822 resultados para Church work with children.


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This work is the fruitful result of the desire to conduct a collaborative investigation through Circus Arts with children and adolescents at social (vulnerability) risk. Thus, the very objective of the rese arch was to analyze and understand Social Circus action possibilities on non-formal education as a (viable) job option for Physical Education teachers. This research was developed through qualitative research using Field Notes as the main instrument for the meetings' data collection, which took place from May to December 2015. In general terms, the research was divided into three phases, the former was carried out at a state school through the Escola da Família Program, (which consists of the opening of all public schools on weekends, offering to the communities extra activities) and the latter two in Shelter Homes for adolescents. The results showed that there were some (considerable) difficulties throughout and some gaps in our society that become evident on the poor. Furthermore, the results also confirm the possibility of the Physical Education teachers' participation in other sectors of the society, through the non-formal Education perspective and the possibility of Social Circus as the (fundamental) instrument of this action


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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O presente artigo tem como objetivo apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica dos estudos nacionais acerca do ensino curricular para cegos. Foi realizada uma busca sistemática em três bases de dados: Google Acadêmico, Scielo e Lilacs, de estudos publicados no período de 2004 a 2014, que tivessem em seu título um dos seguintes descritores: alunos cegos; alunos deficientes visuais; crianças cegas; crianças deficientes visuais. Foram localizados 188 estudos e 56 selecionados dentro dos critérios estabelecidos. Fez-se a leitura integral desses e definiram-se cinco categorias de análise: tipo de estudo; participantes; tipo de abordagem; tipo de discussão e matrizes curriculares. Para cada categoria, foram estabelecidas subcategorias. Ao total 26 subcategorias foram descritas. Os resultados indicam que o Google Acadêmico é a base de dados com maior número de títulos encontrados (188/156); a Scielo apresenta melhor eficiência na relação encontrado x selecionado (12/10). Nas subcategorias de análise, as maiores frequências são identificadas nos estudos empíricos (22); junto a crianças (19); de análises qualitativas (21); na matriz curricular de Educação Física (sete) e na subcategoria relacionamento social (16). Contudo, os estudos são convergentes em apontar que as principais dificuldades no ensino às pessoas cegas se referem a deficiências na formação de professores, onde, normalmente, não são discutidos métodos de ensino e produção de material para trabalhar com essa população específica. Em conclusão, além de realizar um mapeamento dos estudos que têm sido conduzidos junto a alunos cegos nos últimos dez anos, este artigo aponta para lacunas na literatura e direciona futuras investigações na área.


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The Janie Rice Papers consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, letters of appreciation, and certificates of awards concerning her career as a teacher at the Winthrop Training School, her work with the Baptist Church in Chester, SC and her establishment of a Janie Carroll Rice scholarship at Winthrop.


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Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC


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This paper seeks to understand-the process by which the child in kindergarten builds the idea of number. Therefore we developed a qualitative study of phenomenological approach that involved field work in the classroom with children of four and five years. Starting from their real-world contexts, their experiences and using the natural language tasks are designed to help the student to go beyond the already known, analyzing how they thinks and what knowledge they bring their lived experience. By interference carried expanded mathematical ideas acquired. The analysis and interpretation of research data shows that the idea of number is built by children from all kinds of relationships created between objects and the world around them, and the more diverse are these experiences, the greater the understanding opportunities and development of mathematical skills and competencies. It showed also that, in kindergarten, children tread just a few ways to build the idea of number


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Special Education includes gifted students. There is a lack of resources and information for identification and care of such students. They were research objectives map students with giftedness characteristic in Elementary and Middle School in Bauru/SP, as well as verify what teachers know about the issue and if they know how to work with such students in their classrooms. This qualitative, quantitative and descriptive research was structured in three stages. Step A: an observation guide of gifted children, Guia de observação de crianças dotadas e talentosas. Step B: True or False questions on the subject. Step C, field diary. Two hundred and thirty one classes from 24 schools were evaluated and 477 students were identified with giftedness characteristic in at least one of six possible areas. Three hundred and one students were in Elementary School and 176 were in Middle School. In Step B, 280 teachers from 26 schools were part of this study and it is confirmed that they have theoretical knowledge on the subject because the number of hits on the main concepts (based on the literature) was superior to the number of misses. A 4th grade classroom, with a gifted girl, was observed in step C. It was found that the teacher pedagogical practice and the resources used are not different from the ones used with other students. Thus, it appears that the student has not received the curricular adaptations to assist her developing skills


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This work is the fruitful result of the desire to conduct a collaborative investigation through Circus Arts with children and adolescents at social (vulnerability) risk. Thus, the very objective of the rese arch was to analyze and understand Social Circus action possibilities on non-formal education as a (viable) job option for Physical Education teachers. This research was developed through qualitative research using Field Notes as the main instrument for the meetings' data collection, which took place from May to December 2015. In general terms, the research was divided into three phases, the former was carried out at a state school through the Escola da Família Program, (which consists of the opening of all public schools on weekends, offering to the communities extra activities) and the latter two in Shelter Homes for adolescents. The results showed that there were some (considerable) difficulties throughout and some gaps in our society that become evident on the poor. Furthermore, the results also confirm the possibility of the Physical Education teachers' participation in other sectors of the society, through the non-formal Education perspective and the possibility of Social Circus as the (fundamental) instrument of this action


