950 resultados para Gases in plants.
Atmosphärische Aerosole haben einen starken Einfluss auf das Klima, der bisher nur grundlegend verstanden ist und weiterer Forschung bedarf. Das atmosphärische Verhalten der Aerosolpartikel hängt maßgeblich von ihrer Größe und chemischen Zusammensetzung ab. Durch Reflexion, Absorption und Streuung des Sonnenlichtes verändern sie den Strahlungshaushalt der Erde direkt und durch ihre Einflussnahme auf die Wolkenbildung indirekt. Besonders gealterte, stark oxidierte organische Aerosole mit großem Sauerstoff-zu-Kohlenstoff-Verhältnis wirken als effektive Wolkenkondensationskeime. Neben primären Aerosolpartikeln, die direkt partikelförmig in die Atmosphäre gelangen, spielen sekundäre Aerosolpartikel eine große Rolle, die aus Vorläufergasen in der Atmosphäre entstehen. Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse legen nahe, dass kurzkettige aliphatische Amine bei Nukleationsprozessen beteiligt sind und somit die Partikelneubildung vielerorts mitsteuern. Um die Rolle von Aminen in der Atmosphäre besser erforschen und industrielle Emissionen kontrollieren zu können, bedarf es einer zuverlässigen Methode zur Echtzeitquantifizierung gasförmiger Amine mit hoher Zeitauflösung und niedriger Nachweisgrenze.rnDas hochauflösende Flugzeit-Aerosolmassenspektrometer (HR-ToF-AMS) bietet die Möglichkeit, atmosphärische Partikel in Echtzeit zu analysieren. Dabei werden Größe, Menge und grundlegende chemische Zusammensetzung erfasst. Anorganische Aerosolbestandteile können eindeutig zugeordnet werden. Es ist jedoch kaum möglich, einzelne organische Verbindungen in den komplizierten Massenspektren atmosphärischer Aerosole zu identifizieren und quantifizieren.rnIn dieser Arbeit wird atmosphärisches Aerosol untersucht, das im Westen Zyperns während der CYPHEX-Kampagne mit einem HR-ToF-AMS gemessen wurde. An diesem Standort ist vor allem stark gealtertes Aerosol vorzufinden, das aus Zentral- und Westeuropa stammt. Lokale Einflüsse spielen fast keine Rolle. Es wurde eine durchschnittliche Massenkonzentration von 10,98 μg/m3 gefunden, zusammengesetzt aus 57 % Sulfat, 30 % organischen Bestandteilen, 12 % Ammonium, < 1 % Nitrat und < 1 % Chlorid, bezogen auf das Gewicht. Der Median des vakuum-aerodynamischen Durchmessers betrug 446,25 nm. Es wurde sehr acides Aerosol gefunden, dessen anorganische Bestandteile weitgehend der Zusammensetzung von Ammoniumhydrogensulfat entsprachen. Tag-Nacht-Schwankungen in der Zusammensetzung wurden beobachtet. Die Sulfatkonzentration und die Acidität zeigten tagsüber Maxima und nachts Minima. Konzentrationsschwankungen an Nitrat und Chlorid zeigten einen weniger ausgeprägten Rhythmus, Maxima fallen aber immer mit Minima der Sulfatkonzentration, Aerosolacidität und Umgebungstemperatur zusammen. Organische Aerosolbestandteile entsprachen stark gealtertem, schwerflüchtigem oxidiertem organischem Aerosol. Es wurde eine interne Mischung der Partikel beobachtet, die ebenfalls meist bei alten Aerosolen auftritt.rnUm mit dem HR-ToF-AMS auch einzelne organische Verbindungen identifizieren und quantifizieren zu können, wurde eine Methode entwickelt, mit der man Amine der Gasphase selektiv in künstlich erzeugte Phosphorsäurepartikel aufnimmt und so für die HR-ToF-AMS-Messung zugänglich macht. Dadurch kombiniert man die Vorteile der Online-Messung des HR-ToF-AMS mit den Vorteilen klassischer Offline-Probenahmen. So können in Echtzeit sehr einfache Massenspektren gemessen werden, in denen störende Komponenten abgetrennt sind, während die Analyten eindeutig identifiziert werden können. Systeme dieser Art wurden GTRAP-AMS (Gaseous compound TRapping in Artificially-generated Particles – Aerosol Mass Spectrometry) genannt. Kalibrierungen für (Mono)Methylamin, Dimethylamin, Trimethylamin, Diethylamin und Triethylamin ergaben Nachweisgrenzen im ppt-Bereich bei einer Zeitauflösung von 3 min. Kammerexperimente zur Aminemission von Pflanzen zeigten eine gute Übereinstimmung des neu entwickelten Systems mit einer Gasdiffusionsabscheider-Offline-Probenahme und anschließender ionenchromatographischer Analyse. Beide Methoden zeigten Reaktionen der Pflanzen auf eine Veränderung der Lichtverhältnisse, während erhöhte Ozonkonzentrationen die Aminemission nicht veränderten. Die GTRAP-AMS-Methode eignet sich bereits für die Messung von Umgebungsluftkonzentrationen an einigen Orten, für die meisten Orte reicht die Nachweisgrenze allerdings noch nicht aus. Die Technik könnte bereits zur Echtzeitkontrolle industrieller Abgasemissionen eingesetzt werden.
