934 resultados para FEMALE-BIASED SEX RATIO
Se realizó el análisis comparativo de los principales aspectos reproductivos del pulpo Octopus mimus Gould, 1852 entre las áreas de Callao y Chiclayo; utilizando bases de datos correspondientes a los muestreos quincenales de las capturas de la pesquería artesanal durante el año 2014. Se muestrearon 604 individuos (244 hembras y 360 machos) en Callao y 411 individuos (152 hembras y 259 machos) en Chiclayo. Este estudio tiene como objetivo aumentar el conocimiento sobre la biología reproductiva de la especie, y cómo se ve influenciada por las condiciones oceanográficas propias de un área. Se determinó que ambas poblaciones no siguen los parámetros de una distribución normal, y que son estadísticamente diferentes con relación a la longitud del manto. Callao muestra una talla media anual mayor que Chiclayo. La proporción anual de sexos fue a favor de los machos. Resalta el predominio de individuos hembras y machos maduros durante todo el año. La talla de madurez obtenida, confirma que los machos maduran a tallas menores que las hembras. La talla de desove mantiene la tendencia. El peso de madurez en ambos sexos se encontró por debajo del peso mínimo de captura (1 kg), pero el peso de desove de las hembras fue mayor a éste. El grado en que la condición del individuo se ve afectada por la reproducción, es más evidente y determinante en hembras. La especie muestra un crecimiento alométrico negativo. En machos está mejor definido el aumento del peso de la gónada en función de la longitud del manto. La influencia de los factores ambientales sobre el ciclo reproductivo es particular en cada área, lo que explica las diferencias en el biotipo y la estacionalidad de los eventos reproductivos.
Deep water sharks are commonly caught as by-catch of longlines targeting bony fishes and trawlers targeting crustaceans in deep water off the southern Portuguese coast. Due to low or no commercial value, these species are most of the times discarded at sea, with only the larger specimens of some species commercialized at very low prices. In this study we present size distributions, maturity distributions, and sex ratios of 2,138 specimens belonging to four different species, namely the lantern sharks Etmopterus pusillus and Etmopterus spinax and the catsharks Galeus melastomus and Galeus atlanticus, caught with these two gears. Trawls generally caught smaller-sized specimens, in a wider length range than longlines. Trawls caught mostly immature specimens of all species, namely 83.7% immature of E. pusillus, 84.3% of E. spinax, 89.5% of G. melastomus, and 95.5% of G. atlanticus, while longlines caught mostly immature E. pusillus (69.2%) and G. melastomus (78.6%) and mostly mature E. spinax (88.2%) and G. atlanticus (87.2%). Trawls tended to catch more males than females of all species except E. spinax, while longlines caught more females than males of E. spinax and G. melastomus and more males than females of the other two species. The main conclusion of this work is that trawls are catching smaller-sized and mostly immature specimens when compared to longlines, meaning that they are probably having a more detrimental effect on these shark populations. The data presented here have significant implications for the conservation of these shark populations since sizes, sexes, and the immature and mature components of the populations are being affected differently by these two fishing gears.
The study of the reproduction of Diplodus vulgaris (Geoff.) as part of a base-line study of the fishery resources of the southwest coast of Portugal, was based on the analysis of the spawning season, gonad maturation, size at maturity, fecundity and hermaphroditism. The spawning season is relatively long, from December to March, with peaks in January and February. No significant differences were found either in the sex ratio (M:F = 1.01) over the year or by size. The size at first maturity (L-50) for all sexes and undetermined individuals combined was 18.33 cm total length (TL), with no significant differences between males and females. The estimated L-50 is considerably greater than the minimum legal size in Portugal of 15.0 cm. Mean absolute fecundity (F-a) was 131 127 oocytes, ranging from 31 523 to 250 608. The relationship between absolute fecundity and total length (TL) (F-a = 25 398 TL-484 426) and somatic weight (SW) (F-a = 878.8SW-71 416) was of the linear type. The mean number of oocytes per gram of somatic weight was 526, ranging from 194 to 887. The reproductive strategy of this species is characterized by a rudimentary hermaphroditism with possible protandry, as evidenced by the existence of individuals in sexual transition.
