975 resultados para Exotic insect


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Trichogramma species are mass-produced for biological control using host eggs. Artificial diets have been developed to reduce production costs, however, most include insect haemolymph as a major component, which still results in a significant expense. Medium conditioned with insect cell lines has produced some success as a haemolymph replacement in artificial diets for several parasitoid wasp species. Trichogramma australicum Girault (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was the first species to develop successfully to the adult stage on diets containing concentrated HeliothiS zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) cells. Tricho-gramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) was subsequently grown to the adult stage on a similar cell line diet. This success encouraged a systematic investigation into the use of insect cell lines in Trichogramma artificial diets. We compared the effect of diets containing insect cells with diets containing conditioned cell line media. Diets containing insect cells produced significantly more pupae than diets containing conditioned medium and, although not significant, produced a higher number of adults. Second, we compared the effect of diets containing cell lines established from ovary-associated tissue of H. zea and embryo tissue of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) on T pretiosum development. Trichogramma pretiosum development was not significantly different on diets containing cells from the two origins and tissue types. Third, the effect of cell storage on T pretiosum development was observed. HeliothiS zea cells in medium were stored at 4 degrees C and room temperature (22 degrees C for one, two, four and seven days before addition to artificial diets. Cell viability was calculated for these storage treatments. HeliothiS zea cells could be stored at 4 degrees C for up to seven days with no detrimental effect on T pretiosum development. Tricho-gramma pretiosum development did not depend on cell viability. The use of insect cell lines as a haemolymph replacement has the potential to significantly reduce production costs and simplify Trichogramma artificial diets with the eventual aim of replacing host production in mass rearing facilities. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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1 The herbivorous bug Heteropsylla cubana Crawford (Homoptera: Psyllidae) is a pest of the cattle fodder crop Leucaena (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae). The interaction between the psyllid and three varieties of its Leucaena host plant was investigated in relation to the apparent resistance of some Leucaena varieties (Leucaena leucocephala, Leucaena pallida and their hybrids) to attack. 2 Field trials demonstrated that adult psyllids distinguished among the different varieties of Leucaena over a distance, and were attracted to L. leucocephala in significantly higher numbers than to L. pallida or to the hybrid. Pesticide treatment increased the attractiveness of Leucaena plants, even of those deemed to be psyllid resistant. Numbers of psyllid eggs and nymphs, sampled in the field, reflect the arrival rates of adults at the three plant varieties. 3 Wavelength reflectance data of the three Leucaena varieties were not significantly different from one another, suggesting that psyllids cannot discriminate among the three plants using brightness or wavelength cues. There was a differential release of caryophyllene among the three varieties. Release of caryophyllene in L. leucocephala and the hybrid appeared to be influenced by environmental conditions. 4 Experiments demonstrated that caryophyllene (at least on its own) did not influence the behaviour of leucaena psyllids in relation to leucaena plants. 5 The results suggest that host plant volatiles cannot be dismissed as significant in the interaction between the leucaena psyllid and its Leucaena host plants. Further avenues for investigation are recommended and these are related to novel ways of understanding resistance in insect plant inter-relationships.


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The increased demographic performance of biological invaders may often depend on their escape from specifically adapted enemies. Here we report that native taxa in colonized regions may swiftly evolve to exploit such emancipated exotic species because of selection caused by invaders. A native Australian true bug has expanded it host range to include a vine imported from tropical America that has become a serious environmental weed. Based on field comparisons and historical museum specimens, we show that over the past 30-40 years, seed feeding soapberry bugs have evolved 5-10% longer mouthparts, better suited to attack the forest-invading balloon vines, which have large fruits. Laboratory experiments show that these differences are genetically based, and result in a near-doubling of the rate at which seeds are attacked. Thus a native biota that initially permits invasion may rapidly respond in ways that ultimately facilitate control.


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There are very few data on trichodinids of freshwater fishes in Australia. 2003 fishes were surveyed across Eastern Australia to investigate the diversity of trichodinids present, to determine which species have been introduced with exotic fishes and to determine the extent to which these species have crossed into native fish Populations. Twenty-one putative trichodinid species were recovered from the 33 fish species examined. Trichodina heterodentata, T. mutabilis and T. reticulata were the exotic species recovered regularly; a single specimen matched a fourth exotic species, T acuta. All four exotic species are redescribed from Australian material. Trichodina heterodentata was recorded from 17 species of fishes, 15 of which were new host records; this species is identified as one of emerging importance in fish parasitology and a list of its known hosts is presented. Two new native species are also described based on silver stained specimens: T cribbi sp. n. from Hypseleotris galii, H. klunzingeri, and Hypseleotris sp. 5; and T. bassonae sp. n. from Selenotoca multifasciata. Trichodina cribbi is characterised by a large circular central inclusion and approximately 28 denticles, which have a blade length slightly greater than the ray length. Trichodina bassonae is characterised by a small, round, central inclusion and approximately 25 denticles, which have straight, non tapering rays that are in line with the leading edge of the denticle blade. It is estimated that the Australian trichodinid fauna may include up to 150 as yet undescribed species and represents a major source of unexplored biodiversity.


