933 resultados para Everyday [cotidiano]
The aim of this paper is to present some reflections on possibilities to investigate everyday life by examining ways of life, so as to broaden perspectives to the field of research in public health, in light of the fact that the study of daily ways of life involves the analysis of trajectories that contextualize routines, interactions and meanings of life. This allows the social researcher in the health field to have, based on a theoretical framework, a flexible methodology that offers mobility in the choice of the technique that best favors the understanding of the issue to be investigated. We have here, as a conceptual reference, the idea of everyday life investigated from interactive processes and contexts, as opposed to a categorial objectification between subject and object. In this context, from the theoretical reflection, we take, as the research's empirical reference, the waiting room of the outpatient clinic of the Osteoarticular Metabolism Department of a Health Care Unit in the city of Fortaleza/, Northeastern Brazil, in order to foster an interpretive understanding of the daily routine that involves the life and health situations of women with osteoporosis.
This article analyses the changes in Brazilian food retailing by investigating the co-existence of, and the pricing variation across, large supermarket chains and small independent supermarkets. It uses cointegration tests to show that, despite the widespread belief that small supermarkets are inefficient and charge higher prices, they in fact charge lower prices. Accordingly, in contrast to the prevailing literature on food-retail development, competition in food retail is complex and cannot be described as a simple Darwinian process of market concentration. The article explores the survival of small retail and its consequences for the current discussion on modern food retail in developing countries.
Entre os registros culturais que participam do processo de produção de representações sobre a escola e o cotidiano escolar, a literatura brasileira dos séculos XIX e XX ocupa um lugar privilegiado. Tomando a escola como tema de fabulação, algumas das obras publicadas no período compõem imagens que remetem o leitor à vida cotidiana dessa instituição, em suas relações com a vida familiar e o mundo que a cerca. Ao referir-se aos objetos materiais, ao trabalho dos professores, à organização escolar, aos impressos que ali circulam, às relações que se estabelecem entre os seus integrantes, aos medos, angústias, alegrias, sensações e sentimentos que acompanham tal vivência, essas obras produzem representações que permitem uma identificação e uma aproximação entre a vida dos personagens e a do leitor. As representações sobre a escola e suas práticas, postas em circulação por meio das obras literárias, adquirem múltiplos sentidos e, de alguma forma, participam dos processos pelos quais atribuímos sentidos à nossa própria experiência escolar. Por meio da leitura de registros literários sobre a experiência da escolarização, este texto procura flagrar a escola em sua cotidianidade, indagando sobre os modos como os sujeitos representam a instituição escolar.
Nos últimos vinte anos, pesquisas nacionais e internacionais, sustentadas principalmente por novos estudos sociais sobre a infância, têm oferecido novas possibilidades de compreender as instituições de educação infantil. A presente pesquisa é o resultado de projeto desenvolvido com o apoio da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP), cujo objetivo era saber quais municípios do estado de São Paulo adotam apostilas desenvolvidas e comercializadas por Sistemas Privados de Ensino e por que utilizam esse material. A investigação foi realizada em duas etapas: a primeira, por meio de questionários enviados a todas as cidades para verificar quais delas adotam apostilas, e a segunda, através de entrevistas semiestruturadas com as autoridades responsáveis pela educação infantil nos municípios. A análise procurou compreender os dados no contexto das teorias sociológicas da infância e das políticas públicas de educação infantil.
O objetivo deste trabalho é refletir sobre os modos de fazer, sentir e conduzir as ações de contar histórias em uma enfermaria pediátrica. Essas ações decorrem de atividades de extensão universitária, no âmbito da terapia ocupacional. A reflexão, realizada a partir da revisão de literatura e discussão sobre anotações de campo do projeto, pauta-se por norteadores teóricos baseados nas tecnologias do cuidado e no brincar dentro do contexto das intervenções no hospital, sob a perspectiva da integralidade e da humanização do cuidado. A contação de histórias é apresentada enquanto forma de promover escuta, acolhimento, afetações diversas e processos vinculares, possibilitando a constituição de uma rede de sustentabilidade relacional, envolvendo os atores que circulam na enfermaria. Reafirma, assim, as práticas profissionais em saúde no hospital a partir de uma construção permanente junto ao sujeito por meio de ferramentas tecnológicas singularizadoras que promovam encontros-acontecimentos.
A observação do céu pode promover diversos desenvolvimentos em um sujeito, ligados a aspectos culturais, tecnológicos e/ou pessoais, e por isso, pode ter um forte potencial motivador. Está proposto nos documentos oficiais, que regem os currículos da educação básica brasileira, que o professor realize atividades de observação e reconhecimento do céu, visando a trabalhar com a capacidade de analisar e interpretar fenômenos naturais do ponto de vista da ciência. Visando, então, a formar um professor que possa levar essa parte da astronomia para sala de aula, indo além do encantamento, o Grupo de Astronomia Sputnik promoveu um curso de curta duração, que dentre diversas atividades, visitou um observatório astronômico, com a intenção de fazer uma observação do céu e capacitar o professor para tal. Esta pesquisa apresenta algumas das concepções desses professores sobre qual a importância da observação do céu tanto para o ensino de astronomia quanto para sua própria formação profissional. Os resultados apontam que, pelo fato dos próprios professores se sentirem bastante motivados com a atividade, eles reconhecem esse potencial para a sala de aula. Do ponto de vista de conteúdos que podem ser veiculados, aparecem alguns em algumas falas, mas ainda é forte a ideia de que para ocorrência desse tipo de atividade prática é preciso que ela esteja vinculada e complementando alguma teoria.