INTRODUCCION Dado que la artritis reumatoide es la artropatía inflamatoria más frecuente en el mundo, siendo altamente discapacitante y causando gran impacto de alto costo, se busca ofrecer al paciente opciones terapéuticas y calidad de vida a través del establecimiento de un tratamiento oportuno y eficaz, teniendo presentes aquellos predictores de respuesta previo a instaurar determinada terapia. Existen pocos estudios que permitan establecer aquellos factores de adecuada respuesta para inicio de terapia biológica con abatacept, por lo cual en este estudio se busca determinar cuáles son esos posibles factores. METODOLOGIA Estudio analítico de tipo corte transversal de 94 pacientes con diagnóstico de AR, evaluados para determinar las posibles variables que influyen en la respuesta a terapia biológica con abatacept. Se incluyeron 67 de los 94 pacientes al modelo de regresión logística, que son aquellos pacientes en que fue posible medir la respuesta al tratamiento (respuesta EULAR) a través de la determinación del DAS 28 y así discriminar en dos grupos de comparación (respuesta y no respuesta). DISCUSION DE RESULTADOS La presencia de alta actividad de la enfermedad al inicio de la terapia biológica, aumenta la probabilidad de respuesta al tratamiento respecto al grupo con baja/moderada actividad de la enfermedad; OR 4,19 - IC 95%(1,18 – 14.9), (p 0,027). La ausencia de erosiones óseas aumenta la probabilidad de presentar adecuada respuesta a la terapia biológica respecto aquellos con erosiones, con un OR 3,1 (1,01-9,55), (p 0,048). Niveles de VSG y presencia de manifestaciones extra-articulares son otros datos de interés encontrados en el análisis bivariado. Respecto a las variables o características como predictores de respuesta al tratamiento con abatacept, se encuentran estudios que corroboran los hallazgos de este estudio, respecto al alto puntaje del DAS 28 al inicio de la terapia (9, 12). CONCLUSIONES Existen distintas variables que determinan la respuesta a los diferentes biológicos para manejo de AR. Es imprescindible evaluar dichos factores de manera individual con el fin de lograr de manera efectiva el control de la enfermedad y así mejorar la calidad de vida del individuo (medicina personalizada). Existen variables tales como la alta actividad de la enfermedad y la ausencia de erosiones como predictores de respuesta en la terapia con abatacept.
Fondato nel 1423 per decisione del Maggior Consiglio di Venezia, il Lazzaretto Vecchio, è la prima struttura permanente in Europa destinata al ricovero degli ammalati di peste e alla quarantena preventiva di coloro che erano entrati in contatto con infetti o che provenivano da zone epidemiche. Questo studio si pone come obiettivo quello di analizzare antropologicamente una parte dei resti umani rinvenuti e comparare i risultati ottenuti con le fonti edite riguardanti la composizione dei ricoverati all’interno della struttura. Sono stati selezionati 110 individui provenienti da 9 comuni appartenenti a due diversi archi cronologici, il 1575-1577 e il 1630-1631. Gli individui sono stati sottoposti a diverse analisi antropologiche tradizionali e indagini più dettagliate di stampo biomolecolare. Parallelamente, è stata vagliata la letteratura prodotta da studi popolazionistici editi. Le analisi antropologiche hanno rivelato un quadro popolazionistico con normale presenza di maschi e femmine, e attestazione di tutte le classi di età, dagli 0 agli oltre 50 anni. Le analisi chimico-fisiche hanno rivelato la presenza di sette individui non locali. Con riguardo all’alimentazione non vi sono particolari differenze in termini di periodi cronologici o di sesso degli individui, quanto invece si possono individuare schemi relativi alla qualità del cibo ingerito in relazione all’inserimento nel mondo del lavoro. Per quanto riguarda le indagini di carattere documentale, nonostante alcuni degli studi popolazionistici individuati non siano considerabili recenti, ci forniscono un quadro dell’andamento della popolazione a Venezia a partire dal 1500 fino al 1700, coprendo in questo modo le cronologie d’interesse del progetto, legate agli episodi di maggiore mortalità della peste. Si riscontra una sostanziale coerenza tra i dati riportati nei diversi resoconti e la sex ratio e le fasce di età alla morte riscontrate, anche se non mancano casi specifici di forte discostamento tra i dati.
