867 resultados para GREENHOUSE GASES


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Catalytic combustion of H-2 was carried out over combustion synthesized noble metal (Pd or Pt) ion-substituted CeO2 based catalysts using a feed stream that simulated exhaust gases from a fuel cell processor The catalysts showed a high activity for H-2-combustion and complete conversion was achieved below 200 C over all the catalysts when O-2 was used in a stoichiometric amount With higher amounts of O-2 the reaction rates Increased and complete conversions were possible below 100 C The reaction was also carried out over Pd-impregnated CeO2 The conversions of H-2 with stoichiometric amount of O-2 were found to be higher over Pd-substituted compound The mechanism of the reaction over noble metal-substituted compounds was proposed on the basis of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies The redox couples between Ce and metal ions were established and a dual site redox mechanism was pi posed for the reaction (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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Influence of various gases on the intensity of single bubble sonoluminescence has been studied. The gases used were air, oxygen, nitrogen, argon and helium. Among these oxygen gave the brightest intensity with nitrogen giving the least.


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We derive boundary conditions at a rigid wall for a granular material comprising rough, inelastic particles. Our analysis is confined to the rapid flow, or granular gas, regime in which grains interact by impulsive collisions. We use the Chapman-Enskog expansion in the kinetic theory of dense gases, extended for inelastic and rough particles, to determine the relevant fluxes to the wall. As in previous studies, we assume that the particles are spheres, and that the wall is corrugated by hemispheres rigidly attached to it. Collisions between the particles and the wall hemispheres are characterized by coefficients of restitution and roughness. We derive boundary conditions for the two limiting cases of nearly smooth and nearly perfectly rough spheres, as a hydrodynamic description of granular gases comprising rough spheres is appropriate only in these limits. The results are illustrated by applying the equations of motion and boundary conditions to the problem of plane Couette flow.


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This paper contains an analysis of the technical options in agriculture for reducing greenhouse-gas emissions and increasing sinks, arising from three distinct mechanisms: (i) increasing carbon sinks in soil organic matter and above-ground biomass; (ii) avoiding carbon emissions from farms by reducing direct and indirect energy use; and (iii) increasing renewable-energy production from biomass that either substitutes for consumption of fossil fuels or replaces inefficient burning of fuelwood or crop residues, and so avoids carbon emissions, together with use of biogas digesters and improved cookstoves. We then review best-practice sustainable agriculture and renewable-resource-management projects and initiatives in China and India, and analyse the annual net sinks being created by these projects, and the potential market value of the carbon sequestered. We conclude with a summary of the policy and institutional conditions and reforms required for adoption of best sustainability practice in the agricultural sector to achieve the desired reductions in emissions and increases in sinks. A review of 40 sustainable agriculture and renewable-resource-management projects in China and India under the three mechanisms estimated a carbon mitigation potential of 64.8 MtC yr(-1) from 5.5 Mha. The potential income for carbon mitigation is $324 million at $5 per tonne of carbon. The potential exists to increase this by orders of magnitude, and so contribute significantly to greenhouse-gas abatement. Most agricultural mitigation options also provide several ancillary benefits. However, there are many technical, financial, policy, legal and institutional barriers to overcome.


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This article reports the greenhouse gas emissions of anthropogenic origin by sources and removals by sinks of India for 2007 prepared under the aegis of the Indian Network for Climate Change Assessment (INCCA) (note 1). The emission profile includes carbon dioxide (CO(2)), methane and nitrous oxide. It also includes the estimates of hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride at the national level from various sectors, viz, energy, industrial process and product use, agriculture, land-use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF), and waste. In 2007, emissions were of the order of 2008.67 Tg (note 2) of CO(2) equivalents without emissions from the LULUCF sector. Whereas with LULUCF the emissions were about 1831.65 Tg CO(2) equivalents. The energy sector accounted for 69% of the total emissions, the agriculture sector contributed 19% of the emissions, 9% of the emissions was from the industrial processes and product use, and only 3% of the emissions was attributable to the waste sector. The LULUCF sector on the whole was net sink category for CO(2). The study tracks the improvements made in inventory estimates at the national level through the years, in terms of the expanding coverage of sources, reducing uncertainties and inclusion of new methodologies, including some elements of future areas of work.


