746 resultados para Clinicians


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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A Vertigem Posicional Paroxística Benigna (VPPB) é caracterizada por tontura rotatória com duração de segundos e tratada com manobras cefálicas. Para sistematizar a conduta e conduzir os clínicos no atual conhecimento no seu controle, sociedades internacionais desenvolveram diretrizes. OBJETIVO: Discutir de forma prática e didática o estado da arte da abordagem atualmente disponível para VPPB. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: Revisão assistemática com análise crítica comparando os resultados de duas recentes diretrizes internacionais a respeito da avaliação e controle da VPPB. Uma pesquisa foi elaborada pela American Academy of Otolaryngology (AAO-HNS) e a outra preparada pela American Academy of Neurology (AAN). Os tópicos em comum foram separados em tabelas comparativas. RESULTADOS: As diretrizes apresentaram diferenças quanto à metodologia. Apenas o artigo da AAO-HNS abordou sobre diagnóstico, recomendando o teste de Dix-Hallpike. Quanto aos tratamentos abordados, apenas a Reposição Canalítica, Manobra de Semont e a Reabilitação Vestibular tiveram estudos suficientes para receber recomendações. CONCLUSÃO: As duas diretrizes apresentaram os respaldos científicos necessários para os profissionais que atuam no diagnóstico e controle da VPPB, porém o resultado do grupo multidisciplinar da AAO-HNS foi mais abrangente e com qualidade superior.


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Background: There are no reported cases of factitious or simulated obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). However, over the last years, our clinic has come across a number of individuals that seem to exaggerate, mislabel or even intentionally produce obsessive and/or compulsive symptoms in order to be diagnosed with OCD.Methods: In this study, experienced clinicians working on a university-based OCD clinic were requested to provide clinical vignettes of patients who, despite having a formal diagnosis of OCD, were felt to display non-genuine forms of this condition.Results: Ten non-consecutive patients with a self-proclaimed diagnosis of OCD were identified and described. Although patients were diagnosed with OCD according to various structured interviews, they exhibited diverse combinations of the following features: (i) overly technical and/or doctrinaire description of their symptoms, (ii) mounting irritability, as the interviewer attempts to unveil the underlying nature of these descriptions; (iii) marked shifts in symptom patterns and disease course; (iv) an affirmative yes pattern of response to interview questions; (v) multiple Axis I psychiatric disorders; (vi) cluster B features; (vii) an erratic pattern of treatment response; and (viii) excessive or contradictory drug-related side effects.Conclusions: In sum, reliance on overly structured assessments conducted by insufficiently trained or naive personnel may result in invalid OCD diagnoses, particularly those that leave no room for clinical judgment. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Adhesive restorations have increasingly been used in dentistry, and the adhesive system application technique may determine the success of the restorative procedure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the application technique of two adhesive systems (Clearfil SE Bond and Adper Scotchbond MultiPurpose) on the bond strength and adhesive layer of composite resin restorations. Eight human third molars were selected and prepared with Class I occlusal cavities. The teeth were restored with composite using various application techniques for both adhesives, according to the following groups (n = 10): group 1 (control), systems were applied and adhesive was immediately light activated for 20 seconds without removing excesses; group 2, excess adhesive was removed with a gentle jet of air for 5 seconds; group 3, excess was removed with a dry microbrush-type device; and group 4, a gentle jet of air was applied after the microbrush and then light activation was performed. After this, the teeth were submitted to microtensile testing. For the two systems tested, no statistical differences were observed between groups 1 and 2. Groups 3 and 4 presented higher bond strength values compared with the other studied groups, allowing the conclusion that excess adhesive removal with a dry micro-brush could improve bond strength in composite restorations. Predominance of adhesive fracture and thicker adhesive layer were observed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM) in groups 1 and 2. For groups 3 and 4, a mixed failure pattern and thinner adhesive layer were verified. Clinicians should be aware that excess adhesive may negatively affect bond strength, whereas a thin, uniform adhesive layer appears to be favorable. (Quintessence Int 2013;44:9-15)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Objective. The general aim of this article is to describe the state-of-the-art of biocompatibility testing for dental materials, and present new strategies for improving operative dentistry techniques and the biocompatibility of dental materials as they relate to their interaction with the dentin-pulp complex.Methods. The literature was reviewed focusing on articles related to biocompatibilty testing, the dentin-pulp complex and new strategies and materials for operative dentistry. For this purpose, the PubMed database as well as 118 articles published in English from 1939 to 2014 were searched. Data concerning types of biological tests and standardization of in vitro and in vivo protocols employed to evaluate the cytotoxicity and biocompatibility of dental materials were also searched from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), International Standards Organization (ISO) and American National Standards Institute (ANSI).Results. While there is an ongoing search for feasible strategies in the molecular approach to direct the repair or regeneration of structures that form the oral tissues, it is necessary for professionals to master the clinical therapies available at present. In turn, these techniques must be applied based on knowledge of the morphological and physiological characteristics of the tissues involved, as well as the physical, mechanical and biologic properties of the biomaterials recommended for each specific situation. Thus, particularly within modern esthetic restorative dentistry, the use of minimally invasive operative techniques associated with the use of dental materials with excellent properties and scientifically proved by means of clinical and laboratory studies must be a routine for dentists. This professional and responsible attitude will certainly result in greater possibility of achieving clinical success, benefiting patients and dentists themselves.Signcance. This article provides a general and critical view of the relations that permeate the interaction between dental materials and the dentin-pulp complex, and establish real possibilities and strategies that favor biocompatibility of the present and new products used in Dentistry, which will certainly benefit clinicians and their patients. (C) 2014 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to investigate the phenomenology of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), addressing specific questions about the nature of obsessions and compulsions, and to contribute to the World Health Organization's (WHO) revision of OCD diagnostic guidelines. Data from 1001 patients from the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders were used. Patients were evaluated by trained clinicians using validated instruments, including the Dimensional Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale, the University of Sao Paulo Sensory Phenomena Scale, and the Brown Assessment of Beliefs Scale. The aims were to compare the types of sensory phenomena (SP, subjective experiences that precede or accompany compulsions) in OCD patients with and without tic disorders and to determine the frequency of mental compulsions, the co-occurrence of obsessions and compulsions, and the range of insight. SP were common in the whole sample, but patients with tic disorders were more likely to have physical sensations and urges only. Mental compulsions occurred in the majority of OCD patients. It was extremely rare for OCD patients to have obsessions without compulsions. A wide range of insight into OCD beliefs was observed, with a small subset presenting no insight. The data generated from this large sample will help practicing clinicians appreciate the full range of OCD symptoms and confirm prior studies in smaller samples the degree to which insight varies. These findings also support specific revisions to the WHO's diagnostic guidelines for OCD, such as describing sensory phenomena, mental compulsions and level of insight, so that the world-wide recognition of this disabling disorder is increased. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite the strong valorization of the esthetics and its relationship with restorative materials, the biological principles of any clinical procedure are extremely important to maintain the vitality of the dentin-pulp complex. Dentin and pulp tissue are susceptible to different kinds of irritants such as toxins from microorganisms, traumatic procedures of cavity preparation, as well as toxic components released by restorative materials applied in non recommended clinical situations. Initially, the pulp responds to irritation by starting an inflammatory reaction which involves outward movement of dentinal fluid and intratubular deposition of immunoglobulins, upregulation of odontoblast activities, presence of immune cells and their cytokines as well as local expression of neuropeptides and chemokines. After these initial events, the inflammation process can be resolved associated or not to sclerotic dentin formation and reactionary dentin deposition. If high intensity offensive stimuli are applied to the dentin-pulp complex, death of odontoblasts takes place and consequently pulp ageing or even partial necrosis of this tissue may occurs. Thereby, clinicians need to be aware about the physiological and pathological features of the dentin-pulp complex as well as the possible biological consequences of different clinical procedures. In this way, the dentists should be able to carry out minimally aggressive operative techniques and to select the more appropriate restorative materials for each specific clinical situation in order to obtain excellent clinical results associated to the maintenance of pulp vitality.


