723 resultados para Dones directives


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar como ocorre a formação dos profissionais da Educação Física que atuam nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Primeiro foi desenvolvido um estudo da legislação e das diretrizes de formação em Educação Física e em Pedagogia, buscando responder à questão: quem deve ministrar aulas de Educação Física nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental? A seguir foi realizada uma análise de currículos de dois cursos de graduação em Educação Física, bem como foram feitas entrevistas com quatro profissionais do Ensino Fundamental que atuam no segmento em questão e estudaram nas mesmas universidades e/ou faculdades dos cursos analisados. Aplicou-se também um questionário para cinco profissionais, denominados polivalentes , que trabalham em escolas de uma Rede Municipal de Ensino e que têm a responsabilidade de desenvolver as aulas de Educação Física. Como referencial teórico sobre a formação dos profissionais na área, foram utilizadas as reflexões de SOARES (1992), ISAYAMA (2003), FREIRE (2005), MOREIRA (2001), entre outros. Os dados da análise apontam para a necessidade de um novo olhar para a grade curricular, bem como para os conteúdos das graduações em Educação Física, que, mesmo oferecendo formação em bacharelado e licenciatura, não contemplam de forma suficiente uma formação adequada para a atuação nas séries iniciais de Ensino Fundamental, em que a faixa etária dos alunos é de 6 a 10 anos. Os profissionais entrevistados expressam que, de fato, faltaram subsídios para uma prática mais pertinente, bem como uma teoria que tenha sua relevância aceita, considerando-se o cotidiano escolar e as condições para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. A importância da Educação Física na infância é inegável, porém as possibilidades de desenvolvimentos mais amplos ficam, entre outras, sujeitas às questões basicamente econômicas, causando-nos a impressão de que a formação generalista nos cursos de graduação visa redução de custos na mesma medida, as políticas públicas de alguns municípios seguem o mesmo princípio.(AU)


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar como ocorre a formação dos profissionais da Educação Física que atuam nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Primeiro foi desenvolvido um estudo da legislação e das diretrizes de formação em Educação Física e em Pedagogia, buscando responder à questão: quem deve ministrar aulas de Educação Física nas séries iniciais do Ensino Fundamental? A seguir foi realizada uma análise de currículos de dois cursos de graduação em Educação Física, bem como foram feitas entrevistas com quatro profissionais do Ensino Fundamental que atuam no segmento em questão e estudaram nas mesmas universidades e/ou faculdades dos cursos analisados. Aplicou-se também um questionário para cinco profissionais, denominados polivalentes , que trabalham em escolas de uma Rede Municipal de Ensino e que têm a responsabilidade de desenvolver as aulas de Educação Física. Como referencial teórico sobre a formação dos profissionais na área, foram utilizadas as reflexões de SOARES (1992), ISAYAMA (2003), FREIRE (2005), MOREIRA (2001), entre outros. Os dados da análise apontam para a necessidade de um novo olhar para a grade curricular, bem como para os conteúdos das graduações em Educação Física, que, mesmo oferecendo formação em bacharelado e licenciatura, não contemplam de forma suficiente uma formação adequada para a atuação nas séries iniciais de Ensino Fundamental, em que a faixa etária dos alunos é de 6 a 10 anos. Os profissionais entrevistados expressam que, de fato, faltaram subsídios para uma prática mais pertinente, bem como uma teoria que tenha sua relevância aceita, considerando-se o cotidiano escolar e as condições para o desenvolvimento do trabalho. A importância da Educação Física na infância é inegável, porém as possibilidades de desenvolvimentos mais amplos ficam, entre outras, sujeitas às questões basicamente econômicas, causando-nos a impressão de que a formação generalista nos cursos de graduação visa redução de custos na mesma medida, as políticas públicas de alguns municípios seguem o mesmo princípio.(AU)


