989 resultados para Franco, João, 1855-1929.
The influence of endometrial cavity length (ECL) on implantation and pregnancy rates after 400 embryo transfers was studied prospectively in a population with the indication of IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). The tip of the transfer catheter was placed above or below the half point of the ECL in a randomized manner. Two analyses were performed: (i) absolute position (AP); embryo transfers were divided into three groups according to the distance between the end of the fundal endometrial surface and the catheter tip (DTC - distance tip catheter): AP 1 (n = 212), 10-15 mm; AP 2 (n = 158), 16-20 mm; and AP 3 (n = 30), ≥21 mm. (ii) relative position (RP) - embryo transfers were divided into four groups according to their RP [RP = (DTC/ECL) × 100]: RP 1 (n = 23), ≤40%; RP 2 (n = 177), 41-50%; RP 3 (n = 117), 51-60%; and RP 4 (n = 83), ≥61%. Analysis based on relative distance revealed significantly higher implantation and pregnancy rates (P < 0.05) in more central areas of the ECL. However, analysis based on absolute position did not reveal any difference. In conclusion, the present results demonstrated that implantation and pregnancy rates are influenced by the site of embryo transfer, with better results being obtained when the catheter tip is positioned close to the middle area of the endometrial cavity. In this respect, previous analysis of the ECL is the fundamental step in establishing the ideal site for embryo transfers.
Pythiosis, caused by Pythium insidiosum, occurs in humans and animals and is acquired from aquatic environments that harbor the emerging pathogen. Diagnosis is difficult because clinical and histopathologic features are not pathognomonic. We report the first human case of pythiosis from Brazil, diagnosed by using culture and rDNA sequencing.
A field experiment was carried out in the Lageado Experimental Farm belonging to the São Paulo State University - UNESP, Campus of Botucatu, SP, in a distrophic Nitosoil in 1997/98. The objective was to compare the effects of magnesium termophosphate; termophosphate + lime; termophosphate + phosphogypsum + sugarcane vinnace application on the chemical characteristics of the soil and on the corn (Zea mays L.) yield cultivated in no-tillage and conventional tillage systems. The Crotalaria juncea was cultivated as mulch-producing to make possible the establishment of the tillage systems. The mean modifications in the soil fertility were due to aplication of the magnesium termophosphate. The differences between the two tillage systems, related to crop productivity, were associated to the smaller N content in the corn leaf in the no-tillage system.
Purpose: to evaluate the incidence and types of major congenital malformations (MCM) in liveborn children conceived by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Methods: a total of 680 liveborn children resulted from 511 couples submitted to ICSI from January, 1999 to December, 2002. Data collection of the children was performed through standardized questionnaire and clinical examination. Of the 511 couples, 366 had been contacted for a sampling of 371 gestations. Of the 680 liveborn, 520 had been evaluated, 250 of them (48.1%) through questionnaire and 270 (51.9%) through questionnaire and physical examination. Two hundred and fifty children were from singleton pregnancies and 270 from multiple pregnancies. Malformations were classified according to the 10th revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health. Only MCM were analyzed in this study. The incidence of MCM was compared with that of the general population obtained by the Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital Malformations. The statistical analysis was performed by the χ 2 test (level of significance p<0.05). Results: of the 520 children, 15 presented MCM, resulting in an incidence of 2.9%. There was no difference in relation to the control group (p>0.05), which showed 2.6% incidence of MCM. The most frequent malformations were of cardiac origin (four isolated and two associated), corresponding to 40% of the total. The other types of MCM were: renal (three), neural tube (two), skull (one), cleft lip (one), genital (one), Down syndrome (associated with cardiac malformations) (two), and musculoskeletal (one). Six MCM occurred in children from singleton pregnancies and nine in children from multiple pregnancies. Conclusion: the liveborn children conceived by ICSI presented incidence of major congenital malformations (2.9%) near to the expected for the general population (2.6%). However, to establish the risks of MCM with precision it is necessary to continue the evaluation of the children conceived by ICSI.