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Nevoid basal cell carcinoma (NBCCS) or Gorlin-Goltz syndrome (GS) is a multidisciplinary problem, the early diagnosis of which allows secondary prophylaxis that follows an appropriate regimen to delay progression of the syndrome. The aim of this study was to present a case of delayed diagnosis of GS in a young patient who received multidisciplinary treatment 5 years after onset. The patient presented for evaluation with painless swelling of the left maxilla. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of a keratocyst odontogenic tumor (KOT) that was enucleated. On presentation, the patient’s symptoms and clinical signs were not related to complications of GS, and the possibility of GS was initially rejected, as he did not have a family history of the syndrome. Four years after the first surgery to remove the lesion, the patient came to our clinic with a brown, pigmented lesion. Computed tomography revealed ectopic lamellar calcification of the falx cerebri, which was the conclusive factor for the diagnosis of GS. It is important that clinicians recognize the clinical signs of GS, which mainly manifests itself as multiple basal cell carcinomas in the skin.


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Advances in adhesive technology and esthetic dental materials have permitted clinicians to perform conservative preparation of the dentition for onlay restorations. Indirect resin onlays are a great alternative to dental crowns for reestablishment the function and esthetic in teeth with great destruction.


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The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of a direct clinical evaluation method with an indirect digital photographic method in assessing the quality of dental restorations. Seven parameters (color, occlusal marginal adaptation, anatomy form, roughness, occlusal marginal stain, luster, and secondary caries) were assessed in 89 Class I and Class II restorations from 36 adults using the modified US Public Health Service/Ryge criteria. Standardized photographs of the same restorations were digitally processed by Adobe Photoshop software, separated into the following four groups and assessed by two calibrated examiners: Group A: The original photograph displayed at 100%, without modifications (IMG100); Group B: Formed by images enlarged at 150% (IMG150); Group C: Formed by digital photographs displayed at 100% (mIMG100), with digital modifications (levels adjustment, shadow and highlight correction, color balance, unsharp Mask); and Group D: Formed by enlarged photographs displayed at 150% with modifications (mIMG150), with the same adjustments made to Group C. Photographs were assessed on a calibrated screen (Macbook) by two calibrated clinicians, and the results were statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon tests (SSPS 11.5) at 95% CI. Results: The photographic method produced higher reliability levels than the direct clinical method in all parameters. The evaluation of digital images is more consistent with clinical assessment when restorations present some moderate defect (Bravo) and less consistent when restorations are clinically classified as either satisfactory (Alpha) or in cases of severe defects (Charlie). Conclusion: The digital photographic method is a useful tool for assessing the quality of dental restorations, providing information that goes unnoticed with the visual-tactile clinical examination method. Additionally, when analyzing restorations using the Ryge modified criteria, the digital photographic method reveals a significant increase of defects compared to those clinically observed with the naked eye. Photography by itself, without the need for enlargement or correction, provides more information than clinical examination and can lead to unnecessary overtreatment.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)