835 resultados para Ergonomia - Estudantes de odontologia


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Essa pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida e a qualidade da eficácia adaptativa em estudantes universitários. O estudo foi realizado com 330 participantes e o delineamento transversal. A amostra foi composta por estudantes das 03 áreas: ciências biológicas, exatas e humanas e sociais do centro universitário de Itajubá-MG. os instrumentos utilizados foram: questionários de qualidade de vida WHOQOL-bref e da Escola Paulista de Medicina (EPM) e a entrevista que foi avaliada através da Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada (EDAO), elaborada por Simon (1989;1998). Os resultados foram obtidos por meio de análise estatística descritiva. A análise dos dados obtidos da amostra total (n=330), quanto aos domínios e a qualidade de vida global QVG, mostraram que a qualidade de visa geral - QVG (16,37) e o domínio das relações sociais (15,73) apresentaram as médias mais altas. Enquanto a menor média (12,95) foi a do domínio físico. Analisando os resultados representados pelas médias de cada área, nota-se que a QVG tem valores mais altos da Ciências Biológicas (16,72), da Ciências Exatas (16,27) e, da Ciências Humanas e Sociais (15,91). Quanto aos domínios da qualidade de vida, considerando a média de cada área, observou-se que os valores mais altos são do domínio das relações sociais distribuídos da seguinte forma: Exatas (15,86), Biológicas (15,84) Humanas e Sociais (15,29). E os menores valores considerando os domínios da qualidade de vida por área foi o do domínio físico: Humanas e sociais (12,68), Exatas (12,91) e Biológicas (13,14) verificou a relação entre o questionário EPM e os domínios e a QVG e observou-se que há uma associação com os domínios (p=<0,0001), sendo a maior correlação (r=-0,51) no domínio psicológico. Para análise das respostas do questionário de triagem EPM, foi utilizado o critério P (10) e P(50) (percentil) considerando o total de resposta SIM possíveis das 76 que compõem o questionário. Sendo P(50) a soma de SIM igual ou maior do que esse valor (38) e P(10) e igual ou menor que o valor 07. De acordo com os resultados dos 330 estudantes que tendo tendência de serem classificados pela EDAo, como estando com adaptação ineficaz ou em crise, foram 12. Quanto aos falsos negativos o total foi de 73, isto é aqueles que obtiveram a soma de sim igual ou menor que 07. E 245 estão fora do percentil de corte, tendo a possibilidade de eles serem classificados, com estando com adaptação eficaz. Para a avaliação da eficácia adaptativa realizou-se 01 entrevista clínica preventiva em cada estudante sendo 03 dos estudantes que obtiveram P(50) e 03 P(10). os resultados mostraram que um (01) obteve o diagnóstico de adaptação ineficaz leve (Grupo 2), dois foram diagnosticados Adaptação ineficaz moderada (Grupo 3), e os três com diagnóstico de adaptação ineficaz severa. Concluímos que o conhecimento sobre a qualidade de vida e a eficácia adaptativa em estudantes universitários possibilita a sistematização de programas direcionados à saúde mental no campo acadêmico.


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O trabalho emocionalmente desgastante dos profissionais das áreas de saúde implica não só a necessidade de uma habilitação acadêmica, mas, acima de tudo, uma adaptação, um equilíbrio emocional satisfatório, premissa básica para um serviço eficaz à saúde da população. Preocupando-se com o futuro profissional de Psicologia, esta pesquisa teve por finalidade verificar o grau de eficácia adaptativa de alunos do curso de Psicologia da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo SP e, quando necessário, fazer-lhes indicação terapêutica. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com a utilização da EDAO (Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada). Durante os anos de 1999 e 2000, foram feitas entrevistas diagnósticas individuais no NEPAP (Núcleo de Estudos, Pesquisa e Atendimento Psicológico), da UMESP, em 10% dos alunos do curso de Psicologia, dos períodos matutino e noturno. Os resultados foram analisados individualmente e inter-grupos com a finalidade de se obter um panorama geral do grau de eficácia adaptativa desses alunos. Com base nos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que embora alguns alunos apresentassem dificuldades nos setores Afetivo-Relacional e Produtividade, a grande maioria foi considerada normal .(AU)


