864 resultados para Coming of Age
A total of 108 eggs from a group of 100 brown laying hens housed in standard cages were analyzed. Thirty-six eggs were retired when the hens had 30 week of age, other 36 eggs were retired when the hens had 35 week of age and the remaining 36 eggs were retired five weeks afterwards. Each group of 36 eggs was radomly divided in three groups of 12 eggs. First group was analyzed at once, second group one was kept during one week in the refrigerator (5°C) and third group was kept also one week but on ambient temperature (25°C). Shell color, shell thickness, specific gravity, albumen height and Haugh units wre obtained. The bird age had significant effect on shell color and shell thickness, but the storage system had not influence on such variables. The hen age had not effect on specific gravity, but the storage system affected to this variable. Hen age and storage system had significant influence (P<0.05) on albumen height and Haugh units, and the interaction age × storage system was significant for these variables. The specific gravity had positive relations with shell thickness, yolk color, albumen height and Haugh units. It is concluded that bird age and storage system under high temperatures reduced the egg quality.
Purpose: In this paper we study all settlements shown on the map of the Province of Madrid, sheet number 1 of AGE (Atlas Geográfico de España of Tomas Lopez 1804) and their correspondence with the current ones. This map is divided in to zones: Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita. Method: The steps followed in the methodology are as follow: 1. Geo-reference of maps with latitude and longitude framework. Move the historical longitude origin to the origin longitude of modern cartography. 2 Digitize of all population settlements or cities (97 on Madrid and 42 on Almonacid de Zorita), 3 Identify historic settlements or cities corresponding with current ones. 4. If the maps have the same orientation and scale, replace the coordinate transformation of historical settlements with a new one, by a translation in latitude and longitude equal to the calculated mean value of all ancient map points corresponding to the new. 5. Calculation of absolute accuracy of the two maps. 6 draw in the GIS, the settlements accuracy. Result: It was found that all AGE settlements have good correspondence with current, ie only 27 settlements lost in Madrid and 2 in Almonacid. The average accuracy is 2.3 and 5.7 km to Madrid and Almonacid de Zorita respectively. Discussion & Conclusion: The final accuracy map obtained shows that there is less error in the middle of the map. This study highlights the great work done by Tomas Lopez in performing this mapping without fieldwork. This demonstrates the great value that has been the work of Tomas Lopez in the history of cartography.
The hypothesis that age-associated impairment of cognitive and motor functions is due to oxidative molecular damage was tested in the mouse. In a blind study, senescent mice (aged 22 months) were subjected to a battery of behavioral tests for motor and cognitive functions and subsequently assayed for oxidative molecular damage as assessed by protein carbonyl concentration in different regions of the brain. The degree of age-related impairment in each mouse was determined by comparison to a reference group of young mice (aged 4 months) tested concurrently on the behavioral battery. The age-related loss of ability to perform a spatial swim maze task was found to be positively correlated with oxidative molecular damage in the cerebral cortex, whereas age-related loss of motor coordination was correlated with oxidative molecular damage within the cerebellum. These results support the view that oxidative stress is a causal factor in brain senescence. Furthermore, the findings suggest that age-related declines of cognitive and motor performance progress independently, and involve oxidative molecular damage within different regions of the brain.
The purpose of this study was to analyse the developmental pathway of skilled and less skilled volleyball players by focusing on the quantity and type of sporting activities, as well as their age and height in comparison to peers in those experiences. Retrospective interviews were conducted to provide a longitudinal and detailed account of sport involvement of 30 skilled and 30 less skilled volleyball players (15 male and 15 female players per group) throughout different developmental stages (stage 1: 8-12 years; stage 2: 13-16 years; stage 3: 17-20 years). Results indicated that the developmental pathway of these volleyball players (i.e. skilled and less skilled) was characterized by an early diversified sport involvement with a greater participation in sport activities during stages 1 and 2. However, skilled players specialized later in volleyball (between age 14 and 15) and performed more hours of volleyball at stage 3 (from 17 years of age onwards). Also, skilled players (male and female) were younger in both the diversified sport activities and volleyball at the later stages of development (i.e. stages 2 and 3), and skilled female players were taller than peers in those activities in the early stages of development (i.e. stages 1 and 2). The present findings suggest early diversification as a feasible pathway to reach expertise in volleyball and highlight the importance of practicing with older peers once specialization in the main sport has occurred. The findings highlight the need for coaches and sport programs to consider different stimuli existing within the training environment (i.e. characteristics of athletes, such as age and height) that influence the quality of practice and contribute to players’ expertise development.
