880 resultados para HIGH-FAT
It is already known that the behaviour of the honeybee Apis mellifera is influenced by the Earth's magnetic field. Recently it has been proposed that iron-rich granules found inside the fat body cells of this honeybee had small magnetite crystals that were responsible for this behaviour. In the present work, we studied the iron containing granules from queens of two species of honeybees (A. mellifera and Scaptotrigona postica) by electron microscopy methods in order to clarify this point. The granules were found inside rough endoplasmic reticulum cisternae. Energy dispersive X-ray analysis of granules from A. mellifera showed the presence of iron, phosphorus and calcium. The same analysis performed on the granules of S. postica also indicated the presence of these elements along with the additional element magnesium. The granules of A. mellifera were composed of apoferritin-like particles in the periphery while in the core, clusters of organised particles resembling holoferritin were seen. The larger and more mineralised granules of S. postica presented structures resembling ferritin cores in the periphery, and smaller electron dense particles inside the bulk. Electron spectroscopic images of the granules from A. mellifera showed that iron, oxygen and phosphorus were co-localised in the ferritin-like deposits. These results indicate that the iron-rich granules of these honeybees are formed by accumulation of ferritin and its degraded forms together with elements present inside the rough endoplasmic reticulum, such as phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. It is suggested that the high level of phosphate in the milieu would prevent the crystallisation of iron oxides in these structures, making very unlikely their participation in magnetoreception mechanisms. They are most probably involved in iron homeostasis. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose: To determine whether a high energy dense diet intake increases oxidative stress and alters antioxidant enzymes in cardiac tissue. Design: A randomized, controlled study. Ninety-day-old female rats were randomly divided into two groups: one fed with a low energy dense diet (LE; 3.0 kcal g-1) and one with a high energy dense diet (HE; 4.5 kcal g-1). Materials and Methods: After 8 weeks of treatment, the animals were fasted overnight and sacrificed by decapitation. The serum was used for glucose, triacylglycerol, cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol determinations. The glycogen, lipoperoxide, lipid hydroperoxide, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase, lactate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase, total and non-protein sulphhydryl groups were determined in cardiac tissue. Results: HE decreased the myocardial glycogen content and increased the lactate dehydrogenase/citrate synthase ratio, indicating an increased glycolytic pathway and a shift from myocardial aerobic metabolism. HE-treated female rats showed increased lipoperoxide and hydroperoxide levels in cardiac tissue. Although no alterations were observed in the total sulphhydryl group and superoxide dismutase activities, glutathione peroxidase and the non-protein sulphhydryl group were significantly decreased in HE-treated animals. Conclusions: Although no alterations were observed in energy intake, HE induced an increased intake of fat and carbohydrate and an increased rate of weight gain. HE intake induced alterations in markers of oxidative stress in cardiac tissue. Hydrogen peroxide is an important toxic intermediate in the development of cardiac oxidative stress by HE. The specific nutrient content, such as fat and carbohydrate, rather than caloric intake, appears to be the main process inducing oxidative stress in HE-treated female rats.
Whether the consumption of egg yolk, which has a very high cholesterol content without excess saturated fats, has deleterious effects on lipid metabolism is controversial. Absorbed dietary cholesterol enters the bloodstream as chylomicrons, but the effects of regular consumption of large amounts of cholesterol on the metabolism of this lipoprotein have not been explored even though the accumulation of chylomicron remnants is associated with coronary artery disease (CAD). We investigated the effects of high dietary cholesterol on chylomicron metabolism in normolipidemic, healthy young men. The plasma kinetics of a chylomicron-like emulsion, doubly-labeled with 14C-cholesteryl ester ( 14C-CE) and 3H-triolein ( 3H-TG) were assessed in 25 men (17-22 y old, BMI 24.1 ± 3.4 kg/m 2). One group (n = 13) consumed 174 ± 41 mg cholesterol/d and no egg yolk. The other group (n = 12) consumed 3 whole eggs/d for a total cholesterol intake of 804 ± 40 mg/d. The nutritional composition of diets was the same for both groups, including total lipids and saturated fat, which comprised 25 and 7%, respectively, of energy intake. Serum LDL and HDL cholesterol and apoprotein B concentrations were higher in the group consuming the high-cholesterol diet (P < 0.05), but serum triacylglycerol, apo AI, and lipoprotein (a) did not differ between the 2 groups. The fractional clearance rate (FCR) of the 14C-CE emulsion, obtained by compartmental analysis, was 52% slower in the high-cholesterol than in the low-cholesterol group (P < 0.001); the 3H-TG FCR did not differ between the groups. Finally, we concluded that high cholesterol intakes increase the residence time of chylomicron remnants, as indicated by the 14C-CE kinetics, which may have undesirable effects related to the development of CAD. © 2006 American Society for Nutrition.
