903 resultados para Criminal records


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The Women's Club of Rock Hill's mission is to further the cultural, educational, and social interest of its members and to promote interest in Rock Hill’s civic development and welfare. The Women's Club of Rock Hill Records consist of constitutions and bylaws, histories, minutes, reports, correspondence, memoranda, program notes, brochures, newsletters, membership lists, yearbooks, questions, certificates, awards, scrapbooks, newspaper clippings, and photographs. The records also relate to the thirteen affiliated clubs comprising the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill: Amateur Arts, Arts Appreciation, Book Discussion, Book Lovers, Crafts, Hearthstone, Hermitage, Home Study, Lantern, Literary, Outlook, Palmetto, and Politeia, and to other records for the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Club and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs. Records of various organizations not directly related to the Woman’s Club of Rock Hill are also included, such as the Tri-County Parents Without Partners, the Rock Hill Community Council, the Rock Hill Model Cities Commission, the Rock Hill Senior Center, and the South Carolina Conference on the Status of Women.


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The Mr. USA Pageant Records consists of letters, news releases, newspaper clippings, memorabilia, and photographs relating to the operation of the pageant and the publicity generated from the pageant. The Mr. USA Pageant was held on May 13, 1977 in Charleston, SC as a spoof of traditional beauty pageants and was sponsored by the National Organization of Women (NOW).


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The Fishing Creek Presbyterian Church of Chester County Records include an historical statement (1839) on its origin and development by one of its pastors Rev. John B. Davies, and copies of entries for various sessions containing information on how the church handled misconduct of its members.


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The Second Baptist Church, Kershaw, SC Records consist of photocopies of the church’s records including minutes, membership lists, and financial records relating to the day-to-day operation and business of the church.


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The Hornet's Nest Girl Scout Council Records consist of historical files, reports, minutes, correspondence, newsletters, news clippings, programs, and brochures documenting the origin, growth, and development of the Council. Also included are photocopies of scrapbooks.


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The Church Women United In Columbia was founded in 1915 as the Women’s Interdenominational Missionary Union whose purpose was to work for the betterment of social and economic conditions in the city of Columbia, South Carolina. The collection consists of constitutions, bylaws, minutes, correspondence, reports, financial records, newsletters, newspaper clippings, lists, and other records relating to the history and civic activities of the organization.


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The Pilot Club International was a service oriented club for women, however men are now allowed to join. The South Carolina District was founded in the 1930s for “the promotion of social welfare through the performance of civil and beneficial service of the character generally accomplished by civic organizations, rendering aid and assistance to local Pilot Clubs and implementing at the district level the programs and policies of Pilot Club International.” The Pilot Club International South Carolina District Records consist of a certificate of incorporation, minutes, annual reports, correspondence, resolutions and lists of standing rules.


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Organized in 1904 as the Monday Afternoon Club and later the Monday Club, it became the Outlook Club in 1916. The original purpose of the book club (later the interests of the club were literary, social, and philanthropic) was to affect a better relationship between the wives of the Winthrop College faculty, and the women of Rock Hill, SC. The club was federated by the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1907 and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs in 1933. Minutes, reports, correspondence, financial records, program notes, newspaper clippings, membership records, publications, constitutions and bylaws, historical data, yearbooks, bulletins, convention records, magazines, catalogs, memorabilia, and a scrapbook. The records provide information, not only on the club but also on other subjects, including the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, the South Carolina Federation of Women’s Clubs, the role of women’s clubs during World War II, and the relationship between the wives of Winthrop College faculty and the women in the Rock Hill community.


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The Rock Hill Hardware Company was organized on June 4, 1893 by A.R. Smith and John Gelzer, A.A. Barron and his sons R.E. and W.L. bought Smith out in 1896 and by 1907 had acquired the whole firm. The Barron family owned and operated it until it closed in 1978. The collection consists of a 1906 ledger, financial records, a photograph, a seed license, World War II ration booklets, and newspaper clippings.


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The Rock Hill Rotary Club was chartered by the International Association of Rotary Clubs on February 1, 1919 as a service organization. The Rotary Club of Rock Hill Records consist of the club charter, correspondence, yearbooks, membership lists, minutes, financial records, program notes and other records relating to the historical development of the Club.


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The South Carolina International Women's Year Conference Records focuses on the workings of the various committees which organized the (SCIWY) Conference and provided essential information on the planning and execution of the state meeting. The collection consists of correspondence, memoranda, minutes, agenda notes, reports, speeches, financial records, newspaper clippings, press releases, election tally sheets, delegate applications, questionnaires, brochures, photographs, cassette tape recordings and publications pertaining mainly to the (SCIWY) Conference but also to the National Conference.


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The South Carolina Council on Family Relations was organized in 1956 to promote communication among representatives of participating organizations and citizens in order to further their common objective of strengthening family life in South Carolina. The South Carolina Council on Family Relations Records consist of constitutions, brochures, pamphlets, minutes, correspondence, membership lists, and annual reports, documenting the council’s growth, development, and functions.


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North Pacific right whales (Eubalaena japonica) were extensively exploited in the 19th century, and their recovery was further retarded (severely so in the eastern population) by illegal Soviet catches in the 20th century, primarily in the 1960s. Monthly plots of right whale sightings and catches from both the 19th and 20th centuries are provided, using data summarized by Scarff (1991, from the whale charts of Matthew Fontaine Maury) and Brownell et al. (2001), respectively. Right whales had an extensive offshore distribution in the 19th century, and were common in areas (such as the Gulf of Alaska and Sea of Japan) where few or no right whales occur today. Seasonal movements of right whales are apparent in the data, although to some extent these reflect survey and whaling effort. That said, these seasonal movements indicate a general northward migration in spring from lower latitudes, and major concentrations above 40°N in summer. Sightings diminished and occurred further south in autumn, and few animals were recorded anywhere in winter. These north-south migratory movements support the hypothesis of two largely discrete populations of right whales in the eastern and western North Pacific. Overall, these analyses confirm that the size and range of the right whale population is now considerably diminished in the North Pacific relative to the situation during the peak period of whaling for this species in the 19th century. For management purposes, new surveys are urgently required to establish the present distribution of this species; existing data suggest that the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, the Okhotsk Sea, the Kuril Islands and the coast of Kamchatka are the areas with the greatest likelihood of finding right whales today.


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New records of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus in Sciuridae, from specimens collected in central Ohio, including those from the fox squirrel (Sciurus niger rufiventer) and the chipmunk (Tamias striatus).