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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The present study aimed at providing conditions for the assessment of color discrimination in children using a modified version of the Cambridge Colour Test (CCT, Cambridge Research Systems Ltd., Rochester, UK). Since the task of indicating the gap of the Landolt C used in that test proved counterintuitive and/or difficult for young children to understand, we changed the target Stimulus to a patch of color approximately the size of the Landolt C gap (about 7 degrees Of Visual angle at 50 cm from the monitor). The modifications were performed for the CCT Trivector test which measures color discrimination for the protan, deutan and tritan confusion lines. Experiment I Sought to evaluate the correspondence between the CCT and the child-friendly adaptation with adult subjects (n = 29) with normal color vision. Results showed good agreement between the two test versions. Experiment 2 tested the child-friendly software with children 2 to 7 years old (n = 25) using operant training techniques for establishing and maintaining the subjects` performance. Color discrimination thresholds were progressively lower as age increased within the age range tested (2 to 30 years old), and the data-including those obtained for children-fell within the range of thresholds previously obtained for adults with the CCT. The protan and deutan thresholds were consistently lower than tritan thresholds, a pattern repeatedly observed in adults tested with the CCT. The results demonstrate that the test is fit for assessment of color discrimination in young children and may be a useful tool for the establishment of color vision thresholds during development.


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Cementitious pastes prepared with air-entraining admixtures (AEA) are very sensitive to mix procedures and environmental conditions. Some of the effects of AEA on the properties of cementitious material are discussed in literature, although for the most part, only in the hardened state. However, the impact temperature has on air-incorporation during the early age stages and on consolidation has been little investigated and as such, is the objective of this work. Thus, pastes formulated with Portland cement and air-entraining admixtures are evaluated in this work with a focus on the role temperature plays in the early age behavior. The results show that air-incorporation was affected by environmental conditions which caused changes in the kinematic viscosity and rate of consolidation.


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Objective: Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is involved in the atherosclerotic process and functional polymorphisms in the MMP-9 gene affect MMP-9 expression/activity, and are associated with cardiovascular diseases. However, no study has tested the hypothesis that functional MMP-9 polymorphisms could affect MMP-9 levels in obese children. We investigated whether three MMP-9 gene polymorphisms (C-1562T (rs3918242), 90(CA)((14-24)) (rs2234681) and Q279R (rs17576)), or haplotypes, affect MMP-9 levels in obese children. Methods: We studied 175 healthy control children and 127 obese children. Plasma MMP-9, tissue inhibitor of MMPs (TIMP)-1 and adiponectin concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results: We found similar MMP-9 genotypes, allelic and haplotypes distributions in the two study groups (P > 0.05). However, we found lower plasma MMP-9 concentrations in obese subjects carrying the CC or the QQ genotypes for the C-1562T and the Q279R polymorphisms, respectively, in obese children compared with children with the other genotypes, or with non-obese children with the same genotypes (all P < 0.05). Moreover, we found lower MMP-9 levels and lower MMP-9/TIMP-1 ratios (which reflect net MMP-9 activity) in obese children carrying the H2 haplotype (which combines the C, H and Q alleles for the three polymorphisms, respectively) when compared with obese children carrying the other haplotypes, or with non-obese children carrying the same haplotype (P < 0.05). Conclusions: Our findings show that MMP-9 genotypes and haplotypes affect MMP-9 levels in obese children and adolescents, and suggest that genetic factors may modify relevant pathogenetic mechanisms involved in the development of cardiovascular complications associated with obesity in childhood. International Journal of Obesity (2012) 36, 69-75; doi:10.1038/ijo.2011.169; published online 16 August 2011


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1. Teil: Bekannte Konstruktionen. Die vorliegende Arbeit gibt zunächst einen ausführlichen Überblick über die bisherigen Entwicklungen auf dem klassischen Gebiet der Hyperflächen mit vielen Singularitäten. Die maximale Anzahl mu^n(d) von Singularitäten auf einer Hyperfläche vom Grad d im P^n(C) ist nur in sehr wenigen Fällen bekannt, im P^3(C) beispielsweise nur für d<=6. Abgesehen von solchen Ausnahmen existieren nur obere und untere Schranken. 2. Teil: Neue Konstruktionen. Für kleine Grade d ist es oft möglich, bessere Resultate zu erhalten als jene, die durch allgemeine Schranken gegeben sind. In dieser Arbeit beschreiben wir einige algorithmische Ansätze hierfür, von denen einer Computer Algebra in Charakteristik 0 benutzt. Unsere anderen algorithmischen Methoden basieren auf einer Suche über endlichen Körpern. Das Liften der so experimentell gefundenen Hyperflächen durch Ausnutzung ihrer Geometrie oder Arithmetik liefert beispielsweise eine Fläche vom Grad 7 mit $99$ reellen gewöhnlichen Doppelpunkten und eine Fläche vom Grad 9 mit 226 gewöhnlichen Doppelpunkten. Diese Konstruktionen liefern die ersten unteren Schranken für mu^3(d) für ungeraden Grad d>5, die die allgemeine Schranke übertreffen. Unser Algorithmus hat außerdem das Potential, auf viele weitere Probleme der algebraischen Geometrie angewendet zu werden. Neben diesen algorithmischen Methoden beschreiben wir eine Konstruktion von Hyperflächen vom Grad d im P^n mit vielen A_j-Singularitäten, j>=2. Diese Beispiele, deren Existenz wir mit Hilfe der Theorie der Dessins d'Enfants beweisen, übertreffen die bekannten unteren Schranken in den meisten Fällen und ergeben insbesondere neue asymptotische untere Schranken für j>=2, n>=3. 3. Teil: Visualisierung. Wir beschließen unsere Arbeit mit einer Anwendung unserer neuen Visualisierungs-Software surfex, die die Stärken mehrerer existierender Programme bündelt, auf die Konstruktion affiner Gleichungen aller 45 topologischen Typen reeller kubischer Flächen.