989 resultados para College publications


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The Cork University Dental School & Hospital, University College Cork, introduced an innovative programme in April 2011, which provided prospective dental students with an opportunity to participate in a one-day experiential workshop. The aim of the workshop was to provide students with an overview of the dental undergraduate programmes. Feedback on the workshop was exceptionally positive, and prospective students would recommend the workshop to a fellow student, as it helped to inform their decision about choosing dentistry as a first option.


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INTRODUCTION: Vocational training (VT) is a mandatory 12 month period for UK dental graduates after graduation. Graduates of Irish Dental Schools are eligible to enter the general dental service in Ireland or obtain an NHS performers list number in the UK immediately after qualification. Reports would suggest that some graduates of Irish Dental Schools are choosing to take part in VT in the UK and find the experience beneficial. This study aimed to record the uptake of VT amongst recent graduates from University College Cork and to document their experiences. It was designed to compare the attitudes and experiences of graduates of Irish Dental Schools who undertook VT compared with those who entered the general dental service.

METHOD: A self-completion questionnaire was distributed by e-mail to dental graduates from University College Cork who had graduated 2001-2007. Responses were returned by e-mail or post.

RESULTS: The response rate was 68.9%. There has been an increase in the numbers of graduates taking part in VT each year since 2004. 92.5% of Vocational Dental Practitioners (VDPs) found their experience beneficial as they received a guaranteed source of income, had a supportive peer network and worked in a positive learning environment. However, some felt that they earned a lower income than their associate colleagues, others found the pace of practice slow and that the duration of the training period was excessive. Eighty-five per cent of VDPs would choose the same position again after graduation as compared with 61.8% of associates (P < 0.001). Ninety per cent of VDPs would advise current undergraduates to take part in VT as compared with 51% of associates (P < 0.001). A larger proportion of VDPs had taken part in postgraduate studies but there was no significant difference between the two groups.

CONCLUSIONS: Larger proportions of recent graduates are undertaking vocational training.--The majority of VDPs and associates find their initial employment position beneficial.--VDPs benefit from a guaranteed source of income, a supportive peer network and a positive learning environment.--Some associates suffered from a lack of support, feeling isolated and overwhelmed with patients.--The majority of previous VDPs and associates would recommend VT to current undergraduates.--Almost 40% of associates would now choose to take part in VT if given the opportunity.


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Dehydration of the airway surface liquid (ASL) and the resultant decline in function of the mucociliary escalator in cystic fibrosis airways is largely underpinned by the excessive flux of Na+ and water though ENaC. Proteolysis of the endogenous  and  subunits of epithelial sodium channels (ENaC) by channel activating proteases (CAPS) is the key regulatory mechanism for channel activation. Recent reports highlight that (1) CFTR (cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator) normally protects ENaC from the action of proteases and (2) a stark imbalance in proteases/protease inhibitor levels in CF airway cultures favour activation of normally inactive ENaC. The current study examines the potential therapeutic benefit of CAPS/ENaC inhibition in CF airways.
Our group has developed a panel of active-site directed affinity-based probes which target and inhibit trypsin-like proteases (potential CAPS); including the broad-spectrum inhibitor QUB-TL1. We have utilised this compound to interrogate the impact of trypsin-like protease inhibition on ENaC activity in differentiated primary airway epithelial cell cultures.
Electrophysiological data demonstrate QUB-TL1 selectively and irreversibly binds to extracellularly located trypsin-like proteases resulting in impaired ENaC-mediated Na+ transport. Visualisation of ENaC at the apical surface compartment of primary airway epithelial cells shows a large reduction in a low molecular weight (processed and active) form of ENaC, which was found to be abundant in untreated CF cultures. Consistent with the reduction in ENaC activity observed, QUB-TL1 treatment was subsequently shown to increase ASL height (performed in collaboration with Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland).
Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that targeting the CAPS-ENaC signalling axis may restore the depleted ASL seen in CF airways.


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BACKGROUND: Since the publication of the 2006 American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) cough guidelines, a variety of tools has been developed or further refined for assessing cough. The purpose of the present committee was to evaluate instruments used by investigators performing clinical research on chronic cough. The specific aims were to (1) assess the performance of tools designed to measure cough frequency, severity, and impact in adults, adolescents, and children with chronic cough and (2) make recommendations or suggestions related to these findings.

METHODS: By following the CHEST methodologic guidelines, the CHEST Expert Cough Panel based its recommendations and suggestions on a recently published comparative effectiveness review commissioned by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a corresponding summary published in CHEST, and an updated systematic review through November 2013. Recommendations or suggestions based on these data were discussed, graded, and voted on during a meeting of the Expert Cough Panel.

RESULTS: We recommend for adults, adolescents (≥ 14 years of age), and children complaining of chronic cough that validated and reliable health-related quality-of-life (QoL) questionnaires be used as the measurement of choice to assess the impact of cough, such as the Leicester Cough Questionnaire and the Cough-Specific Quality-of-Life Questionnaire in adult and adolescent patients and the Parent Cough-Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire in children. We recommend acoustic cough counting to assess cough frequency but not cough severity. Limited data exist regarding the performance of visual analog scales, numeric rating scales, and tussigenic challenges.

CONCLUSIONS: Validated and reliable cough-specific health-related QoL questionnaires are recommended as the measurement of choice to assess the impact of cough on patients. How they compare is yet to be determined. When used, the reporting of cough severity by visual analog or numeric rating scales should be standardized. Previously validated QoL questionnaires or other cough assessments should not be modified unless the new version has been shown to be reliable and valid. Finally, in research settings, tussigenic challenges play a role in understanding mechanisms of cough.


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London premiere performance as part of the Society for the Promotion of New Music Festival, Morley College/St John's Smith Square, London 10-13 September 1981. World premiere at University of East Anglia 2 March 1981. Second performance Nottingham University 9 June 1981.


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The monitoring of oral disease is important, not alone for oral health, but for the detection and prevention of
systemic disease. The link between oral health and systemic disease is the focus of many studies, with
indications emerging of a causal link [1]. For disease diagnostics, blood has typically been the fluid of choice
for analysis, the retrieval of which is invasive and therefore unsuitable for wearable technology. Analysis of
saliva, however, is less invasive than that of blood, requires little or no pre-treatment and is abundantly
available. A strong correlation has been found between the analytes of blood and saliva [2] with saliva
containing biomarkers for diseases such as diabetes, oral cancer and cardiovascular disease. The development of
an implantable multi-parametric wireless sensor, to monitor both salivary analytes and changes in gingival
temperature, is the aim of this research project.
The aim of our current study is to detect changes in salivary pH, using a gold electrode with a pHsensitive
iridium oxide layer, and an Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistor probe. Characterisation studies were
carried out in artificial saliva (AS). A salivary pH of between 4.5pH-7.5pH [3], and gingival temperature
between 35°C-38°C [4], were identified as the target range of interest for the human oral environment. Sensor
measurements were recorded in solutions of varying pH and temperature. An ISFET probe was then implanted
into a prototype denture and characterised in AS. This study demonstrates the suitability of ISFET and gold
electrode pH sensors for incorporation into implantable oral sensors.
[1] G. Taylor and W. Borgnakke, “Periodontal disease: associations with diabetes, glycemic control and
complications,” Oral Dis., vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 191–203, Apr. 2008.
[2] E. Tékus, M. Kaj, E. Szabó, N. L. Szénási, I. Kerepesi, M. Figler, R. Gábriel, and M. Wilhelm,
“Comparison of blood and saliva lactate level after maximum intensity exercise,” Acta Biol. Hung., vol. 63
Suppl 1, pp. 89–98, 2012.
[3] S. Naveen, M. L. Asha, G. Shubha, A. Bajoria, and A. Jose, “Salivary Flow Rate, pH and Buffering
Capacity in Pregnant and Non Pregnant Women - A Comparative Study,” JMED Res., pp. 1–8, Feb. 2014.
[4] A. F. Holthuis and F. S. Chebib, “Observations on temperature and temperature patterns of the gingiva. I.
The effect of arch, region and health,” J. Periodontol., vol. 54, no. 10, pp. 624–628, Oct. 1983


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Despite the increasing availability of digital slide viewing, and numerous advantages associated with its application, a lack of quality validation studies is amongst the reasons for poor uptake in routine practice. This study evaluated primary digital pathology reporting in the setting of routine subspecialist gastrointestinal pathology, commonplace in most tissue pathology laboratories and representing one of the highest volume specialties in most laboratories. Individual digital and glass slide diagnoses were compared amongst three pathologists reporting in a gastrointestinal subspecialty team, in a prospective series of 100 consecutive diagnostic cases from routine practice in a large teaching hospital laboratory. The study included a washout period of at least 6 months. Discordant diagnoses were classified, and the study evaluated against recent College of American Pathologists (CAP) recommendations for evaluating digital pathology systems for diagnostic use. The study design met all 12 of the CAP recommendations. The 100 study cases generated 300 pairs of diagnoses, comprising 100 glass slide diagnoses and 100 digital diagnoses from each of the three study pathologists. 286 of 300 pairs of diagnoses were concordant, representing intraobserver concordance of 95.3 %, broadly comparable to rates previously published in this field. In ten of the 14 discordant pairs, the glass slide diagnosis was favoured; in four cases, the digital diagnosis was favoured, but importantly, the 14 discordant intraobserver diagnoses were considered to be of minor clinical significance. Interobserver, or viewing modality independent, concordance was found in 94 of the total of 100 study cases, providing a comparable baseline discordance rate expected in any second viewing of pathology material. These overall results support the safe use of digital pathology in primary diagnostic reporting in this setting


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Introduction: Vocational training (VT) is a mandatory requirement for all UK dental graduates prior to entering NHS practice. The VT period provides structured, supervised experience supported by study days and interaction with peers. It is not compulsory for Irish dental graduates working in either Ireland or the UK to undertake VT but yet a proportion voluntarily do so each year.

Objectives: This study was designed to explore the choices made by Irish dental graduates. It aimed to record any benefits of VT and its impact upon future career choices.

Method: A self-completion questionnaire was developed and piloted before being circulated electronically to recent dental graduates from University College Cork. After collecting demographic information respondents were asked to indicate if they pursued vocational training on graduation, give their perception of their post-graduation experience, describe their current work profile and detail any formal postgraduate studies.

Results: 35% of respondents opted to undertake VT and 79% did so in the UK. Those who completed VT regarded it as a very positive experience with benefits including: working in a positive learning environment, help on demand and interaction with peers. Of those who chose VT, 49% have pursued some form of further formal postgraduate study as compared to 40% of those who did not. All of the respondents who completed VT indicated they would recommend it to current Irish graduates. The majority of those who took up an associate position immediately after graduation reported that this was beneficial but up to three quarters would recommend current graduates undertake VT and 45% would now chose to do so themselves.

Conclusions: Increasing numbers of Irish graduates are moving to the UK to undertake VT and they find it a beneficial experience. In addition, those who undertook VT were more likely to undertake formal postgraduate study.