986 resultados para Cromated collagen
Thermally unaltered conodont elements, brachiopods. and vertebrates were analyzed with reverse phase high profile liquid chromatography to locate and quantify amino acid remnants of the original organic matrix in the fossils. No consistent similarities in amino acid content were found in conodont taxa. and criteria based on organic residues appear to have no taxonomic significance in the fossils tested from these localities. However, hydroxyproline. an amino acid that is found in the collagen molecules of animals. as well as in the glycoproteins in the cell walls and reproductive tissues of certain plants, is represented in most taxa. The organic matter retained in the impermeable crowns of conodont elements might have been derived originally from a form of collagen. Biochemical analyses. correlated with histochemical tests, demonstrate that organic matter is an integral part of the hyaline tissue of the element crown and not the result of surface contamination. Tests of a range of vertebrate and invertebrate fossil hard tissues produced similar results. The analyses indicate that hyaline tissue in the conodont element crown is not a form of vertebrate enamel. which contains no collagen. Albid tissue. with little or no organic content. is not a form of vertebrate bone or dentine, both based on collagen and low in mineral. Although these results do not help to determine the phylogenetic affinities of conodont animals, they indicate teat conodont elements do not contain hard tissues characteristic of vertebrate animals.
High levels of mortality in the Mediterranean bath sponge industry have raised concerns for the future of sponge farms. Healthy sponges feed predominantly on bacteria, and many harbour a wide diversity of inter- and extra-cellular symbiotic bacteria. Here we describe the first isolation and description of a pathogenic bacterium from an infected marine sponge. Microbiological examination of tissue necrosis in the Great Barrier Reef sponge Rhopaloeides odorabile resulted in isolation of the bacterial strain NW4327. Sponges infected with strain NW4327 exhibited high levels of external tissue necrosis, and the strain was re-isolated from infected sponges. A single morphotype, which had burrowed through the collagenous spongin fibres causing severe necrosis, was observed microscopically. Strain NW4327 was capable of degrading commercial preparations of azo-collagen, providing further evidence of its involvement in spongin fibre necrosis, Strain NW4327 disrupted the microbial community associated with R. odorabile and was able to infect and kill healthy sponge tissue. 16S rRNA sequence analysis revealed that strain NW4327 is a novel member of the alpha-proteobacteria.
Early development and metamorphosis of Reniera sp., a haplosclerid demosponge, have been examined to determine how gastrulation occurs in this species, and whether there is an inversion of the primary germ layers at metamorphosis. Embryogenesis occurs by unequal cleavage of blastomeres to form a solid blastula consisting micro- and macromeres; multipolar migration of the micromeres to the surface of the embryo results in a bi-layered embryo and is interpreted as gastrulation. Polarity of the embryo is determined by the movement of pigment-containing micromeres to one pole of the embryo; this pole later becomes the posterior pole of the swimming larva. The bi-layered larva has a fully differentiated monociliated outer cell layer, and a solid interior of various cell types surrounded by dense collagen. The pigmented cells at the posterior pole give rise to long cilia that are capable of responding to environmental stimuli. Larvae settle on their anterior pole. Fluorescent labeling of the monociliated outer cell layer with a cell-lineage marker (CMFDA) demonstrates that the monociliated cells resorb their cilia, migrate inwards, and transdifferentiate into the choanocytes of the juvenile sponge, and into other amoeboid cells. The development of the flagellated choanocytes and other cells in the juvenile from the monociliated outer layer of this sponge's larva is interpreted as the dedifferentiation of fully differentiated larval cells-a process seen during the metamorphosis of other ciliated invertebrate larvae-not as inversion of the primary germ layers. These results suggest that the sequences of development in this haplosclerid demosponge are not very different than those observed in many cnidarians.
