788 resultados para Fibrous Dressings


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Intermediärfilamente (IFs) sind neben Mikrotubuli und Aktinfilamenten die dritte filamentäre Komponente des Zytoskeletts. Sie wirken als mechanische Stabilisatoren, sind außerdem an Zelldifferenzierung, Proliferation und Apoptose beteiligt und tragen zu Zellpolarität bei. IFs sind dynamische Strukturen, die zelltypspezifisch in unterschiedlichen Anordnungen und Abundanzen vorkommen und von Signalkaskaden beeinflusst werden. Die zugrundeliegenden molekularen Mechanismen dieser fein abgestimmten Prozesse sind weitgehend unbekannt. In dieser Arbeit sollte deswegen ein Tiermodell entwickelt werden, um Regulatoren der IF-(Netzwerk)-Organisation in vivo zu untersuchen und zu identifizieren. Dazu wurde C. elegans ausgewählt, da es sich hierbei um einen genetisch gut charakterisierten und leicht manipulierbaren Organismus handelt, in dessen Genom elf Gene für zytoplasmatische IFs kodieren. Zunächst wurden stabil transgene C. elegans-Linien generiert, die fluoreszierende IFs exprimieren. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass das darmspezifische IFB-2::CFP im Bereich des apikalen Junktionskomplex verankert ist und nahezu vollständig im subapikalen Terminalgeflecht der Enterozyten lokalisiert, das als Teil der endotube besonders stabil und widerstandsfähig ist. Wenn diese Tiere mit dsRNA gegen das ebenfalls im Terminalgeflecht exprimierte IF ifc-2 behandelt wurden, entwickelten sich blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens, die auf eine Schwächung der rigiden und formgebenden endotube hinwiesen und damit einen direkten in vivo-Beweis für die stressprotektive Funktion des intestinalen IF-Netzwerks lieferten. Die leichte Detektierbarkeit des IFB-2::CFP-Musters wurde in einem optischen Screen ausgenutzt, bei dem nach chemischer Mutagenese nach Veränderungen im IF-Muster gefahndet wurde. Hierbei wurden drei Mutanten isoliert. In Komplementationsanalysen stellte sich heraus, dass es sich in zwei Fällen um Allele desselben Gens handelt. Die Identifizierung der betroffenen Gene gelang durch eine PCR-basierte Kartierung von single nucleotide polymorphisms nach Verpaarung mit dem Hawaii-Stamm (snp-mapping) und anschließender RNAi-Analyse der Einzelgene in den identifizierten Chromosomenabschnitten. Im einen Fall handelte es sich um das sma-5-Gen, einer Serin/Threonin-Kinase mit Homologie zu den MAP-Kinasen MAPK7/ERK5 der Säuger. Hier wurden, ebenso wie beim ifc-2 (RNAi)-Phänotyp, progressive blasenförmige Ausstülpungen des Darmlumens beobachtet. Die beiden anderen Allele tragen Mutationen in einem bisher nicht näher charakterisierten Gen. In diesen Würmern kommt es zu einem vollständigen Auflösung des IFB-2::CFP-Netzwerks mit prominenten Akkumulationen um die apikalen Junktionen. Das Darmlumen ist stellenweise geweitet und das elektronendichte Terminalgeflecht fehlt fast vollständig, die Integrität des Darmepithels ist jedoch nicht kompromittiert. Die anderen IFs des Terminalgeflechts sind ebenfalls fehlverteilt, und die intestinale Expression von Aktin ist stark reduziert. Expressionskonstrukte des Gens zeigten weiterhin, dass es darmspezifisch synthetisiert wird und mit den IFs im Terminalgeflecht kolokalisiert. Das Protein ist, ähnlich wie das IF-assoziierte Filaggrin der Säuger ausgesprochen histidinreich. Es enthält außerdem eine Prolin-reiche Domäne, die Teil einer potentiellen Aktin-Bindedomäne ist. Auf Grund all dieser Eigenschaften wird die Bezeichnung IFO-1 (intermediate filament organizer) für das neue Protein vorgeschlagen, das möglicherweise als struktureller Zytoskelett-Linker wirkt. Die vorgestellten Ergebnisse untermauern die Bedeutung von C. elegans für die Identifizierung von Faktoren, die IF-Netzwerke regulieren, und die Möglichkeit, Defekte im lebenden Gesamtorganismus zu bestimmen.


