927 resultados para Fitness decoupling


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It has been pointed out recently that current experiments still allow for a two Higgs doublet model where the hbb¯ coupling (kDmb/v) is negative; a sign opposite to that of the Standard Model. Due to the importance of delayed decoupling in the hH+H− coupling, h→γγ improved measurements will have a strong impact on this issue. For the same reason, measurements or even bounds on h→Zγ are potentially interesting. In this article, we revisit this problem, highlighting the crucial importance of h→VV, which can be understood with simple arguments. We show that the impacts on kD<0 models of both h→bb¯ and h→τ+τ− are very sensitive to input values for the gluon fusion production mechanism; in contrast, h→γγ and h→Zγ are not. We also inquire if the search for h→Zγ and its interplay with h→γγ will impact the sign of the hbb¯ coupling. Finally, we study these issues in the context of the flipped two Higgs doublet model.


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This paper addresses the calculation of derivatives of fractional order for non-smooth data. The noise is avoided by adopting an optimization formulation using genetic algorithms (GA). Given the flexibility of the evolutionary schemes, a hierarchical GA composed by a series of two GAs, each one with a distinct fitness function, is established.


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Introdução: O hóquei em patins é a modalidade desportiva que em Portugal conquistou mais títulos, quer a nível de clubes quer a nível de selecções , por isso, torna-se pertinente verificar qual o efeito da flexibilidade na aptidão física desta mesma modalidade. Objectivos: Verificar a influência do aumento de flexibilidade numa bateria de testes de aptidão física, num atleta de hóquei em patins. Metodologia: Realizou-se um estudo de caso num atleta de hóquei em patins com défices de flexibilidade . O atleta foi sujeito a duas avaliações/reavaliações: flexibilidade global (flexiteste) e bateria de testes para avaliação da aptidão física. Entre a avaliação e reavaliação o atleta realizou um programa de treino Stretching global activo (SGA) para ganhos de flexibilidade, durante 6 semanas. Resultados: Ao fim das 6 semanas, podemos verificar que o atleta melhorou os seus resultados nos vários testes realizados . Conclusão: Com a utilização de um protocolo de treino de flexibilidade ( SGA) obteve -se um aumento da flexibilidade no atleta em estudo, verificando-se que esses ganhos provocaram melhorias nos resultados dos testes de aptidão física efectuados.


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The paper presents a RFDSCA automated synthesis procedure. This algorithm determines several RFDSCA circuits from the top-level system specifications all with the same maximum performance. The genetic synthesis tool optimizes a fitness function proportional to the RFDSCA quality factor and uses the epsiv-concept and maximin sorting scheme to achieve a set of solutions well distributed along a non-dominated front. To confirm the results of the algorithm, three RFDSCAs were simulated in SpectreRF and one of them was implemented and tested. The design used a 0.25 mum BiCMOS process. All the results (synthesized, simulated and measured) are very close, which indicate that the genetic synthesis method is a very useful tool to design optimum performance RFDSCAs.


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This paper analyses the performance of a genetic algorithm (GA) in the synthesis of digital circuits using two novel approaches. The first concept consists in improving the static fitness function by including a discontinuity evaluation. The measure of variability in the error of the Boolean table has similarities with the function continuity issue in classical calculus. The second concept extends the static fitness by introducing a fractional-order dynamical evaluation.


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Workflows have been successfully applied to express the decomposition of complex scientific applications. However the existing tools still lack adequate support to important aspects namely, decoupling the enactment engine from tasks specification, decentralizing the control of workflow activities allowing their tasks to run in distributed infrastructures, and supporting dynamic workflow reconfigurations. We present the AWARD (Autonomic Workflow Activities Reconfigurable and Dynamic) model of computation, based on Process Networks, where the workflow activities (AWA) are autonomic processes with independent control that can run in parallel on distributed infrastructures. Each AWA executes a task developed as a Java class with a generic interface allowing end-users to code their applications without low-level details. The data-driven coordination of AWA interactions is based on a shared tuple space that also enables dynamic workflow reconfiguration. For evaluation we describe experimental results of AWARD workflow executions in several application scenarios, mapped to the Amazon (Elastic Computing EC2) Cloud.


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This work addresses the signal propagation and the fractional-order dynamics during the evolution of a genetic algorithm (GA). In order to investigate the phenomena involved in the GA population evolution, the mutation is exposed to excitation perturbations during some generations and the corresponding fitness variations are evaluated. Three distinct fitness functions are used to study their influence in the GA dynamics. The input and output signals are studied revealing a fractional-order dynamic evolution, characteristic of a long-term system memory.


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A pesquisa sobre resiliência sugere que a criança que se desenvolve em contexto adverso, poderá usufruir de atributos relevantes, pessoais e do ambiente. Neste sentido pretendeu-se estudar, até que ponto, as competências de modulação sensorial da criança e a qualidade das interacções mãe-filho, influenciavam as trajectórias de risco e podiam promover as oportunidades de resiliência da criança. Participaram no estudo 136 crianças, 67 do sexo feminino e 69 do sexo masculino, com idades entre os 7 e os 36 meses. Analisámos a sensibilidade materna em situação de jogo livre recorrendo à escala CARE-Index e o processamento sensorial através do de entrevista baseado no protocolo de Dunn (1997) assente nos quatro padrões de processamento sensorial: baixo registo; sensibilidade sensorial; procura sensorial; evitamento sensorial, construto anteriormente validado. Constituímos, com base nas premissas do modelo de avaliação autêntica, um índex de capacidades, que nos serviu como referencial para a avaliação do risco e da resiliência. Os resultados indicaram que a resiliência infantil em ambiente de pobrezaestava associada a indicadores de elevada sensibilidade materna e a índices adequados de processamento sensorial. A discussão dos resultados enquadrou-se nos modelos actuais e emergentes das influências neurobiológicas e ambientais nos processos de risco e de resiliência.


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Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) are intelligent systems, based on heuristic knowledge, that have been largely applied in numerous areas of everyday life. They can be used to describe a linear or nonlinear system and are suitable when a real system is not known or too difficult to find their model. FLC provide a formal methodology for representing, manipulating and implementing a human heuristic knowledge on how to control a system. These controllers can be seen as artificial decision makers that operate in a closed-loop system, in real time. The main aim of this work was to develop a single optimal fuzzy controller, easily adaptable to a wide range of systems – simple to complex, linear to nonlinear – and able to control all these systems. Due to their efficiency in searching and finding optimal solution for high complexity problems, GAs were used to perform the FLC tuning by finding the best parameters to obtain the best responses. The work was performed using the MATLAB/SIMULINK software. This is a very useful tool that provides an easy way to test and analyse the FLC, the PID and the GAs in the same environment. Therefore, it was proposed a Fuzzy PID controller (FL-PID) type namely, the Fuzzy PD+I. For that, the controller was compared with the classical PID controller tuned with, the heuristic Ziegler-Nichols tuning method, the optimal Zhuang-Atherton tuning method and the GA method itself. The IAE, ISE, ITAE and ITSE criteria, used as the GA fitness functions, were applied to compare the controllers performance used in this work. Overall, and for most systems, the FL-PID results tuned with GAs were very satisfactory. Moreover, in some cases the results were substantially better than for the other PID controllers. The best system responses were obtained with the IAE and ITAE criteria used to tune the FL-PID and PID controllers.


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Dissertation presented at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon to obtain the degree of Doctor in Electrical Engineering, specialty of Robotics and Integrated Manufacturing


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Mestrado em Computação e Instrumentação Médica


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Passage of high-speed trains may induce high ground and track vibrations, which, besides increasing wheel, rail and track deterioration, may have a negative impact on the vehicle stability and on the passengers comfort. In this paper two distinct analyses are presented. The first one is dedicated to efficient decoupling of rail and soil vibrations by suggesting new interface materials in rail-sleeper fixing system, i.e. in the part where damping efficiency can be directly controlled and tested. The second analysis concerns with an adequate model of soils damping. Proper understanding and correct numerical simulation of this behaviour can help in suggesting soil improvement techniques.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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This paper presents the design and implementation of direct power controllers for three-phase matrix converters (MC) operating as Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFC). Theoretical principles of the decoupled linear power controllers of the MC-UPFC to minimize the cross-coupling between active and reactive power control are established. From the matrix converter based UPFC model with a modified Venturini high frequency PWM modulator, decoupled controllers for the transmission line active (P) and reactive (Q) power direct control are synthesized. Simulation results, obtained from Matlab/Simulink, are presented in order to confirm the proposed approach. Results obtained show decoupled power control, zero error tracking, and fast responses with no overshoot and no steady-state error.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e Computadores