702 resultados para Capitão Poço


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Il presente elaborato ha l’obiettivo di analizzare il fenomeno dell’immigrazione, soprattutto quella clandestina, attraverso una proposta di traduzione verso il francese del romanzo « Solo la luna ci ha visti passare », pubblicato dalla scrittrice italiana Francesca Ghirardelli nel maggio 2016. Il romanzo è la testimonianza di una ragazzina curda-siriana che, tra luglio e agosto 2016, ha intrapreso un lungo viaggio in camion dalla Siria all’Europa passando per la costa balcanica. Il presente elaborato è suddiviso in tre capitoli. Il primo capitolo è incentrato sulla presentazione del romanzo « Solo la luna ci ha visti passare » dal punto di vista contenutistico e stilistico. Inoltre, sarà inserita la trascrizione, tradotta in francese, di un’intervista radiofonica con l’autrice Francesca Ghirardelli. Nel secondo capitolo viene proposta la traduzione del capitolo II e di una parte del capitolo III del romanzo in questione, seguita da un commento volto a ragionare sulle difficoltà riscontrate e le tecniche impiegate durante il processo traduttivo. Infine, nell’ultimo capito sarà illustrata la storia dell’immigrazione in Italia e in Francia e verrà analizzata l’influenza di questo fenomeno sulle letterature di entrambi i paesi.


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1.º e 2.º ciclos do Ensino Básico


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Mestrado em Controlo da Gestão e dos Negócios


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(POO) est l’utilisation de patrons de conception (PC). Un PC est un arrangement caractéristique de classes permettant d’offrir une solution éprouvée, tout en obtenant un code réutilisable et compréhensible. Plusieurs PC sont définis, dont 24 par la GoF [12] et plusieurs autres sont apparus par la suite. Le concept de PC est abstrait ce qui peut amener différentes interprétations. Ces différences peuvent aussi causer une mauvaise implémentation qui peut réduire les avantages d’utiliser ce patron. Ce projet consiste à concevoir un outil facilitant l’utilisation des PC. L’outil Génération et Restructuration de Patrons de Conception(GRPC) permet la génération automatique du squelette d’un patron de conception ainsi que la restructuration d’un code en le transformant structure respectant un PC. La génération et la restructuration automatique permettent d’obtenir un code uniforme et de qualité tout en respectant le patron de conception. La compréhension et la maintenance du code sont ainsi améliorées. GRPC est module d’extension pour l’environnement de développement Eclipse écrit en Java. Le code est conçu pour être facilement compréhensible et extensible. Les deux principaux objectifs de GRPC sont de restructurer (refactoring) une section de code vers l’architecture d’un patron de conception et de générer des squelettes de patrons de conception. Une interface graphique permet de guider l’utilisateur et d’aller chercher toutes les informations importantes pour le fonctionnement du logiciel. Elle permet aussi de configurer les éléments du patron de conception. Pour s’assurer de la possibilité d’effectuer une restructuration, chaque patron est associé avec une ou plusieurs règles qui analysent le code pour détecter la présence d’une structure particulière. Des procédures aident les développeurs à ajouter de nouveaux PC dans GRPC. GRPC fournit des fonctionnalités permettant d’implémenter quelques patrons de conception de la POO définis dans le livre Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software.


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Drilling fluids present a thixotropic behavior and they usually gel when at rest. The sol-gel transition is fundamental to prevent the deposit of rock fragments, generated by drilling the well, over the drill bit during eventual stops. Under those conditions, high pressures are then required in order to break-up the gel when circulation is resumed. Moreover, very high pressures can damage the rock formation at the bottom of the well. Thus, a better understanding of thixotropy and the behavior of thixotropic materials becomes increasingly important for process control. The mechanisms that control thixotropy are not yet well defined and modeling is still a challenge. The objective of this work is to develop a mathematical model to study the pressure transmission in drilling fluids. This work presents a review of thixotropy and of different mathematical models found in the literature that are used to predict such characteristic. It also shows a review of transient flows of compressible fluids. The problem is modeled as the flow between the drillpipe and the annular region (space between the wall and the external part of the drillpipe). The equations that describe the problem (mass conservation, momentum balance, constitutive and state) are then discretized and numerically solved by using a computational algorithm in Fortran. The model is validated with experimental and numerical data obtained from the literature. Comparisons between experimental data obtained from Petrobras and calculated by three viscoplastic and one pseudoplastic models are conducted. The viscoplastic fluids, due to the yield stress, do not fully transmit the pressure to the outlet of the annular space. Sensibility analyses are then conducted in order to evaluate the thixotropic effect in pressure transmission.


