800 resultados para Casting
Objective: To assess in vitro the bond strength of a machined surface of a Au-Ti alloy to a veneering ceramic. Method and Materials: Metal strips of the alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir were milled from a semiproduct fabricated by continuous casting and cold forming. For comparison, the same alloy as well as a traditional Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy were used in the as-cast state. Six samples of each group were fabricated for the crack initiation test, according to ISO 9693:1999, by preparing appropriate metal strips that were veneered with ceramic using a standard firing procedure. The crack initiation test was performed in a universal testing machine. Load at fracture was recorded. Means of bond strength were calculated for each group and the results compared by use of a 1-sided Student t test (P < .05). Fracture sites were documented by means of SEM. Results: Bond strength in the 3 groups was in the same order of magnitude. Failure mode was different for both alloys. Failure of the bonding to the Au-Ti alloy predominantly occurred at the alloy-oxide interface, no matter which fabrication process was used. On the Au-Pt-Pd-In alloy, more ceramic residues were observed. Conclusion: The machined alloy Au 1.7-Ti 0.1-Ir provides sufficient bond strength to veneering ceramics, but this has to be proven by a clinical study. (Quintessence Int 2007;38:867-872).
Different types of titanium-alloys instead of CoCr-alloys have been tested as material for the framework of removable partial dentures (RPD). Adequate casting and processing techniques have been developed which enable to fabricate frameworks of complex designs and the problem limits porosity. This opened new possibilities for the use of titanium-alloys with improved properties (E-module). The aim of this study was to summarise the use of titanium in removable prosthodontics and to evaluate prospectively the use of the Ti6A17Nb-alloy for RPDs in a small group of patients. Two identically designed RPDs from CoCr-alloy (remanium GM 800+) and Ti6A17Nb-alloy (girotan L) were produced for ten patients. They had to wear each RPD during six months, first the CoCr-RPD and then the Ti6A17Nb-RPD. A questionnaire (visual analogue scale = VAS) was completed by the patients after one, three and six months of function for each RPD. Prosthetic complications and service needed were recorded. After the end of the entire observation period of twelve months, the patients remained with the Ti6A17Nb-RPD and answered the questionnaire after another six months. All parameters regarding the design of the RPDs were positively estimated by the dentist. Minimal, not significant differences were noted by the patients concerning comfort, stability and retention (VAS). Clinically, no differences in technical aspects or regarding biological complications were observed after six-months periods. The Ti6A17Nb-alloy (girotan L) for the framework of RPDs was judged by patients and professionals to be equivalent to RPDs made from CoCr-alloy. No differences in material aspects could objectively be observed. The Ti6A17Nb-alloy can be beneficial for patients with allergies or incompatibility with one or several components of the CoCr-alloy.
Inhibitors of angiogenesis and radiation induce compensatory changes in the tumor vasculature both during and after treatment cessation. To assess the responses to irradiation and vascular endothelial growth factor-receptor tyrosine kinase inhibition (by the vascular endothelial growth factor tyrosine kinase inhibitor PTK787/ZK222854), mammary carcinoma allografts were investigated by vascular casting; electron, light, and confocal microscopy; and immunoblotting. Irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy had similar effects on the tumor vasculature. Both treatments reduced tumor vascularization, particularly in the tumor medulla. After cessation of therapy, the tumor vasculature expanded predominantly by intussusception with a plexus composed of enlarged sinusoidal-like vessels containing multiple transluminal tissue pillars. Tumor revascularization originated from preserved alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive vessels in the tumor cortex. Quantification revealed that recovery was characterized by an angiogenic switch from sprouting to intussusception. Up-regulated alpha-smooth muscle actin-expression during recovery reflected the recruitment of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells for intussusception as part of the angio-adaptive mechanism. Tumor recovery was associated with a dramatic decrease (by 30% to 40%) in the intratumoral microvascular density, probably as a result of intussusceptive pruning and, surprisingly, with only a minimal reduction of the total microvascular (exchange) area. Therefore, the vascular supply to the tumor was not severely compromised, as demonstrated by hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha expression. Both irradiation and anti-angiogenic therapy cause a switch from sprouting to intussusceptive angiogenesis, representing an escape mechanism and accounting for the development of resistance, as well as rapid recovery, after cessation of therapy.