Embryonic development of tendons is in close association with that of cartilage and bone. Although these tissues are derived from mesenchymal progenitor cells which also give rise to muscle and fat, their fates clearly diverse in early embryonic stages, Transcription factors may play pivotal roles in the process of determination and differentiation of tendon cells as well as other cells in the skeletal system. Scleraxis, a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) type transcription factor. is expressed in mesenchymal progenitors that later form connective tissues including tendons. Sox9 is an HMG-box containing transcription factor, which is expressed at high levels in chondrocytes. We hypothesized that the two transcription factors regulate the fate of cells that interact with each other at the interface between the two tissues during divergence of their differentiation pathways, To address this point, we investigated scleraxis and Sox9 rnRNA expression during mouse embyogenesis focusing on the coordinated development of tendons and skeletons, In the early stage of mesenchymal tissue development at 10.5 d.p.c., scleraxis and Sox9 transcripts were expressed in the mesenchymal progenitor cells in the appendicular and axial mesenchyme. At 11.5 d.p.c.. scleraxis transcripts were observed in the mesenchymal tissue surrounding skeletal primordia which express Sox9. From this stage, scleraxis expression was closely associated with, but distinct from, formation of skeletal primordia, At 13.5 d.p.c., scleraxis was expressed broadly in the interface between muscle and skeletal primordia while Sox9 expression is confined within the early skeletal primordia. Then. at 15.5 d.p.c., scleraxis transcripts were more restricted to tendons. These observations revealed the presence of temporal and spatial association of scleraxis expression during embryonic development of tendon precursor cells in close association with that of So,0 expression in chondrogenic cells in skeletal tissues. (C) 2002 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
In humans, age estimation from the adult skeleton represents an attempt to determine chronological age based on growth and maturational events. In teeth, such events can be characterized by appositional growth layers in midroot cementum. The purpose of this study was to determine the underlying cause of the layered microstructure of human midroot cementum. Whether cementum growth layers are caused by changes in relative mineralization, collagen packing and/or orientation, or by variations in organic matrix apposition was investigated by subjecting midroot sections of human canine teeth to analysis using polarized light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Polarized light was used to examine transverse midroot sections in both mineralized and demineralized states. Mineralized sections were also reexamined following subsequent decollagenization. Polarized light was additionally used in the examination of mineralized sections taken transversely, longitudinally, and obliquely from the same tooth root. From the birefringence patterns it was concluded that collagen orientation does not change with varying section plane. Instead, the mineral phase was most responsible for the birefringence of the cementum. SEM studies suggested that neither collagen packing nor collagen orientation change across the width of the cementum, confirming and validating the results of the polarized light examination. Also, SEM analysis using electron backscatter and the electron probe suggested no changes in the mean atomic number density, calcium, phosphate, and sulfur levels across the width of the cementum. Therefore, we conclude that crystalline orientation and/or size is responsible for the layered appearance of cementum. (Bone 30:386-392; 2002) (C) 2002 by Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
1 This study has administered pirfenidone (5-methyl-l-phenyl-2-[1H]-pyridone) or amiloride to attenuate the remodelling and associated functional changes, especially an increased cardiac stiffness, in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. 2 In control rats, the elimination half-life of pirfenidone following a single intravenous dose of 200 mg kg(-1) was 37 min while oral bioavailability at this dose was 25.7%. Plasma pirfenidone concentrations in control rats averaged 1.9 +/- 0.1 mug ml(-1) over 24 It after 14 days' administration as a 0.4% mixture in food. 3 Pirfenidone (approximately 250-300 mg kg(-1) day(-1) as 0.4% in food) and amiloride (I mg kg-1 day(-1) sc) were administered for 2 weeks starting 2 weeks post-surgery. Pirfenidone but not amiloride attenuated ventricular hypertrophy (2.69 +/- 0.09, UNX 2.01 +/- 0.05. DOCA-salt 3.11 +/- 0.09 mg kg(-1) body wt) without lowering systolic blood pressure. 4 Collagen deposition was significantly increased in the interstitium after 2 weeks and further increased with scarring of the left ventricle after 4 weeks; pirfenidone and amiloride reversed the increases and prevented further increases. This accumulation of collagen was accompanied by an increase in diastolic stiffness constant; both amiloride and pirfenidone, reversed this increase. 5 Noradrenaline potency (positive chronotropy) was decreased in right atria (neg log EC50: control 6.92 +/- 0.06; DOCA-salt 6.64 +/- 0.08); pirfenidone but not amiloride reversed this change. Noradrenaline was a more potent vasoconstrictor in thoracic aortic rings (neg log EC50: control 6.91 +/- 0.10; DOCA-salt 7.90 +/- 0.07); pirfenidone treatment did not change noradrenaline potency. 6 Thus, pirfenidone and amiloride reverse and prevent cardiac remodelling and the increased cardiac stiffness without reversing the increased vascular responses to noradrenaline.
