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The gene of piscidin, an antimicrobial peptide, has been cloned from the mandarin fish, Siniperca chuatsi. From the first transcription initiation site, the mandarin fish piscidin gene extends 1693 nucleotides to the end of the 3' untranslated region and contains four exons and three introns. A predicted 79-residue prepropeptide consists of three domains: a signal peptide (22 aa), a mature peptide (22 aa) and a C-terminal prodomain (35 aa). The shortage of XQQ motif in the prodomain of mandarin fish piscidin and the similar gene structure between moronecidins (piscidins) and pleurocidins may indicate that they are derived from the same ancestor gene. We thus suggest that piscidin should be used as a terminology for these antimicrobial peptides in the future. The mandarin fish piscidin mRNA was abundant in intestine, spleen, pronephros and kidney analysed by real-time polymerase chain reaction. After stimulation with lipopoly saccharides (LPS), a marked increase in transcripts was observed in most tissues, indicating that piscidin is not only a constitutively expressed molecule, but also has an increased response to bacterial infection. The synthetic, amidated mandarin fish piscidin exhibited different antimicrobial activity against different fish bacterial pathogens, especially against species of Aeromonas, which may to certain extent reflect the pathogenicity of these bacteria.


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This article considers constant-pressure autoignition and freely propagating premixed flames of cold methane/air mixtures mixed with equilibrium hot products at high enough dilution levels to burn within the moderate to intense low oxygen dilution (MILD) combustion regime. The analysis is meant to provide further insight on MILD regime boundaries and to identify the effect of hot products speciation. As the mass fraction of hot products in the reactants mixture increases, autoignition occurs earlier. Species profiles show that the products/reactants mixture approximately equilibrates to a new state over a quick transient well before the main autoignition event, but as dilution becomes very high, this equilibration transient becomes more prominent and eventually merges with the primary ignition event. The dilution level at which these two reactive zones merge corresponds well with that marking the transition into the MILD regime, as defined according to conventional criteria. Similarly, premixed flame simulations at high dilutions show evidence of significant reactions involving intermediate species prior to the flame front. Since the premixed flame governing equations system demands that the species and temperature gradients be zero at the "cold" boundary, flame speed cannot be calculated above a certain dilution level. Up to this point, which again agrees reasonably well with the transition into the MILD regime according to convention, the laminar burning velocity was found to increase with hot product dilution while flame thickness remained largely unchanged. Some comments on the MILD combustion regime boundary definition for gas turbine applications are included. Copyright © Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.


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We point out the use of a wrong definition for conversion efficiency in the literature and analyze the effects of the waveguide length and pump power on conversion efficiency according to the correct definition. The existence of the locally optimal waveguide length and pump power is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally. Further analysis shows that the extremum of conversion efficiency can be achieved by global optimization of the waveguide length and pump power simultaneously, which is limited by just the linear propagation loss and the effective carrier lifetime. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We derive formulas for the optical confinement factor Gamma from Maxwell's equations for TE and TM modes in the slab waveguide. The numerical results show that the formulas yield correct mode gain for the modes propagating in the waveguide. We also compare the formulas with the standard definition of Gamma as the ratio of power flow in the active region to the total power flow. The results show that the standard definition will underestimate the difference of optical confinement factors between TE and TM modes, and will underestimate the difference of material gains necessary for polarization insensitive semiconductor laser amplifiers. It is important to use correct optical confinement factors for designing polarization insensitive semiconductor laser amplifiers. For vertical cavity surface-emitting lasers, the numerical results show that Gamma can be defined as the proportion of the product of the refractive index and the squared electric field in the active region. (C) 1996 American Institute of physics.


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Evolution of localized damage zone is a key to catastrophic rupture in heterogeneous materials. In the present article, the evolutions of strain fields of rock specimens are investigated experimentally. The observed evolution of fluctuations and autocorrelations of strain fields under uniaxial compression demonstrates that the localization of deformation always appears ahead of catastrophic rupture. In particular, the localization evolves pronouncedly with increasing deformation in the rock experiments. By means of the definition of the zone with high strain rate and likely damage localization, it is found that the size of the localized zone decreases from the sample size at peak load to an eventual value. Actually, the deformation field beyond peak load is bound to suffer bifurcation, namely an elastic unloading part and a continuing but localized damage part will co-exist in series in a specimen. To describe this continuous bifurcation and localization process observed in experiments, a model on continuum mechanics is developed. The model can explain why the decreasing width of localized zone can lead stable deformation to unstable, but it still has not provided the complete equations governing the evolution of the localized zone.


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This paper discusses the definition and use of the term ‘integrated management’ in the context of coastal and ocean resources. It identifies several components which appear to be needed to establish an integrated management system for a large area subject to multiple use and jurisdiction. It suggests that the basis of integrated management should be a clear articulation of common purpose which addresses long term needs and vision. Once developed, this common purpose should be securely established to provide the setting against which sectoral and agencies managers and the community conduct and co-ordinate their activities.