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This work aims to develop optical sensors for temperature monitoring in hydroelectric power plant heat exchangers. The proposed sensors are based on the Fiber Bragg Gratings technology. First of all, a prototype with three sensors inscribed in a same fiber was developed. This fiber was then fixed to a conventional Pt100 sensor rod and inserted in a thermowell. The ensemble was then calibrated in a workbench, presenting a maximum combined uncertainty of 2,06 °C. The sensor was installed in one of the heat exchangers of the Salto Osório’s hydroelectric power plant. This power plant is situated in the Iguaçu river, at the Paraná state. Despite the satisfactory results, the sensor was improved to a second version. In this, fifteen optical Bragg sensors were inscribed in a same fiber. The fixation with a conventional sensor was no longer necessary, because the first version results comproved the efficiency and response time in comparison to a conventional sensor. For this reason, it was decided to position the fiber inside a stainless steel rod, due to his low thermal expansion coefficient and high corrosion immunity. The utilization of fifteen fiber Bragg gratings aims to improve the sensor spatial resolution. Therefore, measurements every ten centimeters with respect to the heat exchanger’s height are possible. This provides the generation of a thermal map of the heat exchanger’s surface, which can be used for determination of possible points of obstruction in the hydraulic circuit of the heat exchanger. The heat exchanger’s obstruction in hydroelectric power plants usually occur by bio-fouling, and has direct influence in the generator’s cooling system efficiency. The obtained results have demonstrated the feasibility in application of the optical sensors technology in hydroelectric power plants.


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Leachates are effluent produced by decomposition of solid waste, they have complex composition and can be highly toxic. Therefore such percolated liquid should be collected and treated properly to avoid environmental contamination of soil and of water bodies. The objective of this study was to evaluate the toxicity through ecotoxicological tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia (Cladocera - Crustacea) of percolated liquids generated in two different systems of municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal in the city of Natal/ RN: A Sanitary Landfill in the Metropolitan Region of Natal/ RN, and in a dump off area. Furthermore, it was evaluated the possible contamination of the underground water of the dump off area. Two monthly samples were taken at four points between the months of May/2009 and January/2010. The Point "A" corresponds to the end of the pond leachate treatment in ASRMN; The Point "B" corresponds to a containment pond at the dump. The Point "C" is an area near one of the cells of the dump off area where the leachate outcrops; The Point "D" stands for an underground water well at the area. The last point, called "E" was sampled only once and corresponds to the slurry produced by temporary accumulation of solid waste in the open area of the dump. The ecotoxicological tests, acute and chronic, followed the ABNT 13373/2005 rules, with some modifications. The samples were characterized by measuring the pH number, the dissolved oxygen (DO), the salinity, BOD5, COD, Cd, Cu, Pb, Cr, Fe, Mg, Ni, and Zn. At Point A, the average number of EC50-48h ranged between 1.0% and 2.77% (v/v), showing a high toxicity of the leachate to C.dubia in all months. To this point, positive correlations were found between the EC50- 48 with precipitation. Negative correlations were found between the EC50- 48h with salinity. At point B there was no response of the acute exposure of organisms to the test samples. At point C the EC50-48h ranged from 17.68% to 35.36% in just two months of the five ones analyzed, not correlated meaning. Point D, the EC50-48h level ranged between 12.31% and 71.27%, showed a negative correlation with, only, precipitation. Although it was observed toxicity of underground water in the Landfill Area, there was no evidence of water contamination by leachate, however, due to the toxic character of this water, additional tests should be conducted to confirm the quality of water that is used for human supply. At point E there was no acute toxicity. These results support the dangers of inappropriate disposal of MSW to water bodies due to the high toxicity of the leachate produced highlighting the necessity of places of safe confinement and a treatment system more effective to it


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Seven native and introduced species of fish in south east Caspian Sea coast examined for parasite infestation during 2004-2006. Native fishes include Barbus capito, Carassius auratus, Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kutum, Rutilus rutilus, Stizostidion lucioperca, Alosa caspia persica, 24 ecto and endo parasites were found in different organs of 7 species of fishes of them 2 of the metazoan 12 species of crustacean Lernaea cyprinacea , Lamproglena pukhella nematodea and cestodea parasite were found and identified to species and genus including: Asymphylodora kubanicums, Caryophylaeus fimbericep, Rhabdochona hellichii, Contracecum sp. (larvae), Pronoprymna, Aspidogaster limacoides, Raphidascaris acus, Caryophylaeus laticeps, Rhabdochona hellichi, Clinostomum complanatum, Hysterothylacium sp., Rhipidocotyle illense of the metzoan 9 monogen species were found and identified to species and genus level including Dactylogyrus frisii, Dactylogyrus nybelini, Dactylogyrus extensus, Gyrodactylus sp, Dactylogyrus baueri, D. formosus, Gyrodactylus sprostonae, Gyrodactylus sp, Mazaocraes alosae. One psecies of digenea parasites belonging to Diplostomatidea family comprised Diplostomum Spathaceum. In comprise infestation parasite of fish species Cyprinus carpio, Rutilus frisii kutum with 25 precent and Stizostidion lucioperca with 5 percent showed the highest and lowest in infection between fishes in comprise ecological region rivers with 45 percent and Estuary 16 percent showed the highest and lowest percent of parasite Infection.


