684 resultados para FOCI


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Hemopoietic stem cells are a distinct population of cells that can differentiate into multilineages of hemopoietic cells and have long-term repopulation capability. A few membrane-bound molecules have been found to be preferentially, but not uniquely, present on the surface of these primitive cells. We report here the identification of a unique 105-kDa glycoprotein on the surface of hemopoietic stem cell line BL3. This molecule, recognized by the absorbed antiserum, is not present on the surface of myeloid progenitors 32D and FDC-P1 cells, EL4 T cells, and NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This antiserum can also be used to block the proliferation of BL3 cells even in the presence of mitogen-stimulated spleen cell conditioned medium, which is known to have a stimulating activity on BL3 cells. It can also inhibit development of in vitro, fetal liver cell-derived multilineage colonies, but not other types of colonies, and of in vivo bone marrow cell-derived colony-forming unit spleen foci. These data suggest that gp105 plays an important role in hemopoietic stem cell differentiation.


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The role of heritable, population-wide cell damage in neoplastic development was studied in the 28 L subline of NIH 3T3 cells. These cells differ from the 17(3c) subline used previously for such studies in their lower frequency of "spontaneous" transformation at high population density and their greater capacity to produce large, dense transformed foci. Three cultures of the 28 L subline of NIH 3T3 cells were held under the constraint of confluence for 5 wk (5 wk 1 degree assay) and then assayed twice in succession (2 degrees and 3 degrees assays) for transformed foci and saturation density. After the 2 degrees assay, the cells were also passaged at low density to determine their exponential growth rates and cloned to determine the size and morphological features of the colonies. Concurrent measurements were made in each case with control cells that had been kept only in frequent low-density passages and cells that had been kept at confluence for only 2 wk (2 wk 1 degree). Two of the three cultures transferred from the 2 degrees assay of the 5 wk 1 degree cultures produced light transformed foci, and the third produced dense foci. The light focus-forming cultures grew to twice the control saturation density in their 2 degrees assay and 6-8 times the control density in the 3 degrees assay; saturation densities for the dense focus formers were about 10 times the control values in both assays. All three of the cultures transferred from the 2 degrees assay of the 5 wk 1 degree cultures multiplied at lower rates than controls at low densities, but the dense focus formers multiplied faster than the light focus formers. The reduced rates of multiplication of the light focus formers persisted for > 50 generations of exponential multiplication at low densities. Isolated colonies formed from single cells of the light focus formers were of a lower population density than controls; colonies formed by the dense focus formers were slightly denser than the controls but occupied only half the area. A much higher proportion of the colonies from the 5 wk 1 degree cultures than the controls consisted of giant cells or mixtures of giant and normal-appearing cells. The results reinforce the previous conclusion that the early increases in saturation density and light focus formation are associated with, and perhaps caused by, heritable, population-wide damage to cells that is essentially epigenetic in nature. The more advanced transformation characterized by large increases in saturation density and dense focus formation could have originated from rare genetic changes, such as chromosome rearrangements, known to occur at an elevated frequency in cells destabilized by antecedent cellular damage.


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Peroxisome proliferators induce qualitatively predictable pleiotropic responses, including development of hepatocellular carcinomas in rats and mice despite the inability of these compounds to interact with and damage DNA directly. In view of the nongenotoxic nature of peroxisome proliferators, it has been postulated that hepatocarcinogenesis by this class of chemicals is due to a receptor-mediated process leading to transcriptional activation of H2O2-generating peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX) in liver. To test this hypothesis, we overexpressed rat ACOX in African green monkey kidney cells (CV-1 cells) under control of the cytomegalovirus promoter. A stably transfected CV-1 cell line overexpressing rat ACOX, designated CV-ACOX4, when exposed to a fatty acid substrate (150 microM linoleic acid) for 2-6 weeks, formed transformed foci, grew efficiently in soft agar, and developed adenocarcinomas when transplanted into nude mice. These findings indicate that sustained overexpression of H2O2-generating ACOX causes cell transformation and provide further support for the role of peroxisome proliferation in hepatocarcinogenesis induced by peroxisome proliferators.


