637 resultados para EAT
Antecedentes: Las dificultades alimentarias son problemas de los niños para comer con efectos en su crecimiento y desarrollo. La prevalencia de dificultades alimentarias está entre 25-45% en niños con desarrollo normal y hasta 80% en niños con retraso del desarrollo. La conducta alimentaria del niño depende de las prácticas del cuidador. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre dificultades alimentarias de niños de 2 a 4 años de dos Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Privados Urbanos de Cuenca y los factores de riesgo: estrategias del cuidador para la alimentación de los niños y niñas, el tipo y nivel de instrucción del cuidador. Método: Estudio cuantitativo transversal realizado en 228 niños de 2 a 4 años de los Centros de Desarrollo Infantil Urbanos de Cuenca: CEIAP de la Universidad del Azuay y los Angelitos de la FEUE, aplicando a los cuidadores dos cuestionarios CCDA-N1-APS y el FSQ. Resultados: La cuidadora principal es la madre (79,4%), el nivel de instrucción del cuidador fue el superior (51,3%). La prevalencia de dificultades alimentarias fue del 28%. No existe relación estadística entre dificultades alimentarias (p>0,05), y el tipo y nivel de instrucción del cuidador. Las estrategias del cuidador que demostraron relación con dificultades alimentarias y factores de riesgo son: estructura a la hora de comer, permitirle tener juguetes durante comidas, puede elegir la cantidad de alimento que quiere, presionarle a comer mas de lo que debe, permitirle comer y beber durante todo el día (p<0,05); el tener un esquema de alimentación es factor protector. Los datos concuerdan con la literatura. Conclusiones: Es necesario evaluar las estrategias del cuidador para la alimentación y dificultades alimentarias. Palabras clave: DIFICULTADES ALIMENTARIAS, ESTRATEGIAS ALIMENTARIAS, CUIDADOR, MADRE, INSTRUCCIÓN.
Behaviours related to foraging and feeding in predator-prey systems are fundamental to our understanding of food webs. From the perspective of a predator, the selection of prey size depends upon a number of factors including prey vulnerability, prey size, and the predator's motivation to eat. Thus, feeding motivation and prey visual cues are supposed to influence predator decisions and it is predicted that prey selection by visual cues is modulated by the predator's stomach fullness prior to attacking a prey. This study was conducted using an animal model from the rocky shores ecosystem, a predatory fish, the frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator, and a benthic prey, the mottled shore crab Pachygrapsus transversus. Our results demonstrate that frillfin gables are capable of visually evaluating prey size and that the size evaluation process is modulated by the level of stomach fullness. Predators with an empty stomach (0% fullness) attacked prey that was larger than the predicted optimal size. Partially satiated predators (50% stomach fullness) selected prey close to the optimal size, while fully satiated predators (100% stomach fullness) showed no preference for size. This finding indicates an integrative response of the predator that depends on the input of both internal and external sensory information when choosing prey. Predator perceptions of visual cues (prey size) and stomach fullness modulate foraging decisions. As a result, a flexible feeding behaviour emerges, evidencing a clearly adaptive response in line with optimal foraging theory predictions. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Arquitectura, apresentada na Universidade de Lisboa - Faculdade de Arquitetura.
Feeding behavior of the larvae's prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man, 1879, in each stage of development was studied face alArtemia Linnaeus, 1758 nauplii, dry and wet diets. Groups of ten larvae in each stage were placed in 500 ml beakers at 29ºC in filtered brackish water. After the fasting period of acclimatization, the three types of food were offered separately to the larvae and the feeding behavior was observed during 30 min. Feeding perception, capture, grasp and ingestion of food were used to determine feeding pattern. Stage I lawac do not eat. The feeding behavior of larvae was similar on the stages II - XI. The perception in distance does not occur in most individuais; the feeding process generally started with the physrcal contact of food with the animal. Food is captured by thoracic appendages (maxillipeds until stage III, and maxillipeds + pereopods in stages IV - XI) and particles are grasped and handled by maxillipeds. Inopposition at the capture, the ingestion is a seletive process. Selective responses decrease in later stages and larvae become omnivorous in greater degree.