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Diversos estudos propõem a avaliação da trabalhabilidade de misturas betuminosas utilizando as curvas de compactação obtidas em laboratório. Utilizou-se um compactador giratório para produzir provetes de duas misturas, uma densa do tipo AC, e uma de granulometria descontínua, do tipo SMA. Foram determinados diversos parâmetros provenientes da modelação das curvas de compactação. Os resultados indicam uma adequação dos diversos parâmetros na caracterização das misturas, embora apresentem limitações na comparação de misturas de diferentes tipologias. Os resultados mostram que estes índices podem ser úteis em aplicações onde estas propriedades sejam importantes.


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During the last decades, we assisted to what is called “information explosion”. With the advent of the new technologies and new contexts, the volume, velocity and variety of data has increased exponentially, becoming what is known today as big data. Among them, we emphasize telecommunications operators, which gather, using network monitoring equipment, millions of network event records, the Call Detail Records (CDRs) and the Event Detail Records (EDRs), commonly known as xDRs. These records are stored and later processed to compute network performance and quality of service metrics. With the ever increasing number of collected xDRs, its generated volume needing to be stored has increased exponentially, making the current solutions based on relational databases not suited anymore. To tackle this problem, the relational data store can be replaced by Hadoop File System (HDFS). However, HDFS is simply a distributed file system, this way not supporting any aspect of the relational paradigm. To overcome this difficulty, this paper presents a framework that enables the current systems inserting data into relational databases, to keep doing it transparently when migrating to Hadoop. As proof of concept, the developed platform was integrated with the Altaia - a performance and QoS management of telecommunications networks and services.


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Avaliou-se o efeito da inclusão de aditivos na ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.) sobre a composição químico-bromatológica das silagens, o comportamento ingestivo, o consumo voluntário e a digestibilidade em bovinos de corte. Utilizaram-se cinco novilhos da raça Nelore providos de cânula ruminal, alocados em delineamento quadrado latino 5 ´ 5 e alimentados com dietas com 65% de volumoso na MS. Foram avaliadas cinco silagens (base úmida): controle - cana-de-açúcar sem aditivos; uréia - cana-de-açúcar + 0,5% uréia; benzoato - cana-de-açúcar + 0,1% de benzoato de sódio; LP - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com Lactobacillus plantarum (1 ´ 10(6) ufc/g MV); LB - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com L. buchneri (3,6 ´ 10(5) ufc/g forragem). A forragem foi armazenada em silos do tipo poço por 90 dias antes do fornecimento aos animais. A composição químico-bromatológica da cana-de-açúcar foi alterada após a ensilagem, em relação à cana-de-açúcar original, com redução no teor de carboidratos solúveis e na digestibilidade in vitro e elevação relativa nos teores de FDN e FDA. Os teores de etanol (0,30% da MS) e ácidos orgânicos (0,99% de ácido lático e 2,31% de acético) foram baixos e semelhantes entre as silagens. Os aditivos aplicados na ensilagem não promoveram alterações no consumo e na digestibilidade aparente da MS (7,2 kg/dia e 63,6%, respectivamente). O comportamento ingestivo dos animais também não foi alterado, com tempos médios de 230,6; 519,6 e 672,8 minutos/dia despendidos com ingestão de ração, ruminação e ócio, respectivamente. Os aditivos acrescidos à cana-de-açúcar promoveram pequenas alterações na maioria das variáveis avaliadas.


