984 resultados para Dermatan Sulfate


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A novel, micro-shock wave responsive spermidine and dextran sulfate microparticle was developed. Almost 90% of the drug release was observed when the particles were exposed to micro-shock waves 5 times. Micro-shock waves served two purposes; of releasing the antibiotic from the system and perhaps disrupting the S. aureus biofilm in the skin infection model. A combination of shock waves with ciprofloxacin loaded microparticles could completely cure the S. aureus infection lesion in a diabetic mouse model. As a proof of concept insulin release was triggered using micro-shock waves in diabetic mice to reduce the blood glucose level. Insulin release could be triggered for at least 3 days by exposing subcutaneously injected insulin loaded particles.


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Classical models are not successful in describing discharge characteristics of a lead-acid battery when the current density is varied over a wide range. A model is developed in this work to overcome this lacuna by introducing into the standard models two mechanisms that have not been used earlier. Lead sulfate particles nucleate and grow on active materials of electrodes during discharge, resulting in coverage of active area. Increasing rate of discharge builds supersaturation of lead sulfate rapidly, and causes increased extents of nucleation and coverage. Electrodes behave almost like an insulator due to deposition of lead sulfate when active materials are converted to a critical extent, and this can stop discharge process. Influence of this mechanism is also rate dependent. The new model developed is tested against data on polarization behavior, and capacity drawn as a function of current. The model successfully predicts both polarization curves and Peukert behavior. The model is used to predict charge that can be drawn at a current after partial discharge at a different current. Model suggests that altering nucleation behavior can be useful in enhancing capacity available for discharge. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society.


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Copper oxide (CuO) is one of the most important transition metal oxides due to its unique properties. It is used in various technological applications such as high critical temperature, superconductors, gas sensors, in photoconductive applications and so on. Recently, it has been used as an antimicrobial agent against various pathogenic bacteria. In the present investigation, we studied the structural and antidermatophytic properties of CuO nanoparticles (NPs) synthesized by a precipitation technique. Copper sulfate was used as a precursor and sodium hydroxide as a reducing agent. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed flower-shaped CuO NPs and X-ray diffraction (XRD) pattern showed the crystalline nature of CuO NPs. These NPs were evaluated against two prevalent species of dermatophytes, i.e. Trichophyton rubrum and T. mentagrophytes by using the broth microdilution technique. Further, the NPs activity was also compared with synthetic sertaconazole. Although better antidermatophytic activity was exhibited with sertaconazole as compared to NPs, being synthetic, sertaconazole may not be preferred, as it shows different adverse effects. Trichophyton mentagrophytes is more susceptible to NPs than T. rubrum. A phylogenetic approach was applied for predicting differences in susceptibility of pathogens.


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Series of oedometer tests and micro-analytical studies (XRD, SEM and EDAX) have been carried out to investigate the influence of varying gypsum content on swell, compressibility and permeability of lime treated montmorillonitic soil after curing for different period. Immediate swell is observed on inundation of compacted samples with water and continuously increased with gypsum content. However, changes in swell are found to be marginal with curing. This is attributed to the formation and growth of ettringite crystals by ionic reactions of aluminum calcium-sulfate in the presence of water which is confirmed through detailed micro-analysis. The higher swell in uncured specimens and gradual reduction in swell with increase in curing periods are due to relative dominance of formation and growth of ettringite and cementitious compounds, respectively. Also, the ionic reaction products are found to bear a significant influence on the compressibility and permeability behavior. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Development of effective therapies to eradicate persistent, slowly replicating M. tuberculosis (Mtb) represents a significant challenge to controlling the global TB epidemic. To develop such therapies, it is imperative to translate information from metabolome and proteome adaptations of persistent Mtb into the drug discovery screening platforms. To this end, reductive sulfur metabolism is genetically and pharmacologically implicated in survival, pathogenesis, and redox homeostasis of persistent Mtb. Therefore, inhibitors of this pathway are expected to serve as powerful tools in its preclinical and clinical validation as a therapeutic target for eradicating persisters. Here, we establish a first functional HTS platform for identification of APS reductase (APSR) inhibitors, a critical enzyme in the assimilation of sulfate for the biosynthesis of cysteine and other essential sulfur-containing molecules. Our HTS campaign involving 38?350 compounds led to the discovery of three distinct structural classes of APSR inhibitors. A class of bioactive compounds with known pharmacology displayed potent bactericidal activity in wild-type Mtb as well as MDR and XDR clinical isolates. Top compounds showed markedly diminished potency in a conditional Delta APSR mutant, which could be restored by complementation with Mtb APSR. Furthermore, ITC studies on representative compounds provided evidence for direct engagement of the APSR target. Finally, potent APSR inhibitors significantly decreased the cellular levels of key reduced sulfur-containing metabolites and also induced an oxidative shift in mycothiol redox potential of live Mtb, thus providing functional validation of our screening data. In summary, we have identified first-in-class inhibitors of APSR that can serve as molecular probes in unraveling the links between Mtb persistence, antibiotic tolerance, and sulfate assimilation, in addition to their potential therapeutic value.


