782 resultados para Capitation fee


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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No decorrer das últimas décadas, o estudo das Relações Internacionais diversificou sua análise, deixando de ter um enfoque direcionado sobre a atuação dos Estados nacionais e passando a analisar mais atentamente a dinâmica e ascensão de novos atores no cenário internacional, como as entidades subnacionais, incluindo as cidades e os governos locais, gerando um novo foco de análise, principalmente no contexto da cooperação internacional. A presente dissertação analisa por quais razões e de que maneira ocorre a inserção e atuação internacional das cidades amazônicas de Belém e Manaus, tendo como cenário um Mundo globalizado e interdependente. No conjunto desse novo cenário, favorável às relações internacionais, a Cooperação Internacional passa a ser um instrumento latente para o desenvolvimento não somente dos países, mas também das cidades, através da Cooperação Descentralizada; fenômeno político-econômico relativamente recente e que vem adentrando cada vez mais as agendas de desenvolvimento local. As cidades cada vez mais passam a adotar as relações internacionais, tal como estratégias de cooperação descentralizada como uma agenda propulsora e paralela de desenvolvimento, seja na captação de recursos externos,seja no fortalecimento da identidade local, na promoção do comércio exterior ou, até mesmo na disseminação cultural. Belém e Manaus, lócus desta pesquisa, apresentaram ao longo dos anos diversas motivações e formas de efetivarem suas relações internacionais e, para tal análise, adotou-se uma análise fundamentalmente qualitativa, traçando um quadro analíticodescritivo entre as cidades investigadas. O presente trabalho analisa as ações, estratégias, mecanismos e forma institucionalizada ou não de gerir as atividades internacionais das referidas cidades. O cenário global atual é incentivador das interações multiníveis entre velhos e novos atores internacionais, todavia o habitus das relações -internacionais incita cada vez mais a continuidade e o compromisso que os Governos (sejam eles nacionais ou locais) devem ter para corresponder e acompanhar as dinâmicas impostas pela globalização,embora, nem todos os Governos acompanham, possuem ou dedicam estruturas adequadas aos anseios que o novo e interdependente cenário internacional exige.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This study aims to identify the environmental and social elements that should underpin the creation of a Municipal Natural Park in accordance with Law 9985/2000, establishing the SISTEMA NACIONAL DE UNIDADES DE CONSERVAÇÃO ( SNUC ) . The northeast sector of the city of Rio Claro - SP , envolving, among others , the neighborhood Mãe Preta, the most significant of the site is consolidated as an area of significant environmental value for the consolidation of a conservation area . The proposed establishment of this unit has been discussed since the beginning of this year by Secretaria Municipal de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente de Rio Claro- SP (SEPLADEMA ) and meets the Municipal Director Plan that provides for the establishment of several protected areas in the City . The study area suffers severe pressure due to peripheral urbanization and characterized environmental fragility according to numerous studies by researchers at UNESP, Rio Claro - SP and research in situ. Stand out in soils susceptible to sheet erosion area, the presence of a large proportion of gully area subject to flooding and significant breeding capitation water for public supply


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Water scarcity is becoming an increasing problem and more evident worldwide, rainwater utilization is characterized for being one of the simplest and cheapest solutions to preserve drinking water and is a known alternative technology and used to promote sustainability in buildings and reducing pressure on surface waters, it would also reduce runoff and can minimize flooding. The rainwater, while not potable may be used in potable water usage activities, and may thus saving 30 to 40% of potable water. In this work one can see the importance of the capture and use of rainwater (CAAC), bringing economy, to reduce consumption of potable water, reducing the problem of water shortage, and which methods and materials needed to cause its implementation. The work also promoted the characterization of rainwater in the city of Guaratinguetá (SP) and studied its potential use in public housing, calculating the volume needed for implementation of the tank and the cost to implement all rainwater utilization system, but because it is a region with a median rainfall index and the popular houses present an area of small water capitation, the result was not satisfactory. The cost for implementation was high and the financial return was well above average. The government should encourage and support more CAAC, as not thinking about the financial side is advisable to be widespread throughout the country, the benefits it can bring


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This paper analyzes the small and medium armored combat vehicle industry, in order to understand its modus operandi. We investigate the former largest Brazilian producer of small and medium armored combat vehicles, Engesa, and concluded that its world success was a result both of its privileged perception to occupy a market niche and of the special relationship among its CEO and the Brazilian Army. A combination of negative factors conduced the firm to its bankruptcy, in the beginning of the 1990s, but we also identified a huge business potential, which could be either occupied by Engesa, if it had not disappeared, or by a follower in this market.


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The paper shows the advantages and handicaps of implementing an inflation target (IT) regime, from post-keynesian and institutional stances. It is post-keynesian as long as it does not perceive any benefit in the mainstream split between monetary and fiscal policies. And it is institutional insofar as it shows there are several ways of implementing a policy, such that the chosen one is determined by historical factors, as illustrated by the Brazilian case. Thus, one could even support IT policies if their targets were seen just as “focusing devices” guiding economic policies, but also regarding with due attention other targets, as, in the short run, output growth and employment and, in the long run, technology and human development. Therefore, an IT is not necessary, although it can be admitted, mainly if the target is hidden from the public, in order to increase the flexibility of the central bank.


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The approval of the Solid Waste National Policy on August 2, 2010, brought important advances on the issue of solid waste nationwide. Several requirements were imposed causing public and private sectors to direct the problem more diligently. At the same time, the growth of human consumption and the negative impacts of related activities are increasing pressure for new ways to manage wastes. This study was carried out in order to bring proposals for a new model of solid waste management in the city of Rio Claro. To do so, it was used methodologies which stick to collaborative approaches in order to co-create a new vision considering different points of view . This new proposal includes four main initiatives: the integration of a reverse logistics system and collection of recycling materials in all kinds of educational institutions; the use of a routing platform for collection of solid wastes and recycling materials; the application of a garbage fee to residents who use the collection of solid waste system; and a bonus system developed by the private sector as a marketing strategy, encouraged by the public sector, enabling residents to separate their wastes correctly and leave them in one of the educational institutions to exchange points for discounts at local markets


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This study was conducted in partnership with the Extension Project in Education Environmentally Semente Viva and it is an assessment of the environmental education methodology applied by the Group in 2014, at the Municipal School Sylvio de Araújo, in Rio Claro- SP. The implemented methodology was named Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva and it was based on the use of certain bases of the Eco-Schools program, created by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education), with some adjustments in accordance with the goals of the Group. The study followed the participatory research method, and the data collection gave up through participant observation, literature and documentary. The chapters present the description and analysis of the events that represent the implementation process of the Programa Eco Escolas- Semente Viva. The meetings with the community and environmental education activities with children from 1st to 4th year are described in detail, and is given regarding the analysis of situations, from the point of view of one of the members of the Semente Viva Group


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)