Schistosomiasis is a chronic and debilitating disease caused by blood flukes (digenetic trematodes) of the genus Schistosoma. Schistosomes are sexually dimorphic and exhibit dramatic morphological changes during a complex lifecycle which requires subtle gene regulatory mechanisms to fulfil these complex biological processes. In the current study, a 41,982 features custom DNA microarray, which represents the most comprehensive probe coverage for any schistosome transcriptome study, was designed based on public domain and local databases to explore differential gene expression in S. japonicum. We found that approximately 1/10 of the total annotated genes in the S. japonicum genome are differentially expressed between adult males and females. In general, genes associated with the cytoskeleton, and motor and neuronal activities were readily expressed in male adult worms, whereas genes involved in amino acid metabolism, nucleotide biosynthesis, gluconeogenesis, glycosylation, cell cycle processes, DNA synthesis and genome fidelity and stability were enriched in females. Further, miRNAs target sites within these gene sets were predicted, which provides a scenario whereby the miRNAs potentially regulate these sex-biased expressed genes. The study significantly expands the expressional and regulatory characteristics of gender-biased expressed genes in schistosomes with high accuracy. The data provide a better appreciation of the biological and physiological features of male and female schistosome parasites, which may lead to novel vaccine targets and the development of new therapeutic interventions.
Comparing the patterns of population differentiation among genetic markers with different modes of inheritance call provide insights into patterns of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow. The blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) is a Neotropical parrot with a broad geographic distribution ill South America. However, little is known about the natural history and current status Of remaining wild populations, including levels of genetic variability. The progressive decline and possible fragmentation of populations may endanger this species in the near future. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences and six microsatellite 106 Of Blue-and-yellow Macaws sampled throughout their geographic range ill Brazil to describe population genetic Structure, to make inferences about historical demography and dispersal behavior, and to provide insight for conservation efforts. Analyses of population genetic structure based on mtDNA showed evidence of two major populations ill western and eastern Brazil that share a few low-frequency haplotypes. This phylogeographic pattern seems to have originated by the historical isolation of Blue-and-yellow Macaw populations similar to 374,000 years ago and has been maintained by restricted gene flow and female philopatry. By contrast, variation ill biparentally inherited microsatellites was not structured geographically, Male-biased dispersal and female philopatry best explain the different patterns observed in these two markers. Because females disperse less than males, the two regional populations with well-differentiated mtDNA haplogroups should be considered two different management units for conservation purposes. Received 4 November 2007 accepted 10 December 2008.
Male and female Wistar rats were treated postnatally (PND 5-16) with BSO (l-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine) to provide a rat model of schizophrenia based on transient glutathione deficit. In the watermaze, BSO-treated male rats perform very efficiently in conditions where a diversity of visual information is continuously available during orientation trajectories [1]. Our hypothesis is that the treatment impairs proactive strategies anticipating future sensory information, while supporting a tight visual adjustment on memorized snapshots, i.e. compensatory reactive strategies. To test this hypothesis, BSO rats' performance was assessed in two conditions using an 8-arm radial maze task: a semi-transparent maze with no available view on the environment from maze centre [2], and a modified 2-parallel maze known to induce a neglect of the parallel pair in normal rats [3-5]. Male rats, but not females, were affected by the BSO treatment. In the semi-transparent maze, BSO males expressed a higher error rate, especially in completing the maze after an interruption. In the 2-parallel maze shape, BSO males, unlike controls, expressed no neglect of the parallel arms. This second result was in accord with a reactive strategy using accurate memory images of the contextual environment instead of a representation based on integrating relative directions. These results are coherent with a treatment-induced deficit in proactive decision strategy based on multimodal cognitive maps, compensated by accurate reactive adaptations based on the memory of local configurations. Control females did not express an efficient proactive capacity in the semi-transparent maze, neither did they show the significant neglect of the parallel arms, which might have masked the BSO induced effect. Their reduced sensitivity to BSO treatment is discussed with regard to a sex biased basal cognitive style.
