725 resultados para Curriculum
The written text, and approaches to reading it, serves well as an analogy for the classroom space as a “text” that teachers are able to compose; and students are able to read, interpret meaning(s) of, and make responses to and about (Rosenblatt, 1988). Researchers point to ways in which the classroom can be conceptualized as a text to be evoked, experienced, and read (Freire & Macedo, 1987; Powell, 2009; Rosenblatt, 1988; Spears-Bunton & Powell, 2009). The present study analyzed secondary data including: 10 transcripts of teacher talks and six self-reports retrieved from the program evaluation archives of DOR Foundation. The data described six teachers’ classroom experiences subsequent to professional development centered on Goma character education curriculum that was used during a summer youth program located in South Georgia. Goma, an acronym that stands for Goal, Objective, Method, and Attitude, is a character education paradigm derived from The Inclusive Community Building Ellison Model, the theoretical framework used for this study. The Model identifies conflict resolution as one of its five foci (Hunt, Howard, & Rice, 1998). Hunt (2006) conceived Goma as part of a 7-Step unitary process, also named the 7-Step pathway, to demonstrate how conflict resolution is accomplished within a variety of contexts. Analysis of the data involved: (a) a priori coding of teacher talks transcripts using the components of the Goma 7-Step pathway as coding categories, (b) emergent coding of teacher talks transcripts for the types of experiences teachers evidenced, and (c) emergent coding of teachers’ self-reports for categories of teachers’ instructional activities. Results of the study showed positive influence of Goma curriculum on participating teachers and their instructional practices. Teachers were shown to have had cognitive, instructional, emotional, and social experiences that were most evident when they reported changes in their attitudes toward their students, themselves, and their instructional practices. The present study provided implications for classroom teachers wherein all aspects of teachers’ instructional practices can be guided by principles of positive character; and can be used to help compose the kinds of “texts” that may likely contribute to a classroom character culture.
El tema de esta memoria es La función formativa de la evaluación en un currículum integral. Después de experimentar un proceso de autoevaluación y autorreflexión en cuanto a la propia práctica docente, emergió un mayor interés por investigar acerca del uso, conceptualización y práctica de la evaluación y el currículum en el aula. Ante tal preocupación, se fueron añadiendo otros elementos que configuran la calidad y efectividad de dichas tareas educativas. Entre otros: las realidades contextuales del aula vinculadas con un verdadero aprendizaje; las políticas educativas institucionales y de sistemas de gobiernos; la implementación de procesos evaluativos; las creencias y percepciones de los alumnos y profesores acerca de la evaluación y el currículum; el enfoque racional y puesta en acción del proyecto curricular. Tanto la función de la evaluación del aprendizaje como de la racionalidad curricular que practican los profesores tienen un impacto significativo en la calidad de los procesos formativos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, así como en la motivación y desarrollo de valores de los discentes. La realidad educativa actual pone al manifiesto ciertas incongruencias que se manifiestan en el discurso y la práctica docente en el aula, más particularmente en lo que se relaciona con la construcción y aplicación del aprendizaje en la vida, la formación de valores universales, la aplicación adecuada de la función formativa para que asista al aprendizaje y práctica docente. La literatura revisada destaca que los sistemas universitarios han asignado tradicionalmente una mayor importancia a la función sumativa de la evaluación dentro de su proyecto educativo dando oportunidad a la medición del conocimiento memorizado, antes que a la misión de promover el aprendizaje. Desde una perspectiva racional positivista técnica, la evaluación del aprendizaje ha servido como instrumento calificador cuyos resultados constituyen el criterio casi único para aprobar o desaprobar alguna materia. La realidad del aula declara que la evaluación y el currículum con funciones técnico-científicas no están ejerciendo un impacto efectivo de transformación de procesos de desarrollo, que concurran en un verdadero aprendizaje...