The development of the Marcellus Shale gas play in Pennsylvania and the northeastern United States has resulted in significant amounts of water and wastes transported by truck over roadways. This study used geographic information systems (GIS) to quantify truck travel distances via both the preferred routes (minimum distance while also favoring higher-order roads) as well as, where available, the likely actual distances for freshwater and waste transport between pertinent locations (e. g., gas wells, treatment facilities, freshwater sources). Results show that truck travel distances in the Susquehanna River Basin are greater than those used in prior life-cycle assessments of tight shale gas. When compared to likely actual transport distances, if policies were instituted to constrain truck travel to the closest destination and higher-order roads, transport mileage reductions of 40-80% could be realized. Using reasonable assumptions of current practices, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with water and waste hauling were calculated to be 70-157 MT CO2 eq per gas well. Furthermore, empty so-called backhaul trips, such as to freshwater withdrawal sites or returning from deep well injection sites, were found to increase emissions by an additional 30%, underscoring the importance of including return trips in the analysis. The results should inform future life-cycle assessments of tight shale gases in managed watersheds and help local and regional governments plan for impacts of transportation on local infrastructure. (C) 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers.
Research in autophagy continues to accelerate,(1) and as a result many new scientists are entering the field. Accordingly, it is important to establish a standard set of criteria for monitoring macroautophagy in different organisms. Recent reviews have described the range of assays that have been used for this purpose.(2,3) There are many useful and convenient methods that can be used to monitor macroautophagy in yeast, but relatively few in other model systems, and there is much confusion regarding acceptable methods to measure macroautophagy in higher eukaryotes. A key point that needs to be emphasized is that there is a difference between measurements that monitor the numbers of autophagosomes versus those that measure flux through the autophagy pathway; thus, a block in macroautophagy that results in autophagosome accumulation needs to be differentiated from fully functional autophagy that includes delivery to, and degradation within, lysosomes (in most higher eukaryotes) or the vacuole (in plants and fungi). Here, we present a set of guidelines for the selection and interpretation of the methods that can be used by investigators who are attempting to examine macroautophagy and related processes, as well as by reviewers who need to provide realistic and reasonable critiques of papers that investigate these processes. This set of guidelines is not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used. In addition, we emphasize that no individual assay is guaranteed to be the most appropriate one in every situation, and we strongly recommend the use of multiple assays to verify an autophagic response.
Most studies on selection in plants estimate female fitness components and neglect male mating success, although the latter might also be fundamental to understand adaptive evolution. Information from molecular genetic markers can be used to assess determinants of male mating success through parentage analyses. We estimated paternal selection gradients on floral traits in a large natural population of the herb Mimulus guttatus using a paternity probability model and maximum likelihood methods. This analysis revealed more significant selection gradients than a previous analysis based on regression of estimated male fertilities on floral traits. There were differences between results of univariate and multivariate analyses most likely due to the underlying covariance structure of the traits. Multivariate analysis, which corrects for the covariance structure of the traits, indicated that male mating success declined with distance from and depended on the direction to the mother plants. Moreover, there was directional selection for plants with fewer open flowers which have smaller corollas, a smaller anther-stigma separation, more red dots on the corolla and a larger fluctuating asymmetry therein. For most of these traits, however, there was also stabilizing selection indicating that there are intermediate optima for these traits. The large number of significant selection gradients in this study shows that even in relatively large natural populations where not all males can be sampled, it is possible to detect significant paternal selection gradients, and that such studies can give us valuable information required to better understand adaptive plant evolution.