Para el acceso a los estudios oficiales de danza, se realizan pruebas de aptitud en los Conservatorios Profesionales de Danza de España. Estas son realizadas por profesores de danza que evalúan aptitudes rítmicas, expresivas y psicomotrices y por médicos que realizan una evaluación de las características física. Objetivos: En primer lugar: a) evaluar los ítems de calificación de la Prueba de Aptitud por parte del profesorado de danza; b) comprobar si se correlacionan con los rangos adjudicados por la Administración; c) proponer una adaptación de las calificaciones de los ítems de la evaluación de la Prueba de Aptitud. En segundo lugar y relativo a los ítems de la valoración médica del alumnado, nuestros objetivos fueron: a) determinar si existe mayor riesgo de padecer trastornos de la conducta alimentaria (TCA) en nuestra población; b) valorar cuales son las variables de composición corporal más sensibles y específicas para el cribaje de TCA; c) describir cuales son las mediciones de flexibilidad de la Prueba de Aptitud más entrenables al aplicar un plan de entrenamiento; d) discernir qué tipo de entrenamiento de flexibilidad alcanza mejores resultados. Métodos: Se plantearon 3 estudios. Para la valoración de los ítems y para el estudio de la composición corporal y los TCA se realizaron estudios de tipo transversal. En el estudio del entrenamiento de la flexibilidad se practicó un estudio longitudinal experimental con pre evaluación y 4 evaluaciones post intervención, de grupos aleatorizados a 3 tipos de entrenamiento: estiramiento activo (EA), estiramiento pasivo (EP) y estiramiento balístico (BAL), con un grupo control (CT). Sujetos: 216 sujetos fueron seleccionados para los diferentes estudios, profesorado (n=27) y alumnos (n=189). Para obtener la información y realizar el estudio de la valoración de los ítems se aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc en dos páginas. En el estudio de la composición corporal las variables antropométricas, componentes del somatotipo y bioimpedancia eléctrica (BIA) fueron relacionadas con el test EAT-26 para la discriminación de los TCA. Se obtuvieron medidas antropométricas mediante las técnicas estandarizadas de la ISAK y se calculó el índice de masa corporal (IMC) de forma clásica, la masa grasa mediante la ecuación de Slaughter y la masa muscular esquelética (MME) mediante ecuación de Poortmans. La BIA de cuerpo entero se realizó con protocolo estandarizado. La aleatorización a grupos de entrenamiento se realizó mediante asignación numérica aleatoria a doble ciego de los grupos. Resultados: El profesorado de danza clásica (CL) prioriza calificaciones en los ítems peso/talla, morfología del pie y extensión de piernas, los docentes de danza española (ES) y flamenco (FL) conceden mayor importancia a la evaluación de la morfología de las piernas y aspectos de ritmo y expresión, mientras que en danza contemporánea (CO) se destaca la calificación de la morfología de la columna y pelvis, existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la distribución de las calificaciones de determinados ítems de evaluación, siendo los rangos de calificación aportados por el profesorado diferente al aportado por la Administración. En el cuestionario EAT-26, se comprueba que existen diferencias en nuestra población entre los puntos de corte de 10 y 20, y por especialidades se muestra la danza española y la danza contemporánea con mayor prevalencia que la danza clásica y el baile flamenco. Mediante un análisis con curvas ROC, la MME expresada en kilogramos demuestra ser la más sensible y específica para la discriminación de los TCA y de las variables de la BIA son la reactancia (Xc) y el ángulo de fase (Af) las que destacan como mejores predictoras de los TCA. Con respecto al entrenamiento de la flexibilidad se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de las tres medidas estudiadas abducción de cadera (ABD), distancia dedos-suelo (DDS) y flexión plantar (FP), de los tres grupos de entrenamiento a estudio EP, EA, BAL, con respecto al CO a la semana decimosegunda (P<0,001), la máxima mejoría fue en DDS, en el grupo BAL. En los grupos de entrenamiento no hubo descenso del rango de movimiento (ROM) tras el cese del entrenamiento. Conclusiones: Todos estos resultados deberían ser tenidos en cuenta en el diseño futuro de las prueba de aptitud y selección de futuros bailarines. La inclusión en las pruebas de elementos de valoración de la composición corporal con mayor sensibilidad para la discriminación de TCA nos puede aportar información para la prevención y diagnóstico. Unas calificaciones basadas en los criterios unificados del profesorado, en elementos más entrenables y en las aptitudes más innatas facilitarían el proceso evaluador y de selección.
The ten year obesity prevention framework, A Fitter Future for All 2012-2022, was launched in 9th March 2012. It takes a cross-sectoral, cross-departmental approach to preventing and addressing obesity through encouraging and supporting people to eat healthily and participate in physical activity. Initial short-term outcomes where developed for the period 2012-2015 – to fit alongside the then Programme for Government. This document provides a final update and a summary report of all the activities undertaken during this period.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no ISPA – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia especialidade em Psicologia da Saúde
Aim: The aim of our study was to evaluate the Romanian’s knowledge and attitudes regarding dietary fibers compared with other European countries. Materials and methods: We made a cross-sectional survey (part of multinational project from CI&DETS Research Centre, Instituto Politecnico Viseu, Portugal, with reference PROJ/CI&DETS/2014/0001) based on a questionnaire applied in 2015, over 670 Romanian consumers, focused on the attitudes and knowledge towards ingestion of foods rich in fibers. We used the software SPSS for statistics. Results: Our results showed that the knowledge about dietary fibers and also the ingestion of food products rich in fibers were low. The female participants ate more whole grains and fruits than males and pay more attention to food labelling, the Romanian people prefer to stay and eat home than at restaurants especially in rural areas, and the knowledge about fiber’s benefits was significantly related to high education and urban location. Comparing to other European countries, Romania had the highest level of knowledge about dietary fibers definition followed by Portugal, Turkey and Hungary, but the lowest regarding the fibers importance for health after Macedonia, Turkey and Latvia. Conclusion: We sustain the needs for more efficient community interventions and proper information about the importance of dietary fibers for our health and also for the dissemination of the nutritional standards among Romanian population.
Dietary fiber was classified according to its solubility in an attempt to relate physiological effects to chemical types of fiber. Soluble fibers (B-glucans, gums, wheat dextrin, psyllium, pectin, inulin) were considered to have benefits on serum lipids, while insoluble fibers (cellulose, lignin, pectins, hemicelluloses) were linked with laxation benefits. More important characteristics of fiber in terms of physiological benefits are viscosity and fermentability. Viscous fibers (pectins, B-glucans, gums, psyllium) are those that have gel-forming properties in the intestinal tract, and fermentable fibers (wheat dextrin, pectins, B-glucans, gum, inulin) are those that can be metabolized by colonic bacteria. Objective: To summarize the beneficial effects of dietary fiber, as nutraceuticals, in order to maintain a healthy gastrointestinal system. Methods: Our study is a systematic review. Electronic databases, including PubMed, Medline, with supplement of relevant websites, were searched. We included randomized and non-randomized clinical trials, epidemiological studies (cohort and case-control). We excluded case series, case reports, in vitro and animal studies. Results: The WHO, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Heart Foundation and the Romanian Dietary Guidelines recommends that adults should aim to consume approximately 25–30 g fiber daily. Dietary fiber is found in the indigestible parts of cereals, fruits and vegetables. There are countries where people don’t eat enough food fibers, these people need to take some kind of fiber supplement. Evidence has been found that dietary fiber from whole foods or supplements may (1) reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by improving serum lipids and reducing serum total and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol concentrations, (2) decreases the glycaemic index of foods, which leads to an improvement in glycemic response, positive impact on diabetes, (3) protect against development of obesity by increasing satiety hormone leptin concentrations, (4) reduced risk of developing colorectal cancer by normalizes bowel movements, improve the integrity of the epithelial layer of the intestines, increase the resistance against pathogenic colonization, have favorable effects on the gut microbiome, wich is the second genomes of the microorganisms, (5) have a positive impact on the endocrine system by gastrointestinal polypeptide hormonal regulation of digestion, (6) have prebiotic effect by short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) production; butyrate acid is the preferred energy source for colonic epithelial cells, promotes normal cell differentiation and proliferation, and also help regulate sodium and water absorption, and can enhance absorption of calcium and other minerals. Although all prebiotics are fiber, not all fiber is prebiotic. This generally refers to the ability of a fiber to increase the growth of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which are beneficial to human health, and (7) play a role in improving immune function via production of SCFAs by increases T helper cells, macrophages, neutrophils, and increased cytotoxic activity of natural killer cells. Conclusion: Fiber consumption is associated with high nutritional value and antioxidant status of the diet, enhancing the effects on human health. Fibers with prebiotic properties can also be recommended as part of fiber intake. Due to the variability of fiber’s effects in the body, it is important to consume fiber from a variety of sources. Increasing fiber consumption for health promotion and disease prevention is a critical public health goal.