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Sparking potentials have been measured in nitrogen and dry air between coaxial cylindrical electrodes for values of n = R2/R1 = approximately 1 to 30 (R1 = inner electrode radius, R2 = outer electrode radius) in the presence of crossed uniform magnetic fields. The magnetic flux density was varied from 0 to 3000 Gauss. It has been shown that the minimum sparking potentials in the presence of the crossed magnetic field can be evaluated on the basis of the equivalent pressure concept when the secondary ionization coefficient does not vary appreciably with B/p (B = magnetic flux density, p = gas pressure). The values of secondary ionization coefficients �¿B in nitrogen in crossed fields calculated from measured values of sparking potentials and Townsend ionization coefficients taken from the literature, have been reported. The calculated values of collision frequencies in nitrogen from minimum sparking potentials in crossed fields are found to increase with increasing B/p at constant E/pe (pe = equivalent pressure). Studies on the similarity relationship in crossed fields has shown that the similarity theorem is obeyed in dry air for both polarities of the central electrode in crossed fields.


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The heat of adsorption of methane, ethane, carbon dioxide, R-507a and R-134a on several specimens of microporous activated carbons is derived from experimental adsorption data fitted to the Dubinin-Astakhov equation. These adsorption results are compared with literature data obtained from calorimetric measurements and from the pressure-temperature relation during isosteric heating/cooling. Because the adsorbed phase volume plays an important role, its dependence on temperature and pressure needs to be correctly assessed. In addition, for super-critical gas adsorption, the evaluation of the pseudo-saturation pressure also needs a judicious treatment. Based on the evaluation of carbon dioxide adsorption, it can be seen that sub-critical and super-critical adsorption show different temperature dependences of the isosteric heat of adsorption. The temperature and loading dependence of this property needs to be taken into account while designing practical systems. Some practical implications of these findings are enumerated.


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Recent experiments on fermions in synthetic gauge fields result in systems with a spin-orbit coupling along one spatial axis, a detuning field, and a Zeeman field. We show theoretically that the presence of all three results in interesting and unusual phenomena in a system of interacting fermions (interactions described by a scattering length). For two fermions, bound states appear only over a certain range of the center-of-mass momenta. The deepest bound state appears at a nonzero center-of-mass momentum. For center-of-mass momenta without a bound state, the gauge field induces a resonance-like feature in the scattering continuum resulting in a large scattering phase shift. In the case of many particles, we demonstrate that the system, in a parameter range, shows flow-enhanced pairing, i.e., a Fulde-Farrell-Larkin-Ovchnnikov superfluid state made of robust pairs with a finite center-of-mass momentum. Yet another regime of parameters offers the opportunity to study strongly interacting normal states of spin-orbit-coupled fermionic systems utilizing the resonance-like feature induced by the synthetic gauge field.


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Feeding 9-10billion people by 2050 and preventing dangerous climate change are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Both challenges must be met while reducing the impact of land management on ecosystem services that deliver vital goods and services, and support human health and well-being. Few studies to date have considered the interactions between these challenges. In this study we briefly outline the challenges, review the supply- and demand-side climate mitigation potential available in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use AFOLU sector and options for delivering food security. We briefly outline some of the synergies and trade-offs afforded by mitigation practices, before presenting an assessment of the mitigation potential possible in the AFOLU sector under possible future scenarios in which demand-side measures codeliver to aid food security. We conclude that while supply-side mitigation measures, such as changes in land management, might either enhance or negatively impact food security, demand-side mitigation measures, such as reduced waste or demand for livestock products, should benefit both food security and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation. Demand-side measures offer a greater potential (1.5-15.6Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1)) in meeting both challenges than do supply-side measures (1.5-4.3Gt CO2-eq. yr(-1) at carbon prices between 20 and 100US$ tCO(2)-eq. yr(-1)), but given the enormity of challenges, all options need to be considered. Supply-side measures should be implemented immediately, focussing on those that allow the production of more agricultural product per unit of input. For demand-side measures, given the difficulties in their implementation and lag in their effectiveness, policy should be introduced quickly, and should aim to codeliver to other policy agenda, such as improving environmental quality or improving dietary health. These problems facing humanity in the 21st Century are extremely challenging, and policy that addresses multiple objectives is required now more than ever.