The effect of milk treatment (heat, high hydrostatic pressure - HHP, or combined heat and HHP) on acidification, physicochemical characteristics, and probiotic cell counts in low fat yogurt was studied. All samples were analyzed for fermentation time, pH, titratable acidity, total solids, water-holding capacity, syneresis, Hunter L*, a*, and b* values, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp bulgaricus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium longum. The application of HHP combined with thermal treatment resulted in yogurt gels with attractive physicochemical characteristics and high water-holding capacity. In addition to this, the milk treatment did not affect the probiotic bacteria growth. The balance of strains in the starter culture and level of inoculation influenced the yogurt fermentation and properties. The use of combined heat and HHP to treat milk before yogurt fermentation could be an alternative process for obtaining high quality, additive-free healthy products.
Background. Obesity has been associated with a variety of disease such as type II diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension and atherosclerosis. Evidences have shown that exercise training promotes beneficial effects on these disorders, but the underlying mechanisms are not fully understood. The aim of this study was to investigate whether physical preconditioning prevents the deleterious effect of high caloric diet in vascular reactivity of rat aortic and mesenteric rings. Methods. Male Wistar rats were divided into sedentary (SD); trained (TR); sedentary diet (SDD) and trained diet (TRD) groups. Run training (RT) was performed in sessions of 60 min, 5 days/week for 12 weeks (70-80% VO2max). Triglycerides, glucose, insulin and nitrite/nitrate concentrations (NOx -) were measured. Concentration- response curves to acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were obtained. Expression of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD-1) was assessed by Western blotting. Results. High caloric diet increased triglycerides concentration (SDD: 216 ± 25 mg/dl) and exercise training restored to the baseline value (TRD: 89 ± 9 mg/dl). Physical preconditioning significantly reduced insulin levels in both groups (TR: 0.54 ± 0.1 and TRD: 1.24 ± 0.3 ng/ml) as compared to sedentary animals (SD: 0.87 ± 0.1 and SDD: 2.57 ± 0.3 ng/ml). On the other hand, glucose concentration was slightly increased by high caloric diet, and RT did not modify this parameter (SD: 126 ± 6; TR: 140 ± 8; SDD: 156 ± 8 and TRD 153 ± 9 mg/dl). Neither high caloric diet nor RT modified NO x - levels (SD: 27 ± 4; TR: 28 ± 6; SDD: 27 ± 3 and TRD: 30 ± 2 μM). Functional assays showed that high caloric diet impaired the relaxing response to ACh in mesenteric (about 13%), but not in aortic rings. RT improved the relaxing responses to ACh either in aortic (28%, for TR and 16%, to TRD groups) or mesenteric rings (10%, for TR and 17%, to TRD groups) that was accompanied by up-regulation of SOD-1 expression and reduction in triglycerides levels. Conclusion. The improvement in endothelial function by physical preconditioning in mesenteric and aortic arteries from high caloric fed-rats was directly related to an increase in NO bioavailability to the smooth muscle mostly due to SOD-1 up regulation. © 2008 de Moraes et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
In search of an adequate model for the human metabolic syndrome, the metabolic characteristics of Wistar rats were analysed after being submitted to different protocols of high fructose ingestion. First, two adult rat groups (aged 90 d) were studied: a control group (C1; n 6) received regular rodent chow (Labina, Purina) and a fructose group (F1; n 6) was fed on regular rodent chow. Fructose was administered as a 10 % solution in drinking water. Second, two adult rat groups (aged 90 d) were evaluated: a control group (C2; n 6) was fed on a balanced diet (AIN-93G) and a fructose group (F2; n 6) was fed on a purified 60 % fructose diet. Finally, two young rat groups (aged 28 d) were analysed: a control group (C3; n 6) was fed on the AIN-93G diet and a fructose group (F3; n 6) was fed on a 60 % fructose diet. After 4-8 weeks, the animals were evaluated. Glucose tolerance, peripheral insulin sensitivity, blood lipid profile and body fat were analysed. In the fructose groups F2 and F3 glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity were lower, while triacylglycerolaemia was higher than the respective controls C2 and C3 (P < 0.05). Blood total cholesterol, HDL and LDL as well as body fat showed change only in the second protocol. In conclusion, high fructose intake is more effective at producing the signs of the metabolic syndrome in adult than in young Wistar rats. Additionally, diet seems to be a more effective way of fructose administration than drinking water.