Purpose: to verify the viability of early diagnosis of fetal gender in maternal plasma by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (real-time PCR) starting at the 5th week of pregnancy. Methods: peripheral blood was collected from pregnant women with single fetus starting at the 5th week of gestation. After centrifugation, 0.4 mL plasma was separated for fetal DNA extraction. The DNA was analyzed in duplicate by real-time PCR for two genomic regions, one of the Y chromosome and the other common to both sexes, through the TaqMan® method, which uses a pair of primers and a fluorescent probe. Patients who aborted were excluded. Results: a total of 79 determinations of fetal DNA in maternal plasma were performed in 52 pregnant women. The results of the determinations were compared to fetal gender after delivery. Accuracy according to gestational age was 92.6% (25 of 27 cases) at 5 weeks with 87% sensitivity, and 95.6% (22 of 23 cases) at 6 weeks with 92% sensitivity. Starting at the 7th week of pregnancy, accuracy was 100% (29 of 29 cases). Specificity was 100% regardless of gestational age. Conclusion: real-time PCR for the detection of fetal gender in maternal plasma starting at the 5th week of gestation has good sensitivity and excellent specificity. There was agreement of the results in 100% of the cases in which male gender was diagnosed, regardless of gestational age, and from the 7th week of gestation for female gender diagnosis.
The purpose of this investigation was to verify the efficacy of recombinant LH supplementation for controlled ovarian stimulation in GnRH-antagonist protocol for assisted reproductive technologies cycles. Search strategies included on-line surveys of databases from 1990 to 2006. In this review and meta-analysis, the observed advantages for the LH supplementation protocol were a higher serum estradiol levels on the day of hCG administration and a higher number of mature oocytes. However, there were no differences observed in the total amount of r-FSH administered, days of stimulation, number of oocyte retrieved, the clinical pregnancy rate per oocyte retrieval, the implantation rate and miscarriage rate. This result demonstrates that the association of r-LH with r-FSH may prevent any decrease in estradiol after antagonist administration and a significant higher number of mature oocytes was obtained. Nevertheless, additional randomized controlled trials are needed confirm these observations.
Laser-assisted hatching is little documented in the literature regarding its efficacy in cryopreserved-thawed (CT) embryo transfer cycles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate in a randomized manner the efficacy of thinning one quarter of the zona pellucida of CT embryos to a depth of 50-80% of the original thickness, via laser treatment (the qLZT-AH procedure), in improving implantation and pregnancy rates. Two populations were studied: population I, patients who had all their supernumerary embryos cryopreserved, regardless of their morphology, and population II, patients at risk of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome who had all their embryos cryopreserved. Artificial and natural protocols were used for the embryo transfers. A total of 350 laser-thinned CT embryos were compared with 352 intact zona embryos. No difference in implantation or pregnancy rate was found after using qLZT-AH in either population. These findings suggest that qLZT-AH should not be routinely performed in cryopreserved embryo programmes.
The effects of CO2 application through irrigation water, and of grafting in transport of 15N and in the tomato production, were studied. These treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (with and without CO2 in irrigation water and grafted and non-grafted tomato), in a completely randomized design, with four replications. The injection of CO2 into the water began at 34 days after transplant of seedlings (DAT) and continued for all irrigations. The application of the sulfate of ammonium with abundance in atoms of 15N of 3.13% in plants destined to analysis was done at 45 DAT when the plants were in the middle of fructification. After 14 days of fertilizer (15N) application the plants were harvested, washed, dried and sent for analysis of 15N in plant tissue. The results demonstrated that CO2 and the grafting did not alter the transport of 15N in the plant. The production of commercial fruits was larger when CO2 was applied in water.