1 Inhibition of rat platelet aggregation by the nitric oxide (NO) donor MAHMA NONOate (Z-1-{N-methyl-N-[6-(N-methylammoniohexyl)amino]}diazen-l-ium-1,2-diolate) was investigated. The aims were to compare its anti-aggregatory effect with vasorelaxation, to determine the effects of the soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor, ODQ (1H-[1,2,4]oxadiazolo[4,3-ajquinoxalin-1-one), and to investigate the possible role of activation of sarco-encloplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA), independent of soluble guanylate cyclase, using thapsigargin. 2 MAHMA NONOate concentration-dependently inhibited sub-maximal aggregation responses to collagen (2 - 10 mug ml(-1)) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP; 2 mum) in platelet rich plasma. It was (i) more effective at inhibiting aggregation induced by collagen than by ADP, and (ii) less potent at inhibiting platelet aggregation than relaxing rat pulmonary artery. 3 ODQ (10 mum) caused only a small shift (approximately half a log unit) in the concentration-response curve to MAHMA NONOate irrespective of the aggregating agent. 4 The NO-independent activator of soluble guanylate cyclase, YC-1 (3-(5'-hydroxymethyl-2'-furyl)-1-benzy] indazole; 1 - 100 mum), did not inhibit aggregation. The cGMP analogue, 8-pCPT-cGMP (8-(4-chlorophenylthio)guanosine 3'5' cyclic monophosphate; 0.1 - 1 mm), caused minimal inhibition. 5 On collagen-aggregated platelets responses to MAHMA NONOate (ODQ 10 PM present) were abolished by thapsigargin (200 nm). On ADP-aggregated platelets thapsigargin caused partial inhibition. 6 Results with S-nitrosoglutathione (GSNO) resembled those with MAHMA NONOate. Glyceryl trinitrate and sodium nitroprusside were poor inhibitors of aggregation. 7 Thus inhibition of rat platelet aggregation by MAHMA NONOate (like GSNO) is largely ODQ-resistant and, by implication, independent of soluble guanylate cyclase. A likely mechanism of inhibition is activation of SERCA.
Whole body studies of Plotosus tandanus revealed that ampullary pores occur over the entire body of the fish, but are in higher concentrations in the head region. These pores give rise to a short canal (50-60 mum) produced by columnar epithelial cells bound together by tight junctions and desmosomes. At the junction. of the canal and the ampulla, cuboidal epithelial cells make up the wall. The ampulla consists of layers of collagen fibers that surround flattened epithelial cells in the lateral regions and give rise to supportive cells-that encase a small number of receptor cells (10-15). The ampullary wall comprises several types of cells that are adjoined via tight junctions and desmosomes between cell types. The ovoid receptor cells possess microvilli along the luminar apical area. Beneath this area, the cells are rich in mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum. An unmyelinated neuron adjoins with each receptor cell opposite multiple presynaptic bodies. This form of microampulla has not been previously described within the Family Plotosidae. (C) 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background: Cementum is essential for periodontal regeneration, as it provides anchorage between the root surface and the periodontal ligament. A variety of macromolecules present in the extracellular matrix of the periodontium, including proteoglycans, are likely to play a regulatory role in cementogenesis. Recently, the small leucine-rich proteoglycan, fibromodulin, has been isolated from bovine periodontal ligament and localized in bovine cementum, as well as in human periodontal ligament. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the distribution of fibromodulin during cementogenesis and root formation. Methods: A standard indirect immunoperoxidase technique was employed, using an antifibromodulin polyclonal antibody on sections of molar teeth from rats aged 3, 5 and 8 weeks. Results: Immunoreactivity to fibromodulin was evident in the periodontal ligament in all sections. An intense positive stain was observed in the extracellular matrix where the periodontal ligament fibers insert into the alveolar bone and where the Sharpey's fibers insert into the cementum. There was no staining evident in the mineralized cellular and acellular cementum. The intensity of immunoreactivity to the antifibromodulin antibody increased proportionally with increasing tissue maturation. Conclusion: The results from this study suggest that fibromodulin is a significant component of the extracellular matrix in the periodontal ligament during development, and may play a regulatory role in the mineralization process or maintaining homeostasis at the hard-soft tissue interface during cementogenesis.