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O estudo teve como objetivo geral submeter ao teste empírico as relações entre bem estar no trabalho e otimismo em estudantes trabalhadores. No estudo foi utilizada uma amostra escolhida por conveniência, sendo composta por 125 estudantes trabalhadores de ambos os sexos, divididos em dois grupos. O grupo 1, com 60 estudantes de uma universidade da cidade de São Bernardo do Campo; e, o grupo 2, com 65 jovens adolescentes de uma organização não governamental da cidade de São Paulo. O instrumento de coleta foi um questionário de auto-aplicação composto por itens versando sobre as variáveis da pesquisa e questões sobre dados pessoais e profissionais dos participantes do estudo. As análises estatísticas foram descritivas e multivariadas. Os resultados descritivos das três dimensões de BET indicam a maior presença de sentimentos de satisfação com chefias e colegas em ambos os grupos; menores níveis de satisfação de ambos os grupos ocorreram com os fatores salário e promoção; fracos vínculos afetivos do grupo 1 com o trabalho e com a organização; fraco envolvimento com o trabalho do grupo 2. Os dois grupos apresentaram níveis elevados de otimismo, o que significa afirmar que ambos tinham uma percepção de futuro promissor. Foi confirmada empiricamente a hipótese de que BET pudesse ter alguma associação com otimismo, através da presença de correlação entre otimismo e satisfação com colegas, bem como, com envolvimento com o trabalho para o grupo 1. Para o grupo 2, otimismo correlacionou-se com satisfação com tarefas e comprometimento organizacional afetivo. O presente estudo visou a contribuir para a compreensão de bem estar no trabalho e otimismo e suas relações no contexto profissional de estudantes trabalhadores para desta forma prover melhor fundamentação conceitual acerca do tema para estudiosos, bem como sugerir ações e práticas de gestão de pessoas que intensifiquem o bem estar e a promoção de saúde das pessoas quando inseridos no contexto organizacional de trabalho.


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The current research developed in the Federal Institute of Paraíba – IFPB, João Pessoa Câmpus, aimed at analyzing the inclusion of students with disabilities in undergraduate courses based on the TEC NEP Action. It departs from the discussion about professional and special education in an inclusive perspective, focusing on people with disabilities, in the social context of these two modalities of education, considering the world scenario and the current Brazilian educational policy. It discusses the TEC NEP Action within the national and local context through the analysis of the official documents with the objective of getting familiarized and evaluating the process of educational inclusion in the IFPB João Pessoa Câmpus. The theoretical reference used contributed to the analysis of the policy which focused on inclusion in federal undergraduate institutions for professional education. The methodology used presents a qualitative analysis, having as subject of the research students with disabilities from undergraduate courses in the IFPB João Pessoa Câmpus who are supported by NAPNE. The results based on the analyzed data show that volunteer students from this research evaluate their process of inclusion in the appointed institution as positive, in spite of challenges specially the ones related to architectural barriers. It is concluded that the foundation of the House for Supporting People with Special Education Needs – (NAPNE) through the TEC NEP Action had crucial importance in the basis for the discussion about inclusion in the institution, widening the vision towards the demands of students with disabilities in order to facilitate access, permanence and academic success of these students.


