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Study Design. A multicenter, randomized controlled trial with unblinded treatment and blinded outcome assessment was conducted. The treatment period was 6 weeks with follow-up assessment after treatment, then at 3, 6, and 12 months. Objectives. To determine the effectiveness of manipulative therapy and a low-load exercise program for cervicogenic headache when used alone and in combination, as compared with a control group. Summary of Background Data. Headaches arising from cervical musculoskeletal disorders are common. Conservative therapies are recommended as the first treatment of choice. Evidence for the effectiveness of manipulative therapy is inconclusive and available only for the short term. There is no evidence for exercise, and no study has investigated the effect of combined therapies for cervicogenic headache. Methods. In this study, 200 participants who met the diagnostic criteria for cervicogenic headache were randomized into four groups: manipulative therapy group, exercise therapy group, combined therapy group, and a control group. The primary outcome was a change in headache frequency. Other outcomes included changes in headache intensity and duration, the Northwick Park Neck Pain Index, medication intake, and patient satisfaction. Physical outcomes included pain on neck movement, upper cervical joint tenderness, a craniocervical flexion muscle test, and a photographic measure of posture. Results. There were no differences in headache-related and demographic characteristics between the groups at baseline. The loss to follow-up evaluation was 3.5%. At the 12-month follow-up assessment, both manipulative therapy and specific exercise had significantly reduced headache frequency and intensity, and the neck pain and effects were maintained (P < 0.05 for all). The combined therapies was not significantly superior to either therapy alone, but 10% more patients gained relief with the combination. Effect sizes were at least moderate and clinically relevant. Conclusion. Manipulative therapy and exercise can reduce the symptoms of cervicogenic headache, and the effects are maintained.
The possibility of controlling vector-borne disease through the development and release of transgenic insect vectors has recently gained popular support and is being actively pursued by a number of research laboratories around the world. Several technical problems must be solved before such a strategy could be implemented: genes encoding refractory traits (traits that render the insect unable to transmit the pathogen) must be identified, a transformation system for important vector species has to be developed, and a strategy to spread the refractory trait into natural vector populations must be designed. Recent advances in this field of research make it seem likely that this technology will be available in the near future. In this paper we review recent progress in this area as well as argue that care should be taken in selecting the most appropriate disease system with which to first attempt this form of intervention. Much attention is currently being given to the application of this technology to the control of malaria, transmitted by Anopheles gambiae in Africa. While malaria is undoubtedly the most important vector-borne disease in the world and its control should remain an important goal, we maintain that the complex epidemiology of malaria together with the intense transmission rates in Africa may make it unsuitable for the first application of this technology. Diseases such as African trypanosomiasis, transmitted by the tsetse fly, or unstable malaria in India may provide more appropriate initial targets to evaluate the potential of this form of intervention.
The present study examined the effects of work control and job demands on employee adjustment and work performance using a multidimensional measure of work control (assessing levels of task control, decision control and work scheduling control). It was proposed that the negative effects of job demands and employee adjustment would be moderated by high levels of task control. It was also proposed that there would be evidence of main effects of both job demands and work control (particularly task-related levels of control) on employee adjustment. To test these predictions, a study of 135 university employees holding administrative positions was undertaken. Methodological improvements over previous research included the use of both self-reported adjustment measures and supervisor ratings of work performance as outcome variables, and the assessment of the predictor and outcome measures at different points in time (self-reported adjustment was assessed at both Times 1 and 2). The results revealed some support for the proposal that the effects of job demands would be buffered by high levels of task control, but not more peripheral aspects of work control. There were also significant main effects of task control on job satisfaction.
Notified cases of dengue infections in Singapore reached historical highs in 2004 (9459 cases) and 2005 (13 817 cases) and the reason for such all increase is still to be established. We apply a mathematical model for dengue infection that takes into account the seasonal variation in incidence, characteristic of dengue fever, and which mimics the 2004-2005 epidemics in Singapore. We simulated a set of possible control strategies and confirmed the intuitive belief that killing adult mosquitoes is the most effective strategy to control an ongoing epidemic. On the other hand, the control of immature forms was very efficient ill preventing the resurgence of dengue epidemics. Since the control of immature forms allows the reduction of adulticide, it seems that the best strategy is to combine both adulticide and larvicide control measures during an outbreak, followed by the maintenance of larvicide methods after the epidemic has subsided. In addition, the model showed that the mixed strategy of adulticide and larvicide methods introduced by the government seems to be very effective in reducing the number of cases in the first weeks after the start of control.