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Long-term forecasts of pest pressure are central to the effective management of many agricultural insect pests. In the eastern cropping regions of Australia, serious infestations of Helicoverpa punctigera (Wallengren) and H. armigera (Hübner)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are experienced annually. Regression analyses of a long series of light-trap catches of adult moths were used to describe the seasonal dynamics of both species. The size of the spring generation in eastern cropping zones could be related to rainfall in putative source areas in inland Australia. Subsequent generations could be related to the abundance of various crops in agricultural areas, rainfall and the magnitude of the spring population peak. As rainfall figured prominently as a predictor variable, and can itself be predicted using the Southern Oscillation Index (SOI), trap catches were also related to this variable. The geographic distribution of each species was modelled in relation to climate and CLIMEX was used to predict temporal variation in abundance at given putative source sites in inland Australia using historical meteorological data. These predictions were then correlated with subsequent pest abundance data in a major cropping region. The regression-based and bioclimatic-based approaches to predicting pest abundance are compared and their utility in predicting and interpreting pest dynamics are discussed.


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Abstract Resistance in insect pests against the endotoxin of Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) (Bt) is a major threat to the usefulness of this biopesticide, both used as traditional formulations and in transgenic crops. A crucial requirement for the development of successful resistance management strategies is a molecular understanding of the nature and inheritance of resistance mechanisms. This information can be used to design management strategies that will delay or counteract Bt resistance. The best known Bt resistance mechanism is inactivation of brush border membrane receptors. This type of resistance has a largely recessive mode of inheritance, which has enabled the design of resistance management approaches involving high dose and refuge strategies. Recent observations suggest that other resistance mechanisms are possible, including a mechanism that sequesters the toxin in the gut lumen through inducible immune reactions. The elevated immune status associated with tolerance to the toxin can be transmitted to subsequent generations by a maternal effect, which has implications for resistance management in the field. The high dose/refuge strategy may not be appropriate for the management of these alternative resistance mechanisms and other strategies have to be developed if inducible dominant resistance or tolerance mechanisms occur frequently in the field.


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Many insect parasitoids that deposit their eggs inside immature stages of other insect species inactivate the cellular host defence to protect the growing embryo from encapsulation. Suppression of encapsulation by polydnavirus-encoded immune-suppressors correlates with specific alterations in hemocytes, mainly cytoskeletal rearrangements and actin-cytoskeleton breakdown. We have previously shown that the Cotesia rubecula polydnavirus gene product CrV1 causes immune suppression when injected into the host hemocoel. CrV1 is taken up by hemocytes although no receptors have been found to bind the protein. Instead CrV1 uptake depends on dimer formation, which is required for interacting with lipophorin, suggesting a CrV1-lipophorin complex internalisation by hemocytes. Since treatment of hemocytes with oligomeric lectins and cytochalasin D can mimic the effects of CrV1, we propose that some dimeric and oligomeric adhesion molecules are able to cross-link receptors on the cell surface and depolymerise actin by leverage-mediated clearance reactions in the hemolymph.


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Soapberry bugs are worldwide seed predators of plants in the family Sapindaceae. Australian sapinds are diverse and widespread, consisting of about 200 native trees and shrubs. This flora also includes two introduced environmental weeds, plus cultivated lychee (Litchi chinensis Sonn.), longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) and rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.). Accordingly, Australian soapberry bugs may be significant in ecology, conservation and agriculture. Here we provide the first account of their ecology. We find five species of Leptocoris Hahn in Australia, and list sapinds that do and do not serve as reproductive hosts. From museum and field records we map the continental distributions of the insects and primary hosts. Frequency of occupation varies among host species, and the number of hosts varies among the insects. In addition, differences in body size and beak length are related to host use. For example, the long-beaked Leptocoris tagalicus Burmeister is highly polyphagous in eastern rainforests, where it occurs on at least 10 native and non-native hosts. It aggregates on hosts with immature fruit and commences feeding before fruits dehisce. Most of its continental range, however, matches that of a single dryland tree, Atalaya hemiglauca F. Muell., which has comparatively unprotected seeds. The taxon includes a smaller and shorter-beaked form that is closely associated with Atalaya, and appears to be taxonomically distinct. The other widespread soapberry bug is the endemic Leptocoris mitellatus Bergroth. It too is short-beaked, and colonises hosts phenologically later than L. tagalicus, as seeds become more accessible in open capsules. Continentally its distribution is more southerly and corresponds mainly to that of Alectryon oleifolius Desf. Among all host species, the non-native environmental weeds Cardiospermum L. and Koelreuteria Laxm. are most consistently attacked, principally by L. tagalicus. These recent host shifts have biocontrol implications. In contrast, the sapinds planted as fruit crops appear to be less frequently used at present and mainly by the longer-beaked species.


