928 resultados para Decimal numbers and fractional numbers


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The Portneuf-Mauricie Domain (PMD), located in the south-central part of the Grenville Province, comprises several mafic and ultramafic intrusions hosting Ni-Cu ± platinum-group element (PGE) prospects and a former small mining operation (Lac Édouard mine). These meter- to kilometer-scale, sulfide-bearing intrusions display diverse forms, such as layered and tabular bodies with no particular internal structure, and zoned plutons. They were injected ~ 1.40 Ga into a mature oceanic arc, before and during accretion of the arc to the Laurentian margin. The pressure-temperature conditions of the magmas at the beginning of their emplacement were 3 kbar and 1319-1200 °C (according to the petrologic modeling results from this study). The PMD mineralized intrusions are interpreted to represent former magma chambers or magma conduits in the roots of the oceanic arc. The parent magmas of the mineralized intrusions resulted mainly from the partial melting of a mantle source composed of spinel-bearing lherzolite. Petrologic modeling and the occurrence of primary amphibole in the plutonic rocks indicate that these parent melts were basaltic and hydrous. In addition, fractional crystallization modeling and Mg/Fe ratios suggest that most of the intrusions may have formed from evolved magmas, with Mg# = 60, resulting from the fractionation of more primitive magmas (primary magmas, with Mg# = 68). Petrologic modeling demonstrates that 30% fractional crystallization resulted in the primitive to evolved characteristics of the studied intrusive rocks (as indicated by the crystallization sequences and mineral chemistry). Exceptions are the Réservoir Blanc, Boivin, and Rochette West parent magmas, which may have undergone more extensive fractional crystallization, since these intrusions contain pyroxenes that are more iron rich and have lower Mg numbers than pyroxenes in the other PMD intrusions. The PMD mafic and ultramafic intrusions were intruded into an island arc located offshore from the Laurentian continent. Thus, their presence confirms the existence of a well-developed magmatic network (responsible of the fractionation processes) beneath the Proterozoic arc, which resulted in the wide range of compositions observed in the various plutons.


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This paper presents a simple theory to analyze some of the more common visual illusions. The reported mathematical model is able to give some numerical results concerning well known phenomena as the Zollner, Muller-Lyer or Wundt illusions. We present two different approaches, the first one related with the symmetrical operations present in each image and the second one concerning a proposed vector field related with the lines present at the image


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Numerous authors have proposed functions to quantify the degree of similarity between two fuzzy numbers using various descriptive parameters, such as the geometric distance, the distance between the centers of gravity or the perimeter. However, these similarity functions have drawback for specific situations. We propose a new similarity measure for generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers aimed at overcoming such drawbacks. This new measure accounts for the distance between the centers of gravity and the geometric distance but also incorporates a new term based on the shared area between the fuzzy numbers. The proposed measure is compared against other measures in the literature.


