979 resultados para Factorial experiment designs.
The seeding of an expanse of surface waters in the equatorial Pacific Ocean with low concentrations of dissolved iron triggered a massive phytoplankton bloom which consumed large quantities of carbon dioxide and nitrate that these microscopic plants cannot fully utilize under natural conditions. These and other observations provide unequivocal support for the hypothesis that phytoplankton growth in this oceanic region is limited by iron bioavailability.
Carbon capture and storage is a mitigation strategy that can be used to aid the reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. This process aims to capture CO2from large point-source emitters and transport it to a long-term storage site. For much of Europe, these deep storage sites are anticipated to be sited below the sea bed on continental shelves. A key operational requirement is an understanding of best practice of monitoring for potential leakage and of the environmental impact that could result from a diffusive leak from a storage complex. Here we describe a controlled CO2release experiment beneath the seabed, which overcomes the limitations of laboratory simulations and natural analogues. The complex processes involved in setting up the experimental facility and ensuring its successful operation are discussed, including site selection, permissions, communications and facility construction. The experimental design and observational strategy are reviewed with respect to scientific outcomes along with lessons learnt in order to facilitate any similar future.
Scepticism over stated preference surveys conducted online revolves around the concerns over “professional respondents” who might rush through the questionnaire without sufficiently considering the information provided. To gain insight on the validity of this phenomenon and test the effect of response time on choice randomness, this study makes use of a recently conducted choice experiment survey on ecological and amenity effects of an offshore windfarm in the UK. The positive relationship between self-rated and inferred attribute attendance and response time is taken as evidence for a link between response time and cognitive effort. Subsequently, the generalised multinomial logit model is employed to test the effect of response time on scale, which indicates the weight of the deterministic relative to the error component in the random utility model. Results show that longer response time increases scale, i.e. decreases choice randomness. This positive scale effect of response time is further found to be non-linear and wear off at some point beyond which extreme response time decreases scale. While response time does not systematically affect welfare estimates, higher response time increases the precision of such estimates. These effects persist when self-reported choice certainty is controlled for. Implications of the results for online stated preference surveys and further research are discussed.
Can learning quality be maintained in the face of increasing class size by the use of Computer Supported Co-operative Learning (CSCL) technologies? In particular, can Computer-Mediated Communication promote critical thinking in addition to surface information transfer? We compared face-to-face seminars with asynchronous computer conferencing in the same Information Management class. From Garrison's theory of critical thinking and Henri's critical reasoning skills, we developed two ways of evaluating critical thinking: a student questionnaire and a content analysis technique. We found evidence for critical thinking in both situations, with some subtle differences in learning style. This paper provides an overview of this work.
This article takes issue with those who assume that the responsibility for bad outcomes in social work, such as child deaths, is appropriately laid at the feet of individual workers. It examines the philosophical origins of such arguments, some recent applications within social work literature and their appropriateness to the realities of social work practice. The author argues that a morality of social work must recognize the social and organizational context in which it occurs.
This paper presents a new strategy, “state-by-state transient screening”, for kinetic characterization of states of a multicomponent catalyst as applied to TAP pulse-response experiments. The key idea is to perform an insignificant chemical perturbation of the catalytic system so that the known essential characteristics of the catalyst (e.g. oxidation degree) do not change during the experiment. Two types of catalytic substances can be distinguished: catalyst state substances, which determine the catalyst state, and catalyst dynamic substances, which are created by the perturbation. The general methodological and theoretical framework for multi-pulse TAP experiments is developed, and the general model for a one-pulse TAP experiment is solved. The primary kinetic characteristics, basic kinetic coefficients, are extracted from diffusion–reaction data and calculated as functions of experimentally measured exit-flow moments without assumptions regarding the detailed kinetic mechanism. The new strategy presented in this paper provides essential information, which can be a basis for developing a detailed reaction mechanism. The theoretical results are illustrated using furan oxidation over a VPO catalyst.
The state-by-state transient screening approach based on a pulse-response thin-zone TAP experiment is further developed whereby single-pulse kinetic tests are treated as small perturbations to catalyst compositions and analyzed using integral method of moments. Results on three primary kinetic characteristics, termed basic kinetic coefficients, are presented. These three coefficients were introduced as main observables from experimentally measured TAP-responses in a kinetic-model-free manner. Each was analytically determined from moments of responses with no assumption about the detailed kinetic model. In this paper, the inverse question of how well these coefficients represent the time evolution of the observed responses is addressed. Sets of three basic kinetic coefficients are calculated from model and experimental responses and these calculated values are used to generate 3-coefficient curves in a kinetic-model-free manner. The comparison of these 3-coefficient curves with original responses shows that three basic kinetic coefficients can be sufficient to describe the observed kinetics of exit flow time dependencies with no assumption regarding the detailed kinetic model.