931 resultados para HIGH-AFFINITY


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Proteins with RER-specific signal sequences are cotranslationally translocated across the rough endoplasmic reticulum through a proteinaceous channel composed of oligomers of the Sec61 complex. The Sec61 complex also binds ribosomes with high affinity. The dual function of the Sec61 complex necessitates a mechanism to prevent signal sequence-independent binding of ribosomes to the translocation channel. We have examined the hypothesis that the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), respectively, act as positive and negative regulatory factors to mediate the signal sequence-specific attachment of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocation channel. Here, SRP-independent translocation of a nascent secretory polypeptide was shown to occur in the presence of endogenous wheat germ or rabbit reticulocyte NAC. Furthermore, SRP markedly enhanced RNC binding to the translocation channel irrespective of the presence of NAC. Binding of RNCs, but not SRP-RNCs, to the Sec61 complex is competitively inhibited by 80S ribosomes. Thus, the SRP-dependent targeting pathway provides a mechanism for delivery of RNCs to the translocation channel that is not inhibited by the nonselective interaction between the ribosome and the Sec61 complex.


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The endothelial-derived G-protein–coupled receptor EDG-1 is a high-affinity receptor for the bioactive lipid mediator sphingosine-1-phosphate (SPP). In the present study, we constructed the EDG-1–green fluorescent protein (GFP) chimera to examine the dynamics and subcellular localization of SPP–EDG-1 interaction. SPP binds to EDG-1–GFP and transduces intracellular signals in a manner indistinguishable from that seen with the wild-type receptor. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells stably transfected with the EDG-1–GFP cDNA expressed the receptor primarily on the plasma membrane. Exogenous SPP treatment, in a dose-dependent manner, induced receptor translocation to perinuclear vesicles with a τ1/2 of ∼15 min. The EDG-1–GFP–containing vesicles are distinct from mitochondria but colocalize in part with endocytic vesicles and lysosomes. Neither the low-affinity agonist lysophosphatidic acid nor other sphingolipids, ceramide, ceramide-1-phosphate, or sphingosylphosphorylcholine, influenced receptor trafficking. Receptor internalization was completely inhibited by truncation of the C terminus. After SPP washout, EDG-1–GFP recycles back to the plasma membrane with a τ1/2 of ∼30 min. We conclude that the high-affinity ligand SPP specifically induces the reversible trafficking of EDG-1 via the endosomal pathway and that the C-terminal intracellular domain of the receptor is critical for this process.


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In RBL-2H3 tumor mast cells, cross-linking the high affinity IgE receptor (FcεRI) with antigen activates cytosolic tyrosine kinases and stimulates Ins(1,4,5)P3 production. Using immune complex phospholipase assays, we show that FcεRI cross-linking activates both PLCγ1 and PLCγ2. Activation is accompanied by the increased phosphorylation of both PLCγ isoforms on serine and tyrosine in antigen-treated cells. We also show that the two PLCγ isoforms have distinct subcellular localizations. PLCγ1 is primarily cytosolic in resting RBL-2H3 cells, with low levels of plasma membrane association. After antigen stimulation, PLCγ1 translocates to the plasma membrane where it associates preferentially with membrane ruffles. In contrast, PLCγ2 is concentrated in a perinuclear region near the Golgi and adjacent to the plasma membrane in resting cells and does not redistribute appreciably after FcεRI cross-linking. The activation of PLCγ1, but not of PLCγ2, is blocked by wortmannin, a PI 3-kinase inhibitor previously shown to block antigen-stimulated ruffling and to inhibit Ins(1,4,5)P3 synthesis. In addition, wortmannin strongly inhibits the antigen-stimulated phosphorylation of both serine and tyrosine residues on PLCγ1 with little inhibition of PLCγ2 phosphorylation. Wortmannin also blocks the antigen-stimulated translocation of PLCγ1 to the plasma membrane. Our results implicate PI 3-kinase in the phosphorylation, translocation, and activation of PLCγ1. Although less abundant than PLCγ2, activated PLCγ1 may be responsible for the bulk of antigen-stimulated Ins(1,4,5)P3 production in RBL-2H3 cells.


