947 resultados para Geology -- Queensland -- Burdekin River region


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The Saguinus represent the basal genus of the Callitrichinae subfamily. Traditionally this genus is divided into three groups: Hairy, Mottled and Bare-face, however, molecular data failed to validate these groups as monophyletic units, as well as raised some subspecies to the species status. This is the case of the former subspecies Saguinus midas midas and S. midas niger, which are now considered as different species. In the present study, we sequenced a portion of the D-loop mtDNA region in populations from the East bank of the Xingu and from both banks of the Tocantins river, in order to test the effectiveness of large rivers as barriers to the gene flow in Saguinus. According to our results, the populations from the East and West banks of the Tocantins river are more divergent than true species like S. mystax and S. imperator. The Tocantins river may be acting as a barrier to gene flow, and consequently these very divergent populations may represent distinct taxonomic entities (species?).


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Four populations in the Amazon area were selected for a comparative study of mercury-exposed and non-exposed populations: São Luiz do Tapajós, Barreiras, Panacauera, and Pindobal Grande. The highest mercury levels in human hair samples were found in São Luiz do Tapajós and Barreiras, greatly exceeding the limits established by the World Health Organization. Panacauera showed an intermediate level below 9 µg/g. This was the first comparative and simultaneous evaluation of mercury exposure in the Amazon area. Also, thanks to this type of monitoring, we were able to eliminate the uncertainties about the reference dose. On the basis of these data, we can conclude that the mercury levels detected in exposed populations of the Tapajós River basin may be dangerous not only because they are above the World Health Organization limits, but also because the simultaneous mercury detection in non-exposed populations with similar characteristics provided a valid control and revealed lower mercury levels. Our results support the importance of continuous monitoring in both exposed and non-exposed populations.


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Uma das áreas mais promissoras para o estudo das sociedades pré-colombianas complexas na bacia do rio Amazonas é a área do baixo curso dos rios Tapajós, Trombetas e Nhamundá. Há relatos escritos sobre os Konduri e os Tapajós, apresentando informações sobre a sua organização social regional, padrões de comércio, a abundância de alimentos, e o mundo material. Assim, evidências arqueológicas – sítios imensos, solos antrópicos, e belos artefatos – podem ser contrastadas com a informação escrita. Estes ricos depósitos culturais estão desaparecendo a um ritmo alarmante, à medida em que os centros urbanos crescem e se expande a agricultura na região. Apesar desta situação, pouca pesquisa arqueológica tem sido realizada na área, especialmente quando se trata de investigar os antigos padrões de assentamento e redes de trocas. Nos últimos anos, temos realizado pesquisas na bacia do baixo rio Tapajós. O registro arqueológico indica que a cerâmica mostrando forte semelhança estilística forte com a encontrada no grande sítio central está espalhada por pelo menos 90 quilômetros ao sul da presente cidade de Santarém. Este artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa regional realizada nas proximidades de Santarém, no planalto de Belterra e Alter do Chão, oferecendo uma análise preliminar do sistema de assentamentos na região.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido para verificar a ocorrência e distribuição de Cymbasoma longispinosum Bourne, 1890 em um estuário tropical amazônico da região norte do Brasil. As coletas foram realizadas bimestralmente de julho/2003 a julho/2004 em dois diferentes transectos (rios Muriá e Curuçá) situados ao longo do estuário do Curuçá (Pará, Norte do Brasil). Amostras foram coletadas durante marés de quadratura por intermédio de arrastos com redes de plâncton de 200μm de abertura de malha, através de um pequeno barco a motor (1 a 1,5 knots). Amostras adicionais de água subsuperficial foram coletadas para determinação dos parâmetros ambientais. Machos e fêmeas de C. longispinosum foram observados apenas durante os meses de setembro e novembro/2003. O maior número de organismos foi encontrado em setembro/2003, no transecto do rio Muriá. A presença de C. longispinosum nas amostras obtidas durante setembro e novembro/2003 poderia estar provavelmente relacionada ao período reprodutivo desta espécie no estuário estudado, o qual está diretamente relacionado ao período seco na região. Os mais elevados valores de salinidade, bem como os elevados números de indivíduos observados no mês de setembro/2003 confirmam a suposição anterior, visto que nenhum indivíduo de C. longispinosum foi registrado durante os meses que incluem o período chuvoso (janeiro a junho).