All mitochondria have integral outer membrane proteins with beta-barrel structures including the conserved metabolite transporter VDAC (voltage dependent anion channel) and the conserved protein import channel Tom40. Bioinformatic searches of the Trypanosoma brucei genome for either VDAC or Tom40 identified a single open reading frame, with sequence analysis suggesting that VDACs and Tom40s are ancestrally related and should be grouped into the same protein family: the mitochondrial porins. The single T. brucei mitochondrial porin is essential only under growth conditions that depend on oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondria isolated from homozygous knockout cells did not produce adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) in response to added substrates, but ATP production was restored by physical disruption of the outer membrane. These results demonstrate that the mitochondrial porin identified in T. brucei is the main metabolite channel in the outer membrane and therefore the functional orthologue of VDAC. No distinct Tom40 was identified in T. brucei. In addition to mitochondrial proteins, T. brucei imports all mitochondrial tRNAs from the cytosol. Isolated mitochondria from the VDAC knockout cells import tRNA as efficiently as wild-type. Thus, unlike the scenario in plants, VDAC is not required for mitochondrial tRNA import in T. brucei.
How instructive signals are translated into robust and predictable changes in growth is a central question in developmental biology. Recently, much interest has centered on the feedback between chemical instructions and mechanical changes for pattern formation in development. In plants, the patterned arrangement of aerial organs, or phyllotaxis, is instructed by the phytohormone auxin; however, it still remains to be seen how auxin is linked, at the apex, to the biochemical and mechanical changes of the cell wall required for organ outgrowth. Here, using Atomic Force Microscopy, we demonstrate that auxin reduces tissue rigidity prior to organ outgrowth in the shoot apex of Arabidopsis thaliana, and that the de-methyl-esterification of pectin is necessary for this reduction. We further show that development of functional organs produced by pectin-mediated ectopic wall softening requires auxin signaling. Lastly, we demonstrate that coordinated localization of the auxin transport protein, PIN1, is disrupted in a naked-apex produced by increasing cell wall rigidity. Our data indicates that a feedback loop between the instructive chemical auxin and cell wall mechanics may play a crucial role in phyllotactic patterning.
According to climate models, drier summers must be expected more frequently in Central Europe during the next decades, which may influence plant performance and competition in grassland. The overall source–sink relations in plants, especially allocation of solutes to above- and below-ground parts, may be affected by drought. To investigate solute export from a given leaf of broadleaf dock, a solution containing 57Co and 65Zn was introduced through a leaf flap. The export from this leaf was detected by analysing radionuclide contents in various plant parts. Less label was allocated to new leaves and more to roots under drought. The observed alterations of source–sink relations in broadleaf dock were reversible during a subsequent short period of rewatering. These findings suggest an increased resource allocation to roots under drought improving the functionality of the plants.
Subalpine grasslands are highly seasonal environments and likely subject to strong variability in nitrogen (N) dynamics. Plants and microbes typically compete for N acquisition during the growing season and particularly at plant peak biomass. During snowmelt, plants could potentially benefit from a decrease in competition by microbes, leading to greater plant N uptake associated with active growth and freeze-thaw cycles restricting microbial growth. In managed subalpine grasslands, we expect these interactions to be influenced by recent changes in agricultural land use, and associated modifications in plant and microbial communities. At several subalpine grasslands in the French Alps, we added pulses of 15N to the soil at the end of snowmelt, allowing us to compare the dynamics of inorganic N uptake in plants and microbes during this period with that previously reported at the peak biomass in July. In all grasslands, while specific shoot N translocation (per g of biomass) of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) was two to five times greater at snowmelt than at peak biomass, specific microbial DIN uptakes were similar between the two sampling dates. On an area basis, plant communities took more DIN than microbial communities at the end of snowmelt when aboveground plant biomasses were at least two times lower than at peak biomass. Consequently, inorganic N partitioning after snowmelt switches in favor of plant communities, allowing them to support their growing capacities at this period of the year. Seasonal differences in microbial and plant inorganic N-related dynamics were also affected by past (terraced vs. unterraced) rather than current (mown vs. unmown) land use. In terraced grasslands, microbial biomass N remained similar across seasons, whereas in unterraced grasslands, microbial biomass N was higher and microbial C : N lower at the end of snowmelt as compared to peak biomass. Further investigations on microbial community composition and their organic N uptake dynamics are required to better understand the decrease in microbial DIN uptake.
Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories are of central importance in many areas of physics. In condensed matter physics, AbelianU(1) lattice gauge theories arise in the description of certain quantum spin liquids. In quantum information theory, Kitaev’s toric code is a Z(2) lattice gauge theory. In particle physics, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the non-Abelian SU(3) gauge theory of the strong interactions between quarks and gluons, is nonperturbatively regularized on a lattice. Quantum link models extend the concept of lattice gauge theories beyond the Wilson formulation, and are well suited for both digital and analog quantum simulation using ultracold atomic gases in optical lattices. Since quantum simulators do not suffer from the notorious sign problem, they open the door to studies of the real-time evolution of strongly coupled quantum systems, which are impossible with classical simulation methods. A plethora of interesting lattice gauge theories suggests itself for quantum simulation, which should allow us to address very challenging problems, ranging from confinement and deconfinement, or chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration at finite baryon density, to color superconductivity and the real-time evolution of heavy-ion collisions, first in simpler model gauge theories and ultimately in QCD.
Consideration of the geosphere for isolation of nuclear waste has generated substantial interest in the origin, age, and movement of fl uids and gases in low-permeability rock formations. Here, we present profi les of isotopes, solutes, and helium in porewaters recovered from 860 m of Cambrian to Devonian strata on the eastern fl ank of the Michigan Basin. Of particular interest is a 240-m-thick, halite-mineralized, Ordovician shale and carbonate aquiclude, which hosts Br–-enriched, post-dolomitic brine (5.8 molal Cl) originating as evaporated Silurian seawater. Authigenic helium that has been accumulating in the aquiclude for more than 260 m.y. is found to be isolated from underlying allochthonous, 3He-enriched helium that originated from the rifted base of the Michigan Basin and the Canadian Shield. The Paleozoic age and immobility of the pore fl uids in this Ordovician aquiclude considerably strengthen the safety case for deep geological repositories, but also provide new insights into the origin of deep crustal brines and opportunities for research on other components of a preserved Paleozoic porewater system.
The high copy dTph1 transposon system of Petunia (Solanaceae) is one of the most powerful insertion mutagens in plants, but its activity cannot be controlled in the commonly used mutator strains. We analysed the regulation of dTph1 activity by QTL analysis in recombinant inbred lines of the mutator strain W138 and a wild species (P. integrifolia spp. inflata). Two genetic factors were identified that control dTph1 transposition. One corresponded to the ACT1 locus on chromosome I. A second, previously undescribed locus ACT2 mapped on chromosome V. As a 6-cM introgression in W138, the P. i. inflata act1(S6) allele behaved as a single recessive locus that fully eliminated transposition of all dTph1 elements in all stages of plant development and in a heritable fashion. Weak dTph1 activity was restored in act1(S6)/ACT2(S6) double introgression lines, indicating that the P. i. inflata allele at ACT2 conferred a low level of transposition. Thus, the act1(S6) allele is useful for simple and predictable control of transposition of the entire dTph1 family when introgressed into an ultra-high copy W138 mutator strain. We demonstrate the use of the ACT1(W138)/act1(S6) allele pair in a two-element dTph1 transposition system by producing 10 000 unique and fixed dTph1 insertions in a population of 1250 co-isogenic lines. This Petunia system produces the highest per plant insertion number of any known two-element system, providing a powerful and logistically simple tool for transposon mutagenesis of qualitative as well as quantitative traits.