Presently, the scientists recognize the health benefits of food fibers in the menu and also plant food sources are at high interest both for general population and food companies. The food companies are responsible for a clear nutrition labelling that will assist consumers to make informed and healthy choices and health providers has to inform the population about the benefits of fibers.The aim of our study was to evaluate the Romanian knowledge and attitudes regarding dietary fibers from food products. We made a qualitative survey based on a questionnaire applied in 2015, over a period of 6 months, over 670 Romanian consumers. It was focused on testing the attitudes and knowledge towards ingestion of foods rich in fibers. For all data analysis we used the software SPSS, from IBM Inc. Our results showed that the knowledge about dietary fibers and also the ingestion of food products rich in fibers were low, and most of the subjects didn’t have any interest to read the nutritional information from food labels. The female participants ate more whole grains and fruits than males and pay more attention to food labelling. Romanian people prefer to stay and eat home than at restaurants especially in rural areas, and the knowledge about fibers benefits was significantly related to education and urban location. We underline the needs for more efficient community interventions and proper information about the importance of dietary fibers for our health and also to improve and disseminate nutritional standards and diet recommendation among population.
Rapid socioeconomic development in Saudi Arabia, as a result of oil revenues, has had profound effects on people’s lifestyles, including the transformation of people’s dietary habits. Such dietary transformations, known as the nutrition transition, are common in countries undergoing rapid socioeconomic changes. This transition is significant in Saudi Arabia as the traditional Saudi diet is considered a healthy one. Adoption of the Western diet has had negative health effects on the Saudi population, especially adolescents. As evidenced in many studies, adolescents are the most affected population when it comes to changes in dietary habits and physical activity. Adolescence is a vulnerable stage of life when dietary habits are developed, often lasting into adulthood, and may not be easily changed. In the case of Saudi Arabia, youth or adolescents represent almost 60% of the population; therefore, the eating habits they develop now could have profound consequences for population health in the future. To develop effective health promotion strategies, it is important to understand the sociocultural factors that influence the dietary habits and food choices of Saudi teens. I conducted two semi-structured, open-ended interviews, using photo-elicitation techniques, with 12 Saudi girls, aged 15-16 years. Analysis of the data shows four factors that pulled the participants toward eating home cooked traditional food and five factors that pushed participants away from eating home cooked traditional foods. The research suggests that despite the attractiveness of modern, Western ways of eating for Saudi teen girls, parents still play a key role in encouraging and supporting them to eat healthy food.
Binge eating occurs primarily on highly palatable food (PF) suggesting that the reward value of food has an important role in this behaviour. Bingeing also leads to reward dysfunction in rats and humans. The rewarding effect of binge eating may involve opioid mechanisms as opioid antagonists reduce PF consumption in animals that binge eat and binge eating produces neuroadaptations of opioid receptors in rodents. We tested this hypothesis by using the conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. First we established a sucrose CPP in male and female Long-Evans rats (n=8 for each group) using 1%, 5%, 15%, or 30% sucrose solution. Next, rats underwent the sucrose bingeing model in which separate groups of rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow, 12hr access to 0.1% saccharin solution and chow, or 12hr access to chow only every day for 28 days. Immediately following these sessions, rats were conditioned and tested in the CPP paradigm using a 15% sucrose solution. Finally, we examined whether the sucrose bingeing model altered morphine reward in female rats. Rats (n=8 for each group) received 12hr and 24hr access to 10% sucrose solution and chow every day for 28 days. Immediately following this access period, rats were conditioned to morphine (6mL/kg) or saline solution in the CPP paradigm and tested for a CPP. In all experiments, rats drank more sucrose solution than water during conditioning sessions. Male rats did not develop a CPP to any concentration of sucrose solution and females developed a CPP to 15% sucrose solution only. Following the sucrose bingeing protocol, sucrose CPP was attenuated in male rats that binged on sucrose and in all female rats. Sucrose bingeing in females did not affect the development of a CPP to morphine. These results suggest that sucrose consumption and sucrose CPP are measures of different psychological components of reward. Furthermore, sucrose bingeing reduces the rewarding effect of sucrose, but not morphine, suggesting that opioid reward is still intact.