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This dissertation introduces a study that aims to analyze the simulated training of emergency teams and proposes recommendations for the current training system in order to improve the collective skills and resilience of these teams when facing possible critical situations, triggered by possible accident occurrences during aerospace vehicle launching operations in the Barreira do Inferno Launch Center in Parnamirim / RN. This is a field, exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, and a case study with a qualitative approach. Therefore, we adopted the ergonomics approach, using the situated method of ergonomic work analysis (AET), combining observational and interactive methods. The relevance of this research is characterized by the contributions to minimize the human and material hazzards resulting from possible accidents in these operations, the scientific contribution of the AET for simulated emergency training analysis in the launching operations of aerospace vehicles - which are complex and involve risk of accidents - and consequently, the scientific contribution to the current process of recovering the Brazilian Space Program. The survey results point to problems of various kinds in the current simulated training system which compromise the safety of the operations. These problems are grouped into four categories: technological, organizational, team training and from the activity itself, regarding more specifically communication and cooperation (among the team members and these ones with other sectors involved in the launching operation) and regarding the coordination of actions. We propose: a) a new training model, from the creation and application of scenarios based on postulated abnormalities, which could simulate real critical situations, in order to train and improve the skills of the emergency response teams especially in terms of communication, coordination and cooperation; b) restructuring and reorganizing the current training system, based on the formal establishment of a managing staff, on the clear division of responsibilities, on the standardization of processes, on the production of management indicators, on the continuous monitoring, on the feedback from trainees about the quality of the training and on the continuing and frequent training of emergency teams.


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Studies reveal that in recent decades a decrease in sleep duration has occurred. Social commitments, such as work and school are often not aligned to the "biological time" of individuals. Added to this, there is a reduced force of zeitgeber caused by less exposure to daylight and larger exposure to evenings. This causes a chronic sleep debt that is offset in a free days. Indeed, a restriction and extent of sleep called "social Jet lag" occurs weekly. Sleep deprivation has been associated to obesity, cancer, and cardiovascular risk. It is suggested that the autonomic nervous system is a pathway that connects sleep problems to cardiovascular diseases. However, beyond the evidence demonstrated by studies using models of acute and controlled sleep deprivation, studies are needed to investigate the effects of chronic sleep deprivation as it occurs in the social jet lag. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of social jet lag in circadian rest-activity markers and heart function in medical students. It is a cross-sectional, observational study conducted in the Laboratory of Neurobiology and Biological Rhythmicity (LNRB) at the Department of Physiology UFRN. Participated in the survey medical students enrolled in the 1st semester of their course at UFRN. Instruments for data collection: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire, Morningness Eveningness Questionnaire of Horne and Östberg, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Actimeter; Heart rate monitor. Analysed were descriptive variables of sleep, nonparametric (IV60, IS60, L5 and M10) and cardiac indexes of time domain, frequency (LF, HF LF / HF) and nonlinear (SD1, SD2, SD1 / SD2). Descriptive, comparative and correlative statistical analysis was performed with SPSS software version 20. 41 students participated in the study, 48.8% (20) females and 51.2% (21) males, 19.63 ± 2.07 years. The social jet lag had an average of 02: 39h ± 00:55h, 82.9% (34) with social jet lag ≥ 1h and there was a negative correlation with the Munich chronotype score indicating greater sleep deprivation in subjects prone to eveningness. Poor sleep quality was detected in 90.2% (37) (X2 = 26.56, p <0.001) and 56.1% (23) excessive daytime sleepiness (X2 = 0.61, p = 0.435). Significant differences were observed in the values of LFnu, HFnu and LF / HF between the groups of social jet lag <2h and ≥ 2h and correlation of the social jet lag with LFnu (rs = 0.354, p = 0.023), HFnu (rs = - 0.354 , p = 0.023) and LF / HF (r = 0.355, p = 0.023). There was also a negative association between IV60 and indexes in the time domain and non-linear. It is suggested that chronic sleep deprivation may be associated with increased sympathetic activation promoting greater cardiovascular risk.