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Numerosi incidenti verificatisi negli ultimi dieci anni in campo chimico e petrolchimico sono dovuti all’innesco di sostanze infiammabili rilasciate accidentalmente: per questo motivo gli scenari incidentali legati ad incendi esterni rivestono oggigiorno un interesse crescente, in particolar modo nell’industria di processo, in quanto possono essere causa di ingenti danni sia ai lavoratori ed alla popolazione, sia alle strutture. Gli incendi, come mostrato da alcuni studi, sono uno dei più frequenti scenari incidentali nell’industria di processo, secondi solo alla perdita di contenimento di sostanze pericolose. Questi eventi primari possono, a loro volta, determinare eventi secondari, con conseguenze catastrofiche dovute alla propagazione delle fiamme ad apparecchiature e tubazioni non direttamente coinvolte nell’incidente primario; tale fenomeno prende il nome di effetto domino. La necessità di ridurre le probabilità di effetto domino rende la mitigazione delle conseguenze un aspetto fondamentale nella progettazione dell’impianto. A questo scopo si impiegano i materiali per la protezione passiva da fuoco (Passive Fire Protection o PFP); essi sono sistemi isolanti impiegati per proteggere efficacemente apparecchiature e tubazioni industriali da scenari di incendio esterno. L’applicazione dei materiali per PFP limita l’incremento di temperatura degli elementi protetti; questo scopo viene raggiunto tramite l’impiego di differenti tipologie di prodotti e materiali. Tuttavia l’applicazione dei suddetti materiali fireproofing non può prescindere da una caratterizzazione delle proprietà termiche, in particolar modo della conducibilità termica, in condizioni che simulino l’esposizione a fuoco. Nel presente elaborato di tesi si è scelto di analizzare tre materiali coibenti, tutti appartenenti, pur con diversità di composizione e struttura, alla classe dei materiali inorganici fibrosi: Fibercon Silica Needled Blanket 1200, Pyrogel®XT, Rockwool Marine Firebatt 100. I tre materiali sono costituiti da una fase solida inorganica, differente per ciascuno di essi e da una fase gassosa, preponderante come frazione volumetrica. I materiali inorganici fibrosi rivestono una notevole importanza rispetto ad altri materiali fireproofing in quanto possono resistere a temperature estremamente elevate, talvolta superiori a 1000 °C, senza particolari modifiche chimico-fisiche. Questo vantaggio, unito alla versatilità ed alla semplicità di applicazione, li rende leader a livello europeo nei materiali isolanti, con una fetta di mercato pari circa al 60%. Nonostante l’impiego dei suddetti materiali sia ormai una realtà consolidata nell’industria di processo, allo stato attuale sono disponibili pochi studi relativi alle loro proprietà termiche, in particolare in condizioni di fuoco. L’analisi sperimentale svolta ha consentito di identificare e modellare il comportamento termico di tali materiali in caso di esposizione a fuoco, impiegando nei test, a pressione atmosferica, un campo di temperatura compreso tra 20°C e 700°C, di interesse per applicazioni fireproofing. Per lo studio delle caratteristiche e la valutazione delle proprietà termiche dei tre materiali è stata impiegata principalmente la tecnica Transient Plane Source (TPS), che ha consentito la determinazione non solo della conducibilità termica, ma anche della diffusività termica e della capacità termica volumetrica, seppure con un grado di accuratezza inferiore. I test sono stati svolti su scala di laboratorio, creando un set-up sperimentale che integrasse opportunamente lo strumento Hot Disk Thermal Constants Analyzer TPS 1500 con una fornace a camera ed un sistema di acquisizione dati. Sono state realizzate alcune prove preliminari a temperatura ambiente sui tre materiali in esame, per individuare i parametri operativi (dimensione sensori, tempi di acquisizione, etc.) maggiormente idonei alla misura della conducibilità termica. Le informazioni acquisite sono state utilizzate per lo sviluppo di adeguati protocolli sperimentali e per effettuare prove ad alta temperatura. Ulteriori significative informazioni circa la morfologia, la porosità e la densità dei tre materiali sono state ottenute attraverso stereo-microscopia e picnometria a liquido. La porosità, o grado di vuoto, assume nei tre materiali un ruolo fondamentale, in quanto presenta valori compresi tra 85% e 95%, mentre la frazione solida ne costituisce la restante parte. Inoltre i risultati sperimentali hanno consentito di valutare, con prove a temperatura ambiente, l’isotropia rispetto alla trasmissione del calore per la classe di materiali coibenti analizzati, l’effetto della temperatura e della variazione del grado di vuoto (nel caso di materiali che durante l’applicazione possano essere soggetti a fenomeni di “schiacciamento”, ovvero riduzione del grado di vuoto) sulla conducibilità termica effettiva dei tre materiali analizzati. Analoghi risultati, seppure con grado di accuratezza lievemente inferiore, sono stati ottenuti per la diffusività termica e la capacità termica volumetrica. Poiché è nota la densità apparente di ciascun materiale si è scelto di calcolarne anche il calore specifico in funzione della temperatura, di cui si è proposto una correlazione empirica. I risultati sperimentali, concordi per i tre materiali in esame, hanno mostrato un incremento della conducibilità termica con la temperatura, da valori largamente inferiori a 0,1 W/(m∙K) a temperatura ambiente, fino a 0,3÷0,4 W/(m∙K) a 700°C. La sostanziale similitudine delle proprietà termiche tra i tre materiali, appartenenti alla medesima categoria di materiali isolanti, è stata riscontrata anche per la diffusività termica, la capacità termica volumetrica ed il calore specifico. Queste considerazioni hanno giustificato l’applicazione a tutti i tre materiali in esame dei medesimi modelli per descrivere la conducibilità termica effettiva, ritenuta, tra le proprietà fisiche determinate sperimentalmente, la più significativa nel caso di esposizione a fuoco. Lo sviluppo di un modello per la conducibilità termica effettiva si è reso necessario in quanto i risultati sperimentali ottenuti tramite la tecnica Transient Plane Source non forniscono alcuna informazione sui contributi offerti da ciascun meccanismo di scambio termico al termine complessivo e, pertanto, non consentono una facile generalizzazione della proprietà in funzione delle condizioni di impiego del materiale. La conducibilità termica dei materiali coibenti fibrosi e in generale dei materiali bi-fasici tiene infatti conto in un unico valore di vari contributi dipendenti dai diversi meccanismi di scambio termico presenti: conduzione nella fase gassosa e nel solido, irraggiamento nelle superfici delle cavità del solido e, talvolta, convezione; inoltre essa dipende fortemente dalla temperatura e dalla porosità. Pertanto, a partire dal confronto con i risultati sperimentali, tra cui densità e grado di vuoto, l’obiettivo centrale della seconda fase del progetto è stata la scelta, tra i numerosi modelli a disposizione in letteratura per materiali bi-fasici, di cui si è presentata una rassegna, dei più adatti a descrivere la conducibilità termica effettiva nei materiali in esame e nell’intervallo di temperatura di interesse, fornendo al contempo un significato fisico ai contributi apportati al termine complessivo. Inizialmente la scelta è ricaduta su cinque modelli, chiamati comunemente “modelli strutturali di base” (Serie, Parallelo, Maxwell-Eucken 1, Maxwell-Eucken 2, Effective Medium Theory) [1] per la loro semplicità e versatilità di applicazione. Tali modelli, puramente teorici, hanno mostrato al raffronto con i risultati sperimentali numerosi limiti, in particolar modo nella previsione del termine di irraggiamento, ovvero per temperature superiori a 400°C. Pertanto si è deciso di adottare un approccio semi-empirico: è stato applicato il modello di Krischer [2], ovvero una media pesata su un parametro empirico (f, da determinare) dei modelli Serie e Parallelo, precedentemente applicati. Anch’esso si è rivelato non idoneo alla descrizione dei materiali isolanti fibrosi in esame, per ragioni analoghe. Cercando di impiegare modelli caratterizzati da forte fondamento fisico e grado di complessità limitato, la scelta è caduta sui due recenti modelli, proposti rispettivamente da Karamanos, Papadopoulos, Anastasellos [3] e Daryabeigi, Cunnington, Knutson [4] [5]. Entrambi presentavano il vantaggio di essere stati utilizzati con successo per materiali isolanti fibrosi. Inizialmente i due modelli sono stati applicati con i valori dei parametri e le correlazioni proposte dagli Autori. Visti gli incoraggianti risultati, a questo primo approccio è seguita l’ottimizzazione dei parametri e l’applicazione di correlazioni maggiormente idonee ai materiali in esame, che ha mostrato l’efficacia dei modelli proposti da Karamanos, Papadopoulos, Anastasellos e Daryabeigi, Cunnington, Knutson per i tre materiali analizzati. Pertanto l’obiettivo finale del lavoro è stato raggiunto con successo in quanto sono stati applicati modelli di conducibilità termica con forte fondamento fisico e grado di complessità limitato che, con buon accordo ai risultati sperimentali ottenuti, consentono di ricavare equazioni predittive per la stima del comportamento, durante l’esposizione a fuoco, dei materiali fireproofing in esame. Bologna, Luglio 2013 Riferimenti bibliografici: [1] Wang J., Carson J.K., North M.F., Cleland D.J., A new approach to modelling the effective thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (2006) 3075-3083. [2] Krischer O., Die wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Trocknungstechnik (The Scientific Fundamentals of Drying Technology), Springer-Verlag, Berlino, 1963. [3] Karamanos A., Papadopoulos A., Anastasellos D., Heat Transfer phenomena in fibrous insulating materials. (2004) Geolan.gr http://www.geolan.gr/sappek/docs/publications/article_6.pdf Ultimo accesso: 1 Luglio 2013. [4] Daryabeigi K., Cunnington G. R., and Knutson J. R., Combined Heat Transfer in High-Porosity High-Temperature Fibrous Insulation: Theory and Experimental Validation. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 25 (2011) 536-546. [5] Daryabeigi K., Cunnington G.R., Knutson J.R., Heat Transfer Modeling for Rigid High-Temperature Fibrous Insulation. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer. AIAA Early Edition/1 (2012).


