5 tropism when a CCR-5 tropic V3 loop sequence also is introduced. These data demonstrate that the V1/2 region of envelope can, like the V3 loop region, encode a particular coreceptor requirement and suggest that a functional envelope:CCR-3 interaction may depend on the cooperative interaction of CCR-3 with both the V1/V2 and the V3 region of envelope.
The cytokine interleukin (IL) 18 (formerly interferon γ-inducing factor) induces the T helper type 1 response. In the present studies, IL-18 increased HIV type 1 (HIV-1) production from 5- to 30-fold in the chronically infected U1 monocytic cell line. Inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) activity by the addition of TNF-binding protein reduced IL-18-stimulated HIV-1 production by 48%. In the same cultures, IL-18-induced IL-8 was inhibited by 96%. Also, a neutralizing anti-IL-6 mAb reduced IL-18-induced HIV-1 by 63%. Stimulation of U1 cells with IL-18 resulted in increased production of IL-6, and exogenous IL-6 added to U1 cells increased HIV-1 production 4-fold over control. A specific inhibitor of the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase reduced IL-18-induced HIV-1 by 73%, and a 50% inhibition was observed at 0.05 μM. In the same cultures, IL-8 was inhibited by 87%. By gel-shift and supershift analyses, increased binding activity of the transcription factor NF-κB was measured in nuclear extracts from U1 cells 1 h after exposure to IL-18. These results demonstrate induction of HIV-1 by IL-18 in a monocyte target associated with an intermediate role for TNF and IL-6, activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and nuclear translocation of NF-κB.
Correlates of virus load and characteristics of virus-producing cells in tonsillar tissue were investigated. Our results suggest that when less than 1:100 tonsillar CD4+ T cells from individuals infected with HIV type-1 (HIV-1) contain replication competent provirus, the level of CD4+ T cells in tonsils is comparable to that observed in uninfected individuals. Virus load at or above this level was associated with low CD4 cell numbers in tonsillar tissue. Only a few percent of all infected T cells in tonsillar tissue were active virus producers, with minor differences observed between individuals. Plasma viremia was found to correlate with infectious virus load in tonsillar tissue. With less than 1:1,000 of CD4 cells in lymphoid tissues being involved in active virus production, direct cytopathic effect by HIV-1 on infected CD4 cells is unlikely to fully explain the immunodeficiency seen in AIDS.
Cotton rats (Sigmodon hispidus and S. fulviventer) are susceptible to many viruses that infect humans (e.g., poliovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, and parainfluenza virus) and have been influential in developing therapeutic clinical intervention strategies for many viral infections of man. This study set out to determine whether cotton rats are susceptible to infection with HIV type 1 (HIV-1). Results indicate that HIV-1 does infect the cotton rat and S. fulviventer is more susceptible than S. hispidus. The virus was passaged from animal to animal for a total of three serial passages; but HIV replicated poorly in vivo, was only detectable as proviral DNA, and never exceeded one provirus per 1.8 × 105 cotton rat peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Infection induced a distinct and characteristic anti-HIV antibody response that, in some animals, included neutralizing antibodies, recognized all of the major HIV-1 antigens and the antibodies lasted out to 52 wk post-infection. Neonate S. fulviventer were not more susceptible to infection than adults. In vitro culture studies produced indirect evidence of viral replication by detection of viral gag gene RNA in reverse transcriptase–PCR assays on viral culture supernatants. Collectively, these results indicate that HIV-1 can replicate in a nontransgenic rodent and that this system may have potential as an animal model for HIV-1 infection if viral replication rates can be improved in vivo.
Previously, we showed that the addition of human erythrocyte glycosphingolipids (GSLs) to nonhuman CD4+ or GSL-depleted human CD4+ cells rendered those cells susceptible to HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein-mediated cell fusion. Individual components in the GSL mixture were isolated by fractionation on a silica-gel column and incorporated into the membranes of CD4+ cells. GSL-supplemented target cells were then examined for their ability to fuse with TF228 cells expressing HIV-1LAI envelope glycoprotein. We found that one GSL fraction, fraction 3, exhibited the highest recovery of fusion after incorporation into CD4+ nonhuman and GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells and that fraction 3 contained a single GSL fraction. Fraction 3 was characterized by MS, NMR spectroscopy, enzymatic analysis, and immunostaining with an antiglobotriaosylceramide (Gb3) antibody and was found to be Gal(α1→4)Gal(β1→4)Glc-Cer (Gb3). The addition of fraction 3 or Gb3 to GSL-depleted HeLa-CD4 cells recovered fusion, but the addition of galactosylceramide, glucosylceramide, the monosialoganglioside, GM3, lactosylceramide, globoside, the disialoganglioside, GD3, or α-galactosidase A-digested fraction 3 had no effect. Our findings show that the neutral GSL, Gb3, is required for CD4/CXCR4-dependent HIV-1 fusion.
The use of Moloney murine leukemia virus (Mo-MLV)-based vectors to deliver therapeutic genes into target cells is limited by their inability to transduce nondividing cells. To test the capacity of HIV-based vectors to deliver genes into nondividing cells, we have generated replication-defective HIV type 1 (HIV-1) reporter vectors carrying neomycin phosphotransferase or mouse heat stable antigen, replacing the HIV-1 sequences encoding gp160. These vectors also harbor inactive vpr, vpu, and nef coding regions. Pseudotyped HIV-1 particles carrying either the ecotropic or the amphotropic Mo-MLV envelope proteins or the vesicular stomatitis virus G protein were released after single or double transfections of either human 293T or monkey COS-7 cells with titers of up to 107 colony-forming units per milliliter. A simple ultrafiltration procedure resulted in an additional 10- to 20-fold concentration of the pseudotyped particles. These vectors along with Mo-MLV-based vectors were used to transduce primary human skin fibroblasts and human peripheral blood CD34+ cells. The HIV-1 vector system was significantly more efficient than its Mo-MLV-based counterpart in transducing human skin fibroblasts arrested at the G0/G1 stage of the cell cycle by density-dependent inhibition of growth. Human CD34+ cells were transduced efficiently using HIV-1 pseudotype particles without prior stimulation with cytokines.