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Recently, we identified a large number of ultraconserved (uc) sequences in noncoding regions of human, mouse, and rat genomes that appear to be essential for vertebrate and amniote ontogeny. Here, we used similar methods to identify ultraconserved genomic regions between the insect species Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura, as well as the more distantly related Anopheles gambiae. As with vertebrates, ultraconserved sequences in insects appear to Occur primarily in intergenic and intronic sequences, and at intron-exon junctions. The sequences are significantly associated with genes encoding developmental regulators and transcription factors, but are less frequent and are smaller in size than in vertebrates. The longest identical, nongapped orthologous match between the three genomes was found within the homothorax (hth) gene. This sequence spans an internal exon-intron junction, with the majority located within the intron, and is predicted to form a highly stable stem-loop RNA structure. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis of different hth splice isoforms and Northern blotting showed that the conserved element is associated with a high incidence of intron retention in hth pre-mRNA, suggesting that the conserved intronic element is critically important in the post-transcriptional regulation of hth expression in Diptera.


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Serial passaging of wild-type Helicoverpa armigera, single-nucleocapsid (HaSNPV) in H. zea (HzAMI) illsect Cell Cultures results ill rapid selection for the few polyhedra (FP) phenotype. A unique HaSNPV mutant (ppC19) was isolated through plaque purification that exhibited a partial many polyhedra (MP) and FP phenotype. Oil serial passaging in suspension cell cultures, ppC19 produced fivefold more polyhedra than a typical FP mutant (FP8AS) but threefold less polyhedra than the wild-type virus. Most importantly, the polyhedra of ppC19 exhibited MP-like virion occlusion. Furthermore, ppC19 produced the same amount of budded virus (BV) as the FP mutant, which was fivefold higher than that of the wild-type virus. This selective advantage was likely to explain its relative stability in polyhedra production for six passages when compared with the wild-type Virus. However, subsequent passaging of ppC19 resulted in a steel) decline in both BV and polyhedra yields, which was also experienced by FP8AS and the wild-type virus Lit high passage numbers. Genomic deoxyribonueleic Licid profiling of the latter suggested that defective interfering particles (DIPS) were implicated in this phenomenon and represented another Undesirable mutation during serial passaging of HaSNPV Hence, a strategy to isolate HaSNPV Clones that exhibited MP-like polyhedra production but FP-like BV production, coupled with low multiplicities of infection during scale-up to avoid accumulation of DIPS, could prove commerically invaluable.


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The role of mutualisms in contributing to species invasions is rarely considered, inhibiting effective risk analysis and management options. Potential ecological consequences of invasion of non-native pollinators include increased pollination and seed set of invasive plants, with subsequent impacts on population growth rates and rates of spread. We outline a quantitative approach for evaluating the impact of a proposed introduction of an invasive pollinator on existing weed population dynamics and demonstrate the use of this approach on a relatively data-rich case study: the impacts on Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) from proposed introduction of Bombus terrestris. Three models have been used to assess population growth (matrix model), spread speed (integrodifference equation), and equilibrium occupancy (lattice model) for C. scoparius. We use available demographic data for an Australian population to parameterize two of these models. Increased seed set due to more efficient pollination resulted in a higher population growth rate in the density-independent matrix model, whereas simulations of enhanced pollination scenarios had a negligible effect on equilibrium weed occupancy in the lattice model. This is attributed to strong microsite limitation of recruitment in invasive C. scoparius populations observed in Australia and incorporated in the lattice model. A lack of information regarding secondary ant dispersal of C. scoparius prevents us from parameterizing the integrodifference equation model for Australia, but studies of invasive populations in California suggest that spread speed will also increase with higher seed set. For microsite-limited C. scoparius populations, increased seed set has minimal effects on equilibrium site occupancy. However, for density-independent rapidly invading populations, increased seed set is likely to lead to higher growth rates and spread speeds. The impacts of introduced pollinators on native flora and fauna and the potential for promoting range expansion in pollinator-limited 'sleeper weeds' also remain substantial risks.


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Fiji leaf gall (FLG) is an important virally induced disease in Australian sugarcane. It is confined to southern canegrowing areas, despite its vector, the delphacid planthopper Perkinsiella saccharicida, occurring in all canegrowing areas of Queensland and New South Wales. This disparity between distributions could be a result of successful containment of the disease through quarantine and/or geographical barriers, or because northern Queensland populations of Perkinsiella may be poorer vectors of the disease. These hypotheses were first tested by investigating variation in the ITS2 region of the rDNA fragment among eastern Australian and overseas populations of Perkinsiella. The ITS2 sequences of the Western Australian P. thompsoni and the Fijian P. vitiensis were distinguishable from those of P. saccharicida and there was no significant variation among the 26P. saccharicida populations. Reciprocal crosses of a northern Queensland and a southern Queensland population of P. saccharicida were fertile, so they may well be conspecific. Single vector transmission experiments showed that a population of P. saccharicida from northern Queensland had a higher vector competency than either of two southern Queensland populations. The frequency of virus acquisition in the vector populations was demonstrated to be important in the vector competency of the planthopper. The proportion of infected vectors that transmitted the virus to plants was not significantly different among the populations tested. This study shows that the absence of FLG from northern Queensland is not due to a lack of vector competency of the northern population of P. saccharicida.