Programa de doctorado: Fuentes, Métodos e Historiografía para la Investigación en el Mundo Atlántico
The Red Herring Argument is a logical device found in many areas of life. This thesis will narrow the focus, however, and examine how it is employed in the legal technique called “Chewbacca defense,” and in the film, “American Beauty.”
Based on an ethnographic case study in the border cities of Frankfurt (Oder), Germany and Słubice, Poland, this article explores the construction and maintenance of ethnic difference within the transnational economic and social spaces created by the European Union's common market. Through an examination of three domains of cross-border citizenship practice - shopping and consumption, housing and work - this article argues that even as the European Union deploys policies aimed at creating de-territorialised and supranational forms of identity and citizenship, economic asymmetries and hierarchies of value embedded within these policies grant rights differentially in ways that continue to be linked to ethnicity and nationality.
In this research the supportive role of the family in coping with everyday problems was studied using two large data sets. The results show the importance of the structural aspect of social support. Mapping individual preferences to support referents showed the crucial role of spouse and parents in solving everyday problems. The individual choices of particular support referents could be fairly accurately predicted from knowledge of the composition of the family, in both categorical regression and logit models. The far lower predictability of the criterion variable was shown using a wide range of socioeconomic, social and demographic indicators. Residence in small cities and indicators of extreme occupational strata were particularly predictive of the choice of support referent. The supportive role of the family was also traced in the personal projects of young adults, which were seen as ecological, natural and dynamic middle-level units of analysis of personality. Different aspects of personal projects, including reliance on social support referents, turned out to be highly interrelated. One the one hand, expectations of support were determined by the content of the project, and on the other, expected social support also influences the content of the project. Sivuha sees this as one of the ways others can enter self-structures.
This project examines fundamentalism understood as an everyday way of living poorly with difference. It demonstrates that the fundamentalist is not reducible to stereotypes of the terrorist, extremist, irrational madman, or religious zealot. All of these characterizations--common in mainstream media--depict the fundamentalist as them, and rarely, if ever, as us. Rather, this project understands fundamentalism in terms of fundamental interpretive constructs that constrain our ways of being-with others, skew our interpretive and responsive possibilities, distort our perceptions of difference, and affirm our poor treatment of others. Following Martin Heidegger's conception of the hermeneutic structure of existence, this dissertation calls attention to the ways in which such fundamentalisms filter our interpretation. Yet the hermeneutic character of existence also highlights the incompleteness of any particular frame of interpretation and indicates the possibility of alternative interpretive responses. The project turns to a feminist theological hermeneutic in order to indicate more hopeful and liberating ways of living with difference, ways that point beyond everyday fundamentalism toward invitational communication. Through new readings of familiar biblical narratives, this dissertation revisits the fundamentalisms that trigger these narratives in order to draw out an alternative feminist theological hermeneutic, or what is termed here an invitational hermeneutic. Each story offers unique ways of making sense of being-with and sharing the world with others of difference that redress the impoverished and fundamentalist forms of self-preserving care and understanding. By examining the well-loved stories of the Good Samaritan, Ruth and Naomi, Queen Esther, and the Apostle Paul and Lydia, the dissertation identifies interpretive and responsive possibilities that together issue an alternative hermeneutical invitation: to understand difference compassionately, to engage strangers and family members alike with rehabilitative care and concernful reticence, and to extend graceful hospitality to others. In these ways, the dissertation indicates possibilities beyond the horizon of fundamentalism, invitational possibilities of living and communicating with difference.
While a great deal is known about the demographic and historical trends that shape the built environment of American cities, much less is known about the politics of everyday life among residents who continue to live in postindustrial neighborhoods. This study seeks to compensate for the current gaps in academic research by conducting spatially informed ethnography in a North Philadelphia community. Specifically, the study will explore the issue of urban "blight" from a cultural geography perspective, primarily by looking at the ways in which "blighted" spaces shape everyday life, and everyday life in turn shapes and produces the spatial environment. In response to these concerns, my study poses the questions: What would it mean to focus on the ways in which human agency, imagination, and subjectivity are shaped by "blighted" geographical locations? What would it mean to pay ethnographic attention to how subjects in given historical conditions are shaped by "blighted" spaces, as well as how they respond to these spaces in culturally specific ways? By incorporating critical interdisciplinary approaches, this study offers a new way of looking at the various practices of daily life - including flexible, informal economic activities and post-welfare related "lifestyles" of resistance. Through the lens of spatial ethnography, the study seeks to elucidate the ways in which postindustrial space interacts with culture, poverty and addiction; as well as the ways in which users continue to appropriate postindustrial spaces in culturally meaningful ways under the aegis of the semi-welfare state.