819 resultados para Cowles, Oswald
A rica fachada em cantaria apresenta frontão curvilíneo e torres com coroamento bulboso ainda com traços barrocos persistindo o acúmulo formal do eclétismo com elementos tanto europeus como coloniais. As imensas pilastras externas são duplas nas laterais e torres e a modenatura se adensa no corpo da igreja que exibe um pórtico clássico ladeado de portas com arcos plenos e acima no coro, janelas com vergas coloniais.. Internamente a pompa toma conta do ambiente sacro. A grandiosidade da nave única retangular é conseguida pela profundidade e verticalidade das dez colunas neoclássicas de ordem coríntia, dispostas par a par, tão colossais quanto aquelas da capela-mor que serviu de inspiração e por onde se iniciou a ornamentação. Os festões e guirlandas no meio do fuste das colunas da capela-mor são acréscimos posteriores a 1855. A ornamentação do arco-cruzeiro é mais contida e apresenta-se como elemento construtivo. A decoração interior mesmo sendo realizada no século XIX tem a grandiosidade barroca. Assim como a construção teve vários construtores também a talha contou com vários artífices que ornamentaram a nave. Foram eles: os entalhadores Pádua e Castro (1855-1865), Cláudio Manoel dos Reis e pelos escultores Chaves Pinheiro que executou as esculturas dos doze apóstolos em madeira e Almeida Reis modelou os baixos-relevos referentes a vida do santo protetor na nave. A ornamentação da capela-mor é atribuída também ao mestre Valentim, auxiliado pelo mestre carpinteiro Florêncio Machado. Esta foi sua última obra iniciada em 1801, terminada em 1813 e reformulada por Pádua Castro em 1855. Nesta ocasião se abriu o zimbório e ampliou-se as colunas do altar-mor, aumentando o trono na nova tribuna. Uma visita à pinacoteca da ordem terceira é surpreendente pois alí se encontram obras dos pintores Manuel da Cunha, José de Oliveira Rosa, Rafael Mendes Carvalho, Claude-Joseph Barandier, Auguste Petit, Vitor Meireles Carlos Oswald entre outros.
Purpose: There are few studies demonstrating the link between neural oscillations in magnetoencephalography (MEG) at rest and cognitive performance. Working memory is one of the most studied cognitive processes and is the ability to manipulate information on items kept in short-term memory. Heister & al. (2013) showed correlation patterns between brain oscillations at rest in MEG and performance in a working memory task (n-back). These authors showed that delta/theta activity in fronto-parietal areas is related to working memory performance. In this study, we use resting state MEG oscillations to validate these correlations with both of verbal (VWM) and spatial (SWM) working memory, and test their specificity in comparison with other cognitive abilities. Methods: We recorded resting state MEG and used clinical neuropsychological tests to assess working memory performance in 18 volunteers (6 males and 12 females). The other neuropsychological tests of the WAIS-IV were used as control tests to assess the specificity of the correlation patterns with working memory. We calculated means of Power Spectrum Density for different frequency bands (delta, 1-4Hz; theta, 4-8Hz; alpha, 8-13Hz; beta, 13-30Hz; gamma1, 30-59Hz; gamma2, 61-90Hz; gamma3, 90-120Hz; large gamma, 30-120Hz) and correlated MEG power normalised for the maximum in each frequency band at the sensor level with working memory performance. We then grouped the sensors showing a significant correlation by using a cluster algorithm. Results: We found positive correlations between both types of working memory performance and clusters in the bilateral posterior and right fronto-temporal regions for the delta band (r2 =0.73), in the fronto-middle line and right temporal regions for the theta band (r2 =0.63) as well as in the parietal regions for the alpha band (r2 =0.78). Verbal working memory and spatial working memory share a common fronto-parietal cluster of sensors but also show specific clusters. These clusters are specific to working memory, as compared to those obtained for other cognitive abilities and right posterior parietal areas, specially in slow frequencies, appear to be specific to working memory process. Conclusions: Slow frequencies (1-13Hz) but more precisely in delta/theta bands (1-8Hz), recorded at rest with magnetoencephalography, predict working memory performance and support the role of a fronto-parietal network in working memory.
Professor of Latin and acting president of the University of Michigan. On verso: North & Oswald Photographers. Toledo, Ohio. Established 1864. Take the Passenger Elevator at St. Clair Street Entrance, and Visit our New Studios, 45 Hall Block. Largest and finest in the West. All negatives preserved and Registered. Duplicates of this picture may be had at any time.
President of the University of Michigan, minister to China and Turkey. On verso: North & Oswald Photographers, Toledo, Ohio. Established 1864. Take the Passenger Elevator at St. Clair Street Entrance, and Visit our New Studios, 45 Hall Block. Largest and finest in the West. All negatives preserved and Registered...
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Includes index.
Catalogue: p. 3-60.
"The full story of [the author's] ... activities in [Washington and Oregon] ... in the years from 1874 to 1883 ... It first appeared in print in 1926 in serial form in the Portland Oregonian."--Editor's introd.