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This PhD Thesis is focused on the development of fibrous polymeric scaffolds for tissue engineering applications and on the improvement of scaffold biomimetic properties. Scaffolds were fabricated by electrospinning, which allows to obtain scaffolds made of polymeric micro or nanofibers. Biomimetism was enhanced by following two approaches: (1) the use of natural biopolymers, and (2) the modification of the fibers surface chemistry. Gelatin was chosen for its bioactive properties and cellular affinity, however it lacks in mechanical properties. This problem was overcome by adding poly(lactic acid) to the scaffold through co-electrospinning and mechanical properties of the composite constructs were assessed. Gelatin effectively improves cell growth and viability and worth noting, composite scaffolds of gelatin and poly(lactic acid) were more effective than a plain gelatin scaffold. Scaffolds made of pure collagen fibers were fabricated. Modification of collagen triple helix structure in electrospun collagen fibers was studied. Mechanical properties were evaluated before and after crosslinking. The crosslinking procedure was developed and optimized by using - for the first time on electrospun collagen fibers - the crosslinking reactant 1,4-butanediol diglycidyl ether, with good results in terms of fibers stabilization. Cell culture experiments showed good results in term of cell adhesion and morphology. The fiber surface chemistry of electrospun poly(lactic acid) scaffold was modified by plasma treatment. Plasma did not affect thermal and mechanical properties of the scaffold, while it greatly increased its hydrophilicity by the introduction of carboxyl groups at the fiber surface. This fiber functionalization enhanced the fibroblast cell viability and spreading. Surface modifications by chemical reactions were conducted on electrospun scaffolds made of a polysophorolipid. The aim was to introduce a biomolecule at the fiber surface. By developing a series of chemical reactions, one oligopeptide every three repeating units of polysophorolipid was grafted at the surface of electrospun fibers.