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Methanol expression regulator 1 (Mxr1p) is a zinc finger protein that regulates the expression of genes encoding enzymes of the methanol utilization pathway in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris by binding to Mxr1p response elements (MXREs) present in their promoters. Here we demonstrate that Mxr1p is a key regulator of acetate metabolism as well. Mxr1p is cytosolic in cells cultured in minimal medium containing a yeast nitrogen base, ammonium sulfate, and acetate (YNBA) but localizes to the nucleus of cells cultured in YNBA supplemented with glutamate or casamino acids as well as nutrient-rich medium containing yeast extract, peptone, and acetate (YPA). Deletion of Mxr1 retards the growth of P. pastoris cultured in YNBA supplemented with casamino acids as well as YPA. Mxr1p is a key regulator of ACS1 encoding acetyl-CoA synthetase in cells cultured in YPA. A truncated Mxr1p comprising 400 N-terminal amino acids activates ACS1 expression and enhances growth, indicating a crucial role for the N-terminal activation domain during acetate metabolism. The serine 215 residue, which is known to regulate the expression of Mxr1p-activated genes in a carbon source-dependent manner, has no role in the Mxr1p-mediated activation of ACS1 expression. The ACS1 promoter contains an Mxr1p response unit (MxRU) comprising two MXREs separated by a 30-bp spacer. Mutations that abrogate MxRU function in vivo abolish Mxr1p binding to MxRU in vitro. Mxr1p-dependent activation of ACS1 expression is most efficient in cells cultured in YPA. The fact that MXREs are conserved in genes outside of the methanol utilization pathway suggests that Mxr1p may be a key regulator of multiple metabolic pathways in P. pastoris.


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Dynamics of contact free (levitated) drying of nanofluid droplets is ubiquitous in many application domains ranging from spray drying to pharmaceutics. Controlling the final morphology (macro to micro scales) of the dried out sample poses some serious challenges. Evaporation of solvent and agglomeration of particles leads to porous shell formation in acoustically levitated nanosilica droplets. The capillary pressure due to evaporation across the menisci at the nanoscale pores causes buckling of the shell which leads to ring and bowl shaped final structures. Acoustics plays a crucial role in flattening of droplets which is a prerequisite for initiation of buckling in the shell: Introduction of mixed nanocolloids (sodium dodecyl sulfate + nanosilica) reduces evaporation rate, disrupts formation of porous shell, and enhances mechanical strength of the shell, all of which restricts the process of buckling. Although buckling is completely arrested in such surfactant added droplets, controlled external heating using laser enhances evaporation through the pores in the shell due to thermally induced structural changes and rearrangement of SDS aggregates which reinitializes buckling in such droplets, Furthermore, inclusion of anilinium hydrochloride into the nanoparticle laden droplets produces ions which adsorb and modify the morphology of sodium dodecyl sulfate crystals and reinitializes buckling in the shell (irrespective of external heating conditions). The kinetics of buckling is determined by the combined effect of morphology of the colloidal particles, particle/aggregate diffusion rate within the droplet, and the rate of evaporation of water. The buckling dynamics leads to cavity formation which grows subsequently to yield final structures with drastically different morphological features. The cavity growth is controlled by evaporation through the nanoscate pores and exhibits a universal trend irrespective of heating rate and nanoparticle type.


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Here, we demonstrate a green and environment-friendly pyrolysis route for the synthesis of metal-rich sulphide embedded in an N-doped carbon (NC) framework in the absence of sulphide ions (S2-). The metal-chelate complex (tris(ethylenediamine) metal(II) sulfate) serves as a new and single source precursor for the synthesis of earth abundant and non-precious hybrid structures such as metal-rich sulphides Co9S8@NC and Ni3S2@ NC when M-II = Co2+ and Ni2+ and counter sulphate (SO42-) ions are the source of S. Both the hybrids show superior OER activity as compared to commercial RuO2.


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A new approach is developed to the fabrication of high-quality three-dimensional macro-porous copper films. A highly-ordered macroporous copper film is successfully produced on a polystyrene sphere (PS) template that has been modified by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). It is shown that this procedure can change a hydrophobic surface of PS template into a hydrophilic surface. The present study is devoted to the influence of the electrolyte solution transport on the nucleation process. It is demonstrated that the permeability of the electrolyte solution in the nanochannels of the PS template plays an important role in the chemical electrodeposition of high-quality macroporous copper film. The permeability is drastically enhanced in our experiment through the surface modi. cation of the PS templates. The method could be used to homogeneously produce a large number of nucleations on a substrate, which is a key factor for the fabrication of the high-quality macroporous copper film.