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O presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a propagação da maré no sistema fluvial Guamá-Capim, na região amazônica, considerando aspectos hidrológicos e geomorfológicos. Os métodos empregados incluem dados históricos de vazões fluviais e níveis d'água, além de medições próprias de maré em diferentes locais e períodos ao longo do sistema. Os principais pontos defendidos no presente trabalho incluem a vazão fluvial como principal fator para a distorção da maré e consequente formação de pororoca no sistema, assim como o baixo relevo da área seria responsável por incremento na incursão da maré para o continente. Os resultados revelam uma penetração da maré de mais de 200 km, ocorrendo também uma forte deformação da maré, se intensificando gradualmente a montante, resultando em uma vazante até 5 horas mais longa que a enchente 161 km a montante, apresentando também velocidades de enchente levemente superiores, incluindo o decaimento contínuo da altura da maré, intensificado a partir desse ponto. Sazonalmente, a vazão fluvial aumenta 10 vezes no rio Guamá e 4 vezes no rio Capim. Durante períodos de alta descarga, combinados com marés equinociais (e.g. março-abril), o fenômeno da pororoca ocorre no sistema, em associação ao baixo relevo da área. Desta forma as principais conclusões são de que a forte deformação da maré relacionada a altas descargas fluviais e o baixo relevo da área são os fatores preponderantes na propagação da maré no sistema e formação de pororoca. Mais além, o sistema foi classificado como tidal river, onde a enorme descarga de água doce na região costeira amazônica resulta na prática ausência de salinidade no sistema estudado. Assim, seu estudo vem contribuir na definição e classificação de sistemas estuarinos.


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Neste texto, busca-se demonstrar algumas das alterações ocorridas nos padrões de relações existentes entre sociedade e natureza ocorridas no século XX, nos vales dos rios Parauapebas, Itacaiúnas e em parte do vale rio Tocantins, no sudeste do estado do Pará, o que é feito realizando um resgate das descrições decorrentes do olhar de Coudreau (1889) e transcritas em "Voyage a Itaboca et a L'Itacayuna", publicado em 1897, no qual se descreve uma área quase que integralmente coberta pela floresta. Em seguida, realiza-se uma contraposição, recorrendo a outro olhar, o que é viabilizado pelos sensores do satélite Landsat 5, que imagiaram a área destes vales em 2001, explicitando conseqüências das transformações da sociedade e da pressão sobre recursos naturais mas, sobretudo, a drástica redução da floresta a 52% dos 63 mil km² analisados.


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A new ceratomyxid parasite was examined for taxonomic identification, upon being found infecting the gall bladder of Hemiodus microlepis (Teleostei: Hemiodontidae), a freshwater teleost collected from the Amazon River, Brazil. Light and transmission electron microscopy revealed elongated crescent-shaped spores constituted by two asymmetrical shell valves united along a straight sutural line, each possessing a lateral projection. The spores body measured 5.2 ± 0.4 µm (n = 25) in length and 35.5 ± 0.9 µm (n = 25) in total thickness. The lateral projections were asymmetric, one measuring 18.1 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness and the other measuring 17.5 ± 0.5 µm (n = 25) in thickness. Two equal-sized subspherical polar capsules measuring 2.2 ± 0.3 µm in diameter were located at the same level, each possessing a polar filament with 5-6 coils. The sporoplasm was binucleate. Considering the morphometric data analyzed from the microscopic observations, as well as the host species and its geographical location, this paper describes a new myxosporean species, herein named Ceratomyxa microlepis sp. nov.; therefore representing the first description of a freshwater ceratomyxid from the South American region.


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The laboratory-hatched first zoeal stage of twelve brachyuran species collected in the estuarine area of the Caeté River in the Amazonian region are described and illustrated in the present study: P. americanus Saussure, 1857, Eurytium limosum (Say, 1818), Sesarma curacaoense De Man, 1892, S. rectum Randall, 1840, Armases rubripes (Rathbun, 1897), Aratus pisonii (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius, 1787), Uca rapax (Smith, 1870), U. maracoani (Latreille, 1802), U. thayeri Rathbun, 1900, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) and Pachygrapsus gracilis (Saussure, 1858). Through intraspecific comparisons of the respective larval stage, an identification key was generated and provided. Most of the studied species presented morphological differences (e.g. type and presence or absence of setae) when compared to the same species previously described in the literature.


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The influence of tilapia cages on limnological characteristics of the Chavantes Reservoir, Paranapanema River, Brazil, was investigated in March and June 2007. Principal components analysis was used to compare the transparency; dissolved oxygen; temperature; total organic nitrogen, phosphorus, and dissolved solids; chlorophyll aand electrical conductivity of fish farm 1 (239.3m.t.), 2 (461.5m.t.) and areas without cages, in the lacustrine and river-reservoir transition regions. The variables differentiated the regions and areas with and without cages. In March, in the lacustrine region, there was a thermal and chemical stratification, and in the transition region, there was a temperature and oxygen reduction gradient between the surface and bottom that was also observed in June in fish farm 1. The higher transparency confirmed the increased light penetration in the lacustrine region. In the transition region, there were higher turbidity, total dissolved solid, and conductivity values that are likely related to allochthonous material flow and transport. In fish farms, lower oxygen and pH values indicate intense decomposition and respiration. The generally higher total dissolved solid and nutrient values, turbidity, and conductivity and the lower transparency in one or both fish farms indicate their contribution to eutrophication, demonstrating the need for careful monitoring.


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Far from the continental margin, drainage basins in Central Amazonia should be in topographic steady state; but they are not. Abandoned remnant fluvial valleys up to hundreds of square kilometers in size are observed throughout Amazonia, and are evidence of significant landscape reorganization. While major Late Miocene drainage shifts occurred due to initiation of the transcontinental Amazon River, local landscape change has remained active until today. Driven either by dynamic topography, tectonism, and/or climatic fluctuations, drainage captures in Amazonia provide a natural experiment for assessing the geomorphic response of low-slope basins to sudden, capture related base-level falls. This paper evaluates the timing of geomorphic change by examining a drainage capture event across the Baependi fault scarp involving the Cuieiras and TarumA-Mirim River basins northwest of the city of Manaus in Brazil. A system of capture-related knickpoints was generated by base-level fall following drainage capture; through numerical modeling of their initiation and propagation, the capture event is inferred to have occurred between the middle and late Pleistocene, consistent with other studies of landscape change in surrounding areas. In low-slope settings like the Amazon River basin, base-level fall can increase erosion rates by more than an order of magnitude, and moderate to large river basins can respond to episodes of base-level fall over timescales of tens to hundreds of thousands of years. Copyright (c) 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Environmental fragility models are important decision tools for policy makers as they help quantify environmental sensitivity and understand the relationship between human activities and environmental quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate three different environmental fragility models within the Brazilian rainforest region and to use the results to develop environmental zone classes. Two rural river basins located in Ibiuna, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, were studied. Input variables, including slope class, relief dissection rate, soil class, lithology, land cover, and climate data, were used to compute environmental fragility classes using three standard models. The model outputs were evaluated on their ability to accurately predict the most sensitive and least sensitive areas. The best models for each region were used to derive environmental zoning maps, including restoration priorities, best regions for agriculture, and areas with high needs for soil management. These maps will help support land use strategies for environmental restoration. This study provides insight into territorial ordering and management of environmental services with a regional perspective.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Urucuia Aquifer System represents a strategic water source in western Bahia. Its baseflow is responsible for the flow rate of the main tributaries of São Francisco river left bank in the dry season, including the Rio Grande, its main tributary in Bahia state. This river has a hydrological regime heavily affected by groundwater and is located in a region with conflicts about water resources. The aquifers geology is constituted by neocretacious sandstones of Urucuia Group subdivided in Posse Formation and Serra das Araras Formation. The embasement is formed by neoproterozoic rocks of Bambuí Group. This work focuses on an important tool application, the mathematical model, whose function is represent approximately and suitably the reality so that can assist in different scenarios simulations and make predictions. Many studies developed in this basin provided the conceptual model basis including a full free aquifer, lithological and hydraulical homogeneity in entire basin, null flux at plateau borders and aquifer base. The finite element method is the numerical method used and FEFLOW the computational algorithm. The simulated area was discretized in a single layer with 27.357,6 km² (314.432 elements and 320.452 nodes) totaling a 4.249,89 km³ volume. Were utilized 21 observation wells from CERB to calibrate the model. The terrain topography was obtained by SRTM data and the impermeable base was generated by interpolation of descriptive profiles from wells and electric vertical drilling from previous studies. Works in this area obtained mean recharge rates varying approximately from 20% to 25% of average precipitation, thus the values of model recharge zones varying in this range. Were distributed 4 hydraulic conductivity zones: (K1) west zone with K=6x10-5 m/s; (K2) center-east zone with K=3x10-4 m/s; (K3) far east zone with K=5x10-4 m/s; e (K4) east-north zone with K=1x10-5 m/s. Thereby was incorporated to the final conceptual model...


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This paper focuses on the implementation of a geological and geotechnical mapping to the planning of the region stream Bertini, territorial expansion area of the municipality of Americana (SP), a medium-sized city in the countryside of Sao Paulo state, with great potential for growth industrial and residential. To this end, based on the methodology established by the Institute for Technological Research, the charters geological and geotechnical aimed at exposing the capabilities and limitations of the soil. The analysis of similar soil characteristics such as geology, geomorphology, slope, geotechnical testing and the current use and land cover was possible to recognize four geotechinical units. The units I and III are related to areas of top and concave and convex parts of the study area, shown to be sites of low occupancy restriction. However the units II and IV, respectively allocated in the floodplain of the Piracicaba River and the banks of the stream Bertini and some of its drainage, showed a more restricted area due to proximity to water bodies and drainages that offer higher slopes.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)