1000 resultados para Controle de riscos


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A extensa área em que há transmissão de esquistossomose (11% do território do país) e o fato de que a distribuição é sempre focal, dependente de condições locais, faz com que o controle seja metodológica e operacionalmente difícil. Desde o ano de 1976, com o Programa Especial de Controle da Esquistossomose (PECE), tem sido cumpridas atividades regulares, desde então sistematizadas em um programa vertical, que assim se manterá até que se alcance taxas de prevalência iguais ou inferiores a 5% em exames coproscópicos, rotineiramente realizados sob a forma de inquéritos que orientam o tratamento humano. A partir daí, os serviços permanentes de saúde deverão assumir as ações de controle. O uso de moluscicidas vem sendo racionalizado, a partir de uma melhor definição dos criadouros de importância epidemiológica. O saneamento e as atividades de educação em áreas localizadas, e nos limites dos recursos disponíveis, são ações complementares algumas vezes, desenvolvidas, em caráter até aqui mais ou menos esporádico. Os resultados colhidos indicam claramente a redução do número de casos de forma grave da doença, e a redução da morbidade, quando examinados os dados a um maior nível de agregação.


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We sprayed, in three groups of Domiciliary Units, 10 and 15 g of alphacypermethrin and 31.3 g of cypermethrin per pump of 10 liters, equivaling, if applied on 250 [squared meters), respectiveliy, to 60 and 40 mg of a alphacypermethrin [per squared meter] and 125,2 mg of cypermethrin [per squared meter]. The invasion, colonization and cumulative indices in the houses and the positivity index in shelters near houses were very low and similar in the three groups, in the 15 months of evaluation, indicating that alphacypermethrin can replace cypermethrin. Triatoma infestans predominated in the Domiciliary Units before treatment and T. brasiliensis and T. pseudomaculata predominated after it.


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The specific treatment of schistosomiasis has been though to prevent or revert severe forms of the disease, since 1957. Starting in 1977, prospective and controlled studies performed in different endemic areas of Brazil were able to confirm such facts. The new drugs, of high efficacy and well tolerated - Oxamniquine and Praziquantel - can actually prevent and cure the severe forms of some patients, contributing to change the morbidity pattern of the disease, thus being considered as important weapons in its control. Analysis of the Brazilian articles on the subject is presented.


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The schistosomiasis is transmitted by Biomphalaria tenagophila in our study area (Pedro de Toledo, Sao Paulo, Brazil). From 1980 to 1990 epidemiological surveys in a population of 4.000 inhabitants, has shown that: prevalence Kato-Katz (KKT), immunofluorescence (FT) and intradermal (IDT) techniques were 22.8%, 55.5% and 51.8% respectively; intensity of infection was low, 58.5 eggs per gram of faeces (epg); there were no symptomatic cases; prevalences were higher in mates, children and rural zone; index of potential contamination was 57.5% in the age group 5 to 20 years; 2/3 of patients were autochtonous; cases were no-randomly aggregated; transmission was focal and only 0.4% of snails were infected; water contacts through recreation showed the most important odds ratio; knowledge, attitudes and practices were satisfatory. From the epidemiological control findings a control programme was carried out; yearly faeces exams, chemotherapy, molluscocide, health education and sanitation. Thus, the prevalence decreased sharply to 3.3% and intensity of infection to 30.3 epg; the incidence rates ranged between 0.4% and 2.5% annualy; the sanitation became better and the youngsters were the main target in prophylaxis. To improve control, immunodiagnosis has to be conducted and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection and the involvment of the population should be increase. However, we cannot forget that re-infection, therapeutic failure, etc, could play a major role in the maintnance this residual prevalence.


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The control measures preconized by Ministério da Saúde/Fundaçao Nacional de Saúde for 1990/1991, started to have a new focus when significant advances were evidenced in the two last decades and after internal meetings with participation of the cientific community interested in accompanting the actions directed to the control of schistosomiasis in our country. Since then, the priority started to be the suppressing of the occurence of advanced clinical forms, having as an objective, the detection and treatment of all carrier of Schistosoma mansoni. Beyond the control measures, factors that may interfere in the application of those measures were also boarded, the diverse phasis of field operations, the work methodology and results obtained in the first semester of 1991.


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Els riscos greus es poden materialitzar en emergències col·lectives on l’afectació a la població, als béns materials, a les infraestructures i als serveis bàsics pot ser molt intensa i de forma molt ràpida. Quan aquests elements vulnerables se situen molt pròxims al focus de l’emergència es pot dificultar l’actuació del sistema de gestió d’emergències i més concretament no poder aplicar a temps les mesures de protecció i autoprotecció a la població, o bé que aquestes siguin insuficients. La ubicació dels elements vulnerables en relació als potencials focus d’emergència queda definida per la planificació territorial i l’urbanisme. Per tant, una adequada ubicació dels elements vulnerables que faciliti la gestió de les emergències pel que fa a l’aplicació de mesures de protecció i autoprotecció requereix incorporar la prevenció dels riscos greus a la planificació territorial i l’urbanisme. Actualment aquest procés de prevenció es troba en fase embrionària i disgregat entre diversos col·lectius professionals i organismes sectorials de l’àmbit de la seguretat i el risc. Aquest estudi de recerca recull l’estat actual de la qüestió i valora i justifica la importància social i econòmica del problema de la prevenció d’emergències col·lectives. A partir d’aquest punt es proposa que atès el caràcter transversal i aglutinador del servei de protecció civil, a través d’aquest servei es defineixi un sistema i metedologia per incorporar la prevenció del risc als paràmetres que condicionen el plantejament territorial i l’urbanisme. Es proposa que aquest sistema incorpori les visions dels diferents organismes experts amb caràcter sectorial i gestors de riscos greus concrets, i que tingui una estructura i un procés d’implantació similar al model de prevenció d’incendis en edificis, altament implantat i efectiu.


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El treball es proposa dur a terme un estudi descriptiu sobre la situació de l'avaluació interna a tres centres de secundària per tal de conèixer quina és la situació actual, quines actuacions es porten a terme explícitament o implícitament i quins beneficis se'n deriven o poden derivar-se'n, així com també quins són els problemes i reticències que comporta i els riscos que pot originar la posada en pràctica, tant conscientment com inconscient, d'aquesta avaluació interna.


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Ponència presentada a la Jornada sobre plans d'autoprotecció