Objective: To investigate the relationship between the presence of meiotic spindle in human oocytes and fertilization rates in ICSI cycles. Methods: Search strategies included online surveys of databases from 1990 to 2008. Nine trials fulfilled the inclusion criteria Results: According to the meta-analysis, the results showed statistically significant higher fertilization rate (p<0.0001) when the meiotic spindle was viewed than when it was not. There was heterogeneity in this comparison. Conclusion: The presence of a birefringent meiotic spindle in human oocytes can predict a higher fertilization rate. This observation has clinical relevance mainly in countries where there is a legal limit on the number of oocytes to be fertilized. Copyright - SBRA - Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Assistida.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physico chemical characteristics of water quality for irrigation purposes in the micro basin of Coqueiro, a tributary on the right bank of the São José dos Dourados river, located between the municipalities of Jales, São Francisco, Palmeira d'Oeste and Dirce Reis, in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Water samples were collected at five geo-referenced points along the stocam and analysed monthly for one year. The parameters analysed were: suspended and dissolved solids, turbidity, electrical conductivity, pH, calcium, magnesium, hardness and total iron. The result showed that the physico chemical parameters had the classification of medium potential for damage to the irrigation system, except total iron, which was classified as having medium to high potential for damage by clogging for localized irrigation systems.
In the present investigation were evaluated the sanitary conditions of poultry and several types of sausages retailed in Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil for the determination of the most probable number of coliforms at 45°C/g besides the research of Salmonella using traditional methodology and PCR. In order to do so, 50 samples of poultry and 75 of sausages were collected from nine different establishments in the city, in the period of April to November of 2006. Of the 50 samples of chicken meat, 35 (70%) were out of the microbiologic parameters, according to Brazilian Sanitary Resolution RDC no 12 of Anvisa (>104 coliforms at 45°C/g). In this Resolution, the research of Salmonella is not demanded, but 4 samples (8%) presented the pathogen using the traditional methodology. That presence was confirmed by PCR, which was also positive in another 23, in a total of 27 positive samples (54%). Among 75 samples of sausages, 30 (40%) were out of the allowed limits, with 7 positive samples for Salmonella, using traditional methodology. However, if we consider PCR test, the number of positive samples increases to 42 (56%). Adding this number to coliforms microbiological limits, 86.7% of the analyzed sausages were inappropriate for the consumption.
Objective: To evaluate the biosecurity measures adopted in dental prosthesis laboratories of the city of João Pessoa, PB, Brazil with respect to prosthetic works sent by dentists. Method: Twenty-five dental prosthesis technicians (DPT) of the city of João Pessoa, PB, filled out a questionnaire referring to their knowledge of the biosecurity principles, disinfection of impressions and other prosthetic items, and the use of individual protection equipment (IPE). Results: Although 92% of the interviewees believed in the possible occurrence of cross-infection between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices, 64% declared that the prosthetic works received in their laboratories do not undergo any disinfection procedure. It was also observed that, for disinfection of impressions and stone casts, the chemical substances are not used as recommended by the manufacturers or are innocuous to microorganisms. Regarding the use of IPE, 60% of the DPT used mask, but only 4% used gowns. With respect to the measures taken regarding the impressions received from dental offices, 56% of the interviewees only wash them in running tap water, and 56% of the stone casts that arrive at the laboratory are not disinfected in any way. Conclusion: There is a need for more motivation and instructions to DPT regarding the prevention of cross-contamination during sending and receiving of prosthetic works between dental prosthesis laboratories and dental offices because the DPT evaluated in this study were found negligent with respect to disinfection procedures.
Bibliotecas consultadas: Biblioteca personal Sr. Rolando Franco, Biblioteca CEPAL, Sala CEPAL en la Biblioteca de la Comisión, Biblioteca FLACSO y Biblioteca de la Fundación Educacional "Roberto Bellarmino"
Influência da aplicação de vinhaça na capacidade de Infiltração de um solo de textura franco arenosa
The objective of this study was to analyze effects in different depth in soil water infiltration and to verify the Horton and Kostiakov-Lewis models adequacy in infiltration rate estimate. The treatments were five doses of vinasse (0, 200, 250, 300 and 350 m3?ha1?. The vinasse application reduced the soil erosion risk increasing the possibility of runoff. The Horton model had the best adjustment on the observed data, and the Kostiakov-Lewis model overestimated the infiltration rate values.