AIM: The aim of this study was to assess the marginal fit of crowns on the Straumann (ITI) Dental Implant System with special consideration of different casting dental materials. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns were fabricated: 18 crowns on standard cone abutments with an impression cylinder, partially prefabricated analogs, no coping and screw-retained (A); 18 crowns on solid abutments without an impression device, no analogs, no coping and cemented (B); and 18 crowns on solid abutments using an impression transfer cap, an analog with a shoulder, no coping and cemented (C). In each group, six crowns were made on epoxy mastercasts (Bluestar), six on synthetic plaster (Moldasynt) and six on super hard stone (Fujirock). Six additional crowns were fabricated with the transversal screw retention system onto the Octa system with impression transfer caps, metal analogs, gold copings and screw-retained (D). Impregum was used as impression material. Crowns of B and C were cemented with KetacCem. Crowns of A and D were fixed with an occlusal screw torqued at 15 N cm. Crowns were embedded, cut and polished. Under a light microscope using a magnification of x 100, the distance between the crown margin (CM) and the shoulder (marginal gap, MG) and the distance between the CM and the end of the shoulder (crown length, CL) was measured. RESULTS: MGs were 15.4+/-13.2 microm (A), 21.2+/-23.1 microm (B), 11+/-12.1 microm (C) and 10.4+/-9.3 microm (D). No statistically significantly differences using either of the casting materials were observed. CLs were -21.3+/-24.8 microm (A), 3+/-28.9 microm (B), 0.5+/-22 microm (C) and 0.1+/-15.8 microm (D). Crowns were shorter on synthetic casting materials compared with stone casts (P<0.005). CONCLUSIONS: CMs fit precisely with both cemented and screw-retained versions as well as when using no, partial or full analogs.
Einige mit geringen Schichtstärken arbeitende Concept Modellierer und Rapid Prototyping Anlagen können Modelle für das Feingießverfahren mit verlorenem Modell erzeugen. Verkörpern die verlorenen Modelle die Geometrie von Formeinsätzen für Spritzgießwerkzeuge, können über den Feinguss Formeinsätze aus Aluminium hergestellt werden. Untersuchungen zielten dabei auf die detailgetreue Umsetzung filigraner Teile mit Freiformgeometrien. Kleine Abmessungen im Grenzbereich zwischen klassischem Formenbau und Mikrofertigung wurden dabei realisiert. Das Fräsen dieser Formeinsätze oder Elektroden ist zum Teil nicht möglich oder führt zu erhöhtem Aufwand. Gleichzeitig konnten sehr kurze Durchlaufzeiten erreicht werden. Auf demselben Weg konnten auch Senkerodierelektroden gegossen werden, die beim Aufbau von Werkzeugen höherer Lebensdauer genutzt wurden. Werden unterschiedliche Varianten oder mehrere identische Einsätze oder Elektroden zum Beispiel für Mehrfachwerkzeuge benötigt, werden die Zeitvorteile noch deutlicher. Die Funktion beider dargestellter Wege konnte durch den Spritzguss von Versuchsserien erfolgreich demonstriert werden.
