985 resultados para Cyrano de Bergerac, 1619-1655
Abgedruckt sind das Innsbrucker Libell (Klageschrift) des Kaisers Maximilian I. (1518), eine Erklärung der niederösterreichischen Stände über die ihnen zustehenden Rechte und Freiheiten (1619) sowie das Manifest der österreichischen Stände über den widerrechtlichen Regierungsantritt Kaiser Ferdinands II. (1619)
Durch Johan Sigismund Brechtel
Lucas Holstenius Hamburgens. Latine vertit ; dissertationem de vita & scriptis Porphyrii & ad vitam Pythagoræ observationes adjecit
Auf der zweiten Ill. war wohl der Zustand nach dem Bergrutsch dargestellt
Betr. auch Graf Emmerich Thurzo, gest. um 1620
Bibliograph. Nachweis: Harms, Dt. Illustr. Flugbl., III, 10 (Ausg. 1619); Straus, German single-leaf woodcut 1600-1700, p. 202 (Ausg. 1607)
Bibliograph. Nachweis: VD 17 39:124403C ; Paas P-439
Abgezeichnet, in Kupffer gebracht vnd zu finden bey Johann Hauer Mahlern vnd Kunsthändlern in Nürnberg
Digitalisat des Exemplars Mus W 47 Nr. 2
[Verf.: Johann IV, König von Portugal]
[Verf.: Johann IV. König von Portugal]
Vorbesitzer: Peter Schick
Enth.: S, A, T, B, org
Child welfare services have undergone many revisions and transformations since their initiation. Some scholars trace the beginning of child welfare in the United States to events such as a 1655 Massachusetts conviction for maltreatment leading to the death of a 12-year-old boy (Watkins, 1990). The predominant philosophy of child welfare has shifted over time from an early emphasis on child saving, to child protection, to family preservation. Building on family preservation, one of the current transformations in child welfare that is taking place in isolated pockets to whole states, is family-centered, neighborhood-based services. One force behind implementation of this transformation is the Family to Family Initiative of the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This paper places family-centered, neighborhood-based child welfare services within the historical context of development of child welfare and within the recent move to reinvent human services (Adams & Nelson, 1995). Against this backdrop, a locality-based implementation of the Family to Family Initiative is described.