660 resultados para Generalist pharmacist


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The ocean sunfish (Mola mola) is the world’s heaviest bony fish reaching a body mass of up to 2.3 tonnes. However, the prey M. mola consumes to fuel this prodigious growth remains poorly known. Sunfish were thought to be obligate gelatinous plankton feeders, but recent studies suggest a more generalist diet. In this study, through molecular barcoding and for the first time, the diet of sunfish in the north-east Atlantic Ocean was characterised. Overall, DNA from the diet content of 57 individuals was successfully amplified, identifying 41 different prey items. Sunfish fed mainly on crustaceans and teleosts, with cnidarians comprising only 16% of the consumed prey. Although no adult fishes were sampled, we found evidence for an ontogenetic shift in the diet, with smaller individuals feeding mainly on small crustaceans and teleost fish, whereas the diet of larger fish included more cnidarian species. Our results confirm that smaller sunfish feed predominantly on benthic and on coastal pelagic species, whereas larger fish depend on pelagic prey. Therefore, sunfish is a generalist predator with a greater diversity of links in coastal food webs than previously realised. Its removal as fisheries’ bycatch may have wider reaching ecological consequences, potentially disrupting coastal trophic interactions.


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The ocean sunfish (Mola mola) is the world’s heaviest bony fish reaching a body mass of up to 2.3 tonnes. However, the prey M. mola consumes to fuel this prodigious growth remains poorly known. Sunfish were thought to be obligate gelatinous plankton feeders, but recent studies suggest a more generalist diet. In this study, through molecular barcoding and for the first time, the diet of sunfish in the north-east Atlantic Ocean was characterised. Overall, DNA from the diet content of 57 individuals was successfully amplified, identifying 41 different prey items. Sunfish fed mainly on crustaceans and teleosts, with cnidarians comprising only 16% of the consumed prey. Although no adult fishes were sampled, we found evidence for an ontogenetic shift in the diet, with smaller individuals feeding mainly on small crustaceans and teleost fish, whereas the diet of larger fish included more cnidarian species. Our results confirm that smaller sunfish feed predominantly on benthic and on coastal pelagic species, whereas larger fish depend on pelagic prey. Therefore, sunfish is a generalist predator with a greater diversity of links in coastal food webs than previously realised. Its removal as fisheries’ bycatch may have wider reaching ecological consequences, potentially disrupting coastal trophic interactions.


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The OPTI-SCRIPT cluster randomised controlled trial (RCT) found that a three-phase multifaceted intervention including academic detailing with a pharmacist, GP-led medicines reviews, supported by web-based pharmaceutical treatment algorithms, and tailored patient information leaflets, was effective in reducing potentially inappropriate prescribing (PIP) in Irish primary care. We report a process evaluation exploring the implementation of the intervention, the experiences of those participating in the study and lessons for future implementation.

The OPTI-SCRIPT trial included 21 GP practices and 196 patients. The process evaluation used mixed methods. Quantitative data were collected from all GP practices and semi-structured interviews were conducted with GPs from intervention and control groups, and a purposive sample of patients from the intervention group. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using a thematic analysis.

Despite receiving a standardised academic detailing session, intervention delivery varied among GP practices. Just over 70 % of practices completed medicines review as recommended with the patient present. Only single-handed practices conducted reviews without patients present, highlighting the influence of practice characteristics and resources on variation. Medications were more likely to be completely stopped or switched to another more appropriate medication when reviews were conducted with patients present. The patient information leaflets were not used by any of the intervention practices. Both GP (32 %) and patient (40 %) recruitment rates were modest. For those who did participate, overall, the experience was positively viewed, with GPs and patients referring to the value of medication reviews to improve prescribing and reduce unnecessary medications. Lack of time in busy GP practices and remuneration were identified as organisational barriers to future implementation.

The OPTI-SCRIPT intervention was positively viewed by both GPs and patients, both of whom valued the study’s objectives. Patient information leaflets were not a successful component of the intervention. Academic detailing and medication reviews are important components in changing PIP, and having patients present during the review process seems to be a more effective approach for decreasing PIP.