La presente investigación articula la importancia de la conceptualización de la educación en la legislación mexicana vigente, en un análisis y prospectiva desde el Modelo socioformativo de gestión del curriculum por competencias, con diversas posiciones teóricas de mayor presencia en la teoría de enfoque pragmático que enfatiza el aprendizaje experiencial, social, situado y reflexivo de Dewey, por lo que el eje central se hará entre posiciones de la propuesta de Dewey, el Modelo Socioformativo de Gestión del Curriculum por Competencias de Fraile y Tobón, la Inteligencia Educativa de Laura Frade Rubio, el análisis del discurso pedagógico de la personalidad del maestro de Renzo Titone, la educación como un valor de Bonifacio Barba y la vocación intelectual de Sertillanges. Inicia la investigación con el diagnóstico contextualizado de la conceptualización del término educación por parte de los profesionales de la educación de la Universidad de Guanajuato (UG), lugar en el que se realizó la investigación, a través de la aplicación de un instrumento para la recolección de información que precisó algunos datos, entre ellos está que el 76.2% conceptualiza a la educación como un proceso. Así mismo, se define a la UG como promotora de desarrollo social, generadora de conocimiento a través de la investigación y preservación de la cultura, compromete a los actores de la universidad del siglo XXI a asegurar la educación y la formación necesarias para contribuir al desarrollo de la sociedad, al respeto del entorno natural y de las diversas manifestaciones de la sociedad...
The Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project is a multifaceted initiative that has positively impacted arts education in South Carolina and the nation. Founded in 1987 the ABC Project has become a national model and influenced the advancement of education in and through the arts with a multitude of programs, models, and schemes. This is an overview of the full history. Parts I and II will chronicle events that were foundational to the project from inception in 1987 to the celebration of its 20th anniversary in 2007. Part III gives detailed descriptions of ten of the most important facets of the project.
The primary findings of this evaluation are (1) that the ABC Project has built and supported a strong network that measurably strengthens arts education, and (2) for the reform to continue, there must be new initiatives. The Project has made a significant first step toward providing quality opportunities for all children in South Carolina, but the gap between the current state of arts education and the stated goal of the Project is very wide. Therefore, these new initiatives must be bold, innovative, strongly funded, and backed with the energies and passions of those in the core arts education network. The basic recommendation that subsumes all the specific recommendations in this report is to develop a data-informed strategic plan for arts education, then determine funding priorities based on this plan.
The Arts in Basic Curriculum (ABC) Project has ensured students throughout South Carolina have a quality, comprehensive arts education for 20 years. Through funding, research, advocacy and training and technical assistance, the Project has been a model for a number of advancements in arts education. The statewide focus, the creation of arts education standards and curriculum, the success of its advocacy and its inroads on arts education assessment and integration mark the ABC Project as a significant leader in the field of arts education. At its 20th anniversary, the ABC Project engaged an independent evaluator to explore the Project’s impact at this stage of its history. This report captures the findings of this 20-year evaluation.
La révision des programmes d'études collégiaux, qui doivent dorénavant s'inscrire dans une approche par compétences, a donné lieu à des remises en question, tant au niveau des contenus de programme que des méthodes pédagogiques. C'est dans la foulée de cette réflexion, qu'en 2001, les enseignantes et enseignants du programme Soins infirmiers du cégep du Vieux Montréal, de concert avec leurs collègues des disciplines contributives de biologie, psychologie et sociologie, ont opté pour l'apprentissage par problèmes comme méthode pédagogique pour l'enseignement des connaissances déclaratives. Dans cette approche, comme son nom l'indique, l'apprentissage se réalise autour de problèmes que les étudiantes et étudiants doivent résoudre en recourant à la fois au travail de groupe et au travail individuel.