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The electrostatic interactions between nearest-neighbouring chondroitin sulfate glycosaminoglycan (CS-GAG) molecular chains are obtained on the bottle brush conformation of proteoglycan aggrecan based on an asymptotic solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation the CS-GAGs satisfy under the physiological conditions of articular cartilage. The present results show that the interactions are associated intimately with the minimum separation distance and mutual angle between the molecular chains themselves. Further analysis indicates that the electrostatic interactions are not only expressed to be purely exponential in separation distance and decrease with the increasing mutual angle but also dependent sensitively on the saline concentration in the electrolyte solution within the tissue, which is in agreement with the existed relevant conclusions.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Ultrasonic technique is used to detect the velocity change of stress wave propagated in the cement mortar immersed in the solution of sodium sulfate for 425 days. Also the density change of specimens at different erosion time is measured. By curve fitting, the effect of solutions' concentration and water/cement ratio on the damage evolution is analyzed. The SEM observation on the growth of delayed ettringite is also performed. It shows that the damage evolution of specimens attacked by sulphate solution is dominantly induced by the nucleation and growth of delayed ettringite, and the average size of microvoids in cement mortar affects the damage evolution significantly. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumen: Se propone utilizar un óxido como el Cr2O3 como catalizador ya que se ha determinado anteriormente, en la primera etapa de esta investigación, (“Estudio comparativo de la retención de SO2 sobre óxidos de metales de transición soportados en alúmina”), que la retención de SO2 sobre su superficie es un proceso de quimisorción con formación de especies sulfito superficiales sobre sitios básicos y un proceso de óxido reducción del ión metálico. Apoya este mecanismo el hecho de que la cantidad de SO2 adsorbido es función de la temperatura. La mayor eficiencia del Cr2O3 puede explicarse en base a sus propiedades superficiales, lo cual ha sido utilizado en la segunda etapa de reacción de reducción, ya que se ha completado la etapa inicial de quimisorción. En la segunda etapa de esta investigación (“Estudio de la reacción de reducción de SO2 con CH4 a altas temperaturas sobre catalizador de Cr2O3 soportado en alúmina”), se apuntó al estudio de un nuevo tipo de sinergia entre propiedades ácido-base y propiedades redox en una misma superficie. La tercera etapa apuntó a determinar la influencia que tiene el O2 en este proceso, ya que el O2 se encuentra presente en las chimeneas industriales en las condiciones de reacción entre el SO2 y el CH4, y produce modificaciones en los parámetros de reacción. Se experimentó con diferentes masas de catalizador y flujos de los distintos gases, y se estudió la influencia de la presencia de oxígeno en la reacción y particularmente con diferentes flujos del mismo, y la posibilidad de regeneración del catalizador.En esta cuarta y última etapa se están estudiando los cambios que se producen en la reacción al pasar de escala laboratorio a planta piloto utilizando una columna de mayor diámetro construída en metal. A través de los datos experimentales se está estudiando, en conjunto con el INIFTA, la presencia de especies sulfito y sulfato sobre la superficie del soporte. Adicionalmente, por medio del programa VASP (Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package), se analiza la interacción entre los reactivos gaseosos y el soporte.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Objective: Due to the low bioavailability of resveratrol, determining whether its metabolites exert any beneficial effect is an interesting issue. Methods: 3T3-L1 maturing pre-adipocytes were treated during differentiation with 25 mu M of resveratrol or with its metabolites and 3T3-L1 mature adipocytes were treated for 24 hours with 10 mM resveratrol or its metabolites. The gene expression of adiponectin, leptin, visfatin and apelin was assessed by Real Time RT-PCR and their concentration in the incubation medium was quantified by ELISA. Results: Resveratrol reduced mRNA levels of leptin and increased those of adiponectin. It induced the same changes in leptin secretion. Trans-resveratrol-3-O-glucuronide and trans-resveratrol-4'-O-glucuronide increased apelin and visfatin mRNA levels. Trans-resveratrol-3-O-sulfate reduced leptin mRNA levels and increased those of apelin and visfatin. Conclusions: The present study shows for the first time that resveratrol metabolites have a regulatory effect on adipokine expression and secretion. Since resveratrol has been reported to reduce body-fat accumulation and to improve insulin sensitivity, and considering that these effects are mediated in part by changes in the analyzed adipokines, it may be proposed that resveratrol metabolites play a part in these beneficial effects of resveratrol.