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The energy demand for operating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems has been growing, implying in high operational costs and consequent increase of carbon emissions. Both in datacenters and telecom infrastructures, the networks represent a significant amount of energy spending. Given that, there is an increased demand for energy eficiency solutions, and several capabilities to save energy have been proposed. However, it is very dificult to orchestrate such energy eficiency capabilities, i.e., coordinate or combine them in the same network, ensuring a conflict-free operation and choosing the best one for a given scenario, ensuring that a capability not suited to the current bandwidth utilization will not be applied and lead to congestion or packet loss. Also, there is no way in the literature to do this taking business directives into account. In this regard, a method able to orchestrate diferent energy eficiency capabilities is proposed considering the possible combinations and conflicts among them, as well as the best option for a given bandwidth utilization and network characteristics. In the proposed method, the business policies specified in a high-level interface are refined down to the network level in order to bring highlevel directives into the operation, and a Utility Function is used to combine energy eficiency and performance requirements. A Decision Tree able to determine what to do in each scenario is deployed in a Software Defined Network environment. The proposed method was validated with diferent experiments, testing the Utility Function, checking the extra savings when combining several capabilities, the decision tree interpolation and dynamicity aspects. The orchestration proved to be valid to solve the problem of finding the best combination for a given scenario, achieving additional savings due to the combination, besides ensuring a conflict-free operation.


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Este trabalho versa sobre a utilização do orçamento público como instrumento de intervenção no domínio econômico, demonstrando, em síntese, de que forma o Estado utiliza, ou ao menos deveria utilizar, o orçamento público como instrumento de planejamento de suas ações e de intervenção na atividade desempenhada pela iniciativa privada. Tem-se por objetivo contribuir para a compreensão jurídica de diversas questões atinentes à elaboração e execução da peça orçamentária federal, aos reflexos causados na economia e na atividade desempenhada pela iniciativa privada, especialmente no que toca à realização das receitas e despesas públicas, à elaboração das leis orçamentárias Plano Plurianual (PPA), Lei Orçamentária Anual (LOA) e Lei de Diretrizes Orçamentárias (LDO) e, também, aos interesses, às paixões e ideologias envolvidas em todo o processo financeiro. Para tanto, inicialmente, estuda o papel do Estado, distinguindo os campos de atuação privada e aquele reservado à Administração Pública, os modos de intervenção e aqueles aplicados à hipótese analisada, para, em seguida, proceder à análise da peça orçamentária, sua concepção atual e relevância para a iniciativa privada, o que possibilita, então, tratar de questões que envolvam as receitas públicas, em específico as tributárias e as despesas públicas. Por fim, trata do crédito público e, com isso, procura evidenciar de que forma, sob a ótica do orçamento público e nos limites legais de atuação do Estado, as previsões constantes do orçamento podem funcionar como instrumento de promoção, incentivo e estímulo, ou, em sentido contrário, limitar, frear ou desestimular o crescimento econômico e a atividade desenvolvida pela iniciativa privada.


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En l’àmbit científic hi ha una invisibilització de les aportacions de les dones a la ciència i la tecnologia. El treball que han portat a terme no ha rebut la difusió suficient ni el reconeixement que es mereixen. Per aquest motiu, la introducció de la perspectiva de gènere en aquesta assignatura afavoreix una mirada diferent, amb la finalitat de descobrir les contribucions que les dones científiques han fet. Amb aquesta metodologia d’assignació de noms de científiques destacades, estarem donant valor al treball que han portat a terme i que ha passat desapercebut en els manuals de psicologia i pedagogia.


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Informe sobre el grado de ejecución de las acciones contenidas en el I Plan de Igualdad de la UA, transcurrida la mitad del periodo de vigencia. Contiene observaciones y recomendaciones a los órganos ejecutores.


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Informe final de evaluación de la implementación del I Plan de Igualdad de la UA. Contiene porcentaje de acciones ejecutadas por Ejes y Objetivos, y recomendaciones para el siguiente plan.