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Prolonged incubation of NIH 3T3 cells under the growth constraint of confluence results in the death of some cells in a manner suggestive of apoptosis. Successive rounds of prolonged incubation at confluence of the surviving cells produce increasing neoplastic transformation in the form of increments in saturation density and transformed focus formation. Cells from the postconfluent cultures are given a recovery period of various lengths to remove the direct inhibitory effect of confluence before their growth properties are studied. It is found that with each round of confluence the exponential growth rate of the cells at low densities gets lower and the size of isolated colonies of the same cells shows a similar progressive reduction. The decreased growth rate of cells from the third round of confluence persists for > 60 generations of growth at low density. The proportion of colonies containing giant cells is much higher after a 2-day recovery from confluence than after a 7-day recovery. Retardation of growth at low density and increased saturation density appear to be two sides of the same coin: both occur in the entire population of cells and precede the formation of transformed foci. We propose that the slowdown in growth and the formation of giant cells result from heritable damage to the cells, which in turn drives their transformation. Similar results have been reported for the survivors of x-irradiation and of treatment with chemical carcinogens and are associated with the aging process in animals. We suggest that these changes result from free radical damage to membrane lipids with particular damage to lysosomes. Proteases and nucleases would then be released to progressively modify the growth behavior and genetic stability of the cells toward autonomous proliferation.


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A necropsia é essencial para a identificação da causa de morte e dos processos que culminaram no óbito do animal. O presente estudo visou à pesquisa da real ocorrência de morte súbita e inesperada em cães submetidos à necropsia, e à determinação da discrepância entre as suspeitas dos proprietários em relação ao estado de saúde prévio e à causa de morte de seus cães, quando comparadas às conclusões necroscópicas. Este trabalho também focou nas alterações morfológicas e funcionais nas glândulas adrenais de cães necropsiados, a fim de se estudar a aplicação de possíveis marcadores da resposta adrenal ao estresse sofrido pelo animal na iminência do óbito. Foram utilizados os dados de 82 cães necropsiados na FMVZ-USP para análise da ocorrência real de morte súbita nestes animais. As alterações morfológicas nas adrenais de 46 cães necropsiados foram avaliadas através de análises morfométricas e histopatológicas. Também foram avaliados os índices de proliferação e apoptose nas células do córtex adrenal em relação à causa de morte do animal, através da marcação imunoistoquímica para o antígeno nuclear de proliferação celular (PCNA) e para BAX e Bcl-2, proteínas envolvidas na regulação da apoptose. A análise das alterações funcionais sofridas pelas adrenais focou na quantificação das concentrações das catecolaminas adrenalina e noradrenalina na medula adrenal dos cães por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência com detecção eletroquímica (CLAE-DE). Dentre os resultados encontrados, a suspeita do proprietário de que seu cão sofreu uma morte súbita e inesperada é muito maior do que a real ocorrência deste tipo de morte em cães, sendo o óbito por decorrência de complicações de doenças muito mais frequente. As características morfométricas das adrenais dos cães apresentaram maior influência pelo peso corpóreo do animal e pela presença ou ausência de hiperplasia cortical do que pela associação com doenças crônicas ou condições agudas. Cães que vieram a óbito em decorrência de complicações de doenças crônicas exibiram fibrose em região corticomedular e focos de infiltrado inflamatório, ausentes nos animais com morte súbita ou doenças agudas, além de maior ocorrência de hiperplasia adrenocortical. Cães que sofriam de alterações cardíacas crônicas apresentaram alterações histopatológicas significativas mais marcantes em suas adrenais, como necrose, fibrose e depleção vacuolar cortical. Por outro lado, a congestão severa nas adrenais foi um achado mais frequente nos animais previamente saudáveis que sofreram morte súbita ou que vieram a óbito por doenças agudas. A avaliação dos índices de proliferação celular e apoptose no córtex das adrenais através da marcação imunoistoquímica para PCNA e BAX e Bcl-2, respectivamente, não apresentou potencial relevante para o estudo dos efeitos do estresse por doenças crônicas sobre as adrenais de cães. As concentrações de adrenalina e noradrenalina na medula adrenal se mostraram muito maiores em cães machos quando comparados às fêmeas. Os achados deste estudo podem auxiliar nas conclusões da necropsia, sendo especialmente relevantes em casos médico-legais, nos quais todos os achados possíveis devem ser relatados e analisados a fim de se prover um diagnóstico preciso, seguro e incontroverso


