936 resultados para Exit ramp
Understanding heart development on a molecular level is a requirement for uncovering the causes of congenital heart diseases. Several genes have been implicated as critical for heart development. However, the inducers of these genes as well as their targets and pathways, remain largely unknown. We have identified a promoter element of chick cCer able to drive EGFP expression in a population of cells that consistently exit from the anterior primitive streak region, from as early as stage HH3+, and that later will populate the heart. Using this promoter element as a tool allowed us to identify novel genes previously not known to potentially play a role in heart development. In order to identify and study genes expressed and involved in the correct development and differentiation of the vertebrate heart precursor cell (HPC) lineages, a differential screening using Affymetrix GeneChip® system technologies was performed. Remarkably, this screening led to the identification of more than 700 transcripts differentially expressed in the heart forming regions (HFR). Bioinformatic tools allowed us to filter the large amount of data generated from this approach and to select a few transcripts for in vivo validation. Five genes were selected for further characterization by whole mount in situ hybridization leading to the validation of their expression in the HPC. From those, Adtk1 and Ccbe1 were selected for functional analysis. Regarding to ccbe1, a more detailed WISH analysis was performed and showed that Ccbe1 is expressed specifically on the cardiac progenitors regions at HH4, more specifically in primary heart field and at later stages is present in the second heart field. Further functional analyses by knockdown and overexpression revealed an important role for Ccbe1 in early heart tube formation. Moreover, the results presented in this thesis suggested that Ccbe1 is a key gene during heart development and might be limited to multipotent and highly proliferative progenitors and downregulated upon cellular commitment into more specific cardiac phenotypes. Other of the genes identified, Adtk1 was also subjected to further functional studies. Knockdown of Adtk1 using morpholino oligonucleotides suggested that it might be necessary for the migration and fusion of the heart tube as well as for neural tube closure.
Dissertação de mestrado, Engenharia Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dissertação de mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve; Instituto Español de Oceanografia; 2015
This study investigates the re-employment hazard of displaced German workers using the first fourteen sweeps of the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) data. As well as parametric and non-parametric discrete-time specifications for the baseline hazard, the study employs alternative mixing distributions to account for unobserved heterogeneity. Findings of the study suggest negative duration dependence, even after accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. In terms of covariate effects, those at the lower end of the skills ladder, those who had been working in manufacturing and those with previous experience of non-employment are found to have lower hazard of exit via reemployment.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2015
The slogan ‘capitalism is crisis’ is one that has recently circulated swiftly around the global Occupy movement. From Schumpeter to Marx himself, the notion that the economic cycles instituted by capitalism require periodic crises as a condition of renewed capital accumulation is a commonplace. However, in a number of recent texts, this conception of crisis as constituting the very form of urban capitalist development itself has taken on a more explicitly apocalyptic tone, exemplified by the Invisible Committee's influential 2007 book The Coming Insurrection, and its account of what it calls simply ‘the metropolis’. ‘It is useless to wait’, write the text's anonymous authors, ‘for a breakthrough, for the revolution, the nuclear apocalypse or a social movement.… The catastrophe is not coming, it is here.’ In considering such an apocalyptic tone, this paper thus situates and interrogates the text in terms both of its vision of the metropolis as a terrain of total urbanization and its effective spatialization of the present as itself a kind of ‘unnoticed’ apocalypse: the catastrophe which is already here. It does so by approaching this not only apropos its place within contemporary debates surrounding leftist politics and crisis theory but also via its imaginative intersection with certain post-1960s science fiction apocalyptic motifs. What, the paper asks, does it mean to think apocalypse as the ongoing condition of the urban present itself, as well as the opening up of political and cultural opportunity for some speculative exit from its supposedly endless terrain?
Institutional and political economy approaches have long dominated the study of post-Communist public broadcasting, as well as the entire body of post-Communist media transformations research, and the enquiry into publics of public broadcasting has traditionally been neglected. Though media scholars like to talk about a deep crisis in the relationship between public broadcasters and their publics in former Communist bloc countries across Central and Eastern Europe, little has been done to understand the relationship between public broadcasters and their publics in these societies drawing on qualitative audience research tradition. Building on Hirschman’s influential theory of ‘exit, voice and loyalty’, which made it possible to see viewing choices audiences make as an act of agency, in combination with theoretical tools developed within the framework of social constructionist approaches to national imagination and broadcasting, my study focuses on the investigation of responses publics of the Latvian public television LTV have developed vis-à-vis its role as contributing to the nation-building project in this ex-Soviet Baltic country. With the help of focus groups methodology and family ethnography, the thesis aims to explore the relationship between the way members of the ethno-linguistic majority of Latvian-speakers and the sizeable ethno-linguistic minority of Russian-speakers conceptualize the public broadcaster LTV, as well as understand the concept of public broadcasting more generally, and the way they define the national ‘we’. The study concludes that what I call publics of LTV employ Hirschman’s described exit mechanism as a voice-type response. Through their rejection of public television which, for a number of complex reasons they consider to be a state broadcaster serving the interests of those in power they voice their protest against the country’s political establishment and in the case of its Russian-speaking publics also against the government’s ethno-nationalistic conception of the national ‘we’. I also find that though having exited from the public broadcaster LTV, its publics have not abandoned the idea of public broadcasting as such. At least at a normative level the public broadcasting ideals are recognized, accepted and valued, though they are not necessarily associated with the country’s de jure institutional embodiment of public broadcasting LTV. Rejection of the public television has also not made its non-loyal publics ‘less citizens’. The commercial rivals of LTV, be they national or, in the case of Russian-speaking audiences, localized transnational Russian television, have allowed their viewers to exercise citizenship and be loyal nationals day in day out in a way that is more liberal and flexible than the hegemonic form of citizenship and national imagination of the public television LTV can offer.