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Introduzione: L’indicazione alla rivascolarizzazione carotidea è comunemente posta in base alla percentuale di stenosi, alla presenza di sintomi neurologici ed alle condizioni cliniche del paziente. Una placca ad elevato potenziale embolico viene definita “vulnerabile”; la sua caratterizzazione, tuttavia, non è universalmente accettata ai fini della rivascolarizzazione. Lo scopo dello studio è indagare il ruolo del mezzo di contrasto ecografico (CEUS) nell’identificazione della placca carotidea vulnerabile. Materiali e Metodi: I pazienti sottoposti a endoarterectomia carotidea, sono stati valutati mediante TC cerebrale preoperatoria e CEUS. Le microbolle di contrasto rilevate nella placca, indicative di neovascolarizzazione, sono state quantificate in dB-E ed istologicamente valutate per cinque caratteristiche: (densità dei microvasi, spessore del cappuccio fibroso, estensione delle calcificazioni, infiltrato infiammatorio e core lipidico) il valore da 1 a 5, ottenuto in cieco, indica in grado di vulnerabilità della placca. L'ANOVA test, il test di Fisher e t Student sono stati usati per correlare le caratteristiche dei pazienti ed istologiche col valore di dB-E. Risultati: Di 22 pazienti (range 2-7.8, media 4.85 ±1.9 SD) vi era un numero più alto di sintomatici (7.40 ± 0.5) rispetto agli asintomatici (3.5 ± 1.4) (p = 0.002). Un più alto valore di dB-E si associava con la presenza di un sottile cappuccino fibroso (<200 µm, 5.96±1.5 vs. 3 ± 1,p = 0.01) ed un maggiore infiltrato infiammatorio (3.2 ± 0.9 vs. 6.4 ± 1.2, p = 0.03). Placche con vulnerabilità 5 si associavano ad un valore più alto di dB-E rispetto alle placche con vulnerabilità 1 (7.6 ± 0.2 vs. 2.5 ± 0.6, rispettivamente, p=0.001). Preoperatoriamente, le lesioni emboliche ipsilaterali alla TC, correlavano con un più alto valore di dB-E (5.96±1.5 vs. 3.0±1.0, p=0.01). Conclusioni: Il valore di dB-E alla CEUS indica l’estensione della neovascolarizzazione della placca carotidea e può essere utilizzato come marker di vulnerabilità della placca.