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Avaliou-se a atividade quimiopreventiva da tributirina (TB), e da vitamina A (VA) administradas em associação ou não, antes, durante e após a iniciação em ratos submetidos a modelo de carcinogênese de cólon. Ratos Wistar receberam VA [1 mg/100 g de p.c (grupo VA)], tributirina [200 mg/100 g de p.c (grupo TB)] ou associação de VA com TB (grupo VA+TB). Ratos tratados com óleo de milho e maltodextrina serviram como controle (GC). Avaliou-se a presença de focos de criptas aberrantes (FCA) e sua localização nos cólons, além de danos e do padrão de metilação global do DNA na mucosa colônica. No cólon total, distal e proximal, o grupo TB apresentou menor (p<0,05) número de FCA com 4 ou mais criptas/cm2, considerados mais agressivos, em relação ao GC. Quanto aos danos no DNA, os grupos VA, TB e VA+TB apresentaram cometas de comprimentos menores (p<0,05) em comparação ao GC. Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significantes quanto ao padrão de metilação global do DNA. Assim, TB consiste em agente quimiopreventivo promissor da carcinogênese de cólon quando administrada isoladamente, mas não em associação com a VA. 15


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Tras la inicial propagación del método jenneriano por Inglaterra y el resto del continente europeo, se mostró un gran interés por difundirlo hacia Oriente y América. En el caso de España, los focos epidémicos que estaban ocurriendo en los territorios de ultramar movieron a las autoridades de los distintos virreinatos a solicitar a la Corona que enviara cuanto antes el nuevo remedio. La monarquía borbónica, que había introducido las expediciones científicas como elemento de progreso y dominio, aprobó el proyecto conocido como “Real Expedición Filantrópica de la Vacuna”, que partió hacia América al mando de Balmis en 1803. Relatamos una propuesta inédita anterior a esa, en la que un desconocido cirujano, Rafael de Malaguilla, se ofreció para llevar a cabo una iniciativa similar.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Deeply-embedded norms of liberalism and protectionism alongside EU policies focusing on promoting development and regional integration have shaped EU-Mercosur relations. These stand in stark contrast to the policies of the US, the historic hegemon in the region. This paper utilizes historical institutionalism to understand how the liberal tenets of EU competition policy and the protectionism of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have affected EU-Mercosur relations. Particular foci include Spain’s role in spearheading efforts to promote EU-Latin American relations and the way EU competition policies directed against monopolies in Europe spurred increased investment in Latin America, especially the Southern Cone. The latter prompted the EU to forge closer ties with Mercosur, encouraged cooperation and development programs and spurred regional integration and liberal trade regimes in Latin America.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics and publication practices of English language occupational therapy journals. An adapted version of the Survey of Editors Regarding Publishing Practices was posted to the editors of English language occupational therapy journals (n = 14) in September 2001. The response rate was 92.9% (n = 13). Journals were published on average 4.77 times per year and comprised 89% text and 10% advertising. The preferred average length of manuscripts was 20 pages using American Psychological Association format. The average acceptance rate of unsolicited manuscripts was 46.6%. All the journals were peer-reviewed publications and 80% were research oriented. The most frequently cited reasons for rejection of manuscripts were methodology problems, poorly developed idea, poorly written and data interpretation problems. The professional focus of published manuscripts was on research and the clinical foci were on paediatrics, gerontology and physical medicine. The study concludes that there are a variety of publishing opportunities available to occupational therapists. It is essential that prospective authors consult the journal guidelines for authors, including the types of manuscript accepted.