Easiness with which the political circles talk about withdrawal from the European Union is rather surprising and proves that the legal parameters of an EU exit are not treated seriously enough. In theoretical terms Article 50 TEU allows for a unilateral exit as well as for a consensual divorce. Arguably, the first is an interesting abstract proposition, which, however, in practical terms seems to be an unworkable solution. Hence, the only realistic option is a proper divorce based on a withdrawal agreement. As per Article 50 TEU, it would be negotiated by the European Union with a departing country and should cover the terms of withdrawal and “take account of future relations” between the EU and the divorcee. It is submitted that in order to avoid a legal vacuum, this agreement should not only “take account of future relations” but actually deal with them thoroughly. This will make the negotiations difficult and, most likely, time consuming. One also has to envisage a scenario whereby a country leaving the European Union would join EFTA and become a EFTA-EU Member State of the European Economic Area. Should that happen the scope of a EU withdrawal agreement would be limited to the terms of exit, while future relations between the divorcee and the European Union would be mainly covered by the EEA Agreement. This chapter unlocks the mechanics of Article 50 TEU and the withdrawal procedure it provides for. It covers the issues that should be attended to by the negotiators and provides an overview of dossiers that are likely be covered in a withdrawal agreement.
This paper presents a complete, quadratic programming formulation of the standard thermal unit commitment problem in power generation planning, together with a novel iterative optimisation algorithm for its solution. The algorithm, based on a mixed-integer formulation of the problem, considers piecewise linear approximations of the quadratic fuel cost function that are dynamically updated in an iterative way, converging to the optimum; this avoids the requirement of resorting to quadratic programming, making the solution process much quicker. From extensive computational tests on a broad set of benchmark instances of this problem, the algorithm was found to be flexible and capable of easily incorporating different problem constraints. Indeed, it is able to tackle ramp constraints, which although very important in practice were rarely considered in previous publications. Most importantly, optimal solutions were obtained for several well-known benchmark instances, including instances of practical relevance, that are not yet known to have been solved to optimality. Computational experiments and their results showed that the method proposed is both simple and extremely effective.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Área de especialização de Hidráulica
Trabalho de Projeto submetido à Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro – especialização em Teatro e Comunidade.
Mestrado em Engenharia Mecânica - Construções Mecânicas
Esta dissertação teve como objetivo fundamental a otimização energética do sistema de refrigeração da máquina de impregnar tela ZELL e, como objetivo adicional, a avaliação da qualidade da água do circuito, justificada pela acentuada degradação dos rolos devido à corrosão provocada pela recirculação da água de arrefecimento. Inicialmente fez-se o levantamento de informações do processo produtivo para caracterizar o funcionamento do sistema de refrigeração, tendo-se selecionado duas telas de poliéster designadas neste estudo por P1 e P2 e, também, uma tela de nylon designada por N. Foram efetuados ensaios, um para cada tela, para a atual temperatura de setpoint da água à saída da torre de arrefecimento (30ºC). Realizou-se outro ensaio para a tela N mas com uma temperatura de setpoint de 37ºC, ao qual se chamou N37. Deste modo, determinou-se as potências térmicas removidas pela água de refrigeração e as potências térmicas perdidas por radiação e por convecção, tendo-se verificado que na generalidade dos rolos as referências P1 e P2 apresentam valores mais elevados. Em termos percentuais, a potência térmica removida pela água de refrigeração nos grupos tratores 1 e 3 e no conjunto de rolos de R1 a R29 corresponde a 48%, 10% e 70%, respetivamente. Com a avaliação às necessidades de arrefecimento da máquina ZELL, confirmou-se que os caudais atuais de refrigeração dos rolos garantem condições, mais que suficientes, de funcionamento dos rolamentos. Assim sendo, fez-se uma análise no sentido da diminuição do caudal total que passou de 10,25 L/s para 7,65 L/s. Considerando esta redução, determinou-se o caudal de ar húmido a ser introduzido na torre de arrefecimento. O valor determinado foi de 4,6 m3ar húmido/s, o que corresponde a uma redução de cerca de 32% em relação ao caudal atual que é de 6,8 m3ar húmido/s. Com os resultados das análises efetuadas à água do circuito de refrigeração, concluiu-se que a água de reposição e a água de recirculação possuem má qualidade para uso na generalidade dos sistemas de refrigeração, principalmente devido aos elevados valores de concentração de ferro e condutividade elétrica, responsáveis pela intensificação da corrosão no interior dos rolos.
Dissertação para a obtenção de grau de doutor em Bioquímica pelo Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa