951 resultados para E-coli Protein Expression
The ability of angiotensin I (Ang I) and II (Ang II) to induce directly protein degradation in skeletal muscle has been studied in murine myotubes. Angiotensin I stimulated protein degradation with a parabolic dose-response curve and with a maximal effect between 0.05 and 0.1 μM. The effect was attenuated by coincubation with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor imidaprilat, suggesting that angiotensin I stimulated protein degradation through conversion to Ang II. Angiotensin II also stimulated protein breakdown with a similar dose-response curve, and with a maximal effect between 1 and 2.5 μM. Total protein degradation, induced by both Ang I and Ang II, was attenuated by the proteasome inhibitors lactacystin (5 μM) and MG132 (10 μM), suggesting that the effect was mediated through upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. Both Ang I and Ang II stimulated an increased proteasome 'chymotrypsin-like' enzyme activity as well as an increase in protein expression of 20S proteasome α-subunits, the 19S subunits MSSI and p42, at the same concentrations as those inducing protein degradation. The effect of Ang I was attenuated by imidaprilat, confirming that it arose from conversion to Ang II. These results suggest that Ang II stimulates protein degradation in myotubes through induction of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Protein degradation induced by Ang II was inhibited by insulin-like growth factor and by the polyunsaturated fatty acid, eicosapentaenoic acid. These results suggest that Ang II has the potential to cause muscle atrophy through an increase in protein degradation. The highly lipophilic ACE inhibitor imidapril (Vitor™) (30 mg kg-1) attenuated the development of weight loss in mice bearing the MAC16 tumour, suggesting that Ang II may play a role in the development of cachexia in this model. © 2005 Cancer Research.
The adipokine resistin is known to induce insulin resistance in rodent tissues. Increases in adipose tissue mass are known to have a negative effect on pancreatic beta-cell function, although the mechanisms are poorly understood. This study investigated the effects of resistin on insulin secretion, insulin receptor expression and cell viability in pancreatic beta-cells. BTC-6 or BRIN-BD11 cells were treated for 24h with resistin, and insulin receptor expression, insulin secretion and cell viability were measured. Incubation with 40ng/ml resistin caused significant decreases in insulin receptor mRNA and protein expression, but did not affect insulin secretion. At low concentrations, resistin caused significant increases in cell viability. These data implicate resistin as a factor that may regulate beta-cell function/viability, and suggests a potential mechanism by which increased adiposity causes beta-cell dysfunction.
Atrophy of skeletal muscle is common in patients with cancer and results in increased morbidity and mortality. In order to design effective therapy the mechanism by which this occurs needs to be elucidated. Most studies suggest that the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway is most important in intracellular proteolysis, although there have been no reports on the activity of this pathway in patients with different extents of weight loss. In this report the expression of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in rectus abdominis muscle has been determined in cancer patients with weight loss of 0-34% using a competitive reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to measure expression of mRNA for proteasome subunits C2 and C5, while protein expression has been determined by western blotting. Overall, both C2 and C5 gene expression was increased by about three-fold in skeletal muscle of cachectic cancer patients (average weight loss 14.5 ± 2.5%), compared with that in patients without weight loss, with or without cancer. The level of gene expression was dependent on the amount of weight loss, increasing maximally for both proteasome subunits in patients with weight loss of 12-19%. Further increases in weight loss reduced expression of mRNA for both proteasome subunits, although it was still elevated in comparison with patients with no weight loss. There was no evidence for an increase in expression at weight losses less than 10%. There was a good correlation between expression of proteasome 20Sα subunits, detected by western blotting, and C2 and C5 mRNA, showing that increased gene expression resulted in increased protein synthesis. Expression of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, E214k, with weight loss followed a similar pattern to that of proteasome subunits. These results suggest variations in the expression of key components of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway with weight loss of cancer patients, and suggest that another mechanism of protein degradation must be operative for patients with weight loss less than 10%. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Placental villous development requires the co-ordinated action of angiogenic factors on both endothelial and trophoblast cells. Like vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF-C increases vascular permeability, stimulates endothelial cell proliferation and migration. In the present study, we investigated the expression of VEGF-C and its receptors VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 in normal and intrauterine growth-restricted (IUGR) placenta. Immunolocalisation studies showed that like VEGF and VEGFR-1, VEGF-C, VEGFR-3 and VEGFR-2 co-localised to the syncytiotrophoblast, to cells in the maternal decidua, as well as to the endothelium of the large placental blood vessels. Western blot analysis demonstrated a significant decrease in placental VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 protein expression in severe IUGR as compared to gestationally-matched third trimester pregnancies. Conditioned medium from VEGF-C producing pancreatic carcinoma (Suit-2) and endometrial epithelial (Hec-1B) cell lines caused an increased association of the phosphorylated extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK) in VEGFR-3 immunoprecipitates from spontaneously transformed first trimester trophoblast cells. VEGF121 caused dose-dependant phosphorylation of VEGFR-2 in trophoblast cells as well as stimulating DNA synthesis. In addition, premixing VEGF165 with heparin sulphate proteoglycan potentiated trophoblast proliferation and the association of phospho-ERK with the VEGFR-2 receptor. VEGF165-mediated DNA synthesis was inhibited by anti-VEGFR-2 neutralising antibody. The results demonstrate functional VEGFR-2 and VEGFR-3 receptors on trophoblast and suggest that the decreased expression of VEGF-C and VEGFR-3 may contribute to the abnormal villous development observed in IUGR placenta.
The canonical function of eEF1A is delivery of the aminoacylated tRNA to the A site of the ribosome during protein translation, however, it is also known to be an actin binding protein. As well as this actin binding function, eEF1A has been shown to be involved in other cellular processes such as cell proliferation and apoptosis. It has long been thought that the actin cytoskeleton and protein synthesis are linked and eEF1A has been suggested to be a candidate protein to form this link, though very little is understood about the relationship between its two functions. Overexpression of eEF1A has also been shown to be implicated in many different types of cancers, especially cancers that are metastatic, therefore it is important to further understand how eEF1A can affect both translation and the organisation of the actin cytoskeleton. To this end, we aimed to determine the effects of reduced expression of eEF1A on both translation and its non canonical functions in CHO cells. We have shown that reduced expression of eEF1A in this cell system results in no change in protein synthesis, however results in an increased number of actin stress fibres and other proteins associated with these fibres such as myosin IIA, paxillin and vinculin. Cell motility and attachment are also affected by this reduction in eEF1A protein expression. The organisational and motility phenotypes were found to be specific to eEF1A by transforming the cells with plasmids containing either human eEF1A1 or eEF1A2. Though the mechanisms by which these effects are regulated have not yet been established, this data provides evidence to show that the translation and actin binding functions of eEF1A are independent of each other as well as being suggestive of a role for eEF1A in cell motility as supported by the observation that overexpression of eEF1A protein tends to be associated with the cancer cells that are metastatic.
The human leukocyte antigen (HLA) complex is an extensively studied cluster of genes with immunoregulatory function. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is capable of infecting individuals with weakened immune systems, and is associated with a high mortality rate. Previous genetic studies of the HLA region have found correlations between bacterial infection and its effect on regulating HLA gene expressions to establish their infection. This project analyzes the expression of classical HLA loci (A, B, C, DR, DQ, DP) in human B cells and macrophage cells during the infection of virulent strains of P. aeruginosa. Cells were cultured and infected with different virulent live, and heat-killed strains of P. aeruginosa for different time periods. The mRNA was extracted and converted into cDNA followed by real-time quantitative PCR and data analysis. The Western Blot technique was used to identify the targeted protein’s cell surface expression. Infection with P. aeruginosa was found to inhibit the expression of HLA proteins. The PA14 strain inhibited expression of all targeted genes in all experiments. Infections with PA01 and PA103 showed different patterns depending on the incubation time and the targeted gene. These differences suggest that the three strains use various mechanisms to inhibit HLA protein expression.
Heat shock factor 1 (Hsf1) is a protein known to be involved in both stress and developmental processes through the regulation of heat shock proteins. However, to date, no studies have been performed on examining its expression in the myometrium during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes many structural and functional changes, and it also endures both mechanical and hormonal stresses. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis was to characterize the expression of Hsf1, and its associated factors in the uterus during pregnancy. Immunoblot analysis determined that Hsf1 protein expression was high early in gestation (day (d) 6) and then decreased significantly from mid gestation onwards (specifically when compared to d15, d17 and d22, p<0.05, n=5). Immunofluorescence analysis, demonstrated that Hsf1 was readily detectable in the myometrium but did not markedly change over gestation. Hsf1 was also localized mainly in the cytoplasm of myometrial cells, with some granular staining in the nucleus. Many related proteins of Hsf1 were also detectable in the myometrium, during pregnancy, such as PARP-1 and Hsf2. These results indicate that Hsf1 could play an important role early in gestation either to aid in myometrial cell proliferation or to upregulate expression of key genes necessary for subsequent myometrial differentiation.