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The Arp2/3 complex was first purified from Acanthamoeba castellanii by profilin affinity chromatography. The mechanism of interaction with profilin was unknown but was hypothesized to be mediated by either Arp2 or Arp3. Here we show that the Arp2 subunit of the complex can be chemically cross-linked to the actin-binding site of profilin. By analytical ultracentrifugation, rhodamine-labeled profilin binds Arp2/3 complex with a Kd of 7 μM, an affinity intermediate between the low affinity of profilin for barbed ends of actin filaments and its high affinity for actin monomers. These data suggest the barbed end of Arp2 is exposed, but Arp2 and Arp3 are not packed together in the complex exactly like two actin monomers in a filament. Arp2/3 complex also cross-links actin filaments into small bundles and isotropic networks, which are mechanically stiffer than solutions of actin filaments alone. Arp2/3 complex is concentrated at the leading edge of motile Acanthamoeba, and its localization is distinct from that of α-actinin, another filament cross-linking protein. Based on localization and actin filament nucleation and cross-linking activities, we propose a role for Arp2/3 in determining the structure of the actin filament network at the leading edge of motile cells.


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Rat basophilic leukemia (RBL-2H3) cells predominantly express the type II receptor for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3), which operates as an InsP3-gated calcium channel. In these cells, cross-linking the high-affinity immunoglobulin E receptor (FcεR1) leads to activation of phospholipase C γ isoforms via tyrosine kinase- and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent pathways, release of InsP3-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores, and a sustained phase of Ca2+ influx. These events are accompanied by a redistribution of type II InsP3 receptors within the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope, from a diffuse pattern with a few small aggregates in resting cells to large isolated clusters after antigen stimulation. Redistribution of type II InsP3 receptors is also seen after treatment of RBL-2H3 cells with ionomycin or thapsigargin. InsP3 receptor clustering occurs within 5–10 min of stimulus and persists for up to 1 h in the presence of antigen. Receptor clustering is independent of endoplasmic reticulum vesiculation, which occurs only at ionomycin concentrations >1 μM, and maximal clustering responses are dependent on the presence of extracellular calcium. InsP3 receptor aggregation may be a characteristic cellular response to Ca2+-mobilizing ligands, because similar results are seen after activation of phospholipase C-linked G-protein-coupled receptors; cholecystokinin causes type II receptor redistribution in rat pancreatoma AR4–2J cells, and carbachol causes type III receptor redistribution in muscarinic receptor-expressing hamster lung fibroblast E36M3R cells. Stimulation of these three cell types leads to a reduction in InsP3 receptor levels only in AR4–2J cells, indicating that receptor clustering does not correlate with receptor down-regulation. The calcium-dependent aggregation of InsP3 receptors may contribute to the previously observed changes in affinity for InsP3 in the presence of elevated Ca2+ and/or may establish discrete regions within refilled stores with varying capacity to release Ca2+ when a subsequent stimulus results in production of InsP3.


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The erythroid membrane cytoskeletal protein 4.1 is the prototypical member of a genetically and topologically complex family that is generated by combinatorial alternative splicing pathways and is localized at diverse intracellular sites including the nucleus. To explore the molecular determinants for nuclear localization, we transfected COS-7 cells with epitope-tagged versions of natural red cell protein 4.1 (4.1R) isoforms as well as mutagenized and truncated derivatives. Two distant topological sorting signals were required for efficient nuclear import of the 4.1R80 isoform: a basic peptide, KKKRER, encoded by alternative exon 16 and acting as a weak core nuclear localization signal (4.1R NLS), and an acidic peptide, EED, encoded by alternative exon 5. 4.1R80 isoforms lacking either of these two exons showed decreased nuclear import. Fusion of various 4.1R80 constructs to the cytoplasmic reporter protein pyruvate kinase confirmed a requirement for both motifs for full NLS function. 4.1R80 was efficiently imported in the nuclei of digitonin-permeabilized COS-7 cells in the presence of recombinant Rch1 (human importin α2), importin β, and GTPase Ran. Quantitative analysis of protein–protein interactions using a resonant mirror detection technique showed that 4.1R80 bound to Rch1 in vitro with high affinity (KD = 30 nM). The affinity decreased at least 7- and 20-fold, respectively, if the EED motif in exon 5 or if 4.1R NLS in exon 16 was lacking or mutated, confirming that both motifs were required for efficient importin-mediated nuclear import of 4.1R80.