Although slugs and snails play important roles in terrestrial ecosystems and cause considerable damage on a variety of crop plants, knowledge about the mechanisms of plant immunity to molluscs is limited. We found slugs to be natural herbivores of Arabidopsis thaliana and therefore investigated possible resistance mechanisms of this species against several molluscan herbivores. Treating wounded leaves with the mucus residue (‘slime trail’) of the Spanish slug Arion lusitanicus increased wound-induced jasmonate levels, suggesting the presence of defence elicitors in the mucus. Plants deficient in jasmonate biosynthesis and signalling suffered more damage by molluscan herbivores in the laboratory and in the field, demonstrating that JA-mediated defences protect A. thaliana against slugs and snails. Furthermore, experiments using A. thaliana mutants with altered levels of specific glucosinolate classes revealed the importance of aliphatic glucosinolates in defending leaves and reproductive structures against molluscs. The presence in mollusc faeces of known and novel metabolites arising from glutathione conjugation with glucosinolate hydrolysis products suggests that molluscan herbivores actively detoxify glucosinolates. Higher levels of aliphatic glucosinolates were found in plants during the night compared to the day, which correlated well with the nocturnal activity rhythms of slugs and snails. Our data highlight the function of well-known antiherbivore defence pathways in resistance against slugs and snails and suggest an important role for the diurnal regulation of defence metabolites against nocturnal molluscan herbivores.
1.Leaf-herbivore attack often triggers induced resistance in plants. However, certain specialist herbivores can also take advantage of the induced metabolic changes. In some cases, they even manipulate plant resistance, leading to a phenomenon called induced susceptibility. Compared to above-ground plant-insect interactions, little is known about the prevalence and consequences of induced responses below-ground. 2.A recent study suggested that feeding by the specialist root herbivore Diabrotica virgifera virgifera makes maize roots more susceptible to conspecifics. To better understand this phenomenon, we conducted a series of experiments to study the behavioural responses and elucidate the underlying biochemical mechanisms. 3.We found that D. virgifera benefitted from feeding on a root system in groups of intermediate size (3–9 larvae/plant in the laboratory), whereas its performance was reduced in large groups (12 larvae/plant). Interestingly, the herbivore was able to select host plants with a suitable density of conspecifics by using the induced plant volatile (E)-β-caryophyllene in a dose-dependent manner. Using a split root experiment, we show that the plant-induced susceptibility is systemic and, therefore, plant mediated. Chemical analyses on plant resource reallocation and defences upon herbivory showed that the systemic induced-susceptibility is likely to stem from a combination of (i) increased free amino acid concentrations and (ii) relaxation of defence inducibility. 4.These findings show that herbivores can use induced plant volatiles in a density-dependent manner to aggregate on a host plant and change its metabolism to their own benefit. Our study furthermore helps to explain the remarkable ecological success of D. virgifera in maize fields around the world.
Plants attacked by herbivores have evolved different strategies that fend off their enemies. Insect eggs deposited on leaves have been shown to inhibit further oviposition through visual or chemical cues. In some plant species, the volatile methyl salicylate (MeSA) repels gravid insects but whether it plays the same role in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana is currently unknown. Here we showed that Pieris brassicae butterflies laid fewer eggs on Arabidopsis plants that were next to a MeSA dispenser or on plants with constitutively high MeSA emission than on control plants. Surprisingly, the MeSA biosynthesis mutant bsmt1-1 treated with egg extract was still repellent to butterflies when compared to untreated bsmt1-1. Moreover, the expression of BSMT1 was not enhanced by egg extract treatment but was induced by herbivory. Altogether, these results provide evidence that the deterring activity of eggs on gravid butterflies is independent of MeSA emission in Arabidopsis, and that MeSA might rather serve as a deterrent in plants challenged by feeding larvae.
As a nontolerant plant to a large number of toxic compounds, Arabidopsis thaliana is a suitable model to study regulation of genes involved in response to heavy metals. Using a cDNA-microarray approach, we identified some ABC transporters that are differentially regulated after cadmium treatments, making them putative candidates for being involved in Cd sequestration and redistribution in plants. Regarding yeast and fission yeast, in which Cd is able to form complexes either with glutathione (GSH) or phytochelatins (PC) subsequently transported into vacuoles via ABC transporters, it is also very likely that some plant ABC transporters are able to transport GS2–Cd or PC–Cd complexes into subcellular compartments or outside of the cell. The characterization of such transporters is of great interest for developing molecular biology approaches in phytoremediation.