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Before the scenario full of criticism about a medical model that gives privilege to the diseases and not to the diseased, there are many arguments that defend the need of redeem the humanized relationship between doctor and patient. It became indispensable to mold during the medical graduation a professional capable of perform a special care, less instrumental and more humanized; however, even though the advances of the pedagogical program of the medical graduation, we still face numerous challenges in the process of molding. This study has as general goal to understand if the students medicine experience with the Integrative Community Therapy (TCI) at the Primary Attention – APS/Family Healthy Strategy-ESF, presents potential to configure itself while strategy of teaching-learning to the integral and humanized care. It was held a qualitative research with the students of the medical graduation from the tenth to the twelfth semester that had experience with the TCI, as part of the Boarding of Family and Community Medicine – MFC. We used interviews with script and we resorted to analyze the narratives to Gadamerian Hermeneutics. It was possible to find that before join the boarding of MFC, the students were unaware the TCI and their preconceptions lined up with depreciated character. The experience with the TCI enabled the reframing of the prejudices and the build of new concepts. Internship in ESF and participate of TCI revealed potential to learning of the humanized care by the practical exercise with experiences that privilege the built of ties; the autonomy of the patient; the fulfillment of the longitudinality at the care of the patient; the acknowledgment of the power of resilience of the patients, at the strength of the collective, at the pain sharing, at the strength of a good communication, at the gains of qualified listening exercise. The absence of models of what to do was replaced by experiences of pains and joys at the learning of becoming a doctor. The pains spoke of the structural difficulties (inputs), at the get along with the socials vulnerabilities of the users and the difficult of perform a good communication with the patients. The joys were experienced at the finding of the humanized care exercise. Questions as structural difficulties, low number of people with TCI degree, a shortly experience of with TCI, show up as limitations to its utilization as pedagogical tool. In turn, the reflective potential is capable of cause resignifications about the know-how before the pain of the other being very much present at the narratives, signaling the potential of the learning of TCI. Therefore, this study advocate that the participation of the students at the TCI, beyond the power of offering the students a teaching-learning strategy to the humanized care, represents the possibility of enlarge the horizons of those future doctors at a glance much more conscious of the difficulties and potential of a professional at the ESF, contributing to the graduation of more sensitized professionals and prepared to perform an integral and humanized approach of the person and his/her community, contributing to an APS/ESF more resolute and rewarding to everyone.


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This master's thesis aims to analyze the activity of the operators in a control room of the processes of production on-shore petroleum, with a focus on sociotechnical restrictions that interfere in the decision-making process and the actions of operators and therefore, the strategies (individual and collective) to regulate and maintain the operator action required and the safety of the system, together. The activity in focus involves the supervision and control of the production of thousands of barrels of oil/day in a complex and dispersed production’s structures built in an extension of 80 km. This operational framework highlights the importance of this activity for the fulfilment of the targets local and corporate efficiency, good management of the environment, health and safety of operators. This is an exploratory research and in the field, which uses the methodology of Ergonomic Analysis of the Work, composed of observational techniques and interactional, having as locus control room of the processes of production on-shore oil of an oil company. The population of this research is formed by operators in the control room of an Brazilian oil company. The results showed that the supervisory activity and control of the superheated steam injection is an complex context, demands greater attention, concentration, calculations, comparisons, trend analysis and decision making. The activity is collectively constructed between the control room operator, field operator and the supplier of steam. The research showed that the processes of communication and collaboration between the control room , fields and support staff are the key elements of this activity. The study shows that the operators have the autonomy and the elements necessary for work; and that there is continuous investments to improve the technology used and that the operators report sleep disturbances as a result of chronic exposure to night work. The study contributed with proposals for transformation of this activity: with regard to the installation of a area reserved for food in control room, the update the screens of the supervisory current operating condition, the periodic visits by room operators in the field, standardization of production reports, development assistance and standardization of nomenclature of controlling stations steam systems, to improve the conditions of realization of the activity, improve the quality of products produced by operators and contribute to reduce the possibility of slips or shifts in the activity.