The level of high-density lipoprotein is thought to be critical in inhibiting lesion formation as well as reducing the lipid load of preexisting atherosclerotic lesions. With the aim of determining the main determinants of plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-c) in free-living adults, 997 individuals (52.3 10 years, 67 females) were selected for a descriptive cross-sectional study. The used data corresponded to the baseline obtained from participants clinically selected for a lifestyle modification program. Covariables of clinical, anthropometry, food intake, aerobic fitness, and plasma biochemistry were analyzed against plasma HDL-c either as continuous or categorized variables. After adjustments for age, gender, and BMI the excess of abdominal fat along with high carbohydrate-energy intake and altered plasma triglycerides were the stronger predictors of reduced plasma HDL-c. In conclusion lifestyle interventions aiming to normalize abdominal fatness and plasma triglycerides are recommended to restore normal levels of HDL-c in these free-living adults. Copyright © 2011 Erick Prado de Oliveira et al.
Spent coffee grounds (SCG), which are the residue obtained from the treatment of coffee with hot water or steam, can be used for industrial applications, due to the high content in lipids. The cosmetic products might be a suitable application for these types of residues because the barrier properties of the stratum corneum (SC) are largely dependent on the intactness of the lipid lamellae that surrounds the corneocytes. The purpose of this work was to assess the feasibility of using the lipid fraction of SCG extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide in the development of new cosmetic formulations with improved skin lipids (sebum) and hydration. The use of spent coffee lipid extract in cosmetic industry seems to be a suitable approach to recycle the wastes from coffee industry. Emulsion containing 10% of the lipid fraction of SCG (SpentCofOil cream) presented promising characteristics in the improvement of sebum skin levels with a good acceptance by consumers when compared to an emulsion containing 10% w/w of green coffee oil (GreenCofOil cream) and a placebo without coffee oil (NoCofOil cream). Practical applications: In this work, the authors develop and characterize a cream containing 10% of the lipid fraction of SCG extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide with improved skin lipids (sebum) and hydration. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
Objective: Although previous studies have analyzed the association between cardiovascular risk factors and blood pressure in adolescents, few studies conducted in developing countries analyzed whether the aggregation of risk factors contributes to an increased risk of high blood pressure in adolescents. The objective of this study was to assess the association between cardiovascular risk factors (including general overweight, abdominal obesity, high consumption of foods rich in fats, and insufficient physical activity levels) and high blood pressure in adolescents.Methods: This study was carried out from 2007 to 2008 with 1021 adolescents (528 girls) from primary schools located in the city of Londrina- Brazil. Blood pressure was assessed using an oscillometric device. General overweight was obtained through body mass index, abdominal obesity was assessed using waist circumference, and the consumption of foods rich in fat and physical activity were assessed using a questionnaire. The sum of these risk factors was determined.Results: Adolescents with three or four aggregated risk factors were more likely to have higher values of systolic and diastolic blood pressure when compared with adolescents who did not have any cardiovascular risk factors (P = 0.001 for both). Logistic regression indicated that groups of adolescents with 2 (OR = 2.46 [1.11-5.42]; P = 0.026), 3 (OR = 4.97 [2.07-11.92]; P = 0.001) or 4 risk factors (OR = 6.79 [2.24-19.9]; P = 0.001) presented an increased likelihood of high blood pressure.Conclusions: The number of cardiovascular risk factors was found to be related to high blood pressure in adolescents. (C) 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Bioactive components in rice vary depending on the variety and growing condition. Fat-soluble components such as gamma-oryzanol, tocopherols, tocotrienols, carotenoids, and fatty acids were analyzed in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties using established high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and GC methodologies. In addition, these colored rice varieties were further analyzed using a high-resolution liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) (LTQ-Orbitrap XL) to identify the [M-H](-) ions of gamma-oryzanol, ranging from m/z 573.3949 to 617.4211. The highest content of tocopherols (alpha-, 1.5; gamma-, 0.5 mg/100 g) and carotenoids (lutein 244; trans-beta carotene 25 mu g/100 g) were observed in black rice; tocotrienols (alpha-, 0.07; gamma-, 0.14 mg/100 g) in red rice, and gamma-oryzanol (115 mg/100 g) in sugary brown rice. In all colored rice varieties, the major fatty acids were palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1n-9), and linoleic (18:2n-6) acids. When the gamma-oryzanol components were further analyzed by LC-MS/MS, 3, 10, 8, and 8 triterpene alcohols or sterol ferulates were identified in brown, sugary brown, red, and black rice varieties, respectively. Such structural identification can lead to the elucidation of biological function of each component at the molecular level. Consumption of colored rice rich in beneficial bioactive compounds may be a useful dietary strategy for achieving optimal health.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective was to identify a fat-to-protein ratio (FPR) cut-off to diagnose subclinical ketosis (SCK) and to evaluate the effect of propylene glycol (PPG) treatment of cows with high FPR. The optimized cut-off was > 1.42; sensitivity (Se) = 92%; specificity (Sp) = 65%. A cut-off > 1.5 was selected for the PPG trial for balanced Se-Sp. Fat-to-protein ratio cut-offs > 1.25, 1.35, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 resulted in Se-Sp of 100% to 49%, 96% to 59%, 75% to 78%, 33% to 90%, and 8% to 96%, respectively. The proportions of cows with FPR > 1.25, 1.35, 1.42, 1.50, 1.60, and 1.70 were 60%, 50%, 44%, 30%, 14%, and 6%, respectively. Incidences of clinical ketosis and milk yield were similar between cows that received 400 mL of PPG (n = 34) and control cows (n = 38). Prevalence of SCK at enrollment was 29.2%; therefore, FPR > 1.5 is not indicated for treatment. Lower cut-offs should be used for screening.
The aim of this study was to determine whether high blood pressure (HBP) is associated with sedentary behavior in young people even after controlling for potential confounders (gender, age, socioeconomic level, tobacco, alcohol, obesity and physical activity). In this epidemiological study, 1231 adolescents were evaluated. Blood pressure was measured with an oscillometric device and waist circumference with an inextensible tape. Sedentary behavior (watching television, computer use and playing video games) and physical activity were assessed by a questionnaire. We used mean and standard deviation to describe the statistical analysis, and the association between HBP and sedentary behavior was assessed by the chi-squared test. Binary logistic regression was used to observe the magnitude of association and cluster analyses (sedentary behavior and abdominal obesity; sedentary behavior and physical inactivity). HBP was associated with sedentary behaviors [odds ratio (OR) = 2.21, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.41-3.96], even after controlling for various confounders (OR = 1.68, CI = 1.03-2.75). In cluster analysis the combination of sedentary behavior and elevated abdominal obesity contributed significantly to an increased likelihood of having HBP (OR = 13.51, CI 7.21-23.97). Sedentary behavior was associated with HBP, and excess fat in the abdominal region contributed to the modulation of this association.
The objective of this research was to verify the relationship between biological markers of performance of elite judo athletes and performance in different physical fitness tests. Twenty-one judo athletes were involved in the present observational and correlational study. Dermatoglyphic variables and the 2D:4D digit ratio were considered as biological markers, while the physical fitness variables analyzed were body fat, maximal strength, muscular power, the aerobic and anaerobic profile, and performance in specific tests. The statistics involved canonical correlations and a multivariate technique. A high and significant canonical correlation was observed between groups of variables, the first expressed by 1=0.999 (p<0.0001) and the second by 2=0.997 (p<0.001). It appears that, beyond height and body mass, total ridge count, pattern intensity for fingers and 2D:4D had more canonical loading. The physical fitness component of the first canonical variable incorporated, with high intensity were: the sum of skinfold thickness, the bench press onerepetition maximum (1RM), upper and lower body aerobic power. In the second canonical variable, physical fitness was composed of the squat 1RM, suspension time on the bar, the SJFT-index, and mean power during the upper body Wingate test. The data of this investigation showed the interdependence between biological markers of performance and physical fitness in high level judo athletes.