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The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost-competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case-by-case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land-use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.


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The growth rate of high-speed mixing layer between two dissimilar gases is explored through the model free simulation results. To analyse the cause for the higher mixing layer growth rate in comparison to the existing values reported in literature, the results were compared with the model free simulations of mixing of two high-speed streams of nitrogen (similar gas) at matched temperature and density. The analysis indicates that pressure and density fluctuations no longer remain correlated completely for the mixing layer formed between two dissimilar gases at different temperatures in contrast to the complete pressure density correlation for similar gases. It has been observed that the correlation between temperature and density fluctuations is near -1.0 for dissimilar gases in the mixing layer region and is much higher than for similar gases. It is concluded that mixing layer of similar gases shows a decrease in growth rate due to compressibility effect, while that of dissimilar gases shows a decrease due to dominant temperature effect on density.


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Ammonia plays an important role in our daily lives and hence its quantitative and qualitative sensing has become necessary. Bulk structure of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been employed to detect the gas concentration of 10 ppm. Hydrophobic CNTs were turned to hydrophilic via the application of a ramp electric field that allowed confinement of a controlled amount of water inside CNT microstructure. These samples were then also used to detect different gases. A comparative study has been performed for sensing three reducing gases, namely, ammonia, sulphur-di-oxide, and hydrogen sulphide to elaborate the selectivity of the sensor. A considerable structural bending in the bulk CNT was observed on evaporation of the confined water, which can be accounted to the zipping of individual nanotubes. However, the rate of the stress induced on these bulk microstructures increased on the exposure of ammonia due to the change in the surface tension of the confined solvent. A prototype of an alarm system has been developed to illustrate sensing concept, wherein the generated stress in the bulk CNT induces a reversible loss in electrical contact that changes the equivalent resistance of the electrical circuit upon exposure to the gas. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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This study examines differences in the surface black carbon (BC) aerosol loading between the Bay of Bengal (BoB) and the Arabian Sea (AS) and identifies dominant sources of BC in South Asia and surrounding regions during March-May 2006 (Integrated Campaign for Aerosols, Gases and Radiation Budget, ICARB) period. A total of 13 BC tracers are introduced in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model coupled with Chemistry to address these objectives. The model reproduced the temporal and spatial variability of BC distribution observed over the AS and the BoB during the ICARB ship cruise and captured spatial variability at the inland sites. In general, the model underestimates the observed BC mass concentrations. However, the model-observation discrepancy in this study is smaller compared to previous studies. Model results show that ICARB measurements were fairly well representative of the AS and the BoB during the pre-monsoon season. Elevated BC mass concentrations in the BoB are due to 5 times stronger influence of anthropogenic emissions on the BoB compared to the AS. Biomass burning in Burma also affects the BoB much more strongly than the AS. Results show that anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions, respectively, accounted for 60 and 37% of the average +/- standard deviation (representing spatial and temporal variability) BC mass concentration (1341 +/- 2353 ng m(-3)) in South Asia. BC emissions from residential (61 %) and industrial (23 %) sectors are the major anthropogenic sources, except in the Himalayas where vehicular emissions dominate. We find that regional-scale transport of anthropogenic emissions contributes up to 25% of BC mass concentrations in western and eastern India, suggesting that surface BC mass concentrations cannot be linked directly to the local emissions in different regions of South Asia.