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La experiencia para incorporar la perspectiva de género al nuevo Plan de Ordenación Municipal de Albacete a través de la gestión de la participación ciudadana (proyecto al que denominamos albaceteplural), se centró, en su modalidad de participación in situ (existió, en paralelo, la posibilidad de participación on line a través de un cuestionario en la web creada al efecto), en una escala de trabajo concreta, el barrio, porque entendemos que éste es el entorno de la vida cotidiana que los vecinos y, sobre todo, las vecinas conocen de primera mano y cuyo análisis pueden acometer en profundidad sin perder de vista su identidad y su relación con el resto de la ciudad. En la gestión de la participación in situ, por lo tanto, trabajamos en talleres convocados en los Centros Socioculturales de los barrios (equipamientos de proximidad). Uno de los más fructíferos, y cuyos resultados deseamos exponer en esta comunicación, fue el del Barrio del Hospital. Se trata de un barrio muy peculiar por dos razones básicamente: la primera, porque es un barrio de borde, es un frente urbano limitado tanto por el Paseo de Circunvalación como por la carretera de Valencia. La segunda, por la presencia de dos equipamientos de escala supramunicipal: el Hospital General Universitario y el Asilo de San Antón. Sus vecinas y vecinos, de perfil cultural y económico medio/bajo, se mostraron especialmente participativos y comprometidos, además. Así, hemos recogido, ordenado, clasificado, ponderado y valorado cada una de sus propuestas y las hemos introducido dentro de un indicador urbanístico específico de género (viviendas, calles, espacio público, zonas verdes y espacios libres, dotaciones y equipamientos), amén de esbozar una posible solución formal. Es, en nuestra opinión, un ejemplo notable de cómo debe ser un barrio basado en la experiencia de las personas que lo habitan y qué significa lo cotidiano en el diseño urbano.


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L’ús de productes derivats d’animals (Zooteràpia) ha format part de l’arsenal terapèutic dermatològic en les diverses cultures a través del temps. El Tresor de Beutat és un tractat medieval dedicat als cosmètics femenins i la salut, escrit en català medieval que es conserva a la Biblioteca de la Universitat de Barcelona. Descriu més de 200 remeis i tractaments per a les dones del segle XIV . Molts d’aquests tractaments eren productes d’origen animal. Estudiem el Tresor de Beutat per determinar quins animals i quines de les seves parts eren emprades, així com la forma d’utilització i indicacions terapèutiques. El document original va ser transcrit al català formal i el text analitzat per tal d’identificar totes les substàncies d’origen animal destinades a la teràpia. Aquestes substàncies van ser ordenades segons l’espècie, i es van estudiar les diferents parts emprades dels animals, la manera de preparació i les seves indicacions. Es van identificar un total de 223 substàncies o elements (animals, plantes i minerals) utilitzats com a remeis. D’ells, 47 (21%) eren d’origen animal, pertanyents a 30 animals, 15 mamífers, 7 aus, 4 animals marins, 2 de rèptils i amfibis i 2 insectes. Les diferents parts dels animals utilitzats inclouen la pell, el greix, els ronyons, el cervell, les banyes, les ungles, les secrecions anals, glàndules mamàries o salivals, la femta, o fins i tot l’animal sencer, en el cas dels mamífers. De les aus, s’usaven les plomes, ous, greixos, els nius, el cap, el suc propi de l’animal, i els excrements. Dels animals marins es va emprar l’animal a trossos, els ossos i els ous, i dels insectes els ous de formiga; la mel i la cera d’abelles; dels rèptils i amfibis els ous i la sang. Els tractaments s’utilitzen principalment per a la cara, com a cosmètics per al cabell i el cos, la higiene, la salut general i per la pell. També per l’esfera otorinolaringològica, ocular, els trastorns dentals, i ginecològics, així com per a l’alleugeriment del dolor. El Tresor de Beutat proporciona informació sobre el coneixement dels tractaments tòpics, amb una base científica (i no màgica) amb una àmplia gamma de recursos d’origen animal, amb les formulacions acuradament elaborades per a fins cosmètics i terapèutics dissenyats per assolir l’ideal de la bellesa i la salut en les dones medievals, sent evident en les bases d’alguns tractaments tòpics utilitzats en el segle XXI.


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Handwritten list of five directives for completing the title search on a property purchased by a Mr. Harris from Andrew Bordman IV. The property was inherited from Bordman's mother Sarah, who in turn received the property from the estate of her brother Spencer Phips.


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The Development Permit System has been introduce with minimal directives for establishing a decision making process. This is in opposition to the long established process for minor variances and suggests that the Development Permit System does not necessarily incorporate all of Ontario’s fundamental planning principles. From this concept, the study aimed to identify how minor variances are incorporated into the Development Permit System. In order to examine this topic, the research was based around the following research questions: • How are ‘minor variance’ applications processed within the DPS? • To what extent do the four tests of a minor variance influence the outcomes of lower level applications in the DPS approval process? A case study approach was used for this research. The single-case design employed both qualitative and quantitative research methods including a review of academic literature, court cases, and official documents, as well as a content analysis of Class 1, 1A, and 2 Development Permit application files from the Town of Carleton Place that were decided between 2011 and 2015. Upon the completion of the content analysis, it was found that minor variance issues were most commonly assigned to Class 1 applications. Planning staff generally met approval timelines and embraced their delegated approval authority, readily attaching conditions to applications in order to mitigate off-site impacts. While staff met the regulatory requirements of the DPS, ‘minor variance’ applications were largely decided on impact alone, demonstrating that the principles established by the four tests, the defining quality of the minor variance approval process, had not transferred to the Development Permit System. Alternatively, there was some evidence that the development community has not fully adjusted to the requirements of the new approvals process, as some applications were supported using a rationale containing the four tests. Subsequently, a set of four recommendations were offered which reflect the main themes established by the findings. The first two recommendations are directed towards the Province, the third to municipalities and the fourth to developers and planning consultants: 1) Amend Ontario Regulation 608/06 so that provisions under Section 4(3)(e) fall under Section 4(2). 2) Change the rhetoric from “combining elements of minor variances” to “replacing minor variances”. 3) Establish clear evaluation criteria. 4) Understand the evaluative criteria of the municipality in which you are working.


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Introduction. The internal market for services is one of the objectives set by the founding fathers of the EC back in 1957. It is only in the last ten-fifteen years, however, that this aspect of the internal market has seriously attracted the attention of the EC legislature and judiciary.1 With the exception of some sector-specific directives dating back in the late ‘80s, it is only with the deregulation of network industries, the development of electronic communications and the spread of financial services, in the ‘90s that substantial bits of legislation got adopted in the field of services. Similarly, the European Court of Justice (ECJ, the Court) left the principles established in Van Binsbergen back in 1973, hibernate for a long time before fully applying them in Säger and constantly thereafter.2 Ever since, the Court’s case law in this field has grown so important that it has become the compulsory starting point for any study concerning the (horizontal) regulation of the internal market in services. The limits inherent to negative integration and to the casuistic approach pursued by judiciary decisions have prompted the need for a general legislative text to be adopted for services in the internal market. This text, however, hotly debated both at the political and at the legal level, has ended up in little more than a complex restatement of the Court’s case law. It may be, however, that this ‘little more’ is not that little. In view of the ever expanding application of the Treaty rules on services, promoted by the ECJ (para. 1),3 the Directive certainly appears to be a limited regulatory attempt (para. 2). This, however, does not mean that the Directive is a toothless, or useless regulatory instrument (conclusion: para. 3).


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This study examines the legal and political implications of the forthcoming end of the transitional period for the measures in the fields of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters, as set out in Protocol 36 to the EU Treaties. This Protocol limits some of the most far-reaching innovations introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon over EU cooperation on Justice and Home Affairs for a period of five years after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon (until 1 December 2014), and provides the UK with special ‘opt out/opt-in’ possibilities. The study focuses on the meaning of the transitional period for the wider European Criminal Justice area. The most far-reaching change emerging from the end of this transition will be the expansion of the European Commission and Luxembourg Court of Justice scrutiny powers over Member States’ implementation of EU criminal justice law. The possibility offered by Protocol 36 for the UK to opt out and opt back in to pre-Lisbon Treaty instruments poses serious challenges to a common EU area of justice by further institutionalising ‘over-flexible’ participation in criminal justice instruments. The study argues that in light of Article 82 TFEU the rights of the defence are now inextricably linked to the coherency and effective operation of the principle of mutual recognition of criminal decisions, and calls the European Parliament to request the UK to opt in EU Directives on suspects procedural rights as condition for the UK to ‘opt back in’ measures like the European Arrest Warrant.