This review considers the considerable similarities between periodontal disease and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). While the etiology of these two diseases may differ, the underlying pathogenic mechanisms are remarkably similar and it is possible that individuals manifesting both periodontitis and RA may suffer from a unifying underlying systemic dysregulation of the inflammatory response. In light of these findings, the implications for the use of disease-modifying medications in the management of these two chronic inflammatory conditions is apparent. Further longitudinal studies and medication-based intervention studies are required to determine just how closely these two conditions are allied.
While the lungfish dentition is partially understood as far as morphology and light microscopic structure is concerned, the ultrastructure is not. Each tooth plate is associated with a dental lamina that develops from the inner layer of endodermal cells that form the oral epithelium. Dentines, bone and cartilage of the jaws differentiate from mesenchyme cells aggregating beneath the oral endothelium. Enamel, in the developing and in the mature form, has similarities to that of other early vertebrates, but unusual characters appear as development proceeds. Ameloblasts are capable of secreting enamel, and, with mononuclear osteoclasts, of remodelling the bone below the tooth plate. The forms of dentine, all based largely on an extracellular matrix of collagen and mineralised with biological apatite, differ from each other and from the underlying bone in the ultrastructure of associated cells and in the mineralised extracellular matrices produced. Cell processes emerging from the odontoblasts and from the osteoblasts vary in length, degree of branching and of anastomoses between the processes, although all of the cell types have large amounts of rough endoplasmic reticulum. Mineralisation of the extracellular matrices varies among the enamel, dentines and bone in the tooth plate. In addition, the development of the hard tissues of the tooth plates indicates that many of the similarities in fine structure of the dentition in lungfish, to tissues in other fish and amphibia, apparent early in development, disappear as the dentition matures. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sox8 is a member of the Sox family of developmental transcription factor genes and is closely related to Sox9, a key gene in the testis determination pathway in mammals. Like Sox9, Sox8 is expressed in the developing mouse testis around the time of sex determination, suggesting that it might play a role in regulating the expression of testis-specific genes. An early step in male sex differentiation is the expression of anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) in Sertoli cells. Expression of the Amh gene during sex differentiation requires the interaction of several transcription factors, including SF1, SOX9, GATA4, WT1, and DAX1. Here we show that SOX8 may also be involved in regulating the expression of Amh. Expression of Sox8 begins just prior to that of Amh at 12 days post coitum (dpc) in mouse testes and continues beyond 16 dpc in Sertoli cells. In vitro assays showed that SOX8 binds specifically to SOX binding sites within the Amh minimal promoter and, like SOX9, acts synergistically with SF1 through direct protein-protein interaction to enhance Amh expression, albeit at lower levels compared with SOX9. SOX8 and SOX9 appear to have arisen from a common ancestral gene and may have retained some common functions during sexual development. Our data provide the first evidence that SOX8 may partially compensate for the reduced SOX9 activity in campomelic dysplasia and substitute for Sox9 where Sox9 is either not expressed or expressed too late to be involved in sex determination or regulation of Amh expression.
Pulmonary hypertension is associated with various alterations in 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) physiology. In this study in platelets from hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive rats (10% O-2; 1 week) and normoxic rats (room air), (i) initial rates of specific [H-3]5-HT uptake were measured and (ii) potentiation of collagen- and ADP-induced aggregation by 5-HT was quantified. The platelet count was almost halved in hypoxic rats. In uptake experiments, there was a decrease in 5-HT uptake in platelets from hypoxic compared with normoxic rats, due to a 36% reduction in the maximal initial rate of uptake. The aggregation experiments showed that 5-HT (1-100 muM) increased the magnitude of responses to collagen and the duration of responses to ADP, but there was no difference between hypoxic and normoxic rats. Abnormalities in platelet function may conceivably lead to increases in plasma 5-HT levels in hypoxic pulmonary hypertension, but are unlikely to aggravate pulmonary thromboembolism. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.