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Recruitment of intracellular proteins to the plasma membrane is a commonly found requirement for the initiation of signal transduction events. The recently discovered pleckstrin homology (PH) domain, a structurally conserved element found in ∼100 signaling proteins, has been implicated in this function, because some PH domains have been described to be involved in plasma membrane association. Furthermore, several PH domains bind to the phosphoinositides phosphatidylinositol-(4,5)-bisphosphate and phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate in vitro, however, mostly with low affinity. It is unclear how such weak interactions can be responsible for observed membrane binding in vivo as well as the resulting biological phenomena. Here, we investigate the structural and functional requirements for membrane association of cytohesin-1, a recently discovered regulatory protein of T cell adhesion. We demonstrate that both the PH domain and the adjacent carboxyl-terminal polybasic sequence of cytohesin-1 (c domain) are necessary for plasma membrane association and biological function, namely interference with Jurkat cell adhesion to intercellular adhesion molecule 1. Biosensor measurements revealed that phosphatidylinositol-(3,4,5)-trisphosphate binds to the PH domain and c domain together with high affinity (100 nM), whereas the isolated PH domain has a substantially lower affinity (2–3 μM). The cooperativity of both elements appears specific, because a chimeric protein, consisting of the c domain of cytohesin-1 and the PH domain of the β-adrenergic receptor kinase does not associate with membranes, nor does it inhibit adhesion. Moreover, replacement of the c domain of cytohesin-1 with a palmitoylation–isoprenylation motif partially restored the biological function, but the specific targeting to the plasma membrane was not retained. Thus we conclude that two elements of cytohesin-1, the PH domain and the c domain, are required and sufficient for membrane association. This appears to be a common mechanism for plasma membrane targeting of PH domains, because we observed a similar functional cooperativity of the PH domain of Bruton’s tyrosine kinase with the adjacent Bruton’s tyrosine kinase motif, a novel zinc-containing fold.


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Activation of human platelets with thrombin transiently increases phosphorylation at 558threonine of moesin as determined with phosphorylation state-specific antibodies. This specific modification is completely inhibited by the kinase inhibitor staurosporine and maximally promoted by the phosphatase inhibitor calyculin A, making it possible to purify the two forms of moesin to homogeneity. Blot overlay assays with F-actin probes labeled with either [32P]ATP or 125I show that only phosphorylated moesin interacts with F-actin in total platelet lysates, in moesin antibody immunoprecipitates, and when purified. In the absence of detergents, both forms of the isolated protein are aggregated. Phosphorylated, purified moesin co-sediments with α- or β/γ-actin filaments in cationic, but not in anionic, nonionic, or amphoteric detergents. The interaction affinity is high (Kd, ∼1.5 nM), and the maximal moesin:actin stoichiometry is 1:1. This interaction is also observed in platelets extracted with cationic but not with nonionic detergents. In 0.1% Triton X-100, F-actin interacts with phosphorylated moesin only in the presence of polyphosphatidylinositides. Thus, both polyphosphatidylinositides and phosphorylation can activate moesin’s high-affinity F-actin binding site in vitro. Dual regulation by both mechanisms may be important for proper cellular control of moesin-mediated linkages between the actin cytoskeleton and the plasma membrane.