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Since 2010 we have observed a new quality in EU energy policy. It is related to the European Commission’s more or less direct engagement in the bilateral gas relations of a part of the new member states – Poland, Bulgaria and Lithuania – with Russia. Although the long term outcome of this activity of the EC is as yet unclear it seems to be important for several reasons. Firstly it might increase the possibilities of the enforcement of the EU’s directives liberalising the internal gas market and specifically their implementation in individual gas agreements with suppliers from third countries (Gazprom). The consistency and determination of the EC in this field may be decisive for the future direction and depth of the liberalisation of the EU gas market. Furthermore, present developments may lead to an increase in EU and specifically EC competence in the field of energy policy, especially its external dimension. So what lessons can we draw from recent Commission activities on the following issues: – Implementing EU gas market 2nd and 3rd liberalisation packages and their main provisions – EU energy policy and its external dimension – recent developments and the EU’s role – EU-Russia gas relations – where Russian and EU interests diverge.


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The EU began railway reform in earnest around the turn of the century. Two ‘railway packages’ have meanwhile been adopted amounting to a series of directives and a third package has been proposed. A range of complementary initiatives has been undertaken or is underway. This BEEP Briefing inspects the main economic aspects of EU rail reform. After highlighting the dramatic loss of market share of rail since the 1960s, the case for reform is argued to rest on three arguments: the need for greater competitiveness of rail, promoting the (market driven) diversion of road haulage to rail as a step towards sustainable mobility in Europe, and an end to the disproportional claims on public budgets of Member States. The core of the paper deals respectively with market failures in rail and in the internal market for rail services; the complex economic issues underlying vertical separation (unbundling) and pricing options; and the methods, potential and problems of introducing competition in rail freight and in passenger services. Market failures in the rail sector are several (natural monopoly, economies of density, safety and asymmetries of information), exacerbated by no less than 7 technical and legal barriers precluding the practical operation of an internal rail market. The EU choice to opt for vertical unbundling (with benefits similar in nature as in other network industries e.g. preventing opaque cross-subsidisation and greater cost revelation) risks the emergence of considerable coordination costs. The adoption of marginal cost pricing is problematic on economic grounds (drawbacks include arbitrary cost allocation rules in the presence of large economies of scope and relatively large common costs; a non-optimal incentive system, holding back the growth of freight services; possibly anti-competitive effects of two-part tariffs). Without further detailed harmonisation, it may also lead to many different systems in Member States, causing even greater distortions. Insofar as freight could develop into a competitive market, a combination of Ramsey pricing (given the incentive for service providers to keep market share) and price ceilings based on stand-alone costs might be superior in terms of competition, market growth and regulatory oversight. The incipient cooperative approach for path coordination and allocation is welcome but likely to be seriously insufficient. The arguments to introduce competition, notably in freight, are valuable and many e.g. optimal cross-border services, quality differentiation as well as general quality improvement, larger scale for cost recovery and a decrease of rent seeking. Nevertheless, it is not correct to argue for the introduction of competition in rail tout court. It depends on the size of the market and on removing a host of barriers; it requires careful PSO definition and costing; also, coordination failures ought to be pre-empted. On the other hand, reform and competition cannot and should not be assessed in a static perspective. Conduct and cost structures will change with reform. Infrastructure and investment in technology are known to generate enormous potential for cost savings, especially when coupled with the EU interoperability programme. All this dynamism may well help to induce entry and further enlarge the (net) welfare gains from EU railway reform. The paper ends with a few pointers for the way forward in EU rail reform.