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Esta tesis estudia las similitudes y diferencias entre los flujos turbulentos de pared de tipo externo e interno, en régimen incompresible, y a números de Reynolds moderada¬mente altos. Para ello consideramos tanto simulaciones numéricas como experimentos de capas límites con gradiente de presiones nulo y de flujos de canal, ambos a números de Reynolds en el rango δ+ ~ 500 - 2000. Estos flujos de cortadura son objeto de numerosas investigaciones debido a la gran importancia que tienen tanto a nivel tecnológico como a nivel de física fundamental. No obstante, todavía existen muchos interrogantes sobre aspectos básicos tales como la universalidad de los perfiles medios y de fluctuación de las velocidades o de la presión, tanto en la zona cercana a la pared como en la zona logarítmica, el escalado y el efecto del número de Reynolds, o las diferencias entre los flujos internos y externos en la zona exterior. En éste estudio hemos utilizado simulaciones numéricas ya existentes de canales y capas límites a números de Reynolds δ+ ~ 2000 y δ+ ~ 700, respectivamente. Para poder comparar ambos flujos a igual número de Reynolds hemos realizado una nueva simulación directa de capa límite en el rango δ+ ~ 1000-2000. Los resultados de la misma son presentados y analizados en detalle. Los datos sin postprocesar y las estadísticas ya postprocesadas están públicamente disponibles en nuestro sitio web.162 El análisis de las estadísticas usando un único punto confirma la existencia de perfiles logarítmicos para las fluctuaciones de la velocidad transversal w'2+ y de la presión p'2+ en ambos tipos de flujos, pero no para la velocidad normal v'2+ o la velocidad longitudinal u'2+. Para aceptar o rechazar la existencia de un rango logarítmico en u'2+ se requieren números de Reynolds más altos que los considerados en éste trabajo. Una de las conse¬cuencias más importantes de poseer tales perfiles es que el valor máximo de la intensidad, que se alcanza cerca de la pared, depende explícitamente del número de Reynolds. Esto ha sido confirmado tras analizar un gran número de datos experimentales y numéricos, cor¬roborando que el máximo de u'2+, p/2+, y w'2+ aumenta proporcionalmente con el log(δ+). Por otro lado, éste máximo es más intenso en los flujos externos que en los internos. La máxima diferencia ocurre en torno a y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, siendo esta altura prácticamente independiente del número de Reynolds considerado. Estas diferencias se originan como consecuencia del carácter intermitente de las capas límites, que es inexistente en los flujos internos. La estructura de las fluctuaciones de velocidad y de presión, junto con la de los esfuer¬zos de Reynolds, se han investigado por medio de correlaciones espaciales tridimensionales considerando dos puntos de medida. Hemos obtenido que el tamaño de las mismas es gen¬eralmente mayor en canales que en capas límites, especialmente en el caso de la correlación longitudinal Cuu en la dirección del flujo. Para esta correlación se demuestra que las es¬tructuras débilmente correladas presentan longitudes de hasta 0(75), en el caso de capas límites, y de hasta 0(185) en el caso de canales. Estas longitudes se obtienen respecti-vamente en la zona logarítmica y en la zona exterior. Las longitudes correspondientes en la dirección transversal son significativamente menores en ambos flujos, 0(5 — 25). La organización espacial de las correlaciones es compatible con la de una pareja de rollos casi paralelos con dimensiones que escalan en unidades exteriores. Esta organización se mantiene al menos hasta y ~ 0.65, altura a la cual las capas límites comienzan a organi¬zarse en rollos transversales. Este comportamiento es sin embargo más débil en canales, pudiéndose observar parcialmente a partir de y ~ 0.85. Para estudiar si estas estructuras están onduladas a lo largo de la dirección transver¬sal, hemos calculado las correlaciones condicionadas a eventos intensos de la velocidad transversal w'. Estas correlaciones revelan que la ondulación de la velocidad longitudinal aumenta conforme nos alejamos de la pared, sugiriendo que las estructuras están más alineadas en la zona cercana a la pared que en la zona lejana a ella. El por qué de esta ondulación se encuentra posiblemente en la configuración a lo largo de diagonales que presenta w'. Estas estructuras no sólo están onduladas, sino que también están inclinadas respecto a la pared con ángulos que dependen de la variable considerada, de la altura, y de el contorno de correlación seleccionado. Por encima de la zona tampón e independien¬temente del número de Reynolds y tipo de flujo, Cuu presenta una inclinación máxima de unos 10°, las correlaciones Cvv y Cm son esencialmente verticales, y Cww está inclinada a unos 35°. Summary This thesis studies the similitudes and differences between external and internal in¬compressible wall-bounded turbulent flows at moderately-high Reynolds numbers. We consider numerical and experimental zero-pressure-gradient boundary layers and chan¬nels in the range of δ+ ~ 500 — 2000. These shear flows are subjects of intensive research because of their technological importance and fundamental physical interest. However, there are still open questions regarding basic aspects such as the universality of the mean and fluctuating velocity and pressure profiles at the near-wall and logarithmic regions, their scaling and the effect of the Reynolds numbers, or the differences between internal and external flows at the outer layer, to name but a few. For this study, we made use of available direct numerical simulations of channel and boundary layers reaching δ+ ~ 2000 and δ+ ~ 700, respectively. To fill the gap in the Reynolds number, a new boundary layer simulation in the range δ+ ~ 1000-2000 is presented and discussed. The original raw data and the post-processed statistics are publicly available on our website.162 The analysis of the one-point statistic confirms the existence of logarithmic profiles for the spanwise w'2+ and pressure p'2+ fluctuations for both type of flows, but not for the wall-normal v'2+ or the streamwise u'2+ velocities. To accept or reject the existence of a logarithmic range in u'2+ requires higher Reynolds numbers than the ones considered in this work. An important consequence of having such profiles is that the maximum value of the intensities, reached near the wall, depends on the Reynolds number. This was confirmed after surveying a wide number of experimental and numerical datasets, corrob¬orating that the maximum of ul2+, p'2+, and w'2+ increases proportionally to log(δ+). On the other hand, that maximum is more intense in external flows than in internal ones, differing the most around y/δ ~ 0.3-0.5, and essentially independent of the Reynolds number. We discuss that those differences are originated as a consequence of the inter¬mittent character of boundary layers that is absent in internal flows. The structure of the velocity and pressure fluctuations, together with those of the Reynolds shear stress, were investigated using three-dimensional two-point spatial correlations. We find that the correlations extend over longer distances in channels than in boundary layers, especially in the case of the streamwise correlation Cuu in the flow direc-tion. For weakly correlated structures, the maximum streamwise length of Cuu is O(78) for boundary layers and O(188) for channels, attained at the logarithmic and outer regions respectively. The corresponding lengths for the transverse velocities and for the pressure are shorter, 0(8 — 28), and of the same order for both flows. The spatial organization of the velocity correlations is shown to be consistent with a pair of quasi-streamwise rollers that scales in outer units. That organization is observed until y ~ 0.68, from which boundary layers start to organize into spanwise rollers. This effect is weaker in channels, and it appears at y ~ 0.88. We present correlations conditioned to intense events of the transversal velocity, w', to study if these structures meander along the spanwise direction. The results indicate that the streamwise velocity streaks increase their meandering proportionally to the distance to the wall, suggesting that the structures are more aligned close to the wall than far from it. The reason behind this meandering is probably due to the characteristic organization along diagonals of w'. These structures not only meander along the spanwise direction, but they are also inclined to the wall at angles that depend on the distance from the wall, on the variable being considered, and on the correlation level used to define them. Above the buffer layer and independent of the Reynolds numbers and type of flow, the maximum inclination of Cuu is about 10°, Cvv and Cpp are roughly vertical, and Cww is inclined by 35°.


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There is controversy regarding the use of the similarity functions proposed in the literature to compare generalized trapezoidal fuzzy numbers since conflicting similarity values are sometimes output for the same pair of fuzzy numbers. In this paper we propose a similarity function aimed at establishing a consensus. It accounts for the different approaches of all the similarity functions. It also has better properties and can easily incorporate new parameters for future improvements. The analysis is carried out on the basis of a large and representative set of pairs of trapezoidal fuzzy numbers.


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A new high-resolution code for the direct numerical simulation of a zero pressure gradient turbulent boundary layers over a flat plate has been developed. Its purpose is to simulate a wide range of Reynolds numbers from Reθ = 300 to 6800 while showing a linear weak scaling up to 32,768 cores in the BG/P architecture. Special attention has been paid to the generation of proper inflow boundary conditions. The results are in good agreement with existing numerical and experimental data sets.


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The possibility of transverse galloping of a square cylinder at low Reynolds numbers (Re≤200Re≤200, so that the flow is presumably laminar) is analysed. Transverse galloping is here considered as a one-degree-of-freedom oscillator subjected to fluid forces, which are described by using the quasi-steady hypothesis (time-averaged data are extracted from previous numerical simulations). Approximate solutions are obtained by means of the method of Krylov-Bogoliubov, with two major conclusions: (i) a square cylinder cannot gallop below a Reynolds number of 159 and (ii) in the range 159≤Re≤200159≤Re≤200 the response exhibits no hysteresis.


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A generalized methodology to design low-profile transmitarray (TA) antennas made of several stacked layers with nonresonant printed phasing elements is presented. A study of the unit cell bandwidth, phase-shift range and tolerances has been conducted considering different numbers of layers. A structure with three metalized layers with capacitive and inductive elements enabling a phase range of nearly 360° and low insertion loss is introduced. A study of the four-layer structure shows improvement in the performance of the unit cells in terms of bandwidth from 2% to more than 20% and a complete phase coverage. Implementations on a flexible substrate of TAs with progressive phase shift operating at 19 GHz are used for validation.


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The murine γ-herpesvirus 68 replicates in epithelial sites after intranasal challenge, then persists in various cell types, including B lymphocytes. Mice that lack CD4+ T cells (I-Ab−/−) control the acute infection, but suffer an ultimately lethal recrudescence of lytic viral replication in the respiratory tract. The consequences of CD4+ T cell deficiency for the generation and maintenance of murine γ-herpesvirus 68-specific CD8+ set now have been analyzed by direct staining with viral peptides bound to major histocompatibility complex class I tetramers and by a spectrum of functional assays. Both acutely and during viral reactivation, the CD8+ T cell responses in the I-Ab−/− group were no less substantial than in the I-Ab+/+ controls. Indeed, virus-specific CD8+ T cell numbers were increased in the lymphoid tissue of clinically compromised I-Ab−/− mice, although relatively few of the potential cytotoxic T lymphocyte effectors were recruited back to the site of pathology in the lung. Thus the viral reactivation that occurs in the absence of CD4+ T cells was not associated with any exhaustion of the virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte response. It seems that CD8+ T cells alone are insufficient to maintain long-term control of this persistent γ-herpesvirus.


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Bound volume containing a late 17th century handwritten mathematical and astronomical text in one hand. The text is separated into mathematical and astronomical sections with rules, instructions for performing calculations, tables, and drawings. The subjects include arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and trigonometry, and segments have titles such as "Subtraction," "A decimal table of English coince," "Logarithes & their use," and "To find the true place of the sun." The text is undated and unattributed but references Briggs, Oughtred, Ramus, and Apollonius. Certain tables are calculated from latitudinal and longitudinal numbers associated with Boston, and many of the examples use dates in the 1670s and 1680. The manuscript pages are mounted onto unruled pages, and some of the manuscript pages are fragments.


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BACKGROUND With increasing demand for umbilical cord blood units (CBUs) with total nucleated cell (TNC) counts of more than 150 × 10(7) , preshipping assessment is mandatory. Umbilical cord blood processing requires aseptic techniques and laboratories with specific air quality and cleanliness. Our aim was to establish a fast and efficient method for determining TNC counts at the obstetric ward without exposing the CBU to the environment. STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS Data from a total of 151 cord blood donations at a single procurement site were included in this prospective study. We measured TNC counts in cord blood aliquots taken from the umbilical cord (TNCCord ), from placenta (TNCPlac ), and from a tubing segment of the sterile collection system (TNCTS ). TNC counts were compared to reference TNC counts in the CBU which were ascertained at the cord blood bank (TNCCBU ). RESULTS TNCTS counts (173 ± 33 × 10(7) cells; calculated for 1 unit) correlated fully with the TNCCBU reference counts (166 ± 33 × 10(7) cells, Pearson's r = 0.97, p < 0.0001). In contrast, TNCCord and TNCPlac counts were more disparate from the reference (r = 0.92 and r = 0.87, respectively). CONCLUSIONS A novel method of measuring TNC counts in tubing segments from the sterile cord blood collection system allows rapid and correct identification of CBUs with high cell numbers at the obstetric ward without exposing cells to the environment. This approach may contribute to cost efficacy as only CBUs with satisfactory TNC counts need to be shipped to the cord blood bank.