Congenital hyperinsulinism (CHI) is a rare pancreatic beta-cell disease of neonates, characterized by inappropriate insulin secretion with severe persistent hypoglycemia, with regard to which many questions remain to be answered, despite the important acquisition of its molecular mechanisms in the last decade. The aim of this study was to examine pancreatic histology, beta-cell proliferation (immunohistochemistry with double staining for Ki-67/insulin), and beta-cell adenosine triphosphate-sensitive potassium channels genes from 11 Brazilian patients with severe medically unresponsive CHI who underwent pancreatectomy. Pancreatic histology and beta-cell proliferation in CHI patients were compared to pancreatic samples from 19 age-matched controls. Ten cases were classified as diffuse form (D-CHI) and 1 as focal form (F-CHI). beta-cell nucleomegaly and abundant cytoplasm were absent in controls and were observed only in D-CHI patients. The Ki-67 labeling index (Ki-67-LI) was used to differentiate the adenomatous areas of the F-CHI case (10.15%) from the ""loose cluster of islets`` found in 2 D-CHI samples (2.29% and 2.43%) and 1 control (1.54%) sample. The Ki-67-LI was higher in the F-CHI adenomatous areas, but D-CHI patients also had significantly greater Ki-67-LI (mean value = 2.41%) than age-matched controls (mean value = 1.87%) (P = 0.009). In this 1st genetic study of CHI patients in Brazil, no mutations or new polymorphisms were found in the 33-37 exons of the ABCC8 gene (SUR1) or in the entire exon of the KCNJ11 gene (Kir 6.2) in 4 of 4 patients evaluated. On the other hand, enhanced beta-cell proliferation seems to be a constant feature in CHI patients, both in diffuse and focal forms.
Burke TN, Franc, a FJR, de Meneses SRF, Cardoso VI, Marques AP: Postural control in elderly persons with osteoporosis: Efficacy of an intervention program to improve balance and muscle strength: A randomized controlled trial. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2010; 89: 549-556. Objective: To assess the efficacy of an exercise program aiming to improve balance and muscular strength, for postural control and muscular strength of women with osteoporosis. Design: Sample consisted of 33 women with osteoporosis, randomized into one of two groups: intervention group, in which exercises for balance and improvement of muscular strength of the inferior members were performed for 8 wks (n = 17, age 72.8 +/- 3.6 yrs); control group, which was women not practicing exercises (n = 16, age 74.4 +/- 3.7 yrs). At baseline and after 8 wks of treatment, postural control was assessed using a force plate (Balance Master, Neurocom), and muscular strength during ankle dorsiflexion, knee extension, and flexion was assessed by dynamometry. Results: Adherence to the program was 82%. When compared with the control group, individuals in the intervention group significantly improved the center of pressure velocity (P = 0.02) in the modified clinical test of sensory interaction for balance test, center of pressure velocity (P < 0.01), and directional control (P < 0.01) in limits of stability test, isometric force during ankle dorsiflexion (P = 0.01), knee extension (P < 0.01), and knee flexion (P < 0.01). Conclusions: Balance and strength exercises are effective in improving postural control and lower-limb strength in elderly women with osteoporosis.
The cattle tick, Boophilus microplus, is a major pest of cattle in Australia, Central and South America, and parts of Africa and Asia. Control of ticks with organophosphates (OPs) and carbamates, which target acetylcholinesterases (AChE), led to evolution of resistance to these pesticides. Alleles at the locus studied here, AChE2, from OP-susceptible female ticks from Australia and Mexico differed at 46 of 1689 nucleotide positions (20 putative amino acid differences) whereas alleles from three strains of OP-resistant ticks from Australia differed with the allele from the Australian susceptible ticks at six to 13 nucleotide positions (three to six putative amino acid differences). However, the role, if any, of these polymorphisms in the OP-resistance phenotype is unknown. Certainly none of the polymorphisms correspond to sites in ACK that are involved in catalysis or binding of acetylcholine in other organisms. Both of the AChE loci of B. microplus, AChE1 and AChE2, are apparently expressed in synganglia; AChE1 is also expressed in salivary glands and ovaries, in OP-susceptible and OP-resistant ticks. This seems to contradict studies of enzyme kinetics, which indicated that only one form of AChE was present in the synganglia, the site of the action of OPs, in this species of tick. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
At least 6% of primary school aged children present with DCD, where co-ordination is substantially below the normal range for the child’s age and intelligence. Motor skill difficulties negatively affect academic achievement, recreation and activities of daily living. Poor upper-limb co-ordination is a common difficulty for children with DCD. A possible cause of this problem is deviant muscle timing in proximal muscle groups, which results in poor postural and movement control. While studies have been published investigating postural control in response to external perturbations, detail about postural muscle activity during voluntary movement is limited even in children with normal motor development. No studies have investigated the relationship between muscle timing, resultant arm motion and upper-limb coordination deficits. Objectives: To investigate the relationship between functional difficulties with upper-limb motor skills and neuromuscular components of postural stability and coordination. Specifically, to investigate onset-timing of muscle activity, timing of arm movement, and resultant three-dimensional (3D) arm co-ordination during rapid, voluntary arm movement and to analyse differences arising due to the presence of DCD. This study is part of a larger research program investigating postural stability and control of upper limb movement in children. Design: A controlled, cross-sectional study of differences between children with and without DCD. Methods: This study included 50 children aged eight to 10 years (25 with DCD and 25 without DCD). Children participated in assessment of motor skills according to the Movement ABC Test and a laboratory study of rapid, voluntary arm movements. Parameters investigated included muscle activation timing of shoulder and trunk muscles (surface electromyography), arm movement timing (light sensor) and resultant 3D arm motion (Fastrak). Results: A MANOVA is being used to analyse between-group differences. Preliminary results indicate children with DCD demonstrate altered muscle timing during a rapid arm raise when compared with the control group of children. Conclusion: Differences in proximal muscle timing in children with DCD support the hypothesis that altered proximal muscle activity may contribute to poor proximal stability and consequently poor arm movement control. This has implications for clinical physiotherapy.
We describe remarkable success in controlling dengue vectors, Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes albopictus (Skuse), in 6 communes with 11,675 households and 49,647 people in the northern provinces of Haiphong, Hung Yen, and Nam Dinh in Vietnam. The communes were selected for high-frequency use of large outdoor concrete tanks and wells. These were found to be the source of 49.6-98.4% of Ae. aegypti larvae, which were amenable to treatment with local Mesocyclops, mainly M. woutersi Van der Velde, M. aspericornis (Daday) and M. thermocyclopoides Harada. Knowledge, attitude, and practice surveys were performed to determine whether the communities viewed dengue and dengue hemorrhagic fever as a serious health threat; to determine their knowledge of the etiology, attitudes, and practices regarding control methods including Mesocyclops; and to determine their receptivity to various information methods. On the basis of the knowledge, attitude, and practice data, the community-based dengue control program comprised a system of local leaders, health volunteer teachers, and schoolchildren, supported by health professionals. Recycling of discards for economic gain was enhanced, where appropriate, and this, plus 37 clean-up campaigns, removed small containers unsuitable for Mesocyclops treatment. A previously successful eradication at Phan Boi village (Hung Yen province) was extended to 7 other villages forming Di Su commune (1,750 households) in the current study. Complete control was also achieved in Nghia Hiep (Hung Yen province) and in Xuan Phong (Nam Dinh province); control efficacy was greater than or equal to 99.7% in the other 3 communes (Lac Vien in Haiphong, Nghia Dong, and Xuan Kien in Nam Dinh). Although tanks and wells were the key container types of Ae. aegypti productivity, discarded materials were the source of 51% of the standing crop of Ae. albopictus. Aedes albopictus larvae were eliminated from the 3 Nam Dinh communes, and 86-98% control was achieved in the other 3 communes. Variable dengue attack rates made the clinical and serological comparison of control and untreated communes problematic, but these data indicate that clinical surveillance by itself is inadequate to monitor dengue transmission.
Dizygotic twinning in humans is influenced by genetic factors suggesting inherited variation affects follicle development and predisposes to double ovulations. In a previous study, we conducted a detailed examination of follicle development and variation in hormone concentrations during the menstrual cycle in mothers of DZ twins (MODZT) compared with an age-matched control group of mothers of singletons. We did not detect differences in FSH concentrations between mothers of twins and mothers of singletons. Serum inhibin concentrations were measured by a radioimmunoassay that did not distinguish between dimeric inhibin A and B forms and free inhibin alpha subunit. We therefore analyzed the samples from this study with specific assays to determine whether concentrations of inhibin A and B were different between MODZT and controls and therefore contribute to the twinning phenotype. There were no significant differences between MONT with single ovulations and control women in inhibin A and B concentrations during the cycle, including the critical period for the selection of the dominant follicle. These data suggest that the genetic cause of twinning is not associated with changes in FSH concentrations or recognised feedback mechanisms regulating FSH release.
The taxi industry provides a strategic site to explore workplace deviance in low supervision, low status, occupational settings. Despite this theoretical opportunity and the objective importance of the taxi industry worldwide, very little is known about deviance among taxi drivers. Making use of interview data, this exploratory study maps out forms of workplace deviance and the explanations given for them by a sample of male taxi drivers. Major illegal activities reported included speeding, driving unsafe vehicles, taking drugs, and fraud. Theories pertaining to worker alienation, stress management, victim precipitation, and social control were relevant to the rationalizations some of the drivers provided to account for their illegal behaviors. We conclude that the occupational culture of taxi drivers and the structure of the taxi industry facilitate the forms of deviance reported here.
No-tillage systems provide soil changes that affect nutrient dynamics, hence, changing rates and forms of fertilizer application. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of phosphorus (P) and modes of nitrogen (N) and P application in corn under long-term no-tillage in a clayey Oxisol. Two experiments were carried out in the same experimental area and in the same year, in a randomized blocks design with four replications. In experiment I, the treatments consisted of five doses of phosphorus (0, 40, 80, 120 and 160 kg ha-1 of P2O5) applied in the sowing furrow. In experiment II, the treatments consisted of the N and P application modes (topdressing, in the sowing furrow and control - without N and P). Experiment I evaluated the root length, P uptake and grain yield and, the Experiment II, the firing height and yield. The P rates provided linear increases in root length in the 0-10 cm layer, P uptake and grain production. The different modes of application provided differences in the firing height and corn yield. The control treatment (0 kg ha-1 of N and P) provided the highest firing height, superior than those of topdressing and application in the furrow, which were not significantly different. The topdress application of N and P provided an increase in corn yield that exceeded 16 and 42% of the application in the furrow and the control, respectively. Thus, the results confirmed that increasing rates of P2O5, in soil with high initial P content, influence positively corn production factors, but with little significant responses, and the topdress application of N and P on soil with high P content, without water restriction, provided increased grain yield in relation to the application in the furrow.
Voltage source multilevel power converter structures are being considered for high power high voltage applications where they have well known advantages. Recently, full back-to-back connected multilevel neutral diode clamped converters (NPC) have been used in high voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission systems. Bipolar back-to-back connection of NPCs have advantages in long distance HVDC transmission systems, but highly increased difficulties to balance the dc capacitor voltage dividers on both sending and receiving end NPCs. This paper proposes a fast optimum-predictive controller to balance the dc capacitor voltages and to control the power flow in a long distance HVDCsystem using bipolar back-to-back connected NPCs. For both converter sides, the control strategy considers active and reactive power to establish ac grid currents on sending and receiving ends, while guaranteeing the balancing of both NPC dc bus capacitor voltages. Furthermore, the fast predictivecontroller minimizes the semiconductor switching frequency to reduce global switching losses. The performance and robustness of the new fast predictive control strategy and the associated dc capacitors voltage balancing are evaluated. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Water covers over 70% of the Earth's surface, and is vital for all known forms of life. But only 3% of the Earth's water is fresh water, and less than 0.3% of all freshwater is in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and the atmosphere. However, rivers and lakes are an important part of fresh surface water, amounting to about 89%. In this Master Thesis dissertation, the focus is on three types of water bodies – rivers, lakes and reservoirs, and their water quality issues in Asian countries. The surface water quality in a region is largely determined both by the natural processes such as climate or geographic conditions, and the anthropogenic influences such as industrial and agricultural activities or land use conversion. The quality of the water can be affected by pollutants discharge from a specific point through a sewer pipe and also by extensive drainage from agriculture/urban areas and within basin. Hence, water pollutant sources can be divided into two categories: Point source pollution and Non-point source (NPS) pollution. Seasonal variations in precipitation and surface run-off have a strong effect on river discharge and the concentration of pollutants in water bodies. For example, in the rainy season, heavy and persistent rain wash off the ground, the runoff flow increases and may contain various kinds of pollutants and, eventually, enters the water bodies. In some cases, especially in confined water bodies, the quality may be positive related with rainfall in the wet season, because this confined type of fresh water systems allows high dilution of pollutants, decreasing their possible impacts. During the dry season, the quality of water is largely related to industrialization and urbanization pollution. The aim of this study is to identify the most common water quality problems in Asian countries and to enumerate and analyze the methodologies used for assessment of water quality conditions of both rivers and confined water bodies (lakes and reservoirs). Based on the evaluation of a sample of 57 papers, dated between 2000 and 2012, it was found that over the past decade, the water quality of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in developing countries is being degraded. Water pollution and destruction of aquatic ecosystems have caused massive damage to the functions and integrity of water resources. The most widespread NPS in Asian countries and those which have the greatest spatial impacts are urban runoff and agriculture. Locally, mine waste runoff and rice paddy are serious NPS problems. The most relevant point pollution sources are the effluents from factories, sewage treatment plant, and public or household facilities. It was found that the most used methodology was unquestionably the monitoring activity, used in 49 of analyzed studies, accounting for 86%. Sometimes, data from historical databases were used as well. It can be seen that taking samples from the water body and then carry on laboratory work (chemical analyses) is important because it can give an understanding of the water quality. 6 papers (11%) used a method that combined monitoring data and modeling. 6 papers (11%) just applied a model to estimate the quality of water. Modeling is a useful resource when there is limited budget since some models are of free download and use. In particular, several of used models come from the U.S.A, but they have their own purposes and features, meaning that a careful application of the models to other countries and a critical discussion of the results are crucial. 5 papers (9%) focus on a method combining monitoring data and statistical analysis. When there is a huge data matrix, the researchers need an efficient way of interpretation of the information which is provided by statistics. 3 papers (5%) used a method combining monitoring data, statistical analysis and modeling. These different methods are all valuable to evaluate the water quality. It was also found that the evaluation of water quality was made as well by using other types of sampling different than water itself, and they also provide useful information to understand the condition of the water body. These additional monitoring activities are: Air sampling, sediment sampling, phytoplankton sampling and aquatic animal tissues sampling. Despite considerable progress in developing and applying control regulations to point and NPS pollution, the pollution status of rivers, lakes, and reservoirs in Asian countries is not improving. In fact, this reflects the slow pace of investment in new infrastructure for pollution control and growing population pressures. Water laws or regulations and public involvement in enforcement can play a constructive and indispensable role in environmental protection. In the near future, in order to protect water from further contamination, rapid action is highly needed to control the various kinds of effluents in one region. Environmental remediation and treatment of industrial effluent and municipal wastewaters is essential. It is also important to prevent the direct input of agricultural and mine site runoff. Finally, stricter environmental regulation for water quality is required to support protection and management strategies. It would have been possible to get further information based in the 57 sample of papers. For instance, it would have been interesting to compare the level of concentrations of some pollutants in the diferente Asian countries. However the limit of three months duration for this study prevented further work to take place. In spite of this, the study objectives were achieved: the work provided an overview of the most relevant water quality problems in rivers, lakes and reservoirs in Asian countries, and also listed and analyzed the most common methodologies.
This paper presents a programable perturbation and observation control implementation for a wind generation system and its power electronic converter. The objective of the method in this particular application is to adjust the power delivered to charge a battery to its maximum and allowable value, function of the real values of several parameters and their continuous variation, the most important the wind velocity and the turbine efficiency. Also, to improve the power throughput and to use the turbine and generator marginal zones of operation, an unusual power converter is used, allowing a wide range for the input voltage values. The implemented control is continuously measuring the actual power and looks for a new and powerful operation point. © 2014 IEEE.