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The study of chemical reactions is among the most important contents to the understanding of Chemistry discipline in basic education. However, there are still few studies about chemical reactions as a complex system because, generally, this content is presented in textbooks, taught and even researched in a fragmented form. The thesis here presented aims to investigate, identify and characterize the mistakes and learning difficulties of the students about chemical reactions as a complex system, using for that purpose the analysis of the answers of 126 exams of candidates for the bachelor’s degree in Chemistry Teaching on the entrance exam for the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). The mistakes and learning difficulties about the parameters ΔG°, Kp, Ea and of the calculation of the amount of substance in a chemical reaction have been identified, as well as the levels of development of the ability to interpret the chemical reaction as a system. The main theoretical source of this study is structured based on the mistakes and learning difficulties (NÚÑEZ, RAMALHO, 2012), of the chemical reactions as complex systems (NÚÑEZ, 1994; RESHETOVA, 1988; SANDERSON, 1968). As methodology, it was prioritized the analysis of the answers to the exams and the interview with the teachers. The results showed typical mistakes in the study of this subject, especially low levels and skill development. No student was able to integrate the different aspects in the systemic understanding of the chemical reaction. From the interviews with Chemistry teachers from High School, it was determined the reasons the teachers assign to those mistakes and learning difficulties. The interviews revealed that the teachers do not work in the perspective of integration of the contents which leads the students to present difficulties and make mistakes related to the content previously mentioned. The study presents a proposal for the organization of the contents of Chemistry discipline for High School as a possibility of a dialectic systemic integration of contents, understanding that this systematic vision, leads to important contributions to the development of the theoretical thinking of the students. We can mention as one of the conclusions of this study, the fact that the non-systemic organization of contents do not favor this kind of thinking in students.


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In order to understand the factors involved in the improvement process of argumentative competence by students of 2nd year of high school, we undertook a qualitative approach research and interventional nature, during which we adopted the conduct of participant observation in a school belonging to the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, located on the outskirts of the city of Natal. The analyzed corpus consisted in the interim intervention and entails the answers to a semi-structured questionnaire, fourteen opinion articles and three regrados debates, produced by the students, in addition to video recordings of ten sessions and personal notes pertaining to another six, totaling sixteen sessions observed during the school year 2014. As the most important bibliographical references we study skills and reasoning from the perspective of discursive social interactionism. Analyzing the data we loan the principle of categorization, opting for critical-descriptive presentation and were revealed to us, via the classified evidences, that among the factors involved in the study process, it appears with more relevance to set up an effective intellectual community, which meets in constant interaction subjects, which alternate assuming the conditions of speakers and audience. The constitution of this community depends largely on the teaching mediation and is indispensable to the (re)design of the studied competence, in interactions with her the subjects afforded learn and develop their competence, reshaping the limits of their zone of proximal development.


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In order to understand the factors involved in the improvement process of argumentative competence by students of 2nd year of high school, we undertook a qualitative approach research and interventional nature, during which we adopted the conduct of participant observation in a school belonging to the state schools of Rio Grande do Norte, located on the outskirts of the city of Natal. The analyzed corpus consisted in the interim intervention and entails the answers to a semi-structured questionnaire, fourteen opinion articles and three regrados debates, produced by the students, in addition to video recordings of ten sessions and personal notes pertaining to another six, totaling sixteen sessions observed during the school year 2014. As the most important bibliographical references we study skills and reasoning from the perspective of discursive social interactionism. Analyzing the data we loan the principle of categorization, opting for critical-descriptive presentation and were revealed to us, via the classified evidences, that among the factors involved in the study process, it appears with more relevance to set up an effective intellectual community, which meets in constant interaction subjects, which alternate assuming the conditions of speakers and audience. The constitution of this community depends largely on the teaching mediation and is indispensable to the (re)design of the studied competence, in interactions with her the subjects afforded learn and develop their competence, reshaping the limits of their zone of proximal development.


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This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTÁN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NÓVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHÃES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.