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The aim of this paper is to show that Dempster-Shafer evidence theory may be successfully applied to unsupervised classification in multisource remote sensing. Dempster-Shafer formulation allows for consideration of unions of classes, and to represent both imprecision and uncertainty, through the definition of belief and plausibility functions. These two functions, derived from mass function, are generally chosen in a supervised way. In this paper, the authors describe an unsupervised method, based on the comparison of monosource classification results, to select the classes necessary for Dempster-Shafer evidence combination and to define their mass functions. Data fusion is then performed, discarding invalid clusters (e.g. corresponding to conflicting information) thank to an iterative process. Unsupervised multisource classification algorithm is applied to MAC-Europe'91 multisensor airborne campaign data collected over the Orgeval French site. Classification results using different combinations of sensors (TMS and AirSAR) or wavelengths (L- and C-bands) are compared. Performance of data fusion is evaluated in terms of identification of land cover types. The best results are obtained when all three data sets are used. Furthermore, some other combinations of data are tried, and their ability to discriminate between the different land cover types is quantified


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We report here the investigation of a novel description of specificity in protein-ligand binding based on energy landscape theory. We define a new term, intrinsic specificity ratio (ISR), which describes the level of discrimination in binding free energies of the native basin for a protein-ligand complex from the weaker binding states of the same ligand. We discuss the relationship between the intrinsic specificity we defined here and the conventional definition of specificity. In a docking study of molecules with the enzyme COX-2, we demonstrate a statistical correspondence between ISR value and geometrical shapes of the small molecules binding to COX-2. We further observe that the known selective (nonselective) inhibitors of COX-2 have higher (lower) ISR values. We suggest that intrinsic specificity ratio may be a useful new criterion and a complement to affinity in drug screening and in searching for potential drug lead compounds.


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An equivalent-barotropic (EB) description of the tropospheric temperature field is derived from the geostrophic empirical mode (GEM) in the form of a scalar function Gamma(p, phi), where p is pressure and phi is 300-850-mb thickness. Baroclinic parameter phi plays the role of latitude at each longitudinal section. Compared with traditional Eulerian-mean methods, GEM defines a mean field in baroclinic streamfunction space with a time scale much longer than synoptic variability. It prompts an EB concept that is only based on a baroclinic field. Monthly GEM fields are diagnosed from NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data and account for more than 90% of the tropospheric thermal variance. The circumglobal composite of GEM fields exhibits seasonal, zonal, and hemispheric asymmetries, with larger rms errors occurring in winter and in the Northern Hemisphere (NH). Zonally asymmetric features and planetary deviation from EB are seen in the NH winter GEM. Reconstruction of synoptic sections and correlation analysis reveal that the tropospheric temperature field is EB at the leading order and has a 1-day phase lag behind barotropic variations in extratropical regions.


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The fifth-order effective nonlinear responses at fundament frequency and higher-order harmonics are given for nonlinear composites, which obey a current-field relation of the form J = sigmaE + x\E\(2) E, if a sinusoidal alternating current (AC) external field with finite frequency omega is applied. As two examples, we have investigated the cylinder and spherical inclusion embedded in a host and, for larger volume fraction, also derived the formulae of effective nonlinear responses at higher-order harmonics by the aid of the general effective response definition. Furthermore, the relationships between effective nonlinear responses at harmonics are given. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes a theory of inheritance theories. We present an original theory of inheritance in nonmonotonic hierarchies. The structures on which this theory is based delineate a framework that subsumes most inheritance theories in the literature, providing a new foundation for inheritance. * Our path-based theory is sound and complete w.r.t. a direct model-theoretic semantics. * Both the credulous and the skeptical conclusions of this theory are polynomial-time computable. * We prove that true skeptical inheritance is not contained in the language of path-based inheritance. Because our techniques are modular w.r.t. the definition of specificity, they generalize to provide a unified framework for a broad class of inheritance theories. By describing multiple inheritance theories in the same "language" of credulous extensions, we make principled comparisons rather than the ad-hoc examination of specific examples makes up most of the comparative inheritance work.


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The constraint paradigm is a model of computation in which values are deduced whenever possible, under the limitation that deductions be local in a certain sense. One may visualize a constraint 'program' as a network of devices connected by wires. Data values may flow along the wires, and computation is performed by the devices. A device computes using only locally available information (with a few exceptions), and places newly derived values on other, locally attached wires. In this way computed values are propagated. An advantage of the constraint paradigm (not unique to it) is that a single relationship can be used in more than one direction. The connections to a device are not labelled as inputs and outputs; a device will compute with whatever values are available, and produce as many new values as it can. General theorem provers are capable of such behavior, but tend to suffer from combinatorial explosion; it is not usually useful to derive all the possible consequences of a set of hypotheses. The constraint paradigm places a certain kind of limitation on the deduction process. The limitations imposed by the constraint paradigm are not the only one possible. It is argued, however, that they are restrictive enough to forestall combinatorial explosion in many interesting computational situations, yet permissive enough to allow useful computations in practical situations. Moreover, the paradigm is intuitive: It is easy to visualize the computational effects of these particular limitations, and the paradigm is a natural way of expressing programs for certain applications, in particular relationships arising in computer-aided design. A number of implementations of constraint-based programming languages are presented. A progression of ever more powerful languages is described, complete implementations are presented and design difficulties and alternatives are discussed. The goal approached, though not quite reached, is a complete programming system which will implicitly support the constraint paradigm to the same extent that LISP, say, supports automatic storage management.