The outcome of the inductive decision -making process of the leading project management group (PMG) was the proposal to develop three modules, Human Resource Management and Knowledge Management, Quality Management and Intercultural management, each for 10 ECTS credits. As a result of the theoretical and organisational framework and analytical phase of the project, four strategies informed the development and implemen- tation of the modules: 1. Collaboration as a principle stemming from EU collaborative policy and receiving it’s expression on all implementation levels (designing the modules, modes of learning, delivering the modules, evaluation process). 2. Building on the Bologna process masters level framework to assure ap- propriate academic level of outputs. 3. Development of value -based leadership of students through transforma- tional learning in a cross -cultural setting and continual reflection of theory in practice. 4. Continual evaluation and feedback among teachers and students as a strategy to achieve a high quality programme. In the first phase of designing the modules the collaborative strategy in particular was applied, as each module was led by one university, but members from all other universities participated in the discussions and development of the mod- ules. The Bologna process masters level framework and related standards and guidelines informed the form and method of designing the modules.
We investigated how participants associated with each other and developed community in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) about Rhizomatic Learning (Rhizo14). We compared learner experiences in two social networking sites (SNSs), Facebook and Twitter. Our combination of thematic analysis of qualitative survey data with analysis of participant observation, activity data, archives and visualisation of SNS data enabled us to reach a deeper understanding of participant perspectives and explore SNS use. Community was present in the course title and understood differently by participants. In the absence of explanation or discussion about community early in the MOOC, a controversy between participants about course expectations emerged that created oppositional discourse. Fall off in activity in MOOCs is common and was evident in Rhizo14. As the course progressed, fewer participants were active in Facebook and some participants reported feelings of exclusion. Despite this, activity in Facebook increased overall. The top 10 most active participants were responsible for 47% of total activity. In the Rhizo14 MOOC, both community and curriculum were expected to emerge within the course. We suggest that there are tensions and even contradictions between ‘Community Is the Curriculum’ and Deleuze and Guattari's principles of the rhizome, mainly focussed on an absence of heterogeneity. These tensions may be exacerbated by SNSs that use algorithmic streams. We propose the use of networking approaches that enable negotiation and exchange to encourage heterogeneity rather than emergent definition of community.
To report on the use of chronic myeloid leukemia as a theme of basic clinical integration for first year medical students to motivate and enable in-depth understanding of the basic sciences of the future physician. During the past thirteen years we have reviewed and updated the curriculum of the medical school of the Universidade Estadual de Campinas. The main objective of the new curriculum is to teach the students how to learn to learn. Since then, a case of chronic myeloid leukemia has been introduced to first year medical students and discussed in horizontal integration with all themes taught during a molecular and cell biology course. Cell structure and components, protein, chromosomes, gene organization, proliferation, cell cycle, apoptosis, signaling and so on are all themes approached during this course. At the end of every topic approached, the students prepare in advance the corresponding topic of clinical cases chosen randomly during the class, which are then presented by them. During the final class, a paper regarding mutations in the abl gene that cause resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors is discussed. After each class, three tests are solved in an interactive evaluation. The course has been successful since its beginning, 13 years ago. Great motivation of those who participated in the course was observed. There were less than 20% absences in the classes. At least three (and as many as nine) students every year were interested in starting research training in the field of hematology. At the end of each class, an interactive evaluation was performed and more than 70% of the answers were correct in each evaluation. Moreover, for the final evaluation, the students summarized, in a written report, the molecular and therapeutic basis of chronic myeloid leukemia, with scores ranging from 0 to 10. Considering all 13 years, a median of 78% of the class scored above 5 (min 74%-max 85%), and a median of 67% scored above 7. Chronic myeloid leukemia is an excellent example of a disease that can be used for clinical basic integration as this disorder involves well known protein, cytogenetic and cell function abnormalities, has well-defined diagnostic strategies and a target oriented therapy.