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To study the dynamics of protein recruitment to DNA lesions, ion beams can be used to generate extremely localized DNA damage within restricted regions of the nuclei. This inhomogeneous spatial distribution of lesions can be visualized indirectly and rapidly in the form of radiation-induced foci using immunocytochemical detection or GFP-tagged DNA repair proteins. To analyze faster protein translocations and a possible contribution of radiation-induced chromatin movement in DNA damage recognition in live cells, we developed a remote-controlled system to obtain high-resolution fluorescence images of living cells during ion irradiation with a frame rate of the order of seconds. Using scratch replication labeling, only minor chromatin movement at sites of ion traversal was observed within the first few minutes of impact. Furthermore, time-lapse images of the GFP-coupled DNA repair protein aprataxin revealed accumulations within seconds at sites of ion hits, indicating a very fast recruitment to damaged sites. Repositioning of the irradiated cells after fixation allowed the comparison of live cell observation with immunocytochemical staining and retrospective etching of ion tracks. These results demonstrate that heavy-ion radiation-induced changes in sub-nuclear structures can be used to determine the kinetics of early protein recruitment in living cells and that the changes are not dependent on large-scale chromatin movement at short times postirradiation. © 2005 by Radiation Research Society.


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In recent times, PSA screening and a substantial increase in prostate needle biopsies have not only resulted in detection of minute foci of cancer but have also very likely resulted in increased detection of atypical glandular proliferations. Not uncommonly, there are only a limited number of atypical glands in these biopsies, and these require careful evaluation to enable an accurate diagnosis. We describe diagnostic implications, use of immunohistochemistry, and clinical significance of these lesions. Foci of atypical glands, also labeled atypical small acinar proliferation of uncertain significance, have features suspicious for but not diagnostic of cancer. Atypical foci include a broad group of lesions of differing clinical significance. These include benign, small acinar proliferations mimicking prostate cancer and atypical glandular proliferations suspicious for carcinoma. Definite diagnosis requires accurate histopathologic assessment and judicious use of immunohistochemistry. Patients with atypical glands on prostate needle biopsy have a high risk for harboring cancer and therefore have an increased risk for having cancer detected in subsequent biopsies.


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Ionizing radiation causes DNA damage that elicits a cellular program of damage control coordinated by the kinase activity of ataxia telangiectasia mutated protein (ATM). Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta)-1, which is activated by radiation, is a potent and pleiotropic mediator of physiologic and pathologic processes. Here we show that TGF beta inhibition impedes the canonical cellular DNA damage stress response. Irradiated Tgf beta 1 nail murine epithelial cells or human epithelial cells treated with a small-molecule inhibitor of TGF beta type I receptor kinase exhibit decreased phosphorylation of Chk2, Rad17, and p53; reduced gamma H2AX radiation-induced foci; and increased radiosensitivity compared with TGF beta competent cells. We determined that loss of TGF beta signaling in epithelial cells truncated ATM autophosphorylation and significantly reduced its kinase activity, without affecting protein abundance. Addition of TGF beta restored functional ATM and downstream DNA damage responses. These data reveal a heretofore undetected critical link between the microenvironment and ATM, which directs epithelial cell stress responses, cell fate, and tissue integrity. Thus, Tgf beta 1, in addition to its role in homoeostatic growth control, plays a complex role in regulating responses to genotoxic stress, the failure of which would contribute to the development of cancer; conversely, inhibiting TGF beta may be used to advantage in cancer therapy.