999 resultados para Empresa de vigilância, Brasil
Objective: to evaluate the standardization of vaccination rooms in the Municipality of Marília, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Methods: descriptive and exploratory study, realized in 2008-2009; the instrument used was the Supervision in Vaccination Rooms, of the Ministry of Health; variables analyzed were general aspects of the vaccination room, technical procedures, cold chain, information system, post-vaccination adverse events, special immunobiologicals, epidemiological surveillance and health education; the score achieved classifies the room (90.0-100.0% = ideal; 76.0-89.0% = good; 50.0-75.0% = fair; <50.0% = insufficient); overall index for each point was calculated as the average score of all rooms. Results: technical procedures, information system, post-vaccination adverse events and special immunobiologicals were scored as ideal; cold chain, epidemiological surveillance and health education were scored as good; and to general aspects of the vaccination room, the evaluation was fair. Conclusion: general index for vaccination rooms in the municipality was considered ideal.
The annual vaccination campaign against rabies is the most effective prevention procedure for this disease in dogs and cats and hence for human protection also. However, in 2010 and 2011, this activity was interrupted in Brazil due to the occurrence of adverse events associated with vaccination. Even though cases of canine rabies have been decreasing in the last two decades, vigilance must be strengthened in order to maintain pet owners trust in the vaccines provided in public services. This study aimed to determine pet owners participation in the annual vaccination campaign carried out in Botucatu. During March and April 2012, the period before the 42nd campaign, 312 pet owners, dogs and cats, were interviewed. The homes were randomly drawn in blocks from different sectors of the city; all houses on the same block over the 120 km² of urban area participated in the sampling process. Statistical analysis was performed descriptively. The results showed that the owners main motivation to vaccinate their pets during the campaigns is rabies prevention (36%), followed by the proximity of the vaccination station to the house (20.7%), zero cost (10.9%), and the combination of all three factors (16.1%). When asked if they would take their animals back to be vaccinated in another campaign, 60.1% answered yes, 13.5% would go to a private clinic, 2.2% would not take because they do not trust the vaccine and 1.6% had not decided yet. We conclude that the respondents have realized how dangerous Rabies is, because even after the break period, they still utilized the vaccination campaign demonstrating confidence in its effectiveness, while knowing the campaign goals facilitates understanding and participation.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of weight measurements produced in Primary Health Care Centers in Botucatu and surroundings. 14 Health Care Centers were included, all of them located in four towns in the area of Botucatu (4,555; 5,656; 18,761 and 128,397 inhabitants). General conditions and scale calibration conditions found in those Health Care Centers were evaluated. In order to evaluate the weight accuracy obtained by the local team, 10 adult users of each Center were addressed by the rater during the service routine in order to get a new weight evaluation, immediately after the measurement made by the team. The statistic method applied for checking the weight measurement held in the Heath Care Center and the scales accuracy was the measurement error technique (MET). The results have showed that out of 19 scales, 6 of them overestimated the weight by 50 grams, 1 of them underestimated the weight by 200 grams and the others were accurate. Evaluated as a group, the result of the scale MET was 44.3g. Regarding the conformity of the measures obtained by the MET of the adults weighing in the Health Care Centers compared to the ones obtained by the researcher, the expected result was obtained in only one Center (< 100g). The results have showed data compromise, rather due to lack of health team training than due to the conditions of the equipment used for the measurement.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years
The pharmaceutical industry was consolidated in Brazil in the 1930s, and since then has become increasingly competitive. Therefore the implementation of the Toyota Production System, which aims to lean production, has become common among companies in the segment. The main efficiency indicator currently used is the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). This paper intends to, using the fuzzy model DEA-BCC, analyze the efficiency of the production lines of a pharmaceutical company in the Paraíba Valley, compare the values obtained by the model with those calculated by the OEE, identify the most sensitive machines to variation in the data input and develop a ranking of effectiveness between the consumer machinery. After the development, it is shown that the accuracy of the relationship between the two methods is approximately 57% and the line considered the most effective by the Toyota Production System is not the same as the one found by this paper
The automobile industry shows relevance inside the Brazilian industrial scenario since it contributes with the development of a significant chain of supply, distributors, workshops, publicity agencies and insurance companies in the internal market, aside from being one of the five biggest worldwide market. Thereby, the federal government decreed in Dec, 17th 2012 by Law nº 12.715 the Inovar-Auto Program. As the Adjusted Present Value (APV) is highly recommended, although not yet widespread to public politics of tax reduction, this work intends to apply the APV method on the cash flow analysis of an automobile sector's company, which has recently installed in national territory and wants to rely with governmental incentives proposed by Inovar-Auto Program. The developed work evaluates the company's current cash flow stochastically from mathematical modeling of variables such as price, demand and interest rate through probability distributions with the assist of Crystal Ball software, a Microsoft Excel Add-in, generating different scenarios from Monte Carlo Simulation. As results probabilities situations have been evaluated until the end of the Inovar-Auto's conducted period, in 2017. Beside APV others indicator such as Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period were estimated for the investment project. For APV a sampling distribution with only 0.057% of risk, IRR of 29% were obtained and estimated project payback period was 4.13 years
O objetivo foi analisar os atendimentos por queimaduras em serviços de emergência, e fatores associados. Estudo transversal de 761 atendimentos coletados pelo Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes em 2009. A maioria foi do sexo masculino (58,6%); adultos de 30 a 49 anos (23,1%) e crianças de 0 a 9 anos (23%). A residência foi o local de ocorrência mais frequente (62,1%), especialmente para crianças e mulheres; em seguida comércio, serviços, indústria e construção (19,1%), especialmente entre homens de 20 a 49 anos. Queimaduras no trabalho foram 29,1% do total. Uso de álcool chegou a 5,1%. Agentes causadores em todas as idades: substância quente (43,6%) e fogo/chama (24,2%); na faixa produtiva: substâncias químicas. As queimaduras entre 0 e 14 anos foram associadas com residência, substância e objeto quente e internação hospitalar; entre os de 15 a 49 anos associaram-se com fogo/chama e choque elétrico, via pública e alta da emergência. Estratégias de prevenção para crianças e trabalhadores devem ser implantadas.