Sex-biased dispersal is an almost ubiquitous feature of mammalian life history, but the evolutionary causes behind these patterns still require much clarification. A quarter of a century since the publication of seminal papers describing general patterns of sex-biased dispersal in both mammals and birds, we review the advances in our theoretical understanding of the evolutionary causes of sex-biased dispersal, and those in statistical genetics that enable us to test hypotheses and measure dispersal in natural populations. We use mammalian examples to illustrate patterns and proximate causes of sex-biased dispersal, because by far the most data are available and because they exhibit an enormous diversity in terms of dispersal strategy, mating and social systems. Recent studies using molecular markers have helped to confirm that sex-biased dispersal is widespread among mammals and varies widely in direction and intensity, but there is a great need to bridge the gap between genetic information, observational data and theory. A review of mammalian data indicates that the relationship between direction of sex-bias and mating system is not a simple one. The role of social systems emerges as a key factor in determining intensity and direction of dispersal bias, but there is still need for a theoretical framework that can account for the complex interactions between inbreeding avoidance, kin competition and cooperation to explain the impressive diversity of patterns.
We studied the noctule bat (Nyctalus noctula), in which the mitochondrial F(ST) is about 10 times that revealed by nuclear markers, to address two questions. We first verified whether random dispersal of one sex is compatible with highly contrasted mitochondrial and nuclear population structures. Using computer simulations, we then assessed the power of multilocus population differentiation tests when the expected population structure departs only slightly from panmixia. Using an island model with sex-specific demographic parameters, we found that random male dispersal is consistent with the population structure observed in the noctule. However, other parameter combinations are also compatible with the data. We computed the minimum sex bias in dispersal (at least 69% of the dispersing individuals are males), a result that would not be available if we had used more classical population genetic models. The power of multilocus population differentiation tests was unexpectedly high, the tests being significant in almost 100% of the replicates, although the observed population structure infered from nuclear markers was extremely low (F(ST) = 0.6%).
1. Sex differences in levels of parasite infection are a common rule in a wide range of mammals, with males usually more susceptible than females. Sex-specific exposure to parasites, e.g. mediated through distinct modes of social aggregation between and within genders, as well as negative relationships between androgen levels and immune defences are thought to play a major role in this pattern. 2. Reproductive female bats live in close association within clusters at maternity roosts, whereas nonbreeding females and males generally occupy solitary roosts. Bats represent therefore an ideal model to study the consequences of sex-specific social and spatial aggregation on parasites' infection strategies. 3. We first compared prevalence and parasite intensities in a host-parasite system comprising closely related species of ectoparasitic mites (Spinturnix spp.) and their hosts, five European bat species. We then compared the level of parasitism between juvenile males and females in mixed colonies of greater and lesser mouse-eared bats Myotis myotis and M. blythii. Prevalence was higher in adult females than in adult males stemming from colonial aggregations in all five studied species. Parasite intensity was significantly higher in females in three of the five species studied. No difference in prevalence and mite numbers was found between male and female juveniles in colonial roosts. 4. To assess whether observed sex-biased parasitism results from differences in host exposure only, or, alternatively, from an active, selected choice made by the parasite, we performed lab experiments on short-term preferences and long-term survival of parasites on male and female Myotis daubentoni. When confronted with adult males and females, parasites preferentially selected female hosts, whereas no choice differences were observed between adult females and subadult males. Finally, we found significantly higher parasite survival on adult females compared with adult males. 5. Our study shows that social and spatial aggregation favours sex-biased parasitism that could be a mere consequence of an active and adaptive parasite choice for the more profitable host.
The objective of this study was to assess breeding and dispersal patterns of both males and females in a monogyne (a single queen per colony) population of ants. Monogyny is commonly associated with extensive nuptial flights, presumably leading to considerable gene flow over large areas. Opposite to these expectations we found evidence of both inbreeding and sex-biased gene flow in a monogyne population of Formica exsecta. We found a significant degree of population subdivision at a local scale (within islands) for queens (females heading established colonies) and workers, but not for colony fathers (the males mated to the colony queens). However, we found little evidence of population subdivision at a larger scale (among islands). More conclusive support for sex-biased gene flow comes from the analysis of isolation by distance on the largest island, and from assignment tests revealing differences in female and male philopatry. The genetic similarity between pairs of queens decreased significantly when geographical distance increased, demonstrating limited dispersal and isolation by distance in queens. By contrast, we found no such pattern for colony fathers. Furthermore, a significantly greater fraction of colony queens were assigned as having originated from the population of residence, as compared to colony fathers. Inbreeding coefficients were significantly positive for workers, but not for mother queens. The queen-male relatedness coefficient of 0.23 (regression relatedness) indicates that mating occurs between fairly close relatives. These results suggest that some monogyne species of ants have complex dispersal and mating systems that can result in genetic isolation by distance over small geographical scales. More generally, this study also highlights the importance of identifying the relevant scale in analyses of population structure and dispersal.