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The temporospatial controlled delivery of growth factors is crucial to trigger the desired healing mechanisms in target tissues. The uncontrolled release of growth factors has been demonstrated to cause severe side effects in its surrounding tissues. Thus, the first working hypothesis was to tune and optimize a newly developed multiscale delivery platform based on a nanostructured silicon particle core (pSi) and a poly (dl-lactide-co-glycolide) acid (PLGA) outer shell. In a murine subcutaneous model, the platform was demonstrated to be fully tunable for the temporal and spatial control release of the payload. Secondly, a multiscale approach was followed in a multicompartment collagen scaffold, to selectively integrate different sets of PLGA-pSi loaded with different reporter proteins. The spatial confinement of the microspheres allowed the release of the reporter proteins in each of the layers of the scaffold. Finally, the staged and zero-order release kinetics enabled the temporal biochemical patterning of the scaffold. The last step of this PhD project was to test if by fully embedding PLGA microspheres in a highly structured and fibrous collagen-based scaffold (camouflaging), it was possible to prevent their early detection and clearance by macrophages. It was further studied whether such a camouflaging strategy was efficient in reducing the production of key inflammatory molecules, while preserving the release kinetics of the payload of the PLGA microspheres. Results demonstrated that the camouflaging allowed for a 10-fold decrease in the number of PLGA microspheres internalized by macrophages, suggesting that the 3D scaffold operated by cloaking the PLGA microspheres. When the production of key inflammatory cytokines induced by the scaffold was assessed, macrophages' response to the PLGA microspheres-integrated scaffolds resulted in a response similar to that observed in the control (not functionalized scaffold) and the release kinetic of a reporter protein was preserved.


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In dieser Arbeit wurde der vielfältige Nutzen von Kohlenhydraten in Nanokapsel Systemen untersucht. Drei verschiedene Nanokapsel-Typen wurden durch Reaktion an der Grenzfläche von inversen Miniemulsionen hergestellt. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die Kohlenhydrate nach Modifizierung als Monomer an der Kapselbildung teilnehmen können, oder zur Erhöhung der Sensitivität eines verkapselten Kontrastmittels beitragen können. Im Folgenden werden die Ergebnisse der einzelnen Projekte zusammengefasst. Eine neuartige Grenzflächen-Synthese zur Herstellung von Nanokapseln wurde entwickelt und untersucht. Bei der Reaktion handelt es sich um eine Ruthenium katalysierte Olefin-Kreuzmetathese, welche für die Reaktion an der Grenzfläche angepasst wurde. Als wasserlösliches Macromonomer wurde Dextranacrylat synthetisiert. Der Reaktionspartner war ein öl-löslichen Phosphoester (Phenyldi(undec-10-en-1-yl)phosphat). Anhand von NMR-Spektren wurde gezeigt, dass die Kapselbildung auf Olefin Kreuzmetathese beruht. Im Vergleich zu konventionellen Estern haben Phosphorester eine weitere Möglichkeit zur chemischen Funktionalisierung. Dies wurde exemplarisch durch die Verwendung von fluoreszenzmarkierten Phosphoestern gezeigt. Die Markierung wurde verwendet, um die pH-induzierte Abbaubarkeit der Nanokapseln mittels Fluoreszenz-Korrelations-Spektroskopie zu beobachten. Ziel des zweiten Projekts war es, Nanostrukturen zu entwickeln, um Infektionen mit Antibiotika-resistenten Bakterien lokal zu behandeln. Dazu wurden mit Dextranmethacrylat vernetzte Poly(acrylamid) basierte Nanogele synthetisiert und Zinknitrat zugesetzt. Die Synthese der Nanogele wurde erweitert, um durch Vernetzung freier Alkoholgruppen mit Toluoldiisocyanat eine Kapselschale zu erhalten. Die Schalenbildung spiegelte sich in einer geringeren Quellbarkeit der Gel- Schale-Hybride wieder. Die erhaltenen Gel-Schale-Hybride waren in der Lage das Wachstum von zwei Methicillin-resistenten Bakterienstämmen (S. aureus) zu unterdrücken und verzögern. Die synthetisierten Hybridstrukturen könnten in der Beschichtung von Wundauflagen Verwendung finden, um bakterielle Infektionen lokal und direkt nach Ausbruch zu behandeln. Ziel des dritten Projektes war es, die wichtigen Parameter in der Herstellung von Nanokapseln mit hoher Kontrastmittel Sensitivität zu identifizieren. Relaxivität/Signalsensitivität des Kontrastmittels ist von großer Bedeutung für die Bildgebung mittels MRI, dies kann durch die Begrenzung der Mobilität des Kontrastmittels erreicht werden. Aufgrund seiner hohen Komplexstabilität und seiner klinischen Bedeutung wurde das Kontrastmittel Gadobutrol für die Verkapselung verwendet. Das Kontrastmittel wurde in Polyharnstoff-Kapseln eingeschlossen, die durch einen inversen Miniemulsion-Prozess hergestellt wurden. Um die Viskosität im Inneren der Nanokapsel zu erhöhen, wurden zusätzlich Saccharose, Dextran und Polyacrylsäure verkapselt. In Gegenwart von Saccharose konnte die Relaxivität verdoppelt werden. Dies gründet sich vermutlich auf einem Second-sphere Effekt der Saccharose, einer auf Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen beruhende Interaktion von Kontrastmittel und Saccharose.