Listeria monocytogenes is a gram-positive soil saprophytic bacterium that is capable of causing fatal infection in humans. The main virulence regulator PrfA, a member of the Crp/FNR family of transcriptional regulators, activates the expression of essential proteins required for host cell invasion and cell-to-cell spread. The mechanism of PrfA activation and the identity of its small molecule coactivator have remained a mystery for more than 20 years, but it is hypothesized that PrfA shares mechanistic similarity to the E. coli cAMP binding protein, Crp. Crp activates gene expression by binding cAMP, increasing the DNA binding affinity of the protein and causing a significant DNA bend that facilitates RNA polymerase binding and downstream gene activation. Our data suggests PrfA activates virulence protein expression through a mechanism distinct from the canonical Crp activation mechanism that involves a combination of cysteine residue reduction and glutathione (GSH) binding.
Listeria lacking glutathione synthase (ΔgshF) is avirulent in mice; however virulence is rescued when the bacterium expresses the constitutively active PrfA mutant G145S. Interestingly, Listeria expressing a PrfA mutant in which its four cysteines are mutated to alanine (Quad PrfA), demonstrate a 30-fold decrease in virulence. The Quad and ΔgshF double mutant strains are avirulent. DNA-binding affinity, measured through fluorescence polarization assays, indicate reduction of the cysteine side chains is sufficient to allow PrfA to binds its physiological promoters Phly and PactA with low nanomolar affinity. Oxidized PrfA binds the promoters poorly.
Unexpectedly, Quad also binds promoter DNA with nanomolar affinity, suggesting that the cysteines play a role in transcription efficiency in addition to DNA binding. Both PrfA and Quad bind GSH at physiologically relevant and comparable affinities, however GSH did not affect DNA binding in either case. Thermal denaturation assays suggest that Quad and wild-type PrfA differ structurally upon binding GSH, which supports the in vivo difference in infection between the regulator and its mutant.
Structures of PrfA in complex with cognate DNA, determined through X-ray crystallography, further support the disparity between PrfA and Crp activation mechanisms as two structures of reduced PrfA bound to Phly (PrfA-Phly30 and PrfA-Phly24) suggest the DNA adopts a less bent DNA conformation when compared to Crp-cAMP- DNA. The structure of Quad-Phly30 confirms the DNA-binding data as the protein-DNA complex adopts the same overall conformation as PrfA-Phly.
From these results, we hypothesize a two-step activation mechanism wherein PrfA, oxidized upon cell entry and unable to bind DNA, is reduced upon its intracellular release and binds DNA, causing a slight bend in the promoter and small increase in transcription of PrfA-regulated genes. The structures of PrfA-Phly30 and PrfA-Phly24 likely visualize this intermediate complex. Increasing concentrations of GSH shift the protein to a (PrfA-GSH)-DNA complex which is fully active transcriptionally and is hypothesized to resemble closely the transcriptionally active structure of the cAMP-(Crp)-DNA complex. Thermal denaturation results suggest Quad PrfA is deficient in this second step, which explains the decrease in virulence and implicates the cysteine residues as critical for transcription efficiency. Further structural and biochemical studies are on-going to clarify this mechanism of activation.
The majority of benthic marine invertebrates have a complex life cycle, during which the pelagic larvae select a suitable substrate, attach to it, and then metamorphose into benthic adults. Anthropogenic ocean acidification (OA) is postulated to affect larval metamorphic success through an altered protein expression pattern (proteome structure) and post-translational modifications. To test this hypothesis, larvae of an economically and ecologically important barnacle species Balanus amphitrite, were cultured from nauplius to the cyprid stage in the present (control) and in the projected elevated concentrations of CO2 for the year 2100 (the OA treatment). Cyprid response to OA was analyzed at the total proteome level as well as two protein post-translational modification (phosphorylation and glycosylation) levels using a 2-DE based proteomic approach. The cyprid proteome showed OA-driven changes. Proteins that were differentially up or down regulated by OA come from three major groups, namely those related to energy-metabolism, respiration, and molecular chaperones, illustrating a potential strategy that the barnacle larvae may employ to tolerate OA stress. The differentially expressed proteins were tentatively identified as OA-responsive, effectively creating unique protein expression signatures for OA scenario of 2100. This study showed the promise of using a sentinel and non-model species to examine the impact of OA at the proteome level.