Os acidentes são fenômenos complexos, cuja determinação situa-se na organização do trabalho, dimensão invisível aos agentes de vigilância. O objetivo deste artigo é analisar e comparar o alcance das intervenções realizadas em uma empresa frigorífica, em 1997, baseada na checagem de normas de saúde e segurança, e em 2008, quando se incorpora a ergonomia da atividade. Foi realizado estudo de caso com análise documental referente à intervenção de 1997 e análise ergonômica do trabalho adotada em 2008. Em 1997 as ações de vigilância incidiram principalmente sobre os fatores de risco visíveis. Mesmo cumprindo as exigências, a empresa continuava, em 2008, com proporção de incidência anual de 26% de acidentes, o que motivou a busca da nova abordagem. Verificou-se, em 2008, que a gênese dos acidentes era provocada por um circulo vicioso: trabalho intenso; inadequação de meios técnicos; absenteísmo e rotatividade (84% ao ano) com recrutamento de inexperientes. Esse quadro é agravado por práticas autoritárias. A ergonomia da atividade contribuiu para compreender as causas organizacionais ultrapassando os aspectos normativos da vigilância tradicional, o que indica sua importância para tornar mais efetivas as ações de vigilância para a prevenção.
Compreender as características e a magnitude das causas externas (acidentes e violência) em crianças de 0 a 9 anos de idade torna-se cada vez mais importante em Saúde Pública. O objetivo do presente artigo foi analisar os atendimentos de emergência por causas externas em crianças. Utilizaram-se dados do Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes em Serviços Sentinelas de Urgência e Emergência (Inquérito VIVA), realizado em 74 serviços de urgência do Distrito Federal e 23 capitais no ano 2009. Analisaram-se dados de 7.123 crianças: 6.897 (96,7%) vítimas de acidentes e 226 (3,3%) de violência. Em comparação às vítimas de violência, os atendimentos por acidentes foram mais frequentes entre crianças de 2 a 5 anos, de pele branca e ocorridos no domicílio (p < 0,05). Dentre os acidentes, as quedas e queimaduras predominaram no grupo de 0 a 1 ano, enquanto os acidentes de transporte foram mais frequentes no grupo de 6 a 9 anos (p < 0,001). Quanto às violências, atendimentos por negligência e agressão física predominaram, respectivamente, nos grupos extremos de faixa etária, sendo um familiar identificado como agressor (p < 0,001). Informações sobre ocorrência de causas externas em crianças podem apoiar políticas de promoção da saúde, além de orientar profissionais de saúde, educadores e famílias na prevenção destas causas.
O presente relato tem por objetivo descrever o primeiro caso alóctone de leishmaniose visceral (LV) no município de Campo Mourão, Paraná, Brasil, em um canino, da raça Boxer, apresentando lesões oculares e cutâneas, linfoadenomegalia e esplenomegalia, atendido no Hospital Veterinário da Faculdade Integrado de Campo Mourão, após ter residido na cidade de Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. O diagnóstico da enfermidade baseou-se na observação direta de formas amastigotas de Leishmania spp., em linfonodos poplíteos, sugerindo ser um caso de LV, uma vez que o animal era proveniente de área endêmica para a enfermidade. A migração de cães infectados de regiões endêmicas para áreas indenes torna-se um problema para a saúde pública, uma vez que poderá permitir a instalação de novos focos, favorecendo a disseminação da doença em todo o país.
O objetivo no estudo aqui apresentado foi identificar os fatores que determinam a divulgação voluntária ambiental pelas empresas brasileiras potencialmente poluidoras. Para tanto, foram analisa- das as Demonstrações Financeiras Padronizadas (DFPs) e os Relató- rios de Sustentabilidade (RS) do período de 2005 a 2007 das empresas abertas com ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo (Bovespa) e pertencentes a setores de alto impacto ambiental, que compreendem extração e tratamento de minerais; metalúrgico; químico; papel e celulose; indústria de couros e peles; transporte, terminais, depósitos e comércio (de combustíveis, derivados de petróleo e produtos químicos). Com o intuito de explicar a evidenciação ambiental divulgada pelas empresas investigadas, foram formuladas sete hipóteses testadas a partir de instrumentos de análise estatística. Essas hipóteses referem-se a fatores individuais das empresas, que englobam tamanho, rentabilidade, endividamento, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade, internacionalização e publicação do RS. Os resultados mostram que, nos três anos analisados, as 57 empresas que compõem a amostra do estudo evidenciaram um total de 6.182 sentenças ambientais, 73% delas divulgadas nos RS e 27% nas DFPs. A análise de regressão em painel demonstrou que as variáveis tamanho da empresa, empresa de auditoria, sustentabilidade e publicação do RS são relevantes a um nível de significância de 5% para a explicação do disclosure voluntário de informações ambientais. Concluiu-se que os achados da pesquisa corroboram a teoria positiva da contabilidade, e parcialmente a teoria da legitimidade.