BACKGROUND: This study was aimed at evaluating the clinical protection, the level of Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) viremia and the immune response (antibodies and IFN-γ secreting cells (SC)) in piglets derived from PCV2 vaccinated sows and themselves vaccinated against PCV2 at different age, namely at 4, 6 and 8 weeks. The cohort study has been carried out over three subsequent production cycles (replicates). At the start/enrolment, 46 gilts were considered at first mating, bled and vaccinated. At the first, second and third farrowing, dams were bled and re-vaccinated at the subsequent mating after weaning piglets. Overall 400 piglets at each farrowing (first, second and third) were randomly allocated in three different groups (100 piglets/group) based on the timing of vaccination (4, 6 or 8 weeks of age). A fourth group was kept non-vaccinated (controls). Piglets were vaccinated intramuscularly with one dose (2 mL) of a commercial PCV2a-based subunit vaccine (Porcilis® PCV). Twenty animals per group were bled at weaning and from vaccination to slaughter every 4 weeks for the detection of PCV2 viremia, humoral and cell-mediated immune responses. Clinical signs and individual treatments (morbidity), mortality, and body weight of all piglets were recorded. RESULTS: All vaccination schemes (4, 6 and 8 weeks of age) were able to induce an antibody response and IFN-γ SC. The highest clinical and virological protection sustained by immune reactivity was observed in pigs vaccinated at 6 weeks of age. Overall, repeated PCV2 vaccination in sows at mating and the subsequent higher levels of maternally derived antibodies did not significantly interfere with the induction of both humoral and cell-mediated immunity in their piglets after vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of vaccination in sows at mating and in piglets at 6 weeks of age was more effective for controlling PCV2 natural infection, than other vaccination schemas, thus sustaining that some interference of MDA with the induction of an efficient immune response could be considered. In conclusion, optimal vaccination strategy needs to balance the levels of passive immunity, the management practices and timing of infection.
Application of the 230Th normalization method to estimate sediment burial fluxes in six cores from the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) reveals that bulk sediment and organic carbon fluxes display a coherent regional pattern during the Holocene that is consistent with modern oceanographic conditions, in contrast with estimates of bulk mass accumulation rates (MARs) derived from core chronologies. Two nearby sites (less than 10 km apart), which have different MARs, show nearly identical 230Th-normalized bulk fluxes. Focusing factors derived from the 230Th data at the foot of the Carnegie Ridge in the Panama Basin are >2 in the Holocene, implying that lateral sediment addition is significant in this part of the basin. New geochemical data and existing literature provide evidence for a hydrothermal source of sediment in the southern part of the Panama Basin and for downslope transport from the top of the Carnegie Ridge. The compilation of core records suggests that sediment focusing is spatially and temporally variable in the EEP. During oxygen isotope stage 2 (OIS 2, from 13-27 ka BP), focusing appears even higher compared to the Holocene at most sites, similar to earlier findings in the eastern and central equatorial Pacific. The magnitude of the glacial increase in focusing factors, however, is strongly dependent on the accuracy of age models. We offer two possible explanations for the increase in glacial focusing compared to the Holocene. The first one is that the apparent increase in lateral sediment redistribution is partly or even largely an artifact of insufficient age control in the EEP, while the second explanation, which assumes that the observed increase is real, involves enhanced deep sea tidal current flow during periods of low sea level stand.
Includes index.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Immunotherapy strategies aimed at increasing human Valpha24(+)Vbeta11(+) natural killer T (NKT) cell numbers are currently a major focus. To provide further information towards the goal of NKT cell-based immunotherapy, we assessed the effects of age, cancer status and prior anticancer treatment on NKT cell numbers and their expansion capacity following alpha-galactosylceramide (alpha-GalCer) stimulation. The percentage and absolute number of peripheral blood NKT cells was assessed in 40 healthy donors and 109 solid cancer patients ( colorectal ( n = 33), breast ( n = 10), melanoma ( n = 17), lung ( n = 8), renal cell carcinoma ( n = 10), other cancers ( n = 31)). Responsiveness to alpha-GalCer stimulation was also assessed in 28 of the cancer patients and 37 of the healthy donors. Natural killer T cell numbers were significantly reduced in melanoma and breast cancer patients. While NKT numbers decreased with age in healthy donors, NKT cells were decreased in these cancer subgroups despite age and sex adjustments. Prior radiation treatment was shown to contribute to the observed reduction in melanoma patients. Although cancer patient NKT cells were significantly less responsive to alpha-GalCer stimulation, they remained capable of substantial expansion. Natural killer T cells are therefore modulated by age, malignancy and prior anticancer treatment; however, cancer patient NKT cells remain capable of responding to alpha-GalCer-based immenotherapies.
In order to determine the age of adult wild dogs, we compared two methods ( that of Thomson and Rose (TR method) and that of Knowlton and Whittemore (KW method)) of measuring and calculating pulp cavity : tooth width ratios on upper and lower canine teeth from 68 mixed-sex, known-age wild dogs of 9 months to 13 years of age reared at two localities. Although significant relationships ( P = 0.0001) were found between age and pulp cavity ratios by both methods, the TR ratio calculation and measurement showed heteroscedasity in error variance whereas the KW ratios had a more stable error variance and were normally distributed. The KW method also found significant differences between pulp cavity ratios between teeth of the upper and lower jaws ( P < 0.0001) and sex ( P = 0.01) but not geographic origin ( P = 0.1). Regressions and formulae for fitted curves are presented separately for male and female wild dogs. Males show greater variability in pulp cavity decrements with age than do females, suggesting a physiological difference between the sexes. We conclude that the KW method of using pulp cavity as a proportion of tooth width, measured 15 mm from the root tip and averaged over both upper canines, is the more accurate method of estimating the age of adult wild dogs.
Weight reduction in clinical populations of severely obese children has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood pressure, but little is known about the effect of weight gain among children in the general population. This study compares the mean blood pressure at 14 years of age with the change in overweight status between ages 5 and 14. Information from 2794 children born in Brisbane, Australia, and who were followed up since birth and had body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure measurements at ages 5 and 14 were used. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure at age 14 was the main outcomes and different patterns of change in BMI from age 5 to 14 were the main exposure. Those who changed from being overweight at age 5 to having normal BMI at age 14 had similar mean blood pressures to those who had a normal BMI at both time points: age- and sex-adjusted mean difference in systolic blood pressure 1.54 ( - 0.38, 3.45) mm Hg and in diastolic blood pressure 0.43 ( - 0.95, 1.81) mm Hg. In contrast, those who were overweight at both ages or who had a normal BMI at age 5 and were overweight at age 14 had higher blood pressure at age 14 than those who had a normal BMI at both times. These effects were independent of a range of potential confounding factors. Our findings suggest that programs that successfully result in children changing from overweight to normal-BMI status for their age may have important beneficial effects on subsequent blood pressure.
We compared growth rates of the lemon shark, Negaprion brevirostris, from Bimini, Bahamas and the Marquesas Keys (MK), Florida using data obtained in a multi-year annual census. We marked new neonate and juvenile sharks with unique electronic identity tags in Bimini and in the MK we tagged neonate and juvenile sharks. Sharks were tagged with tiny, subcutaneous transponders, a type of tagging thought to cause little, if any disruption to normal growth patterns when compared to conventional external tagging. Within the first 2 years of this project, no age data were recorded for sharks caught for the first time in Bimini. Therefore, we applied and tested two methods of age analysis: ( 1) a modified 'minimum convex polygon' method and ( 2) a new age-assigning method, the 'cut-off technique'. The cut-off technique proved to be the more suitable one, enabling us to identify the age of 134 of the 642 previously unknown aged sharks. This maximised the usable growth data included in our analysis. Annual absolute growth rates of juvenile, nursery-bound lemon sharks were almost constant for the two Bimini nurseries and can be best described by a simple linear model ( growth data was only available for age-0 sharks in the MK). Annual absolute growth for age-0 sharks was much greater in the MK than in either the North Sound (NS) and Shark Land (SL) at Bimini. Growth of SL sharks was significantly faster during the first 2 years of life than of the sharks in the NS population. However, in MK, only growth in the first year was considered to be reliably estimated due to low recapture rates. Analyses indicated no significant differences in growth rates between males and females for any area.