Extensive use of fossil fuels is leading to increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere and causes changes in the carbonate chemistry of the oceans which represents a major sink for anthropogenic CO2. As a result, the oceans' surface pH is expected to decrease by ca. 0.4 units by the year 2100, a major change with potentially negative consequences for some marine species. Because of their carbonate skeleton, sea urchins and their larval stages are regarded as likely to be one of the more sensitive taxa. In order to investigate sensitivity of pre-feeding (2 days post-fertilization) and feeding (4 and 7 days post-fertilization) pluteus larvae, we raised Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos in control (pH 8.1 and pCO2 41 Pa e.g. 399 µatm) and CO2 acidified seawater with pH of 7.7 (pCO2 134 Pa e.g. 1318 µatm) and investigated growth, calcification and survival. At three time points (day 2, day 4 and day 7 post-fertilization), we measured the expression of 26 representative genes important for metabolism, calcification and ion regulation using RT-qPCR. After one week of development, we observed a significant difference in growth. Maximum differences in size were detected at day 4 (ca. 10 % reduction in body length). A comparison of gene expression patterns using PCA and ANOSIM clearly distinguished between the different age groups (Two way ANOSIM: Global R = 1) while acidification effects were less pronounced (Global R = 0.518). Significant differences in gene expression patterns (ANOSIM R = 0.938, SIMPER: 4.3% difference) were also detected at day 4 leading to the hypothesis that differences between CO2 treatments could reflect patterns of expression seen in control experiments of a younger larva and thus a developmental artifact rather than a direct CO2 effect. We found an up regulation of metabolic genes (between 10 to 20% in ATP-synthase, citrate synthase, pyruvate kinase and thiolase at day 4) and down regulation of calcification related genes (between 23 and 36% in msp130, SM30B, SM50 at day 4). Ion regulation was mainly impacted by up regulation of Na+/K+-ATPase at day 4 (15%) and down regulation of NHE3 at day 4 (45%). We conclude that in studies in which a stressor induces an alteration in the speed of development, it is crucial to employ experimental designs with a high time resolution in order to correct for developmental artifacts. This helps prevent misinterpretation of stressor effects on organism physiology.
Valproic acid (VPA), a commonly-used anticonvulsant drug, is associated with increased risk of fetal malformations, including neural tube defects (NTDs). Previous in vivo studies determined that VPA-exposed embryos with a NTD had altered expression of several proteins regulated by p300, a histone acetyltransferase (HAT) protein. p300 is capable of acetylating histones and non-histone proteins through its HAT activity, allowing it to transcriptionally regulate genes as well as modulate the stability and activity of specific proteins. NFκB, Stat3 and Egr1, all of which function as transcription factors, are regulated by p300 through its HAT activity. Together, these proteins all play an important role in maintaining the balance of apoptosis, proliferation and differentiation, the regulation of which is extremely important for proper embryonic development. The studies in this thesis utilized P19 embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells in order to determine the effects of VPA exposure on the expression of p300 and the aforementioned transcription factors, as well as apoptosis and proliferation, in vitro. P19 EC cells were exposed to C646, a selective p300 inhibitor, in order to assess whether the effects observed as a result of VPA exposure were due to p300 protein degradation. It was found that VPA exposure for 24 hours in P19 EC cells in vitro resulted in a significant decrease in p300 protein expression. VPA exposure also significantly decreased NFκB protein expression, while resulting in increased Stat3 protein expression. However, Stat3 acetylation and phosphorylation, which both contribute to Stat3 activation, were significantly decreased as a result of VPA exposure. p300 inhibition resulted in a significant decrease in NFκB, similar to what was observed as a result of VPA exposure, which suggests that VPA-mediated degradation of p300 may play a role in reduced NFκB protein expression following VPA exposure. Conversely, Stat3 protein expression, acetylation and phosphorylation were not significantly changed as a result of p300 inhibition, suggesting that p300 degradation does not play a role in VPA’s effects on Stat3 protein expression and activation. VPA exposure also resulted in a significant increase in apoptosis, while p300 inhibition did not significantly increase apoptosis. These data suggest that p300 degradation plays a role in VPA-mediated teratogenicity, and that VPA may target other cellular mechanisms in order to exert its teratogenic effects.
In skin, vitamin E acts as the predominant lipophilic antioxidant with a protective function against irradiation and oxidative stress. In addition to that, vitamin E can also modulate signal transduction and gene expression. To study whether the four natural tocopherol analogues (α-, β-, γ-, δ-tocopherol) can influence transcriptional activity by modulating the activity of nuclear receptors, a human keratinocytes cell line (NCTC 2544) was transfected with plasmids containing the luciferase reporter gene under control by direct repeat elements (DR1–DR4), representing binding sites for four different classes of nuclear receptors. In this model, the tocopherols positively modulated only the reporter construct containing a consensus element for peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs). The induction was strongest with γ-tocopherol and was most likely the direct consequence of stimulation of PPARγ protein expression in keratinocytes. Vitamin E treatment also led to increased expression of a known PPARγ target gene involved in terminal keratinocytes differentiation, the transglutaminase-1.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: Human is an essential cellular enzyme that is found in all human cells. As this enzyme is upregulated in cancer cells exceedingly, it is used as a target for cancer chemotherapeutic drug development. As such, producing the in-house enzyme for the purpose to speed up the search for more cost-effective and target specific hTopoI inhibitors is warranted. This study aims to compare the optimised conditions for the expression of hTopoI in KM71H (MutS) and X33 (Mut+) strains of Pichia pastoris P. pastoris transfected with an hTopoI recombinant vector was used for the optimization of a higher level of hTopoI expression. Results: In the process, fed-batch cultivation parameters that influence the expression of hTopoI, such as culture temperature, methanol induction and feeding strategy, were optimised in the transfected KM71H and X33 P. pastoris strains in a shake flask system. The cell density and total protein concentration (protein level) of transfected P. pastoris were compared to determine the optimum culture conditions for each transfected P. pastoris strain. A higher hTopoI level was observed in the transfected KM71H culture supernatant (2.26 ng/mL) when the culture was incubated in the optimum conditions. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that MutS strain (KM71H) expressed and secreted a higher level of hTopoI heterologous protein in the presence of methanol compared to the Mut+ strain; X33 (0.75 ng/mL). However, other aspects of optimization, such as pH, should also be considered in the future, to obtain the optimum expression level of hTopoI in P. pastoris.
Aquaculture, is perceived as having the greatest potential to meet the growing demand for aquatic food. Crustaceans form one of the main value added components in aquaculture and among them, shrimp aquaculture is the predominant one. Industrial shrimp fanning, in combination with poor management in shrimp aquaculture, has quickly led to severe pollution in shrimp ponds, thereby creating a suitable environment for development of bacterial and virus diseases. White spot disease is one of the most deadly diseases that are caused heavy loss in all Penaeid shrimps family. In Iran during 2002 to 2004 in the Kuzestan province and in 2005 in Bushehr province, the most ponds and farms infected with white spot and the entire industry was facing threat of closure. Owing to the impact of WSSV infection to shrimp aquaculture, there is an urgent need to develop suitable strategies to protect cultured shrimps and make aquaculture more sustainable. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the possibility of protecting shrimp against white spot syndrome virus using bioencapsulated Anemia with E. coil containing the recombinant protein VP28, designed. Virus genome was extracted from naturally infected Litopenaeus vannamei in the Choebdch farms and VP28 gene by designed primers was amplified, extracted, purified and cloned in E. coli TGI. Protein expression evaluated and inactivated bacteria containing recombinant protein encapsulated in Artemia nauplii. White shrimp post larvae stage 5 were fed for 5 days with recombinant nauplii and twice on days 7 and 25 after feeding with Artemia nauplii were challenged with white spot virus. The results of the first experiment revealed that cumulative mortality percent in the group receiving the bacteria containing recombinant plasmid (pMal + VP28) was %14.44±1.11 and the relative percent survival %80.30±1.51. In this group the mortality rates in the various repetitions varied from the 13.33% to 16.66% and relative percent survival of 77.27% to 81.81%. in the Non-recombinant plasmid group (pMal) Mean percent mortality was% 33.33±3.84 and the Relative Percent Survival %54.54±5.24 and in the group that received bacteria contained no recombinant plasmid the Mean cumulative mortality percent was%48.88 ± 5.87 and Relative Percent Survival%33.33± 8.01.