Rapid Manufacturing (RM) wurde als Schlagwort in der letzten Zeit insbesondere aus dem Bereich des Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) bekannt. In dieser inzwischen über 15-jährigen Technologieentwicklung wurden in den vergangenen Jahren bedeutende Fortschritte erzielt, die die Bauteileigenschaften nahe an die Anforderungen für End-Teile heran brachten. So ist das RM denn auch weniger aus der Sicht grösserer Losgrösse zu verstehen. Viel mehr bedeutet Rapid Manufacturing, dass die Bauteile nach einer generativen Fertigung direkt im Endprodukt resp. der Endanwendung zum Einsatz kommt. Das Selective Laser Melting, mit welchem aus metallischen Pulvermaterialien direkt Metallteile in Standardmaterialien hergestellt werden können, ist aufgrund der guten Materialeigenschaften für RM prädestiniert. In den ersten Anwendungsfeldern des SLM–Verfahrens standen die Herstellung von Werkzeugeinsätzen mit konturnaher Kühlung (Conformal Cooling) im Vordergrund, wobei diese Werkzeuge unter dem Begriff RM verstanden werden müssen, da die Werkzeuge direkt für die Endanwendung - den Spritzgussprozess - verwendet werden. Aktuelle Trends gehen jedoch in Richtung der Fertigung von Funktionsteilen z.B. für den Maschinenbau. Obwohl sich in der Fertigung komplexer Funktionsteile noch Probleme, z.B. mit in Bezug auf die generative Baurichtung überhängender Bauteilstrukturen ergeben, zeigen sich trotzdem erhebliche Vorteile eines RM mittels SLM. Neben klaren Vorteilen durch das mögliche Customizing von Bauteilen können bei kleineren Bauteilgrössen auch erhebliche Kostenvorteile erzielt werden. Allerdings zeigen die Grenzen der aktuellen Möglichkeiten, in welchen Bereichen das SLM-Verfahren weiterer Entwicklung bedarf. Themen wie Produktivität, die Problematik der nach wie vor notwendigen Supportstrukturen wie auch Qualitätssicherung müssen in den nächsten Jahren angegangen werden, wenn dieses Verfahren den Schritt hin zu einem etablierten Produktionsverfahren und damit zu breiterer Akzeptanz und Anwendung finden soll
Der Schlüssel zu Produktivität und Qualität in zahlreichen abformenden Prozessen ist eine optimale Temperierung, die bedingt, dass die Kühl- und Heißkanäle der Oberfläche angepasst sind. Eine Hauptrolle um Durchlaufzeiten und Werkzeugkosten zu senken und die Qualität zu steigern spielt die wirtschaftliche Erwärmung und Kühlung der Teile. Konventionelle Arten der Temperierung können diesen Anforderungen nicht gerecht werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit zwei neuen Prozesskombinationen: a) Intelligente Werkzeugtechnik mit erfolgreicher industrieller Anwendung, hauptsächlich für Spritz- und Druckgusswerkzeuge. b) Neue Prozessketten für Formen mit geöffnetem Formstück oder RTM (englisch: Resin Transfer Moulding) mit Verwendung der inkrementellen Blechumformung
Der Schlüssel zu Produktivität und Qualität in zahlreichen abformenden Prozessen ist eine optimale Temperierung, die bedingt, dass die Kühl- und Heißkanäle der Oberfläche angepasst sind. Eine Hauptrolle um Durchlaufzeiten und Werkzeugkosten zu senken und die Qualität zu steigern spielt die wirtschaftliche Erwärmung und Kühlung der Teile. Konventionelle Arten der Temperierung können diesen Anforderungen nicht gerecht werden. Der vorliegende Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit zwei neuen Prozesskombinationen: a) Intelligente Werkzeugtechnik mit erfolgreicher industrieller Anwendung, hauptsächlich für Spritz- und Druckgusswerkzeuge. b) Neue Prozessketten für Formen mit geöffnetem Formstück oder RTM (englisch: Resin Transfer Moulding) mit Verwendung der inkrementellen Blechumformung.