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Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito da inclusão de aditivos na ensilagem de cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum officinarum L.) sobre a degradação de MS e de componentes da parede celular e sobre os parâmetros de fermentação ruminal em bovinos alimentados com dietas contendo essas silagens. Utilizaram-se cinco novilhos da raça Nelore providos de cânula ruminal, alocados em delineamento quadrado latino 5 ´ 5 e alimentados com dietas com 65% de volumoso (%) MS. Foram avaliadas cinco silagens (base úmida): controle - cana-de-açúcar, sem aditivos; uréia - cana-de-açúcar + 0,5% ureia; benzoato - cana-de-açúcar + 0,1% de benzoato de sódio; LP - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com Lactobacillus plantarum (1 ´ 10(6) ufc/g MV); LB - cana-de-açúcar inoculada com L. buchneri (3,6 ´ 10(5) ufc/g forragem). A forragem foi armazenada em silos do tipo poço por 90 dias antes do fornecimento aos animais. Os parâmetros ruminais foram afetados de forma moderada pelas silagens e tiveram forte efeito do horário de coleta de amostras. As concentrações molares médias dos ácidos acético, propiônico e butírico foram de 60,9; 19,3 e 10,2 mM, respectivamente. O ambiente ruminal proporcionado por dietas formuladas com silagens de cana-de-açúcar foi satisfatório e similar ao tradicionalmente observado em dietas contendo cana. O uso de aditivos na ensilagem influenciou, de forma não-significativa, a degradabilidade ruminal da MS e da MO, mas não alterou a degradabilidade ruminal da fração fibrosa. Os aditivos aplicados à cana-de-açúcar resultaram em pequenas alterações na maior parte das variáveis avaliadas. Apesar de a degradabilidade ruminal das silagens ter sido pouco afetada pelo uso de aditivos, os valores observados foram próximos aos observados para a cana-de-açúcar in natura.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.


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Oil well cementing materials consist of slurries of Special class Portland cement dispersed in water. Admixtures can be used to provide the necessary fluidity, so the material can be efficiently pumped down as well as penetrate porous rocks with controlled filter loss. Construction admixtures can be used to modify the properties of oil well cements provided they can withstand and hold their properties at the higher than ambient temperatures usually encountered in oil fields. In civil construction, superplasticizer play the role of dispersants that reduce the facto r of water cement improve mechanical properties and fluidity of the cement, whereas anti-segregation agents improve the workability of the slurry. In the present study, oil well cement slurries were produced adding both a dispersant and an anti-segregation agent conventionally used in Portland CPII-Z-32 RS cement aiming at materials for primary cementing and squeeze operations. Three basic aspects were evaluated: fluidity, filter loss and the synergetic effect of the admixtures at two temperatures, i.e., 27°C and 56°C, following API RP 10B practical recommendations. The slurries were prepared using admixture concentrations varying from 2.60 Kgf/m3 (0.02 gallft3) to 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0.045 galJft3) BWOC. The density of the slurries was set to 1.89 g/cm3 (15.8 Ib/gal). 0.30 to 0.60% BWOC of a CMC-based anti-segregation agent was added to the cement to control the filter loss. The results showed that the addition of anti-segregation at concentrations above 0.55% by weight of cement resulted in the increased viscosity of the folders in temperatures evaluated. The increasing the temperature of the tests led to a reduction in the performance of anti-segregation. At concentrations of 5.20 kgf/m3 (0,040 gallft3) and 5.82 Kgf/m3 (0,045 gal/ft 3) observed a better performance of the properties evaluated in the proposed system. At low temperature was observed instability in the readings of rheology for all concentrations of anti-segregation. Contents that increasing the concentration of anti¬-segregation is limited concentrations greater than 0.55 % BWOC of the CMC in temperature analyzed. The use of the system with CMC promoted a good performance against the properties evaluated. The principal function of anti¬-segregation was optimized with increasing concentration of superplasticizer, at temperatures above the 2rC. The study of the behaviour of systemic additives, resulting in slurries of cement, which can be optimized face studies of other intrinsic properties in oil fields


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The northeastern region of Brazil has a large number of wells producing oil using a method of secondary recovery steam injection, since the oil produced in this region is essentially viscous. This recovery method puts the cement / coating on thermal cycling, due to the difference in coefficient of thermal expansion between cement and metal coating causes the appearance of cracks at this interface, allowing the passage of the annular fluid, which is associated with serious risk socioeconomic and environmental. In view of these cracks, a correction operation is required, resulting in more costs and temporary halt of production of the well. Alternatively, the oil industry has developed technology for adding new materials in cement pastes, oil well, providing high ductility and low density in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by the injection of water vapor. In this context, vermiculite, a clay mineral found in abundance in Brazil has been applied in its expanded form in the construction industry for the manufacture of lightweight concrete with excellent insulation and noise due to its high melting point and the presence of air in their layers lamellar. Therefore, the vermiculite is used for the purpose of providing low-density cement paste and withstand high temperatures caused by steam injection. Thus, the present study compared the default folder containing cement and water with the folders with 6%, 8% and 10% vermiculite micron conducting tests of free water, rheology and compressive strength where it obtained the concentration of 8 % with the best results. Subsequently, the selected concentration, was compared with the results recommended by the API standard tests of filtered and stability. And finally, analyzed the results from tests of specific gravity and time of thickening. Before the study we were able to make a folder with a low density that can be used in cementing oil well in order to withstand the thermo-mechanical loads generated by steam injection