Självskattad hälsa beskriver personens subjektiva uppfattning av sin hälsa. En lågt självskattad hälsa har samband med ökad framtida dödlighet. Ett starkt välbefinnande är enligt Katie Erikssons dimensioner av hälsa, förutsättningen för att hälsan ska skattas som bra. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva eventuella skillnader i självskattad hälsa sett till olika levnadsvanor hos 40-åriga kvinnor och män. Metod: Enkätsvar från totalt 1144 40-åriga kvinnor och män har använts. Enkäterna genomfördes under 2014 på 55 vårdcentraler i två regioner i södra Sverige. Levnadsvanor som valdes till denna studie var fysisk aktivitet, grönsaks- och frukostvanor, alkoholintag, rökning, sysselsättning, sömn och stress. Självskattad hälsa kategoriserades som bra (”mycket bra” och ”bra”) och dålig (”någorlunda”, ”dålig” och ”mycket dålig”). För att studera skillnader användes Student T-test på parametrisk data och Chi-två på icke parametrisk data. Resultat: De levnadsvanor som var vanligare förekommande hos de med bra självskattad hälsa var ansträngande/hård motion, låg nivå av stress och att vara i arbete (p<.001). Att inte röka hos män och att äta frukost och grönsaker hos kvinnor var också vanligare förekommande hos de med bra självskattad hälsa. Lågt intag av alkohol visade inte på några skillnader. Slutsats: För att minska risken för framtida sjuklighet är det viktigt för distriktssköterskor, samt flera andra samhällsinsatser, att försöka påverka och uppmuntra hög fysisk aktivitet och minskad stress.
These bookmarks state: poor diet can have bad effects on diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in African-Americans. What can you do? Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose meat with less fat. Buy foods low in fat, salt and cholesterol. Have sugar-free drinks. Eat less. Choose less fried foods.
Antecedentes: Los trastornos gastrointestinales funcionales de la infancia (TGFI) son manifestaciones gastrointestinales crónicas en cualquier parte del tubo digestivo sin daño estructural o bioquímico los cuales se pueden clasificar según los criterios de ROMA III. Se desconoce su prevalencia en niños latinoamericanos menores de 4 años. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de los TGFI y cada una de sus entidades en menores de 2 años y explorar sus factores asociados. Metodología: Estudio corte trasversal con muestra aleatoria (n=323) tomada de la población de una institución de salud en la ciudad de Bogotá, realizando mediante encuesta diligenciada por los padres. El análisis se realizó por medio del software SPSS© utilizando estadística descriptiva y análisis bivariado, como medida de asociación se calculó las Razones de Disparidad (RD) con IC95%. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia de TGFI de 22.1%, diarrea funcional 14.6%, disquecia 12%, regurgitación 9.2%, estreñimiento 3.3%, vómito cíclico 2%, cólico infantil 1.6% y rumiación 0%. La administración de tetero durante la estancia hospitalaria neonatal se asocia con vómito cíclico RD= 6 IC 95% (1.076 – 33.447) p=0.021. La administración de formula infantil durante los primeros 6 meses de vida se asocia con diarrea funcional RD= 0.348 IC 95% (0.149 – 0.813) p=0.012 Conclusiónes: Los TGFI son una causa frecuente de molestias en los menores de 2 años de edad. Sugerimos realizar la validación del cuestionario “questionnaire on infant/toddler gastrointestinal symptoms rome version III” con el fin de mejorar la validez y precisión de los hallazgos en estudios futuros.