Die Produktentwicklung von Druckgussteilen kann flexibel, wirtschaftlich und schnell durch die Herstellung von RP-Unikaten und Metallabgüssen aus Keramikschalen realisiert werden. Dieser Weg eignet sich vor allem für komplexe Bauteile und macht eine Produkterprobung mit qualitativ deutlich verbesserter Aussagekraft trotz reduzierter Entwicklungskosten möglich. In Abgrenzung zum Sandguss, muss die Konstruktion der Bauteile nicht verändert werden. Durch eine gezielte Wärmebehandlung wird die Vergleichbarkeit der mechanischen Eigenschaften von Prototypen zu späteren Serienteilen möglich. Technisch sinnvolle Änderungen sind leicht und flexibel realisierbar, da werkzeuglos gefertigt wird. Für unerreichbare Hohlräume und Hinterschnitte kann in diesem Verfahren mit Keramikkernen als Einleger gearbeitet werden. Auch diese Kerne können werkzeuglos hergestellt werden. Ein Verzicht auf technisch Sinnvolles aus Kostengründen ist damit hinfällig. In der Konstruktion ergeben sich neue Freiheitsgrade, so dass Ziele im Leichtbau, die Einsparung von Verbindungstechnik oder die erhöhte Materialeffizienz realisierbar werden. Die so entwickelten Bauteile sind insgesamt qualitativ hochwertiger und bilden die technischen Anforderungen bestmöglich ab. Damit kann die für die Erprobung benötigte Zahl der Prototypen verringert werden. Je komplexer die Geometrie der Bauteile, je stärker kommen die beschriebenen Effekte zum Tragen. Diese Aussage gilt für die Produktentwicklung und für Kleinserien, die herkömmlich zu teuer und zu schwer im Druckguss oder Schmiedeverfahren produziert werden
In most rodents and some other mammals, the removal of one lung results in compensatory growth associated with dramatic angiogenesis and complete restoration of lung capacity. One pivotal mechanism in neoalveolarization is neovascularization, because without angiogenesis new alveoli can not be formed. The aim of this study is to image and analyze three-dimensionally the different patterns of neovascularization seen following pneumonectomy in mice on a sub-micron-scale. C57/BL6 mice underwent a left-sided pneumonectomy. Lungs were harvested at various timepoints after pneumonectomy. Volume analysis by microCT revealed a striking increase of 143 percent in the cardiac lobe 14 days after pneumonectomy. Analysis of microvascular corrosion casting demonstrated spatially heterogenous vascular densitities which were in line with the perivascular and subpleural compensatory growth pattern observed in anti-PCNA-stained lung sections. Within these regions an expansion of the vascular plexus with increased pillar formations and sprouting angiogenesis, originating both from pre-existing bronchial and pulmonary vessels was observed. Also, type II pneumocytes and alveolar macrophages were seen to participate actively in alveolar neo-angiogenesis after pneumonectomy. 3D-visualizations obtained by high-resolution synchrotron radiation X-ray tomographic microscopy showed the appearance of double-layered vessels and bud-like alveolar baskets as have already been described in normal lung development. Scanning electron microscopy data of microvascular architecture also revealed a replication of perialveolar vessel networks through septum formation as already seen in developmental alveolarization. In addition, the appearance of pillar formations and duplications on alveolar entrance ring vessels in mature alveoli are indicative of vascular remodeling. These findings indicate that sprouting and intussusceptive angiogenesis are pivotal mechanisms in adult lung alveolarization after pneumonectomy. Various forms of developmental neoalveolarization may also be considered to contribute in compensatory lung regeneration.
Intussusceptive angiogenesis is a novel mode of blood vessel formation and remodeling, which occurs by internal division of the preexisting capillary plexus without sprouting. In this study, the process is demonstrated in developing chicken eye vasculature and in the chorioallantoic membrane by methylmethacrylate (Mercox) casting, transmission electron microscopy, and in vivo observation. In a first step of intussusceptive angiogenesis, the capillary plexus expands by insertion of numerous transcapillary tissue pillars, ie, by intussusceptive microvascular growth. In a subsequent step, a vascular tree arises from the primitive capillary plexus as a result of intussusceptive pillar formation and pillar fusions, a process we termed "intussusceptive arborization." On the basis of the morphological observations, a 4-step model for intussusceptive arborization is proposed, as follows: phase I, numerous circular pillars are formed in rows, thus demarcating future vessels; phase II, formation of narrow tissue septa by pillar reshaping and pillar fusions; phase III, delineation, segregation, growth, and extraction of the new vascular entity by merging of septa; and phase IV, formation of new branching generations by successively repeating the process, complemented by growth and maturation of all components. In contrast to sprouting, intussusceptive angiogenesis does not require intense local endothelial cell proliferation; it is implemented primarily by rearrangement and attenuation of the endothelial cell plates. In summary, transcapillary pillar formation, ie, intussusception, is a central and probably widespread process, which plays a role not only in capillary network growth and expansion (intussusceptive microvascular growth), but also in vascular plexus remodeling and tree formation (intussusceptive arborization).