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This work of qualitative approach, has as its study object the school curriculum, resulting from the implementation of public policies for inclusion in the Brazilian educational field and of the teaching organization in State School Despertar. While we acknowledge advances in government discussions and proposals related to school inclusion in our country, it is still important to develop studies and interventions in the context of basic education focused on the curriculum. With methodological basis in collaborative-critical action research and contribution by Barbier, the survey was conducted in 2013, in a state school in the Natal - Rio Grande do Norte - school system, and aimed to analyze the curriculum of the State School Despertar, in particular issues related to the inclusion of students with disabilities in common teaching classes expressed in the school and in collective situations of continuing education with teachers and interpreter of Brazilian Sign Language (Libras). The school was previously chosen because it had already been locus of research in a study conducted by a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte promoting the knowledge of their formative needs. The study subjects were 26 teachers in the early years and the end of elementary school and a Libras interpreter. The instruments were direct observation, semi-structured interviews, document analysis and a proposal for continuing education called Collaborative Group on School Inclusion (GCEI), established with the participating subjects and the other research collaborators. The analyzed data showed eight dialogues built with the State School Despertar, being basic the contributions of Goffman (1988) on stigma and of Forquin (1993) on school culture. As a theoretical framework, there were important contributions on School Curriculum (SACRISTÁN, 2000; 2007; APPLE, 2006; 2008), School Inclusion (BUENO, 2008), Continuing Education (NÓVOA, 2002; GATTI, 2003) and the existing studies on the dialogues between Curriculum and Special Education (MAGALHÃES, 2002; SILVA, 2008; 2010; OLIVEIRA, 2004; VIEIRA, 2012). The study highlighted the importance of extending the dialogue, the theoretical deepening of GCEI for the understanding of school curriculum and the specifics of any students, with or without disability. It will be necessary to revisit the school teaching practices that do not correspond to the students, for instance the formation of classes made in classrooms. It is also important to consider the organization of the school day and its interface with the pedagogical functions of each member of the school in building curriculum practices consistent with the diversity of modes and learning styles. Subliminal aspects of the curriculum should be reviewed, given its implications in the context of the classroom and management. However, significant changes identified in the practices of some teachers, such as the use of audio description, stimulus to the participation of students with disabilities and use of images, favored the development of other students, who benefit of more exciting and participatory classes. Based on the conducted research, we conclude on the importance of collectively discuss the conditions for / in schooling of different students and the (re)thinking of curriculum practices in the school as a whole, and therein lies a paradox because, on the one hand, it is not about minimizing the specific knowledge in dealing with the needs of students with disabilities, on the other, we are not interested in distancing these needs from those inherent in human nature, therefore peculiar to the other students. The questioning of our own practices is the challenge imposed, not to special education, or its target audience, but this is undoubtedly task of education.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O estudo apresentado avaliou a adequabilidade da ingesta de nutrientes e energia de estudantes do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém (IPS), através do preenchimento de um relatório alimentar de 24 horas, preenchido on line. Foram obtidas 103 respostas válidas para avaliação, maioritariamente do género feminino (77%), com uma idade média de 21 anos e valores de IMC normoponderais (78%). Cerca de metade dos participantes apresentou um estilo de vida sedentário. No geral, a alimentação caracterizou-se por elevados consumos de arroz, massa, batatas ou cereais de pequeno-almoço, de carne ou ovos, e consumos reduzidos de peixe, leguminosas e hortícolas crus ou cozinhados. O consumo de frutos e vegetais foi maioritariamente inferior ao recomendado, assim como a ingesta de energia e fibra. Ao contrário, a ingesta de lípidos totais e lípidos saturados foi superior ao recomendado na maioria dos participantes. A prevalência de inadequação de micronutrientes como cálcio, vitamina A, vitamina C e folatos foi próxima dos 50% ou superior. Perante os dados obtidos sugere-se uma melhoria dos hábitos alimentares e de estilo de vida, nomeadamente, o aumento do número de refeições realizadas, o aumento do consumo de frutos, hortícolas e leguminosas e o aumento da prática de atividade física.