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During their life cycle, plants are typically confronted by simultaneous biotic and abiotic stresses. Low inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies limiting plant growth in natural and agricultural ecosystems, while insect herbivory accounts for major losses in plant productivity and impacts ecological and evolutionary changes in plant populations. Here, we report that plants experiencing Pi deficiency induce the jasmonic acid (JA) pathway and enhance their defense against insect herbivory. Pi-deficient Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) showed enhanced synthesis of JA and the bioactive conjugate JA-isoleucine, as well as activation of the JA signaling pathway, in both shoots and roots of wild-type plants and in shoots of the Pi-deficient mutant pho1 The kinetics of the induction of the JA signaling pathway by Pi deficiency was influenced by PHOSPHATE STARVATION RESPONSE1, the main transcription factor regulating the expression of Pi starvation-induced genes. Phenotypes of the pho1 mutant typically associated with Pi deficiency, such as high shoot anthocyanin levels and poor shoot growth, were significantly attenuated by blocking the JA biosynthesis or signaling pathway. Wounded pho1 leaves hyperaccumulated JA/JA-isoleucine in comparison with the wild type. The pho1 mutant also showed an increased resistance against the generalist herbivore Spodoptera littoralis that was attenuated in JA biosynthesis and signaling mutants. Pi deficiency also triggered increased resistance to S. littoralis in wild-type Arabidopsis as well as tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and Nicotiana benthamiana, revealing that the link between Pi deficiency and enhanced herbivory resistance is conserved in a diversity of plants, including crops.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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O golfinho-comum (Delphinus delphis) é uma das espécies de cetáceos mais abundantes e mais amplamente distribuídas em todo o planeta, sendo a espécie mais abundante ao longo da costa continental portuguesa. Algumas das suas principais presas apresentam um elevado interesse comercial estando por isso, muitas vezes, associado a capturas acidentais em artes de pesca. Contudo, estudos mais recentes sobre os hábitos alimentares desta espécie na costa portuguesa são escassos. Assim, este estudo visa contribuir para a avaliação da ecologia alimentar deste cetáceo na costa portuguesa através de índices de importância numérica, ocorrência e do peso estimado, permitindo descrever a dieta não só em termos qualitativos, mas também em termos quantitativos. Foram examinados os conteúdos estomacais de 55 golfinhoscomuns arrojados na costa continental portuguesa (norte e centro) entre 2004 e 2015. De um total de 6699 presas identificadas, 66% pertenciam à classe dos peixes, 32% eram cefalópodes e 3% eram crustáceos. As espécies-presa de peixes mais importantes em termos de importância numérica foram os góbios (Gobiidae) e o carapau (Trachurus sp.). Em relação à ocorrência foram o góbio (Gobiidae) e a sardinha (Sardina pilchardus), seguidas de carapau, as espécies predominantes. Relativamente ao peso, a sardinha foi a espécie-presa predominante, seguida de faneca (Trisopterus luscus) e carapau. Quanto aos cefalópodes, a lula-bicuda (Alloteuthis sp.) foi a espécie mais importante, tanto em termos de importância numérica como em termos de ocorrência. A lula-comum (Loligo sp.) foi a mais importante em termos de peso total estimado. As espécies demersais dominaram a dieta do golfinho-comum, com uma percentagem numérica de 40%. Foram detetadas diferenças entre machos e fêmeas na composição da dieta relativamente à sardinha. Foram detetadas diferenças entre indivíduos maturos e imaturos na composição da dieta relativamente à lula-bicuda. A diversidade de presas observada nos conteúdos estomacais do golfinho-comum sugere um comportamento oportunista, consumindo as presas mais abundantes, localmente. As interações com as artes de pesca podem levar a uma elevada mortalidade destes mamíferos marinhos. Deste modo, a realização de estudos sobre os hábitos alimentares de cetáceos permitem uma melhor compreensão das possíveis interações com a pesca, e a melhoria de estratégias de conservação para evitar a morte destes animais.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau Mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico.


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O presente relatório de qualificação profissional surgiu no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Prática Pedagógica Supervisionada, pertencente ao plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Deste modo, pretende evidenciar o percurso formativo da mestranda, refletindo as experiências e as competências desenvolvidas nos dois níveis educativos, tendo em vista a construção de um perfil duplo. Neste documento reflexivo espelha-se, portanto, o desenvolvimento de práticas sustentadas num quadro teórico e legal, construído ao longo do percurso formativo da mestranda, nas caraterísticas do contexto onde foram desenvolvidas as práticas nos dois níveis educativos e nos conhecimentos obtidos sobre a individualidade de cada criança, os seus interesses e necessidades. Finda-se este mesmo documento, com uma análise reflexiva de todo o percurso desenvolvido, focando-se as competências adquiridas, evidenciando-se, deste modo, a progressão da mestranda ao longo do mesmo. Durante as suas ações a mestranda perfilhou a metodologia de investigação-ação, espelhada ao longo deste relatório de estágio, desenvolvendo os processos de observação, planificação, ação, avaliação e reflexão, de uma forma cíclica, articulando-os. Esta metodologia e os instrumentos e estratégias desenvolvidos com base na mesma permitiram à mestranda a melhoria das suas práticas, possibilitando-lhe um olhar crítico e reflexivo sobre as mesmas, bem como, sobre a educação na Educação Pré- Escolar e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, proporcionando, desta forma, o desenvolvimento de competências investigativas e reflexivas. Todo este percurso formativo possibilitou à mestranda o desenvolvimento de competências pessoais e profissionais na construção de um perfil generalista, apresentando-se como as primeiras “pegadas” de uma aprendizagem ao longo da vida.


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Increasing abundance of non-commercial sprats and decreasing biomass and landings of commercial anchovies and sardines justify the need to study the feeding ecology and trophic niche overlap of these planktivorous species in the Gulf of Lions. Their diet has been investigated on the basis of stomach content and stable isotope analyses in 2011 and 2012 according to different depths and regions in the study area. The main prey were Corycaeidae copepods, Clauso/Paracalanus, Euterpina acutifrons and Microsetella, for sprats and small copepods, such as Microsetella, Oncaea and Corycaeidae, for anchovies and sardines. This is the first time that the diet of sprats is described in the Gulf of Lions. Sprats fed on a larger size spectrum of prey and seem to be more generalist feeders compared to anchovies and sardines. Ontogenetic changes as well as spatial and temporal variations of the diet occurred in the three species. Stable isotope analysis revealed mobility of sardines and sprats among feeding areas while anchovies exhibited preferred feeding areas. Sprats showed a higher relative condition assessed by C/N ratios than sardines and anchovies. Our results showed an overlap of the trophic niches for the three species, indicating a potential trophic competition in the Gulf of Lions.


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Background: Non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are a widely used therapeutic group in the world, and particularly in the Portuguese population. Objective: To compare NSAID’s use by prescription and self-medication acquisition and to determine the pattern of indication of NSAIDs, their usage profile and possible implications for patients’ safety. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used where individuals presenting at a community pharmacy requesting NSAIDs during the study period (one month) were invited to answer a face-to-face interview where socio-demographic characteristics, the indication pattern and previous experience of side effects were assessed. A follow-up interview was performed one week later to assess the incidence of adverse effects. The study was ethically approved. Results: A sample of 130 NSAIDs users was recruited, comprising mostly women (n=87; 66.9%), actively employed (n=77; 59.2%) and presenting a mean age of 49.5 years old (SD=20.49). An equal proportion of individuals acquired NSAIDs by self-medication and with medical prescription (n=65; 50%). Over 4/5 of patients (n=57; 87.7%) acquiring NSAIDs without a prescription were self-medicated by their own initiative, and only 10.8% (n=7) had been advised by the pharmacist. The most commonly acquired active substances were ibuprofen and diclofenac. Self-medicated users more frequently resorted to topical NSAIDs following short term treatments. The major underlying condition motivating NSAIDs sought were musculoskeletal disorders (45.0%), regardless of the regimen. An important proportion of prevalent users of NSAIDs reported previous experience of adverse effects (11.3%). One week after initiating NSAID therapy, a small proportion of patients reported incidence of adverse effects. Conclusion: Self-medication with NSAIDs is sought for numerous medical conditions. Reported adverse effects (prevalent and incident) confirm the need for a more rational use of NSAIDs and ongoing pharmacovigilance.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1º e 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção do grau de mestre em ensino do 1º e 2º ciclo do ensino básico


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Relatório de estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti para obtenção de grau de Mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico