905 resultados para Fisheries biology


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Dept.of Marine Biology,Microbiology and Biochemistry,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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This thesis Entitled macrobenthos of the continental margin (200-1000m) of south eastern arabian sea with special reference to polychaetes. The continental margins are geologically complex and hydrodynamically active regions of the ocean, where vital biogeochemical processes take place from a global perspective. The Eastern Arabian Sea is one of the most productive regions of the world, and as a result, vast amount of organic matter is supplied to the sub surface waters and sea bed of the Arabian Sea. In this study, data on faunal abundance, standing crop and faunal composition, together with sedimentary and environmental parameters were collected from three depths (200m, 500m & 1000m) in nine bathymetric transects along the South Eastern Arabian Sea (from Cape Comorin to Karwar) during three surveys. In the present study, five textural classes of sediments were identified from the SEAS margin, viz. sand, silty sand, sandy silt, clayey silt and admixture of sand, silt and clay. The composition of sand was higher in the southern region and decreased progressively towards the north. On the shelf edge and upper slope regions in the south (Cape to Kollam) in particular, sandy sediments dominated .


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This thesis entitled “Contribution of size fractions of planktonic algae to primary organic productivity in the coastal waters of cochin,south west coast of india”. Marine ecosystems planktonic algae are the most important primary producers on wliich considerable attention is being given on account of their supreme status in the marine food chain.The study of primary production in the Indian Ocean started With DANA (I928-30),, John Murray t I933-34). Discovery ( I934) and Albatross (I947-48) expeditions which tried to evaluate productivity from nutrients and standing crop of phytoplankton .The bioproductivity of the marine environment is dependent on various primary producers. ranging in size from picoplankton to larger macro phytoplankton. The quantity and quality of various size fractions of planktonic algae at any locality depend mainly on the hydrographic conditions of the area .In the coastal waters of Cochin- south west coast of lndia. Planktonic algal community is composed mainly of the diatoms, the dinoflagellates, the blue-green algae and the silicoflagellates, the former two contributing the major flora and found distributed in the all size fractions. The maximum number of species of diatoms at station 1 and station 2 was found in the pre-monsoon season.. The size groups of planktonic algae greater than 53 um are dominated by filamentous- chain forming and colonial diatoms. The coastal waters of Cochin. planktonic algae less than 53 um in size contribute significantly to primary productivity and the biodiversity of the microflora, indicating the presence of rich fishery resources in the south west coast of india.The study of different size fractions of planktonic algae and their relative contribution to the primary organic production is a useful tool for the estimation of the quantity and quality of fisheries.A deeper investigation on the occurrence of these microalgae and proper identification of their species would be of immense help for the assessment of the specificity and magnitude of fishery resources.


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This thesis Entitled Biology of Decapod crustaceans in different Environmental conditions. Prawn culture is practiced in Kerala in two types of fields namely seasonal and perennial; In seasonal fields paddy is grown during the monsoon period and prawns are cultured during the rest of the year. when compared to seasonal fields; perennial fields are subjected to much fluctuations in its environmental characteristics. The perennial fields were found more productive than seasonal fields. The benthic production in perronial fields were almost double that of seasonal fields. But in the matter of species diversity both fields were equal. Seasonal changes were observéd in the species abundance of benthic organisms in both the seasonal and perennial fields. Both isometric and allometric growth were noticed in P. indicus .But during most of the months the growth was near to isometric. The condition of the prawn also fluctuated between better and poor.During most of the months the prawn in perennial fields wore in good condition while in the seasonal fields the condition changed from year to year. This indicates that the perennial field provides a better habitat for P. indicus.


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Despite various intervensions, artisanal fishermen remain one of the weaker sections in Kerala's society. Host of the welfare and developmental programmes introduced for them had produced very little impact on their living conditions. Further, they are unable to compete with mechanised sector for fishing. Host of the technological development which had taken place after Indo-Norvegean Project favoured the growth of mechanised sector. As a consequence of this, fishing become unviable for artisanal fishermen who propagate the idea of ” sustainable development” in the fishing industry. It is commonly believed that an integrated approach may help them to improve their living conditions substantially. In the light of the above background the scholar has made an attempt to study the impact of Integrated Marine Fisheries Development Project among artisanal fishermen in Kerala It is realised from the findings of the study that the most important needs of artisanal fishermen arecredit facilities and marketing support. Without marketing linkages effective credit management is not possible. Marketing activities and credit management are interdependent


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As the title of the thesis indicates, a detailed analysis of microalgae, the major primary producers and the first link in aquatic food chains, was carried out during this study. Microalgae are either planktonic or benthic. The studies on these microscopic autotrophs are having an upsurge of interest recently due to their variations, adaptations, short generation time and various utilitarian aspects, including food, fodder and fuel. The surface water samples collected during the cruises (cruise nos. 189, 193, 195, 196, 203, 204, 205, 207 and 209) of Fisheries and Oceanographic Research Vessel (FORV) Sagar Sampada (Fig.2.2), conducted during the period from November 2000 to November 2002, are used as samples for microalgal estimation in the EEZ of India. The present research work includes the identification and distributional pattern of planktonic microalgae in the EEZ of India. The blooms encountered during the above mentioned cruises of FORV Sagar Sampada and the blooms of Kerala coast during the period from 2001-2005 are also studied


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Mackerel fishery at many places in the country including Cochin as well as at all—India level, besides its seasonal changes to have long-term flucations apparently evincing a ten-year cycle. Published literature on the fishery and biology of mackerel at many places are available. But attempts on population studies and assessment of stock are scanty. The researchers attention at this juncture turned to investigations on population dynamics of the mackerel .On account of the long-term Fluctuations in the fishery, it was felt desirable to have data For a number of years together to facilitate adequate coverage of a unit of time in the 10-year cycle. Investigations on length weight relationships for 16 seasons were hence carried out. This thesis is written eection'by section embodying‘ the results and_findings of the work carried out under different subject areas. It contains sections on identity of the species, information on its spatial and temporal distribution along the Indian coast, study on length-weight relationships, growth and age determination, population studies and stock assessment, and discussions.This dissertation is the outcome of the works of the candidate on the Indian mackerel. The work, however is based on exploited resource of the inshore waters. In the course of this analysis, lacunae existing in the investigations on the Indian mackerel are therefore identified and presented For future work


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Aquaculture is the dynamic pursuit of production of organisms from water a process analogous to agriculture on land. The field of aquaculture is an emerging bioindustry, based upon the culture and husbandry of economically utilizable aquatic organisms. Of late, there has been a global upsurge for aquaculture, the main reasons for which include the requirement of protein source for the increasing world population, the decision by various world nations to increase the fish yield by developing unutilized or partially utilized water bodies and depletion of natural stock which is evident in recent years due to excessive exploitation .The present study has been taken up on the reproductive physiology of the female grey mullet, M. cephalus. The thesis is presented in seven chapters. In the present study, variations in the major biochemical parameters namely, moisture, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates cholesterol, carotenoid, ash, calcium and iron in four tissues E. muscle, liver, ovary and bloodserum of cephalus have been analysed at different maturity stages.


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The study clearly brings out the role of commission agents in the traditional marine fisheries sector and thereby goes to set at rest the controversy regarding their role. The findings of the study has important implications for formulation of policies and development strategies related to the traditional marine fisheries sector. The study points out the need for a thorough review and reformulation of the policies and development strategies for efficiently achieving the development potential of the traditional marine fisheries sector and for improving the economic conditions of the fishermen. The study is based mostly on Alappuzha District of Kerala, covering all the 30 marine fishing villages, spread over the three coastal taluks, namely, Karthikappally, Ambalappuzha and Cherthala


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Studies on parasitic copepods from freshwater fishes are still in its infancy. In recent years, there- is a renewed enthusiasm in the study of freshwater fish parasites due to rapidly increasing aquaculture practices. The importance of diseases and their control assumes great significance because of the adverse impact of diseases on fish production and its economy. Copepods are one of the most harmful parasites of freshwater fishes. Reports on the damages caused by copepod parasites from different parts on the world are increasing alarmingly. But the information on parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes in India is quite meagre. Knowledge regarding this group of parasites, their Biology and pathology from Kerala. is lacking. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction which deals with the review of literature on various aspects of parasitic copepods viz; systematics, life history, host-parasite relationship, ecology, pathogenicity, prophylaxis and control measures. Systematics of parasitic copepods of freshwater fishes collected during the present study forms the second chapter. The third chapter deals with the life cycle study of the new Lernaeid copepod, Lernaea osphronemi. The fourth chapter contains host-parasite relationship. ecology and treatment of ‘the’ new species of Lernaea On Osphronemus goramy. General observations and a summary of the entire work constitute the fifth chapter


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Garra surendranathanii is a hill stream cyprinid endemic to Kerala. According to IUCN based classification, G. surendranathanii is grouped under the threatened category. This endemic fish is having highly restricted and fragmented distribution and reported only from 5 river systems viz. Chalakudy, Periyar, Pamba, Achenkoil and Bharathapuzha. Categorization of this fish as a potential ornamental candidate can invariably add more pressure on the threat status of this particular species. Hence, this species is considered as one which requires foremost attention for conservation. Hitherto, no infomiation is available on the bionomics, resource characteristics and any conservation attempts of G. surendranathanii. Studies on detailed life history traits and development of captive breeding technique are indispensable for successful fishery management.The present study was undertaken with the following obj ectives: To study the Length-weight relationship and condition factor to ascertain the relationship between length and weight and general wellbeing ofthe fish To study the age and growth to understand the age composition of the exploited stock, age at first maturation and life span of the species. To study the reproductive biology of G. surendranathanii to gain insights in the process of gametogenesis, spawning, sex ratio, fecundity and other related aspects which are essential for developing captive breeding technology of this species. To develop captive breeding technology and cryopreservation ofgametes of G. surendranathanii for conservation


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At present, there is paucity of information regarding the breeding biology, especially from southeastern region, which differs in its climatic features from northeastern coastal areas, where some attempts have been made to study the biology of the fish, though not documented in detail (Jhingran and Natarajan, I969; Patnaik and Jena, 1976; Kowtal, 1977; Roy e_t _a_l_., I977). The present work, first to undertake detailed investigation into reproductive aspects of the fish from India is not only confined to biology, but extend to the study on histological as well as physiological changes in the processes associated with natural reproductive cycle. The main objective of the study is to develop a background for the standardisation of subsequent artificial propagation techniques for the Sea Dass The thesis is presented in three chapters. The first chapter; general introduction, surveys the literature pertaining to the status of research on Lates calcarifer with specific reference to reproduction and acquaculture. The second chapter entitled, materials and methods gives description regarding collection of specimens as well as samples in addition to the various analytical methodologies employed during the study.


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Enhancement and culture of bivalves presents an opportunity to maximise and even increase production of many growing areas. Clam culture is less intensive both for capital and labour, involves simple farming and management techniques and is considered an efficient means of protein production. Clams are efficient converters of primary production and growth rate is fast with maximum production in 5-6 months. with culture, production is less influenced by poor recruitment. Stable production facilitates market development. Rivalves are being increasingly used in bio-medical research. Culture practices would ensure uninterrupted supplies of experimental material. Paucity of biological data restricts the development of efficient management and culture techniques of bivalves. This study was undertaken with a view to provide information on some aspects of biology of the bivalve S_. scripta which have hitherto been uninvestigated.


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The present study is aimed at observing the variations, in space and time, of see of the important hydrographic parameters such as sea water temperature, salinity and Resolved oxygen within the coastal waters along the south-west coast of Indiametween Ratnagiri (17°OO*N,73°20'E) and cape comorin ( 8°10'N,77°30*E). Specific data relating to the process of upwelling and sinking was collected mainly to evaluate the extent and intensity of the vertical mixing processes active in the area under study. The study also attempted possible correlations between the observed parameters and the occurrence and migrations of some of the major pelagic fishery resources such as sardine,mackerel and anchovy in the area under study