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This paper reports a grounded theory study of e-moderation of asynchronous online discussions, to explore the processes by which tutors in higher education decide when and how to e-moderate. It aims to construct a theory of e-moderation based on some key factors which appear to influence e-moderation. It discusses previous research on the definition and practice of e-moderation, and then describes the study, which involved four e-moderators working in two different university contexts. Key themes on e-moderation, which emerged using a grounded theory approach, are discussed. It proposes a paradigm framework for e-moderation and suggests that as a facilitative activity, it should be sufficiently contained within ‘a ring-fenced learning arena’. Factors outwith and inside the ring-fence which appear to influence e-moderation and their implications for future theory development and validation are discussed. Keywords: e-moderation; grounded theory; online learning; asynchronous discussions; ring-fence


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Integrating connectivity patterns into marine ecosystem management is a fundamental step, specially for stock subjected to the combined impacts of human activities (overfishing, habitat degradation, etc.) and climate changes. Thus, management of marine resources must incorporates the spatial scales over which the populations are connected. Notwithstanding, studying these dynamics remains a crucial and hard task and the predictions of the temporal and spatial patterns of these mechanisms are still particularly challenging. This thesis aims to puzzle over the red mullet Mullus barbatus population connectivity in the Western Mediterranean Sea, by implementing a multidisciplinary approach. Otolith sclerochronology, larval dispersal modelling and genetic techniques were gathered in this study. More particularly, this research project focused on early life history stages of red mullet and their role in the characterization of connectivity dynamics. The results show that M. barbatus larval dispersal distances can reach a range of 200 km. The differences in early life traits (i.e. PLD, spawning and settlement dates) observed between various areas of the Western Mediterranean Sea suggest a certain level of larval patchiness, likely due to the occurrence of different spawning pulses during the reproductive period. The dispersal of individuals across distant areas, even not significant in demographic terms, is accountable for the maintenance of the genetic flow among different demes. Fluctuations in the level of exchange among different areas, due to the variability of the source-sink dynamics, could have major implications in the population connectivity patterns. These findings highlight the reliability of combining several approaches and represent a benchmark for the definition of a proper resource management, with considerable engagements in effectively assuring the beneficial effects of the existent and future conservation strategies.


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The creative industries sector faces a constantly changing context characterised by the speed of the development and deployment of digital information systems and Information Communications Technologies (ICT) on a global scale. This continuous digital disruption has had significant impact on the whole value chain of the sector: creation and production; discovery and distribution; and consumption of cultural goods and services. As a result, creative enterprises must evolve business and operational models and practices to be sustainable. Enterprises of all scales, type, and operational model are affected, and all sectors face ongoing digital disruption. Management consultancy practitioners and business strategy academics have called for new strategy development frameworks and toolkits, fit for a continuously changing world. This thesis investigates a novel approach to organisational change appropriate to the digital age, in the context of the creative sector in Scotland. A set of concepts, methods, tools, and processes to generate theoretical learning and practical knowing was created to support enterprises to digitally adapt through undertaking journeys of change and organisational development. The framework is called The AmbITion Approach. It was developed by blending participatory action research (PAR) methods and modern management consultancy, design, and creative practices. Empirical work also introduced to the framework Coghlan and Rashford’s change categories. These enabled the definition and description of the extent to which organisations developed: whether they experienced first order (change), second order (adaptation) or third order (transformation) change. Digital research tools for inquiry were tested by a pilot study, and then embedded in a longitudinal study over two years of twentyone participant organisations from Scotland’s creative sector. The author applied and investigated the novel approach in a national digital development programme for Scotland’s creative industries. The programme was designed and delivered by the author and ran nationally between 2012-14. Detailed grounded thematic analysis of the data corpus was undertaken, along with analysis of rich media case studies produced by the organisations about their change journeys. The results of studies on participants, and validation criteria applied to the results, demonstrated that the framework triggers second (adaptation) and third order change (transformation) in creative industry enterprises. The AmbITion Approach framework is suitable for the continuing landscape of digital disruption within the creative sector. The thesis contributes to practice the concepts, methods, tools, and processes of The AmbITion Approach, which have been empirically tested in the field, and validated as a new framework for business transformation in a digital age. The thesis contributes to knowledge a theoretical and conceptual framework with a specific set of constructs and criteria that define first, second, and third order change in creative enterprises, and a robust research and action framework for the analysis of the quality, validity and change achieved by action research based development programmes. The thesis additionally contributes to the practice of research, adding to our understanding of the value of PAR and design thinking approaches and creative practices as methods for change.