The spatial distribution patterns of the diffuse, primitive, and classic beta-amyloid (Abeta) deposits were studied in areas of the medial temporal lobe in 12 cases of Down's Syndrome (DS) 35 to 67 years of age. Large clusters of diffuse deposits were present in the youngest patients; cluster size then declined with patient age but increased again in the oldest patients. By contrast, the cluster sizes of the primitive and classic deposits increased with age to a maximum in patients 45 to 55 and 60 years of age respectively and declined in size in the oldest patients. In the parahippocampal gyrus (PHG), the clusters of the primitive deposits were most highly clustered in cases of intermediate age. The data suggest a developmental sequence in DS in which Abeta is deposited initially in the form of large clusters of diffuse deposits that are then gradually replaced by clusters of primitive and classic deposits. The oldest patients were an exception to this sequence in that the pattern of clustering resembled that of the youngest patients.
Despite numerous investigations, the aetiology and mechanism of accommodation and presbyopia remains equivocal. Using Gaussian first-order ray tracing calculations, we examine the contribution that ocular axial distances make to the accommodation response. Further, the influence of age and ametropia are also considered. The data show that all changes in axial distances during accommodation reduce the accommodation response, with the reduction in anterior chamber depth contributing most to this overall attenuation. Although the total power loss due to the changes in axial distances remained constant with increasing age, hyperopes exhibited less accommodation than myopes. The study, therefore, enhances our understanding of biometric accommodative changes and demonstrates the utility of vergence analysis in the assessment of accommodation.
Presentation Purpose:To determine methods of quantifying the sensitivity loss in the central 10o visual field in a cross section of patients at various stages of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Methods:Standard and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SAP and SWAP) visual fields were collected using program 10-2 of the Humphrey Field Analyzer, in 44 eyes of 27 patients with AMD and 41 eyes of 22 normal subjects. Stereoscopic fundus photographs were graded by two independent observers and the stage of disease determined. Global indices were compared for their ability to delineate the normal visual field from early stages of AMD and to differentiate between stages. Results:Mean Deviation (MD) and Pattern Standard Deviation (PSD) varied significantly with stage of disease in SAP (both p<0.001) and SWAP (both p<0.001), but post-hoc analysis revealed overlap of functional values between stages. Global indices of focal loss, PSD and local spatial variability (LSV) were the most sensitive to detecting differences between normal subjects and early stage AMD patients, in SAP and SWAP, respectively. Overall, defects were confined to the central 5°. SWAP defects were consistently greater in depth and area than those in SAP. The most vulnerable region of the 10° field to sensitivity loss with increasing stage of AMD was the central 1°, in which the sensitivity decline was -4.8dB per stage in SAP and -4.9dB per stage in SWAP. Based on the pattern deviation defect maps, a severity index of AMD visual field loss was derived. Threshold variability was considerably increased in late stage AMD eyes. Conclusions:Global indices of focal loss were more sensitive to the detection of early stage AMD from normal. The sensitivity decline with advancing stage of AMD was greater in SWAP compared to SAP, however the trend was not strong across all stages of disease. The less commonly used index LSV represents relatively statistically unmanipulated summary measure of focal loss. A new severity index is described which is sensitive to visual field change in AMD, measures visual field defects on a continuous scale and may serve as a useful measure of functional change in AMD in longitudinal studies. Keywords: visual fields • age-related macular degeneration • perimetry