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Polymers that are used in clinical practice as bone-defect-filling materials possess many essential qualities, such as moldability, mechanical strength and biodegradability, but they are neither osteoconductive nor osteoinductive. Osteoconductivity can be conferred by coating the material with a layer of calcium phosphate, which can be rendered osteoinductive by functionalizing it with an osteogenic agent. We wished to ascertain whether the morphological and physicochemical characteristics of unfunctionalized and bovine-serum-albumin (BSA)-functionalized calcium-phosphate coatings were influenced by the surface properties of polymeric carriers. The release kinetics of the protein were also investigated. Two sponge-like materials (Helistat® and Polyactive®) and two fibrous ones (Ethisorb and poly[lactic-co-glycolic acid]) were tested. The coating characteristics were evaluated using state-of-the-art methodologies. The release kinetics of BSA were monitored spectrophotometrically. The characteristics of the amorphous and the crystalline phases of the coatings were not influenced by either the surface chemistry or the surface geometry of the underlying polymer. The mechanism whereby BSA was incorporated into the crystalline layer and the rate of release of the truly incorporated depot were likewise unaffected by the nature of the polymeric carrier. Our biomimetic coating technique could be applied to either spongy or fibrous bone-defect-filling organic polymers, with a view to rendering them osteoconductive and osteoinductive.


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We present a case of a Rendu-Osler-Weber disease patient with recurrent life threatening epistaxis demanding multiple blood transfusions despite of repetitive endoscopic laser and electrocoagulations, endovascular embolisation, septodermoplasty, and long-term intranasal dressings. As alternative treatment modalities repeatedly failed and the patient became almost permanently dependent on nasal dressing, we performed a highly conformal intensity-modulated radiotherapy of the nasal cavity; a total dose of 50 Gy in 2 Gy single fractions was applied. The therapy was very well tolerated, no acute toxicities occurred. Two weeks after the last radiation dose had been applied, the nasal dressing could be removed without problems. Endoscopical control revealed an almost avascular white mucosa without any trace of bleeding spots; previously existing hemangiomas and crusts had disappeared. After a 1-year-follow up, the patient had no significant recurrent epistaxis.


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OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study was to histologically evaluate and compare a new prototype collagen type I/III-containing equine- (EB) and a bovine- (BB) derived cancellous bone block in a dog model. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four standardized box-shaped defects were bilaterally created at the buccal aspect of the alveolar ridge in the lower jaws of five beagle dogs and randomly allocated to either EB or BB. Each experimental site was covered by a native (non-crosslinked) collagen membrane and left to heal in a submerged position for 12 weeks. Dissected blocks were processed for semi-/and quantitative analyses. RESULTS: Both groups had no adverse clinical or histopathological events (i.e. inflammatory/foreign body reactions). BB specimens revealed no signs of biodegradation and were commonly embedded in a fibrous connective tissue. New bone formation and bony graft integration were minimal. In contrast, EB specimens were characterized by a significantly increased cell (i.e. osteoclasts and multinucleated giant cells)-mediated degradation of the graft material (P<0.001). The amount and extent of bone ingrowth was consistently higher in all EB specimens, but failed to reach statistical significance in comparison with the BB group (P>0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded that the application of EB may not be associated with an improved bone formation than BB.