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Tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) creates a high-affinity binding site for the src homology 2 domain of the Src family of tyrosine kinases. Assembly of a complex between FAK and Src kinases may serve to regulate the subcellular localization and the enzymatic activity of members of the Src family of kinases. We show that simultaneous overexpression of FAK and pp60c-src or p59fyn results in the enhancement of the tyrosine phosphorylation of a limited number of cellular substrates, including paxillin. Under these conditions, tyrosine phosphorylation of paxillin is largely cell adhesion dependent. FAK mutants defective for Src binding or focal adhesion targeting fail to cooperate with pp60c-src or p59fyn to induce paxillin phosphorylation, whereas catalytically defective FAK mutants can direct paxillin phosphorylation. The negative regulatory site of pp60c-src is hypophosphorylated when in complex with FAK, and coexpression with FAK leads to a redistribution of pp60c-src from a diffuse cellular location to focal adhesions. A FAK mutant defective for Src binding does not effectively induce the translocation of pp60c-src to focal adhesions. These results suggest that association with FAK can alter the localization of Src kinases and that FAK functions to direct phosphorylation of cellular substrates by recruitment of Src kinases.


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The crystal and molecular structure of an RNA duplex corresponding to the high affinity Rev protein binding element (RBE) has been determined at 2.1-Å resolution. Four unique duplexes are present in the crystal, comprising two structural variants. In each duplex, the RNA double helix consists of an annealed 12-mer and 14-mer that form an asymmetric internal loop consisting of G-G and G-A noncanonical base pairs and a flipped-out uridine. The 12-mer strand has an A-form conformation, whereas the 14-mer strand is distorted to accommodate the bulges and noncanonical base pairing. In contrast to the NMR model of the unbound RBE, an asymmetric G-G pair with N2-N7 and N1-O6 hydrogen bonding, is formed in each helix. The G-A base pairing agrees with the NMR structure in one structural variant, but forms a novel water-mediated pair in the other. A backbone flip and reorientation of the G-G base pair is required to assume the RBE conformation present in the NMR model of the complex between the RBE and the Rev peptide.


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Insufficient efficacy and/or specificity of antisense oligonucleotides limit their in vivo usefulness. We demonstrate here that a high-affinity DNA analog, locked nucleic acid (LNA), confers several desired properties to antisense agents. Unlike DNA, LNA/DNA copolymers were not degraded readily in blood serum and cell extracts. However, like DNA, the LNA/DNA copolymers were capable of activating RNase H, an important antisense mechanism of action. In contrast to phosphorothioate-containing oligonucleotides, isosequential LNA analogs did not cause detectable toxic reactions in rat brain. LNA/DNA copolymers exhibited potent antisense activity on assay systems as disparate as a G-protein-coupled receptor in living rat brain and an Escherichia coli reporter gene. LNA-containing oligonucleotides will likely be useful for many antisense applications.


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Near infrared Yb3+ vibronic sideband spectroscopy was used to characterize specific lanthanide binding sites in bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and retinal free bacteriorhodopsin (bO). The VSB spectra for deionized bO regenerated with a ratio of 1:1 and 2:1 ion to bO are identical. Application of a two-dimensional anti-correlation technique suggests that only a single Yb3+ site is observed. The Yb3+ binding site in bO is observed to consist of PO2− groups and carboxylic acid groups, both of which are bound in a bidentate manner. An additional contribution most likely arising from a phenolic group is also observed. This implies that the ligands for the observed single binding site are the lipid head groups and amino acid residues. The vibronic sidebands of Yb3+ in deionized bR regenerated at a ratio of 2:1 ion to bR are essentially identical to those in bO. The other high-affinity binding site is thus either not evident or its fluorescence is quenched. A discussion is given on the difference in binding of Ca2+ (or Mg2+) and lanthanides in phospholipid membrane proteins.