OBJECTIVE To determine the frequency of and risk factors for complications associated with casts in horses. DESIGN Multicenter retrospective case series. ANIMALS 398 horses with a half-limb or full-limb cast treated at 1 of 4 hospitals. PROCEDURES Data collected from medical records included age, breed, sex, injury, limb affected, time from injury to hospital admission, surgical procedure performed, type of cast (bandage cast [BC; fiberglass tape applied over a bandage] or traditional cast [TC; fiberglass tape applied over polyurethane resin-impregnated foam]), limb position in cast (flexed, neutral, or extended), and complications. Risk factors for cast complications were identified via multiple logistic regression. RESULTS Cast complications were detected in 197 of 398 (49%) horses (18/53 [34%] horses with a BC and 179/345 [52%] horses with a TC). Of the 197 horses with complications, 152 (77%) had clinical signs of complications prior to cast removal; the most common clinical signs were increased lameness severity and visibly detectable soft tissue damage Cast sores were the most common complication (179/398 [45%] horses). Casts broke for 20 (5%) horses. Three (0.8%) horses developed a bone fracture attributable to casting Median time to detection of complications was 12 days and 8 days for horses with TCs and BCs, respectively. Complications developed in 71%, 48%, and 47% of horses with the casted limb in a flexed, neutral, and extended position, respectively. For horses with TCs, hospital, limb position in the cast, and sex were significant risk factors for development of cast complications. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Results indicated that 49% of horses with a cast developed cast complications.
This paper deals with scheduling batch (i.e., discontinuous), continuous, and semicontinuous production in process industries (e.g., chemical, pharmaceutical, or metal casting industries) where intermediate storage facilities and renewable resources (processing units and manpower) of limited capacity have to be observed. First, different storage configurations typical of process industries are discussed. Second, a basic scheduling problem covering the three above production modes is presented. Third, (exact and truncated) branch-and-bound methods for the basic scheduling problem and the special case of batch scheduling are proposed and subjected to an experimental performance analysis. The solution approach presented is flexible and in principle simple, and it can (approximately) solve relatively large problem instances with sufficient accuracy.
During postnatal growth the parenchymal septa of rat lung undergo an impressive restructuring. While immature septa are thick and contain two capillary layers, mature septa are slender and contain a single microvascular network. Using the Mercox casting technique and scanning electron microscopy, we investigated the mode and the timing of the transformation of the pulmonary capillary bed. During the third postnatal week the parenchymal septa rapidly mature to match adult morphology. Even in adult lungs, however, remnants of the immature status are present: A capillary bilayer is regularly found at the base and the tip of the septa. Our observations support the concept that reduction of intervening tissue, partial fusion of the two capillary networks, and preferential growth lead to the mature vascular arrangement. The fact that true mature interalveolar septa show a denser capillary network than alveolar walls abutting onto pleura, bronchi, or larger vessels is consonant with the fusion theory. Towards the nonparenchyma, the capillary network surrounding every airspace had no counterpart to fuse with. From quantitative data it can be calculated that owing to lung growth, mesh size should increase more than four times between birth and adult age. The adult lung network, however, is denser than the one in young animals. This means that new meshes must be added during growth. We propose that small holes observed in sheet-like regions of the microvasculature enlarge to form new capillary meshes. With this mechanism of in-itself or intussusceptional growth, sprouting of individual capillary segments to increase network size is no longer needed.
This paper addresses an investigation with machine learning (ML) classification techniques to assist in the problem of flash flood now casting. We have been attempting to build a Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to collect measurements from a river located in an urban area. The machine learning classification methods were investigated with the aim of allowing flash flood now casting, which in turn allows the WSN to give alerts to the local population. We have evaluated several types of ML taking account of the different now casting stages (i.e. Number of future time steps to forecast). We have also evaluated different data representation to be used as input of the ML techniques. The results show that different data representation can lead to results significantly better for different stages of now casting.