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PURPOSE: The present pilot study evaluates the histopathological characteristics and suitability of CO2 and diode lasers for performing excisional biopsies in the buccal mucosa with special emphasis on the extent of the thermal damage zone created. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 15 patients agreed to undergo surgical removal of their fibrous hyperplasias with a laser. These patients were randomly assigned to one diode or two CO2 laser groups. The CO2 laser was used in a continuous wave mode (cw) with a power of 5 W (Watts), and in a pulsed char-free mode (cf). Power settings for the diode laser were 5.12 W in a pulsed mode. The thermal damage zone of the three lasers and intraoperative and postoperative complications were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The collateral thermal damage zone on the borders of the excisional biopsies was significantly smaller with the CO, laser for both settings tested compared to the diode laser regarding values in pm or histopathological index scores. The only intraoperative complication encountered was bleeding, which had to be controlled with electrocauterization. No postoperative complications occurred in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The CO2 laser seems to be appropriate for excisional biopsies of benign oral mucosal lesions. The CO2 laser offers clear advantages in terms of smaller thermal damage zones over the diode laser. More study participants are needed to demonstrate potential differences between the two different CO2 laser settings tested.


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The optical quality of the human eye mainly depends on the refractive performance of the cornea. The shape of the cornea is a mechanical balance between intraocular pressure and tissue intrinsic stiffness. Several surgical procedures in ophthalmology alter the biomechanics of the cornea to provoke local or global curvature changes for vision correction. Legitimated by the large number of surgical interventions performed every day, the demand for a deeper understanding of corneal biomechanics is rising to improve the safety of procedures and medical devices. The aim of our work is to propose a numerical model of corneal biomechanics, based on the stromal microstructure. Our novel anisotropic constitutive material law features a probabilistic weighting approach to model collagen fiber distribution as observed on human cornea by Xray scattering analysis (Aghamohammadzadeh et. al., Structure, February 2004). Furthermore, collagen cross-linking was explicitly included in the strain energy function. Results showed that the proposed model is able to successfully reproduce both inflation and extensiometry experimental data (Elsheikh et. al., Curr Eye Res, 2007; Elsheikh et. al., Exp Eye Res, May 2008). In addition, the mechanical properties calculated for patients of different age groups (Group A: 65-79 years; Group B: 80-95 years) demonstrate an increased collagen cross-linking, and a decrease in collagen fiber elasticity from younger to older specimen. These findings correspond to what is known about maturing fibrous biological tissue. Since the presented model can handle different loading situations and includes the anisotropic distribution of collagen fibers, it has the potential to simulate clinical procedures involving nonsymmetrical tissue interventions. In the future, such mechanical model can be used to improve surgical planning and the design of next generation ophthalmic devices.


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Implantation of a coronary stent results in a mechanical enlargement of the coronary lumen with stretching of the surrounding atherosclerotic plaque. Using intravascular ultrasound virtual-histology (IVUS-VH) we examined the temporal changes in composition of the plaque behind the struts (PBS) following the implantation of the everolimus eluting bioresorbable vascular scaffold (BVS). Using IVUS-VH and dedicated software, the composition of plaque was analyzed in all patients from the ABSORB B trial who were imaged with a commercially available IVUS-VH console (s5i system, Volcano Corporation, Rancho Cordova, CA, USA) post-treatment and at 6-month follow-up. This dedicated software enabled analysis of the PBS after subtraction of the VH signal generated by the struts. The presence of necrotic core (NC) in contact with the lumen was also evaluated at baseline and follow-up. IVUS-VH data, recorded with s5i system, were available at baseline and 6-month follow-up in 15 patients and demonstrated an increase in both the area of PBS (2.45 ± 1.93 mm(2) vs. 3.19 ± 2.48 mm(2), P = 0.005) and the external elastic membrane area (13.76 ± 4.07 mm(2) vs. 14.76 ± 4.56 mm(2), P = 0.006). Compared to baseline there was a significant progression in the NC (0.85 ± 0.70 mm(2) vs. 1.21 ± 0.92 mm(2), P = 0.010) and fibrous tissue area (0.88 ± 0.79 mm(2) vs. 1.15 ± 1.05 mm(2), P = 0.027) of the PBS. The NC in contact with the lumen in the treated segment did not increase with follow-up (7.33 vs. 6.36%, P = 0.2). Serial IVUS-VH analysis of BVS-treated lesions at 6-month demonstrated a progression in the NC and fibrous tissue content of PBS.