Amphibians display wide variations in life-history traits and life cycles that should prove useful to explore the evolution of sex-biased dispersal, but quantitative data on sex-specific dispersal patterns are scarce. Here, we focused on Salamandra atra, an endemic alpine species showing peculiar life-history traits. Strictly terrestrial and viviparous, the species has a promiscuous mating system, and females reproduce only every 3 to 4 years. In the present study, we provide quantitative estimates of asymmetries in male vs. female dispersal using both field-based (mark-recapture) and genetic approaches (detection of sex-biased dispersal and estimates of migration rates based on the contrast in genetic structure across sexes and age classes). Our results revealed a high level of gene flow among populations, which stems exclusively from male dispersal. We hypothesize that philopatric females benefit from being familiar with their natal area for the acquisition and defence of an appropriate shelter, while male dispersal has been secondarily favoured by inbreeding avoidance. Together with other studies on amphibians, our results indicate that a species' mating system alone is a poor predictor of sex-linked differences in dispersal, in particular for promiscuous species. Further studies should focus more directly on the proximate forces that favour or limit dispersal to refine our understanding of the evolution of sex-biased dispersal in animals.
We investigated sex specificities in the evolutionary processes shaping Y chromosome, autosomes, and mitochondrial DNA patterns of genetic structure in the Valais shrew (Sorex antinorii), a mountain dwelling species with a hierarchical distribution. Both hierarchical analyses of variance and isolation-by-distance analyses revealed patterns of population structure that were not consistent across maternal, paternal, and biparentally inherited markers. Differentiation on a Y microsatellite was lower than expected from the comparison with autosomal microsatellites and mtDNA, and it was mostly due to genetic variance among populations within valleys, whereas the opposite was observed on other markers. In addition, there was no pattern of isolation by distance for the Y, whereas there was strong isolation by distance on mtDNA and autosomes. We use a hierarchical island model of coancestry dynamics to discuss the relative roles of the microevolutionary forces that may induce such patterns. We conclude that sex-biased dispersal is the most important driver of the observed genetic structure, but with an intriguing twist: it seems that dispersal is strongly male biased at large spatial scale, whereas it is mildly biased in favor of females at local scale. These results add to recent reports of scale-specific sex-biased dispersal patterns, and emphasize the usefulness of the Y chromosome in conjunction with mtDNA and autosomes to infer sex specificities.
The examination of telomere dynamics is a recent technique in ecology for assessing physiological state and age-related traits from individuals of unknown age. Telomeres shorten with age in most species and are expected to reflect physiological state, reproductive investment, and chronological age. Loss of telomere length is used as an indicator of biological aging, as this detrimental deterioration is associated with lowered survival. Lifespan dimorphism and more rapid senescence in the larger, shorter-lived sex are predicted in species with sexual size dimorphism, however, little is known about the effects of behavioral dimorphism on senescence and life history traits in species with sexual monomorphism. Here we compare telomere dynamics of thick-billed murres (Uria lomvia), a species with male-biased parental care, in two ways: 1) cross-sectionally in birds of known-age (0-28 years) from one colony and 2) longitudinally in birds from four colonies. Telomere dynamics are compared using three measures: the telomere restriction fragment (TRF), a lower window of TRF (TOE), and qPCR. All showed age-related shortening of telomeres, but the TRF measure also indicated that adult female murres have shorter telomere length than adult males, consistent with sex-specific patterns of ageing. Adult males had longer telomeres than adult females on all colonies examined, but chick telomere length did not differ by sex. Additionally, inter-annual telomere changes may be related to environmental conditions; birds from a potentially low quality colony lost telomeres, while those at more hospitable colonies maintained telomere length. We conclude that sex-specific patterns of telomere loss exist in the sexually monomorphic thick-billed murre but are likely to occur between fledging and recruitment. Longer telomeres in males may be related to their homogamous sex chromosomes (ZZ) or to selection for longer life in the care-giving sex. Environmental conditions appeared to be the primary drivers of annual changes in adult birds.