This text offers some contributions to the debate on the changes proposed to the National Curricular Directives to reform secondary education in Brazil. In the first part, the political and economic scene is evaluated as the context which generated the last stage of reforms in the educational field in the 90s. It questions the option for a model of structural reform (in the Brazilian case more restricted to the Program for Reform of Professional Education - PROEP) and of the curriculum, whose themes find their justification in the contemporary economic, social cultural and political context. It discusses the use of a model that bases itself on experiences developed in other countries and takes the international orientation of the multilateral organizations as its theoretical methodological reference, leaving out the peculiarities and injunctions of the Brazilian political administrative system. Such a policy measure can increase the tension and distance normally existing between government programs and the possibility of their real implementation in the school network. In the second part, it discusses the Resolution of the National Education Council, the Congress on Basic Education, no.3, of 16.698 that instituted the National Curricular Directives for secondary education, as well as the Legal Bases - Part I - of the National Curricular Parameters for secondary education. The analysis of official discourse takes Bardin's (1977, p. 209) proposals as its methodological reference for the models of structural analysis, seeking to make the implicit values and the connotations of the legal texts explicit
This article takes the concepts of biopower and governmentality as the starting point for an analysis of certain recent Brazilian government documents about the introduction of Philosophy as a subject in secondary school. In the 1980s, this argument centered on Philosophy's so-called criticism and its potential for preparing citizens for a democratic society, was used by the movements aimed to restore democracy in Brazil. This argument appears to have been assimilated by the Brazilian government, because it is stated in the Guidelines and Bases of Education Law, secondary school students should demonstrate knowledge of philosophy necessary for the exercise of citizenship. The argument also appears in documents such as the PCN and PCN+ (National Curricular Parameters) and OCEM (Curriculum Guidelines for Secondary School) in their chapters on Philosophy. These documents are examined here in the light of governmentality, making explicit how Philosophy is equipped to train young people according to what is understood as a modern democratic society.
One of the effects of the globalized world is a strong tendency to eliminate differences, promoting a planetary culture. Education systems are particularly affected, undergoing strong pressure from international studies and evaluations, inevitably comparative, and sadly competitive. As a result, one observes the gradual elimination of cultural components in the definition of education systems. The constitution of new social imaginaries becomes clear; imaginaries empty of historical, geographical and temporal referents, characterized by a strong presence of the culture of the image. The criteria of classification establish an inappropriate reference that has as its consequence the definition of practices and even of education systems. On the other hand, resistance mechanisms, often unconscious, are activated seeking to safeguard and recover the identifying features of a culture, such as its traditions, cuisine, languages, artistic manifestations in general, and, in doing so, to contribute to cultural diversity, an essential factor to encourage creativity. In this article, the sociocultural basis of mathematics and of its teaching are examined, and also the consequences of globalization and its effects on multicultural education. The concept of culture is discussed, as well as issues related to culture dynamics, resulting in the proposition of a theory of transdisciplinar and transcultural knowledge. Upon such basis the Ethnomathematics Program is presented. A critique is also made of the curriculum presently used, which is in its conception and detailing, obsolete, uninteresting and of little use. A different concept of curriculum is proposed, based on the communicative (literacy), analytical (matheracy), and material (technoracy) instruments.
This article aims at discussing the contributions of the Bakhtinian Circle theories to foreign language teaching and learning (HALL et al., 2005), as far as the first years of formal education in Brazil are concerned. Up to the present moment, foreign languages, including English, are not officially part of the National Curriculum of the first five schooling years. Due to the importance of English in a globalized world and despite all the controversial socio-educational impacts of such an influence, there has been an increase in the interest in this discipline at the beginning years of Brazilian public education (ROCHA, 2006), which has been happening at an irregular pace and without official parameters. Therefore, the relevance of this work lies on the possible guidelines it may offer to support a more effective, situated and meaningful teaching-learning process in that context. Standing for a pluralistic approach to language education, we take the bakhtinian speech genres as organizers of the educational process. We strongly believe that through a dialogic, pluralistic and trans/intercultural teaching (MAHER, 2007), whose main objective is the development of multi (COPE e KALANTZIS, 2000) and critical (COMBER, 2006) literacies, the hybridization of genres and cultures, as well as the creation of third spaces (KOSTOGRIZ, 2005; KUMARAVADIVELU, 2008) can happen. From this perspective, foreign language teaching and learning play a transformative role in society and English is seen as a boundary object (STAR e GRIESEMER, 1989), in and by which diversity, pluralism and polyphony can naturally find their way.