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Factor VIIa (VIIa), the serine protease that initiates the coagulation pathways, is catalytically activated upon binding to its cell surface receptor and cofactor tissue factor (TF). This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the functional surface of VIIa by alanine scanning mutagenesis of 112 residues. Residue side chains were defined which contribute to TF binding and factor X hydrolysis. Energetically important binding contacts at the interface with TF were identified in the first epidermal growth factor domain of VIIa (Gln-64, Ile-69, Phe-71, Arg-79) and in the protease domain (Arg-277, Met-306, Asp-309). The observed energetic defects are in good agreement with the corresponding residues in TF, suggesting that the VIIa light chain plays a prominent role in high affinity binding of cofactor. Mutation of protease domain interface residues indicated that TF allosterically influences the active site of VIIa. Stabilization of a labile zymogen to enzyme transition could explain the activating effect of TF on VIIa catalytic function. Residues important for factor X hydrolysis were found in three regions of the protease domain: (i) specificity determinants in the catalytic cleft and adjacent loops, (ii) an exosite near the TF binding site, and (iii) a large electronegative exosite which is in a position analogous to the basic exosite I of thrombin. TF regions involved in factor X activation are positioned on the same face of the TF·VIIa complex as the two exosites identified on the protease domain surface, providing evidence for an extended interaction of TF·VIIa with macromolecular substrate.


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HMG I(Y) proteins bind to double-stranded A+T oligonucleotides longer than three base pairs. Such motifs form part of numerous NF-AT-binding sites of lymphokine promoters, including the interleukin 4 (IL-4) promoter. NF-AT factors share short homologous peptide sequences in their DNA-binding domain with NF-κB factors and bind to certain NF-κB sites. It has been shown that HMG I(Y) proteins enhance NF-κB binding to the interferon β promoter and virus-mediated interferon β promoter induction. We show that HMG I(Y) proteins exert an opposite effect on the DNA binding of NF-AT factors and the induction of the IL-4 promoter in T lymphocytes. Introduction of mutations into a high-affinity HMG I(Y)-binding site of the IL-4 promoter, which decreased HMG I(Y)-binding to a NF-AT-binding sequence, the Pu-bB (or P) site, distinctly increased the induction of the IL-4 promoter in Jurkat T leukemia cells. High concentrations of HMG I(Y) proteins are able to displace NF-ATp from its binding to the Pu-bB site. High HMG I(Y) concentrations are typical for Jurkat cells and peripheral blood T lymphocytes, whereas El4 T lymphoma cells and certain T helper type 2 cell clones contain relatively low HMG I(Y) concentrations. Our results indicate that HMG I(Y) proteins do not cooperate, but instead compete with NF-AT factors for the binding to DNA even though NF-AT factors share some DNA-binding properties with NF-kB factors. This competition between HMG I(Y) and NF-AT proteins for DNA binding might be due to common contacts with minor groove nucleotides of DNA and may be one mechanism contributing to the selective IL-4 expression in certain T lymphocyte populations, such as T helper type 2 cells.


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Elevation of the neuropeptide corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) in the brain is associated with a reduction of food intake and body weight gain in normal and obese animals. A protein that binds CRF and the related peptide, urocortin, with high affinity, CRF-binding protein (CRF-BP), may play a role in energy homeostasis by inactivating members of this peptide family in ingestive and metabolic regulatory brain regions. Intracerebroventricular administration in rats of the high-affinity CRF-BP ligand inhibitor, rat/human CRF (6-33), which dissociates CRF or urocortin from CRF-BP and increases endogenous brain levels of “free” CRF or urocortin significantly blunted exaggerated weight gain in Zucker obese subjects and in animals withdrawn from chronic nicotine. Chronic administration of CRF suppressed weight gain nonselectively by 60% in both Zucker obese and lean control rats, whereas CRF-BP ligand inhibitor treatment significantly reduced weight gain in obese subjects, without altering weight gain in lean control subjects. Nicotine abstinent subjects, but not nicotine-naive controls, experienced a 35% appetite suppression and a 25% weight gain reduction following acute and chronic administration, respectively, of CRF-BP ligand inhibitor. In marked contrast to the effects of a CRF-receptor agonist, the CRF-BP ligand inhibitor did not stimulate adrenocorticotropic hormone secretion or elevate heart rate and blood pressure. These results provide support for the hypothesis that the CRF-BP may function within the brain to limit selected actions of CRF and/or urocortin. Furthermore, CRF-BP may represent a novel and functionally selective target for the symptomatic treatment of excessive weight gain associated with obesity of multiple etiology.