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Background Regional differences in shear stress have been identified as reason for early plaque formation in vessel bifurcations. We aimed to investigate regional plaque morphology and composition using intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) and virtual histology (IVUS–VH) in coronary artery bifurcations. Methods We performed IVUS and IVUS–VH studies at coronary bifurcations to analyze segmental plaque burden and composition of different segments in relation to their orientation to the bifurcation. Results A total of 236 patients with a mean age of 59 ± 11 years (69% male) were analyzed. Plaque burden was higher at the contralateral vessel wall facing the bifurcation compared to the ipsilateral vessel wall and this difference was true for proximal and distal segments (proximal: 37 ± 12% and 45 ± 15% for segments at the ipsilateral and contralateral vessel wall, respectively, p < 0.001; distal: 37 ± 10% and 47 ± 15% for segments at the ipsilateral and contralateral vessel wall, respectively, p < 0.001). In addition, these segments exhibited a higher proportion of dense calcium and a lower proportion of fibrous tissue and fibro fatty tissue. Conclusions Segments on the contralateral wall of the bifurcation which have previously been identified as regions with low shear stress not only exhibited a higher plaque burden, but also a higher degree of calcification.


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PURPOSE: This pilot study evaluated the wound healing and tissue response after placement of two different skin substitutes in subgingival mucosal pouches in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four rabbits were selected to receive a commercially available skin substitute consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts and an epithelial layer (test membrane 1) and a prototype device consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts only (test membrane 2). In each rabbit, two horizontal incisions were made in the buccal alveolar mucosa of the maxilla bilaterally to create submucosal pouches. Three pouches in each animal were filled with either the test 1 or test 2 membranes, and one pouch was left without a membrane (sham-operated control). All rabbits were sacrificed after a healing period of 4 weeks, and histologic samples were prepared and examined. RESULTS: After a healing period of 1 month, both tested membranes were still visible in the sections. Test membrane 1 was still bilayered, contained inflammatory cells in its center, and was encapsulated by a thick fibrous tissue. Numerous ectopic calcifications were evident in the collagenous part of the membrane and in association with some basal epithelial cells. Test membrane 2 was also encapsulated in fibrous tissue, with inflammatory cells present only between the fibrous encapsulation and the remnants of the membrane. For test membrane 2, no calcifications were visible. CONCLUSIONS: Test membrane 1 seemed to be more resistant to degradation, but there was also a more pronounced inflammatory reaction in comparison to test membrane 2, especially in the vicinity of the keratinocytes. The significance of the ectopic calcifications, along with that of the resorption or degradation processes of both tested membranes, must be evaluated in future experimental studies, with different time points after implantation examine


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Perineurioma is an uncommon, mostly benign, spindle-cell tumor of peripheral nerve sheath origin with a predilection for the soft tissues. Although increasing awareness points to the sites of involvement by perineurioma possibly being as ubiquitous as those frequented by schwannian tumors, only one intracerebral example has been described to date. We report on a surgically resected perineurioma of the falx cerebri in an 86-year-old woman. Preoperative imaging showed an enhancing extraaxial mass of 6 cm × 5.7 cm × 3.7 cm. Histologically, the tumor consisted of a proliferation of spindle cells interwoven by a lattice of basal lamina. Alongside a prevailing soft tissue perineurioma pattern, sclerosing and reticular areas were seen as well. Tumor cells coexpressed EMA and GLUT-1, and a minority immunoreacted for smooth muscle actin. Pericellular basal lamina was decorated with collagen type IV. No staining for S100 protein was detected. Mitotic activity was virtually absent, and the MIB1 labeling index averaged 2%. Ultrastructural examination revealed abundant pinocytotic vesicles within and conspicuous tight junctions between slender cytoplasmic processes which, in turn, were encased by discontinuous basal lamina. FISH analysis confirmed loss of at least part of one chromosome 22q. This observation calls attention to perineurioma as a novel item in the repertoire of low-grade meningial spindle cell neoplasms, in the differential diagnostic context of which it is apt to being misconstrued as either meningioma, solitary fibrous tumor, or neurofibroma. Confusion with the latter bears the risk of overgrading innocuous features of perineurioma as criteria for malignancy.